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Tanaki Kyo
12 posters

    Hollow extermination

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Haji Yukimura Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:48 am

    *tilting his head slightly as the shinigami launches an attack at him,
    Javier raises his left arm and catches the blow.

    Sparks fly as if metal were hitting metal.

    He then pushes the blade aside and takes a step back, tiny spects of bone shimmer to the ground.

    Amused, he almost smiles*

    "I have no concern or care for those that have come before or since...
    All that matters now is what must be done...
    Lord Noche arrives soon..."

    *calling over to Esme as she watches the events unfold he says*

    "It's funny how hard the deductive mind fights itself.
    I see they haven't figured a thing out yet..."

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:40 am

    *backs up as the flames surround dark again. Then shift in movement the fires rage towards the arrancar at rapid speed.* *then Dark quickly shunpos towards the arrancar. Slashing quickly at him.*
    Wandering soul

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Kagome Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:55 am

    Esme yawned and watched as the new shinigami Utsuro jumped toward her. "This talk of the past and whatnot bores me." She jumped and landed on Utsuro's head, looking at Javier.

    "You are correct, Javier. The mind has a way of keeping the truth from them, even if it's right before them. Do you think we'll be able to play with them much longer, or will it be time for Lord Noche to take them apart?"
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Haji Yukimura Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:35 pm

    *As the shinigami slices at him, Javier catches the slice in his hand and grips the blade tightly.

    The flames char his armor a bit, but to little effect.

    While holding on he speaks to all*

    "Continue to attack me if you wish, but it will be to no effect...
    You will notice I have little offense..."

    *he throws the shinigami away from him with a quick whipping motion*

    "And why do you suppose that is; I have so little offense? Yet my partner has almost unstoppable attacks?
    I will let you ponder on this a bit..."

    *He shifts his gaze slightly to Esme and says*

    "Lord Noche will arrive in a matter of moments. Once he does the circle is complete...
    I think we are getting to the point where we should show them why we are so uniqe..."

    *Drawing his blade in front of him, Javier speaks*

    "Encase, Depósito (shell)

    *as he does, his blade evaporates and his body begins to change slightly. His bone armor begins to grow thicker, as a mask comes down slightly over his face.
    Large bone spikes begin to grow out of his arms, calves and back. while his hands become bone like claws*

    "I am the ultimate sheild shinigami...
    resistance has become futile..."
    9th Division
    9th Division

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:07 pm

    Utsuro quickly shunpos out from underneath Esme, "Man... You guys sure like to spoil everything... I would have rather guessed what types of fighters you are..." Utsuro holds his sheath up to the hilt of his blade, "Do not pardon, Kenrou Fuzen..." His Zapakutou morph into a pair of chained Kama. "There's no point in having good offensive capabilities if you can't hit them..."

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:37 pm

    *Looks at the arrancar and them utsuro.* So you think I can't find a way to break you everything as a weak spot and I will find it *shunpos behind the arrancar and tries to uppercut the arrangars back.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:24 am

    "Well... That was easy..."

    *As the shinigami lunges at his back, Javier draws his body in slightly before releasing the tension. As he does, the spikes protruding from his back fire out in a barrage of missle like projectiles at the shinigami.

    As the old ones fire out, the new ones grow in, and he leaps over, cartwheeling through the air next to Esme.*

    "Everything does have a weakness.... But not always a spot...."
    9th Division
    9th Division

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:52 am

    Utsuro throws one of his Kama at Dark's direction, flicking the chain after in made some distance causing it to knock off a portion of the spikes. "You guys had it easy while it was two against one, but now the odds are evened out..." Utsuro pulls his chain back and caught him Kama back in his hand after which he shunpos out of sight. ~So... If one if offense based and the other defense, the easiest way to take out the defensive guy is to make his own partner hit him...~ Utsuro thinks to himself as he looked at the ground, noticing a faint glimmer.
    Wandering soul

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Kagome Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:58 am

    Esme rolled her eyes. "Two against one? Even odds? Boy, you are full of yourself."

    She placed a hand upon the sword at her side, looking from one shinigami to the next. "Right now, releasing would be overkill."

    An evil grin spread upon her face. "I know. How about we play a game? The object of the game is to guess my release. Guess it correctly, and I'll release and kill you quickly. Guess wrong, and I release and torture you. Either way, I win."

    She glanced at Javier. "Doesn't that sound fun, Javier? Do you think they can guess it correctly?"

    Esme disappeared and reappeared directly behind Dark, wrapping an arm around his chest. "It would be great fun for me to slowly torture these shinigami before Lord Noche."

    Again she disappeared and reappeared behind Utsuro doing the same thing. "To taste their blood and their fear before they die would be delightful."

