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Soren Kiyomeru
Loli Gaga
14 posters

    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}


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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Okami Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:33 am

    Waka fumbled through his bright pink kosode, eventually, his hand found what he was looking for. He slid out a box of Alka-Seltzer. He stretched out his hand and offered them to Jester. " This should help with the pain. " He said, this time his smile unforced. " As for a brace, you might find one in a shelter or something. " Waka thought about what Jester said. " So you're looking for someone, huh? Mind if I help? " He asked, as he began to lead the way for Jester towards the shelter he was previously in.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:39 am

    Sora was walking through the refugee camp looking at all the people that survived and some that were near death he wore his regular uniform of his black pants, and his white button up shirt with a black wool coat with white trimming but his rosary wasn't in it's usual spot it was wrapped around his hand him tightly squeezing it. Thoughts ran through his head he wasn't in a good mood and he partially blamed himself for this act. Why... why did this happen.... I know it wasn't some kind of accident it was something else Something I could have prevented! But yet I couldn't.... Sora Kiyomeru you are so pathetic... So pathetically weak.... Hearing footsteps behind him he turned around and looked to see two figures behind him and he sighed watching them approach him.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:14 am

    Noctis felt a rush. It seemed like a sharp pain, but it felt pleasurable. He opened his eyes and looked around him. He was in the camp where he had disappeared from. He looked at Claire and could only mutter a few words. ''Thank you....." he whispered. She had taught him not only speed, but how to think critically. He owed her. Big time.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:27 am

    She threw a card at him and it turned into an apple. "You'll feel weak for now, so eat up." she recommended, a small smile on her face. She felt the arrival of several people from her absence. Maybe they haven't realized her presence yet, after all, she was only half there, the rest of her trained in reality.

    She went to the other room seeing 3 people, she wondered how they would act towards her, she was after all an arrancar, maybe they didn't know that yet, but she took steps closer to them alert for anything they may do to her prior to there knowledge that she's one of the reasons why this camp exists.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Jester Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:38 am

    Jester stood there, his emerald eyes just looking off into the distance as if expecting something to pop up. His eyes looked empty, deep in thought and like there was nothing left inside of his shell of a body. His eyes looked towards Waka as he offered some Alka-Seltzer which Jester pocketed and nodded his head. "I just need something to keep my arm still so it can heal right." Jester said, leaning on his umbrella which he used as a cane as he made his way after Waka as he led the way to the shelter. "You can help... I just hope she's alright. She's my fiancee, we were supposed to be wedded tomorrow." He said, slowly making his way after Waka as he sighed. "I don't know what I'll do if she isn't alright."

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:41 am

    Noctis caught the apple and took a bite out of it. He tried standing up and was consumed by pain. Still, he managed to follow Claire into the room where the others were gathered. He limped into the room, nearly toppling over before planting himself on an open seat. He was sore all over, pain running through the course of his body. It felt as if static was traveling through his vains at a constant stream, never halting. Would the pain ever disappear? It appeared as if he would have to live with it. He knew he wouldn't, but it sure felt like he would.

    Posts : 364
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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:09 am

    Alone atop the roof of one of the camps shanties sat a girl. There didn't seem to be much unique about her, except for the golden bracelet that she wore, bearing a cross. Her gaze was fixated on the scenery below, if it could be called that. It was more a disaster area than anything. Seeing the damage and knowing that a number of lives were likely lost.

    "So depressing... just what is going on, really? One would think it was the end of the world."

    Posts : 81
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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Grixis Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:17 pm

    Izaya awoke as well but rose up much faster with a smile on his face. "Wasn't that fun? I'm glad I went. But it seems there are more people here now! Good job Noctis." He said as he followed behind Claire with a giant grin, happy as he can be.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:19 pm

    Noctis looked at Izaya with a sheepish smile. ''Thanks..." Noctis still felt weak, but seeing that everyone was okay put a smile on his face. Still, what would happen now? It seemed so empty now that Noctis wasn't occupied with something.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:21 pm

    Sora stood there looking behind him and he felt the reiastu's behind him and a few randomly appearing close ahead of him this puzzled Sora how did they get here so quick? They were close to him in one of the shanties so he went the location leaving the figures of a man and Waka behind and he glanced up at there was another here so many people gathering here no doubt they all felt guilty as Sora was feeling or at least they should be.

