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    The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke


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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:08 am

    "Others, Sensei?"

    When the door to the club was opened and they had entered, Hotaru peered over Ai's shoulder to have a look. It looked...about like she had pictured but the better than normal cleanliness to the place was something rare in the world nowadays. It was almost welcoming.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:18 am

    Ai slowly straightened his posture as he had been leaning forward for quite some time with her on his back. He turned around and started away from her as he pointed off in the direction of the showers "Yes, I found them later on in the evening and couldn't simply let them stay out there and added to that..." He stopped at the counter as he turned around and smiled as he laughed lightly "I was getting rather lonely here by myself with no one to depend on me as they used too."

    He turned back around and began to walk around the counter as he began to look for something that he could give the girl for food.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:14 am

    "I think everyone is or has been a little lonely in this's hard not to be. But it was kind of you to bring them in. And me."

    As Ai went about trying to find her some food, Hotaru took the moment to sit down and relax for what really felt like the first time in ages. Finding the seat to be rather comfortable, the girl fought closing her eyes again to rest.

    "What are those others like? Or should I wait and see.."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:40 pm

    Ai continued to move things around behind the counter as he was trying to find something that would be good as a first meal for the girl. He continued to listen to what she was saying and couldn't help but smile but it was not a lie. He was not worrying about him but his lack of being able to look after other people and have them look to him for answers.

    He finally rose up and held something in each hand. He started over to Hotaru and came to a stop as he listened to her question and he looked to the bathroom area and whispered something as the fire ignited around his eye for a moment and with a few moments, it disappeared as he continued over to Hotaru with a wide smile over his face and sat himself down as he quickly tried to push the image to the back of his head as he replied "They are...close. Yes, close is a very good word to use."

    He started to open one of the things he had grabbed which was a loaf of bread and then pushed the jar of peanut butter and jelly to the side as he spoke once more "I am sure you'll be able to meet them at some point."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:01 pm

    Though she was briefly confused by what he meant behind his wording, Hotaru brushed it aside at the sight of the ingredients Ai brought forth made her swallow, the desire for food after so long causing her mouth to water slightly with mere anticipation.

    "I never thought such simple food could look so appetizing..." As if on cue as she said that, the young woman's stomach let itself be known. Having been empty for far too long it had been bound to happen sooner or later, but that didn't stop her face from reddening in embarrassment, forcing her to look away from what would soon surely become a sandwich. "Sorry, I-I guess I'm just really that hungry."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:56 pm

    Ai looked down at the items before him as he opened the loaf of bread and the jar. He then glanced up at Hotaru as she spoke to him about the simple food. He glanced down at it and spoke "Hey, during these times, it's these simple foods that taste the best." And then there was silence but it was only due to the girls stomach.

    He held in the laughter he wanted to let out but he then looked back down to the sandwich in progress of spreading the jelly and peanut butter over the bread and he spoke after she did "No, no, it's more than alright. I have had plenty of days when the only company I had was the sound of my stomach talking to me."

    He placed another slice of bread onto the finished product and placed it down on the table in front of her and then started on a second as he assumed she would want more than just a single one.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:07 am

    While his words made her feel better she had glanced over just long enough to see that he was trying not to laugh before looking away again.

    "Doesn't mean I like the sound of it. It's embarrassing. You even want to laugh..."

    As the sandwich was set on the table before her, she stared at it for a moment longingly, her stomach sounding in protest again. With her face turning an even deeper shade of red Hotaru reached for the sandwich. She then tried not to go devour it too quickly as that would show her desperation to finally eat far too clearly. Plus it wasn't ladylike to inhale food like it was going out of style. Taking a single bite, she savored once again tasting food.

    "So tasty after so long. Thank you, Sensei."

    Despite her resolution she was eating the sandwich at a rather rapid pace, though at the same time she could feel her the dryness in her mouth...the lack of liquids. Swallowing the last of the peanut butter and jelly goodness, she asked the next thing on her mind.

    "Is there something to drink as well?"

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:55 am

    Ai continued to smile as he shook his head as he continued to make the second sandwich as he tried to deny the will to want to laugh to her but was doing a poor job at it. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes as she seemed a bit hesitant at first but finally took the food and he was content over this as he looked back down at the sandwich that was now done. As he finished, it seemed that she did as well and thanked him in which he just shook his head and spoke

    "No, no, thank you miss Hotaru." He was content at the moment, the world was as right as it was going to get but his outlook was slowly starting to change back to something it once was entirely. He then looked to her as she spoke about something to drink. He nodded as he sat the other sandwich down in front of her and stood up to walk to the bar and took a single bottle of water that sat on the counter and returned to place it in front of her as well.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:33 am

    As she reached for the second sandwich offered to her his response had caught her attention. In truth it confused her, as Hotaru couldn't recall having done anything that deserved words of gratitude lately.

