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Tanaki Kyo
12 posters

    Hollow extermination


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    Hollow extermination Empty Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:27 am

    OOC: In this mission you will play as yourself and a hollow until more people join who want tonplay as a hollow. Anyone can join it takes place in a small town where many hollows have Been popping up recently.

    *Dark shunpos ontop a large building and looks all around* Wheres reaper he was suppose to meet me here already.
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:09 am

    *Shunpo's next to Dark*

    "Sorry I'm late, let's check this out."

    *looks around*

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:12 am

    *Cantin arrives, walking quietly

    "It looks like I'll take part in this too, I'll be acting on my free will since I'm not in a division for the moment, which means I don't follow orders"

    *Starts dancing
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:41 am

    9th Division*


    *Walks towards the edge of the building*

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:31 am

    *Looks at reaper and cantin* Well let's go then were already delayed my Vice captains orders where to find out as much info about this until sue shows up. *Dark shunpos forward stopping at each building. All of a sudden a part screech is heard east of their position.* Well that's our call right there come on *Shunpos towards the screech.*

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:20 am

    OOC : Reap I left 9th My account just wasn't fully changed to Divvy less

    *Cantin follow Dark, hoping that Moonie show up

    "Your VC better show up. this might not be as easy as you think, I have Bankai, but I don't know what you guys have"

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:28 am

    I had bankai don't really think it's sutaboe to use it though I was captain before I don't think it's necessary to use it *As they arrive at the scene there was a large hollow in the middle of two large building.* Well that's the one making all the noise. I don't think his should be a problem to any I us righ-*before he can finish his sentence another screech is heard north of their location. Then while the shinigamis guard was down the hollow attacked with it's large arm with spikes surounding it. *

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:40 am

    "Haha hollow you got bad" *Cantin screams as he jumps away

    "I'll show you how it's done.."

    Hado no Yon : Byakurai

    *A white lighting goes from Cantin's fingers towards the hollow

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:47 am

    *Dark quickly leaps out the way he then looks towards the other screech* Ill go check that out you and reaper take care of this one. *another screech is heard south of their position* lemons reaper check that one out cantin take this one *Dark quickly shunpos towards the screech*

    *The hollow loves out of the attacks way and releasing another large screech. It then sucked up some air and then released a large wind towards cantin moving anything in it's path.*

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:02 am

    *Cantin quickly moves out from the wind attack

    "He's fast..I'll just have to go faster I guess"

    *Cantin draws a circle to the ground, and then enters it

    "Ways of the madman, may this body honor you, and may the victim be a noble sacrifice"

    *Cantin disappears, and then 7 Cantins appear around the hollow and shunpoes to the hollow

    "Critical Strike"

    *Cantin lands on the ground, sheates his sword, and starts walking slowly towards the others

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:35 am

    *The hollow reacts by moving back and jumping high into the air. The hollow moves his hand from his left to the right sending a large gust towards the cantin.*

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:40 am

    *Cantin turns around, surprised the hollow is alive
    OOC: Dark, they aint adjuchas, they're normal hollow, he should have been dead by now, I'm finishing him"

    "Looks like I'll have to show you when to quit"

    "Hado no San juu ichi : Shakkaho"
    "I'm through"

    *Cantin starts walking back to catch up with the others

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:56 am

    OOC:sorry about that.
    *as dark arrived at the the scene there appears to be 3 hollows together and on top of a hollow there is an arrancar*
    So your the one behin this *the arrancar sonidos away*
    So am stuck with these hollows then
    *unseathes his zanpakuto and points it at the middle hollow* goodbye
    *Dark shunpos ontop of the first hollow and jabs down it into the the hollows head then jumping back as the hollow designagrated. The other hollows went into an attack towards dark*
    13th Division Captain
    13th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Hazou Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:58 pm

    Kazuki was walking around. He was surely proud of what his next big feet was.
    "Now all I have to do is find some playmates," he said with a giggle, "I love play mates the most, especially when they are all grounded up."
    He heard the screams of a hollow and he giggled just a little, what a foolish little creature it. What a foolish creature? It probably was going to die, but it would surely lead Kazuki to some playmates. Wonderful playmates, playmates that would love him the most.