    Coming close to the shanty where the reiastu's were located he walked up and knocked on the door before he opened it. Seeing three people sitting there two humans and one arrancar. Sora thought to himself for a moment. So that was what I was feeling... That arrancar perhaps she knows something behind this... His icy blue eyes cut towards the arrancar and then back to the other two and speaking his voice was calm and kind but yet it seemed so serious Hello... Sorry for intruding I just came here to check on somethings are the three of you alright?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:53 am

    "Take a seat" Claire offered, a small grin forming on her lips, she eyed Sora head to toe wondering what his special skill was, the humans surrounding him were different. It explains how they survived this tragedy with sanity still intact. She took her tea cup and sipped from it. "The person in charge left on business , but if you need to learn anything, I can pretty much answer them my self." The grin was still on her face, measuring every reaction the humans were having, they had so many emotions, human emotions she no longer had, she could only feel a few things, empathy was something she adopted over time, but most arrancars would launch at the temptation first sign.

    Posts : 81
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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Grixis Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:53 am

    Izaya walked in behind her and sat on te floor with a happy smile. "everyone should listen up. I suggest it unless you wanna die. Hahaha" he said laughing. Eventhough it was small he was observing every single one of them carefully. They all seemed to be faithful humans fighting for good.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:55 am

    Noctis felt a massive shake, nearly toppling off of his chair before springing to his feet. ''Did anyone else feel that?!" This wasn't good. Nothing besides the usual that occurred from now on would be good. Something was coming. He was sure that the other felt it as well. Danger was approaching and they were hardly prepared for it. This was bad. Very bad.

    Posts : 364
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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:03 am

    As her attention had been fixed upon the disaster area that had been Tokyo, Hotaru felt the area begin to shake from her perch. It was what she saw though at those ruins that made her freeze momentarily.

    "That...can't be..."

    Trusting her eyes and instinct, she then leaped from the roof of the shanty she'd been atop and made her way toward the ruins as fast as she could through the use of hirenkyaku. If what she saw wasn't a hallucination time was of the essence.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
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    Ocho Espada

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:06 am

    Claire kept her eyes on the tea cup, a long 5 seconds before moving her eyes away. she turned to Noctis saying the words slow and calm. "They're here." she stood up and saw the skies shrouded in darkness, a spell she recognized, or rather a command. She turned back to them and went straight to the point. "Remember how Bucky told you about Hell?" a sadistic look crossed her face when she said the next few lines. "Well, you're about to see it in a bit. I can smell them, so many yards away, the smell of eternal damnation, the pain, the suffering, do you wanna see them? He brought them all here... His prisoners."

    Claire opened the door as a welcome invitation. "They're killing the rest of the humans, I'm going to stop them, but what about you guys? Are you ready to follow into deaths footsteps?" she felt the irony in her words, she was not Death, but deaths rival, yet she was helping those who she once mascaraed and and saw useless. Irony it was, how she came to love what she hated.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:15 am

    ''Are you kidding me? You're crazy if you think I'm going to sit back and hide after all the training you put me through. Let's go, Claire. We have demons to rid of." Noctis walked out the door with confidence in his step. He wouldn't die after all he'd been through, he was sure of it. He looked up at the sky and eventually disappeared, moving quickly towards the all the noise.

    There was no time to waste. People were dying. People that Noctis had vowed himself to protect. They wouldn't fail.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:22 am

    Sora felt that shake and he looked out at the door and he smiled his eyes narrow and he muttered underneath his breath he was going to get revenge on the person that caused pain to all the other without powers. Finally you've showed yourself! Sora's Reiastu flared and he grinn throwing out his white rosary. Anata no omoide! A bright light shimmered around rosary and flashed it had turned into a pure snowy white katana with the japanese symbol for peace on it and the katana had two small tails with a bead right before the ends.

    Sora looked at the others. I dunno what you plan on doing but I'm going to fight the unknown opponent they hurt too many people and caused so much pain and it's our duty to protect those who are suffering. Sora eyes cut back at the Arrancar. When I get back you're going to explain everything.... Just a one on one talk between you and I...By the way... My name is Sora Kiyomeru a member of Xcution.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:31 am

    She's heard of that group before, but she forgot there purpose, but seeing as Sora was human, she figured it was a group of special humans trying to make a difference in the world, she smiled at him. "I'm called Claire.", she wasn't sure where she stood with the humans, weather they saw her as something with emotions or just a monster, so she introduced her self differently this time. She spared no time skipping out of the door in one swift motion. "Don't get left behind, everyone who's coming should follow my lead, if you get lost, I can't save you from whatever madness the situation brings."