    "Thank me? But for what? All I've done is nearly get myself killed and definitely injured from what I can tell..."

    Though she also had water now, Hotaru would eat the sandwich as hunger had won over thirst for the moment. Even as it got harder to eat due to the peanut butter, she had forgotten her manners on being proper and finished it quickly before reaching for the water.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:12 pm

    Ai slowly let himself sit back down on the seat on the other side of the table as he let his hands come to rest over one another on the table as he finally settled down. He looked out the window which was closed and boarded but he found it rude to watch someone while they ate. He then listened as she spoke about why it was he thanked her when she had done nothing worth being thanked.

    He continued to look in the direction of the window as he replied "Well, for both those reasons. Not that they were good and I should have given you a much firmer scolding. But...seeing you gave me that well needed spark. To know that the world really isn't a lost cause, that people are still out there and that I don't need to hold up by myself just to save my own skin."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:05 am

    All traces of either sandwich's existence had vanished now as Hotaru opened up the water bottle, allowing herself a nice, long drink of water that nearly emptied the container in one go. As she drank, the girl listened to his reasoning, flinching slightly at the fact that she should have been scolded for acting stupidly and she knew it. Though...the last time she saw him she had done something even stupider and from what she could recall he hadn't completely scolded her then either. Setting the bottle down, Hotaru spoke again.

    "I see, but... The other two that are 'close' that you apparently have here didn't do that for you? I mean I know I'm not the only one that you've found so... I guess what I mean to say is I'm a little confused, Sensei."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:13 pm

    Ai listened as Hotaru spoke to him about Crazy and Red and he slowly let his eyes wander across the table and the first thing he found was the empty bottle and he stopped there as he let her finish. He then spoke "I have come across a few people but not all of them were as friendly as I would have hoped...or maybe I wasn't as nice, it's hard to remember after everything fell. They are just people I picked up off the street because they wouldn't have made it without help and I couldn't just leave them. A fresh face, a face that I know is what I needed. To know that I don't have to think of everyone as a memory."

    He raised his hand up to cover his eyes as he rubbed them and shook his head as he put a smile over his face and looked to Hotaru and continued in a brighter overtone "Look at me, I can't get a mopey in a situation like this, we have a trip ahead of up soon."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:43 am

    The bottle of water set aside, Hotaru returned her focus entirely to Ai. As he spoke her amber eyes remained fixed on him as if she were studying his expression while listening to his words. When it was her turn to contribute to the conversation again her words displayed the empathy she felt toward his emotions.

    "I get what you mean when you put it that way. Really I do. I mean I almost killed myself from that loneliness. And I'd like to think that it's okay to be down for a moment as well, but we're not alone anymore and have each other. When we go back maybe we'll find more as well, who knows? Maybe not all is really lost in this place."


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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:11 am

    Ai slowly let his elbow place themselves onto the table and moved his face into his hands as he listened to Hotaru as she aimed to reassure him of his doubts and he laughed lightly before taking in a deep breath and sighed as he leaned back in his seat and let his arms drop to his sides "Thanks for the reassuring pep-talk miss Nakano. It actually helps when there is some good things left in the world. Almost makes me want to head out right now."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:31 am

    Hotaru smiled at his words before trying to stand. She was still a little shaky and her body wanted to protest the movement but she kept a smile and again spoke her mind

    "If you'd want to head out now I can try to muster up some energy, Sensei. Sometimes I can only think that the longer it takes for us to move the worse off things will be when we finally do get there."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:38 am

    Ai watched as Hotaru made it to her feet but didn't seem to fit to continue. She had been through a lot and to try and push her wasn't going to help anyone. He shook his head as he pulled himself up onto his feet and spoke "No, no, what ever is there will be there in the morning. You need a good nights rest." He walked over to the direction of the stripper pole and turned around as a few blankets were piled up nearest the pole.

    "I didn't have any time to make any sort of bedding for anyone but if you'll give me just a minute or....several, I'll have a nice little make-shift bed on the couch."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:04 am

    Though she was standing, Hotaru couldn't bring herself to step forward at all. And it seemed that Ai could tell as he quickly shot down the prospect of just leaving now. So, it seemed settling down for the night was the only other option they had.

    To prepare for getting a night's rest, Hotaru slid off what remained of her jacket. It was dirty and tattered and by all appearances should just have been thrown out. Seeing the state of the garment she yearned for a shower and a fresh change of clothes, though the times they were in likely didn't mean such things were so readily available. It didn't stop her from trying to ask though.