    Esme vanished and reappeared next to Javier. "Maybe I'll just release now and begin the excitement. What do you think, Javier? I don't think they have a clue what they face."
    9th Division
    9th Division

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:53 am

    "Just quit the chatter..." Utsuro shunpoed back out into the open, swinging his chained Kama towards Esme, "It'd be quite impossible to guess your release without knowing anything about your Zanpakutou anyways..." Utsuro wrapped the chain around his wrist to free up his hand, "Hadou #54, Haien" A ball of purple fire shot from his hand gliding along the chain of his Kama. Just before the ball reached the end of the chain, Utsuro flicked the chain launching the fire off the chain towards Esme's back.

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:08 am

    *Shunpos back and hits the remaining spikes then looks at them closely. Then he shunpos infront of the male shinigami. The flames gather together and attack the arrancar once more. *
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:59 am

    *with a quick soinado, Javier moves from his spot to Esme location and stands in front of her.

    He crosses his arms in front of the oncoming Kidou, catching the blast as it pushes him back against Esme..

    Small bone dust flutters to the ground in front of him, as he lowers his arms*

    "Very clever of you shinigami...
    You are partially correct...
    One is offense, the other defense...

    But do not be fooled...

    You have no idea what we are...."

    *Just as the words trail off from his lips, the ground begins to shake violently...

    Huge pillars rise from the ground, on the spots where the orbs were placed....

    Upon reaching full extent, the pillars emit an eerie glow that quickly solidifies forming a huge barrier around the city in the shape of a dome...

    more violent shaking occurs, as the sky darkens and a large vortex appears above the dome, swallowing it inside...*

    It seems we are ahead of schedule...
    Very well then..."

    Last edited by Haji Yukimura on Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:02 pm

    *hears the arrancar talk and quickly goes in for another attempted attack. Dark shunpos to the arrancar and strikes downwards with one hand to the arrancar.*
    9th Division
    9th Division

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:33 pm

    "Dark, you should learn that attacking him head-on isn't going to work... You're being too predictable..." Utsuro looked around himself, "You two have a bigger agenda then what was given to me in the report... Although the pillars seem to be the focus points to keep whatever it is you guys have planned going..."
    Utsuro pulled on his chain aiming his Kama towards one of the pillars, "Even with your speed D-type, you won't make it fast enough to stop my attack... That's if you want to stop it that is..." With his other Kama in hand, he threw it straight down towards the ground as he smirked.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 132
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Kagome Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:00 am

    Esme appeared before Javier and blocked Dark's blade with her left hand. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad shinigami."

    She noticed blood dripping from her palm and grinned evilly. "Now, look what you made me do. I'll have to teach you some manners."

    Esme reached with her right hand and unsheathed her katana. She brought the katana under her palm and allowed her blood to fall onto the blade. With the third drop, she called out.

    "Devorar, reina guepardo." (Devour, queen cheetah.)

    The dress that Esme wore disappeared to be replaced with a black top that looked like a corset and black shorts. Her skin revealed black spots. The bone that had surrounded her shoulders was now around her wrists and ankles. Her claws on her hands were 1 1/2 inch long and razor sharp. On her head were twin bone cat ears. Her eyes were golden and reacted like that of a cat. Behind her, a tail moved slowly back and forth.

    Esme suddenly disappeared from in front of Dark only to appear right before Utsuro in a split second, aiming her right hand for his stomach, claws extended. There was a hunger in her eyes that seemed to be calling for his blood.

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:21 am

    *shunpos in the way blocking the attack with one hand again. Dark quickly moves really close to esme and pulls out his left hand with a spike that the other arrancar had released and attemps to stab the arrancar with it while he has her distracted.*
    9th Division
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:20 pm

    Utsuro disappeared as if just an image in the sky, unlike his normal shunpo. Utsuro appeared slightly down his chain, "That was a close one... That's for blocking the attack Dark..." Each of his Kama were still heading towards the destinations, although slightly angled due to Utsuro's change of possition. The one he aimed for the ground finally connected and immediately broke through the cement heading deep down into the earth.
    Wandering soul

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Kagome Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:26 am

    Esme vanished and reappeared next to Javier with a cut on her right shoulder. She looked over at it and started to lick the wound. "Not a bad try, shinigami. A mere flesh, but I will applaud you for managing to injure me."

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:35 am

    *looks at her emotionless and appears by her again. He begins to slash away at her.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:26 pm

    (OOC: I will not be replying. I have left the forum)
    9th Division
    9th Division

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Terminar777 Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:51 am

    (OOC: So are we going to continue this or not? Otherwise I believe it should be close and/or moved to the thrash...)
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Hollow extermination - Page 7 Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:40 pm

    -closing thread

    reason: thread inactivity, people lost interest in it

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