    She led the way into the Forrest, back to what was once called Tokyo. Now, it's simple called hell.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:34 am

    Noctis quickly followed suit, using what she had taught him in his training to keep a close pace. He was faster than in his training. Maybe it had something to do with her saying that they were only 'half there.' Whatever it was, he didn't feel so useless anymore. He felt as if he could actually help stop this madness that was engulfing Tokyo.

    Noctis could feel it. The pressure was overwhelming. How many of these demons were there? Tens? Hundreds? Thousands? Noct wasn't sure. He could only hope that it was the foremost.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:40 am

    Sora sighed and followed Clair they had to get there quickly he caught up to Clair and looked over to her he was working with a Arrancar now? That's just great but he has done nothing to wrong him maybe it was just his problem with Arrancars and Hollows for killing his parents and why he powers are what they are now. Looking over to her he sighed and spoke. You don't have a reason to distrust us we are putting our lives on the line to protect the innocent and so are you which means you are good and have a sense of justice.... My parents was killed to a hollow and my weakness I will admit I am not nice to your kind but since you are siding with us I won't let you die... Saying that Sora fell back behind her and heading to the battlefield.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:46 am

    Noctis chuckled. ''You won't let her die? Those are big words, little man. Let's worry about us. Claire can take care of herself." Noctis sneered at him, still laughing about what he said. If Claire dies, we have no hope, he thought to himself jokingly. Then it struck him: What if they overwhelmed? Surely they would be outnumbered. No. They could do it. He was sure.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:21 am

    Sora smiled and chuckled at the man he put up a tough front and he respected that but deep inside Sora knew that he was just as nervous as he was that that Claire would be their best chance actually all of them together would be there best chance. Yes I won't let her die... And you won't either I didn't say I would do it all by myself that would be arrogant of me she's the best chance we have against this enemy because we are still only human... Sora sighed and continued on and he looked at Clair following her. Also think about in Clair position she's working with humans whose lives were torn apart because of her kind she probably think we think she is still evil and everything. So instead of trying to mock me how about we treat each other like friends for now and protect people who can't protect themselves? Sora continued behind Clair and looked at Noctis. Then afterwards you can say anything you want about me because you're right I am weak I let my mother die and countless people suffer. His eyes cut back to Clair more intense before and he sighed he had to do this not for his sake though.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Sawnji Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:28 am

    Noctis laughed at the boy, taking a sadistic pleasure in this. ''Whatever you say." His comment about his mother reminded Noctis about his own, who he had no sympathy for. It was simply fuel for the fire for him. It made him angrier, stronger. The time has come for which he could prove himself. This was do or die, survival of the fittest. He just hoped he'd be the fittest.

    Noctis was faster than Sora. He felt he was. No, he knew that he was. It'd be a plus. He just hoped that Sora could take care of his own life.

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Okami Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:23 pm

    Waka looked at Jester in surprise, startled at his lack of urgency. " I guess we'd better find her quick then. " He said, quickening his pace towards the shelter. Before Waka could reach the shelter he was previously in, however, he sensed something like a crushing stampede of Reiatsu. He stopped dead in his tracks. Waka turned to say to Jester, " I'm sorry mon ami, but I have a bit of business to attend to. The shelter is towards the end of the trail. I'll meet you there once this matter is attended to. " He began to turn away, but stopped and briefly added with a slight smile, " But you can come if you want. I suspect you aren't an average Human. " With that, he sprinted toward the stampede, not looking back to check if Jester was following him. Eventually, he intersected with a small group traveling towards the massive Reiatsu stampede; the group being composed of one of the women before, Claire, the man who was with her, and a familiar face, Sora. He joined the group and asked no one in particular, " Now what's happening? "

    Last edited by Okami on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar.)

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    Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open} - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Splash : Refugee Camp {Open}

    Post by Kyouga Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:00 pm

    (Sorry about getting in a little late)

    Kyouga finished drinking a cup of tea that he prepared a little earlier, during the time that everyone was socializing. "Let's make our journey into this new Hell..." Kyouga said with little emotion in his voice as he quickly caught up with Claire. If anything, he wanted to settle things with Lucifer because things were getting too out of hand.

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