    "Um...Kazuma-sensei? Is there any way I could maybe clean up before I rest. I haven't been around clean water so I can only think it'd feel good to wash up and change. Or should that wait until morning too?"

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:47 pm

    Ai took out a blanket and walk over to the couch that was more designed for a spectator to watch a dancer but it had long since lived out that purpose and was long enough for any sized person to use now for a place to sleep. He then listened to Hotaru as she spoke about cleaning herself up and he paused in both thought and motion.

    He then looked over to her and let out a light breath "You can wouldn't be alone. The shower is right through that door." He nodded his head in the direction of a door as he continued his own bed making "use at your own risk though."

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:44 pm

    Hotaru was glad for the chance to have at least some form of hygiene maintenance after so long but there was something about the way Ai worded it had her wary. Was it because the others she had yet to meet were there already? While it was true that she would be nervous given the fact she'd yet to see either girl, but she didn't really understand what he meant by 'use at your own risk'. Another thing that offset the idea of showering immediately was that the first step that she took made her less confident in the idea of making it all the way through the shower with the slight injury that remained to her ankle. So, she set aside thoughts of cleanliness for now.

    "Maybe it is better to wait until the morrow after all."
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:28 am

    The door to the bathroom of Karaoke Karaoke opened, steam billowing out of it to reveal a woman with short dark auburn hair that was still wet, but the rest of her body was dressed and fully clothed in her usual attire. She had a small towel in hand that was probably meant to be a hand towel, but one had to use what they had available in these uncertain times. She let out a sigh as she walked into the front room where the bar and all the couches where, her eyes closed as she rubbed the towel against her hair. Her cheeks were flushed, but one could assume that it was from the heat of the shower, though that was only half of the real reason.

    "Hey, the bathroom's free if you wana take a shower Kazum-" She stopped as she had opened her eyes and stared at the other female in the room. When had she gotten here? She suddenly felt a little self conscious and cleared her throat before looking awkwardly at the blue haired man for some sort of introduction or explanation.
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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Nerovampyro Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:45 pm

    As the awkward moment passes by, with Mika appearing from the bathroom door, another girl came fromt he very same one. Tomoe, like Mika was fully clothed, though her hair was in a bit of a mess. Her face was a little flushed, though it could be from the heat or the fact that she was still ill. Bringing her hands up as though to give her girlfriend a hug, she then quickly retracted them and used Mika as a shield seeing they were in company now. And not just by Kazu-chan.

    She nuzzle against the back of her girlfriend, wondering who the black haired girl is. She knew it would all be said in time, but until then, she wanted to keep hidden, like a rabbit.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:14 pm

    Ai continued to make the make shift beds as he had moved to start on a second one, this one on the floor as he chuckled at Hotaru's statement and was about to check on the girls one more time to make sure they weren't out cold in there but he didn't seem to have to do this as he looked to see one of them emerged Red first as she was speaking something about him being able to use the shower now.

    He then looked to see Crazy come out after and she hid like a frightened animal which he figured. He then looked toward Hotaru and held a hand out toward her "This is a friend of mine I found whilst you ladies were gone." He made no point to answer her name as he figured it would be best for Hotaru to do that herself as he continued to make the padding on the floor for a bed.

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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Remi-chan Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:13 am

    As soon as she had spoken up, the door to the bathroom in question opened and the two that Ai had spoken of before emerged, both female. Looking toward them, she studied the two with curiosity...and they both seemed to stop in their tracks upon seeing her, the pink-haired one hiding behind the brunette that had started to speak but stopped herself. She hadn't really thought of anything to say until Ai prompted her introduction.

    "Nice to meet you both," she said with a slight bow, "I'm Hotaru."
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:25 am

    Mika didn't glance back at Tomoe who was now hiding behind her, but simply took her hand reassuringly. The new girl did not look like a threat by any means. If anything, she looked a little beat up. The brunette nodded at Kazuma's explanation before turning to Hotaru and giving a small wave. "Nice to meet someone else in this. I'm Mika, and this is my girlfriend Tomoe." She introduced them both, trying to draw out the shy pink haired girl behind her. "I take it you knew this guy before...well you know." The woman shrugged lamely, not wanting to call it the end of the world or something similar because it would just upset Tomoe.
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    The Abandoned  Karaoke Karaoke - Page 4 Empty Re: The Abandoned Karaoke Karaoke

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:28 am

    The pink haired girl looked up to her lover, feeling the hand the instilled confidence within her. Even so she shy girl knew what the topic on conversation about. sensing the way the auburn haired female was saying it as discreet as possible with her reaction.

    Gathering the courage she gripped the hand on Mika making sure she was till there. she then peeked over her shoulder as she then spoke out.

    "i-i... its nice to meet you"

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