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:16 pm

    * As the hollows attacked Dark quickly shunposed ontop of a building. He then feels another spiritual presence.*
    lemons there's two arrancars too this has to be more then just random hollow popping up better finish these hollows and send the information back to the HQ
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:06 pm

    *Shunpo's South and spots a lower Hollow*

    "HAH! You're miiiine" *reaper says with a low voice and a grin on his face*

    *Reaper unsheats his sword in normal state and starts singing*

    "Наше братство - хорошая жизнь,
    Наша щедрость ни с чем не сравнится.
    Все кто с нами - сильны
    Все кто против, держись
    Чтоб нам всем не пришлось потрудится."

    *The Hollow notices Reaper and with a great moan he lashes his claw towards Reaper. Reaper dodges this and in a quick movement, he stabs the Hollow right between the eyes.*

    "It was an honor."

    *Reaper shunpo's back to Dark*

    "Hollow eliminated. Where's the next target?"
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:26 pm

    *shunpos in*
    "hey all! I heard u need some help"
    *takes out his zanpakuto*
    "I am the new lich king!"
    *his zanpakuto starts to shine and gets blue fire all over it*
    "so... lets have some fun"
    *goes to one Hollow and stabs him with Frostmourne. Hollow turnes into ice ball and then chrasses into grownd and dissapears into miliun peaces of ice*

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:43 am

    *Lashes out at the next hollow before it could strike. Dark quickly cut off the hollows arms and then went for the head. With one swing the hollow was demolished.*
    I sensed more hollows up north but I think I can handle that I did feel two arrancars near we don't know how strong they are kyo reaper investigate the one east from here. Me and cantin will take out the rest of the hollows and then go looking for the hollow I saw before.
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:32 am

    *Shunpo's east and stops on some abandoned building*

    "Where the hell is it ..."

    *Reaper looks around, but doesn't see anything*

    "Come out come out wherever you aaaare"

    *Reaper smiles*

    *All of a sudden, a dark Maëlström appears behind Reaper, and tentacles dash forward, and hit Reaper in the back, then it disappears again*

    "WHAT THE ... He came out Plotting "

    *Reaper sheats his zanpaktou and stands tall*

    "Come out baby, I want to see your beautiful face, I want to see my prey!"

    *The Hollow reappears, and tries to pull reaper into the maelstrom, but reaper turns around really quick, and tears a tentacle apart with his bare hands*

    "Don't play with your food my dear ..."

    *Reaper grabs another tentacle, and pulls the Hollow from the maelstrom*

    "I'm not wasting my time on pussies like you ..."

    *Reaper crushes the hollow's entire head with a right punch and the hollow disappears*

    "Looks like I didn't lose it ... Good 'ol time bearfighting."

    *Reaper shunpo's back towards Dark, when all of a sudden, he feels a strong force attracting him*

    "... Is that an Arrancar? ... Better tell the others ..."

    *Reaper swiftly gets to Dark*

    "DARK! I found one of the Arrancar! It's east from our position, near an old factory! I eliminated a Hollow, and I saw the Arrancar! He seemed pretty strong."

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:45 am

    * finished killing a hollow and turns to reaper.* You and kyo should go check that out (your going after hazou) if you encounter him take him out at all cost. I feel as if the arrancar that fled before is setting a trap and me and cantin are gonna go and fall for it there'd something fishy about him why would he leave the hollows to fight and flee like that while I sense that he's pretty strong. Well go reaper and kyo come on cantin *shunpos towards the arrancar*
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:56 am

    "Right, be carefull Dark, COME ON KYO, YOU'RE WITH ME!"

    *Shunpo's to the East, towards the old abandoned factory*

    "Arrancarbabyboooooooy, nownow, you don't have to be scared, I'm here my love..."

    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:30 am

    *Appears near Dark

    "Everything went fine, should we leave the arrancar to both of them of should I step in"
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:37 am

    *looks at Cantin*

    "Ehh, I think we can handle them ^-^ I'm in the mood, sooooooo ... Let me have them :bounce: "

    Posts : 1189
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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Dark Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:06 am

    No me and you cantin will go after the other arrancar while they go after the one to the east we don't know how strong they might be. Come on *shunpos towards the other arrancar but on there way there 3 hollows appeared* lemons Im sure there hiding something if they don't want us to get to that arrancar.
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    Hollow extermination Empty Re: Hollow extermination

    Post by Reaper137 Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:12 am

    *Looks at Dark*

    "Wait, who is going with who? I lost it somewhere... "

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