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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Demon Obscurum Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:21 am

    The streets of Karakura town were littered with bodies and carnage. Blood splattered on the asphalt, steam rising from the still-warm puddles of crimson life nectar. Half-congealed, most of the redness had dried into a soft brown, but some of it had been stirred into an active state, turning red once more and splattering as a set of footprints led a trail up to Demon. The white-clad Quincy stared at the detrifying populace around him and shook his head in disappointment slowly, a look of disgust on his face. It was not aimed at the gore. Instead, his disgust was focused on the pathetic waste of life. Well, if there was any reason to take up arms, this would probably be it.

    Reaching his right hand up past his face and taking hold of the large cross that dangled from his ear, he tugged on it gently. The chain holding it to the hoop in his ear shattered and disappeared in the wind as infintismally-dividing particles, a Kansas song suddenly popping into his head. Pulling the silver artifact away from him and holding his hand straight out, he focused on the atmosphere around him. There was a shimmer as he visualized the reishi that was freefloating around him, the blue dots like sparks infiltrating society. But all it took for a raging forestfire was a single spark. A radius of reishi around him suddenly turned black as his own power snagged onto it. Suddenly, they shot toward him, zooming so fast they became nothing but a sharp line as they focused into his hand, wrapping around the cross, using it as an anchor before condensing and expanding around it, taking on the form of a simple black bow three feet long.

    Now then... To find the perpetrators... Closing his eyes, he activated the Quincy ability he had learned from his grandfather's inheritance. Opening his eyes once more, he saw a formulation of every unhidden being's presence around him. A thin ribbon appeared in his free hand and trailed off to a unique location for each person. Reiraku, Spirit Ribbons. Scanning through the colors, he picked one and dispersed the rest. Yes. It was definitely the strongest, there was no doubt about that. Disappearing, his trail of footsteps suddenly ceased as he activated Hirenkyaku, the Quincy Variant of Shunpo, and glided through the air at high speeds on a platform of black reishi, Ready or not, here I come.

    Posts : 34
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Siddhartha Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:27 pm

    The Wind picked up in a back alley somewhere in Karakura town. As this Lighting sparked out of nowhere, it was a blinding light coming from a Garganta. Siddhartha stooped out of there looking around as he could smell the blood and death. Making him sick he throw up. Gathering his strength back up he then walking out in to the street. Would this be it? would he find the girl hes been looking for here. With high expectations he walked on, passing a music store he herd something. that pulled at him as if he know it. Like some long lost memory, He stopped and stood there listening to the song. Braking the hold that the song had on him he keep walking, taking the rode to the right he slowly found himself. in dead silence and dried. Siddhartha know something was up.

    Walking in a bit more he narrowed his sight as he seen the blood. "What H-Happen here.." forcing himself to keep walking instead of turning back. he came across a little girl slowly dying. The musicals in his legs slowly gave out was he was overwhelmed with despair. He fell to his knees and held her close. the girl with her last breath asking him. " Are you an angel come to get me?" holding her he stumbled on the world yes. As she left this world, Siddhartha slowly let her down as blood covered him. "I want no destination, I can't tell you where, I'm going even if you ask me." he said bit on his lip. Consumed in rage he held out his arms and called upon his spirits. as five of these orbs like Will-o'-the-wisp surrounded him. calling them to his fist, in rage he punched the ground braking the asphalt around him blowing all but the little girl body five feet as smoke and dust consumed the air. Flashes of light also ran wild in the dust covered air. as it cleared lighting flashed around the body of Siddhartha was his body glowed. His eyes blink white covered in tries he could not really think in Furry mode only act. Calling Yet again to his Spirits. The Will-o'-the-wisp granted him there Audience once again. Siddhartha slowly started running looking for what had caused this.
    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Demon Obscurum Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:58 pm

    It wasn't too long before Demon found the monster that had caused so much blatent destruction. Oddly enough, it wasn't a Hollow like mos would inspect. Instead, it looked like it was human! "You. Was this your doing?" Pulling up his bow and drawing a black arrow, he aimed it for the Fullbringer that glanced at him with an amused smirk. "You're lemons right it was." THat was all the Obscurum youth needed. Releasing his grib on the energy, it curved through the air toward its target, the wind whistling as the sharp point of his energy cut through it. Not quite enough, the human swung its sword and split the arrow in half, effectively stopping Demon's attack. Unfortunately, he hadn't noticed the second arrow that was fired behind it. Striking him in the shoulder, it caused him to drop his weapon. And that was all Demon needed.

    Disappearing and reappearing in front of the enemy, Demon launched a wide-arc kick at his opponent, striking him square in the jaw with the side of his foot and sending him twirling through the air. Before he could land, another arrow was fired from Deicide, the black impaler whizzing through the space between them. In his state of disarray, the fullbringer couldn't react and had no choice but to take the triangular offender in the back. Shrieking in pain, the male struck the ground hard and bounced before rolling a few times. Coming to a complete stop, he grimaced as Demon's arrows broke off from the force of the impact and lodged the tips deeper into his body, the semi-solid energy burning at his flesh momentarily, dispersing the moment Demon stopped concentrating on their form. But that wasn't the end of the fight. It appeared he still had some fight in him.

    Descending onto the ground, Demon unconsciouslly stepped right into the Fullbringer's trap. Having pulled on the soul of the asphalt, he reduced it back to its original tar composition. Sinking a few inches down, Demon was stuck to his ankles after he pulled on the soul once more and rehardened it. "lemons..." Spitting on the ground, Demon looked back up at his foe, who had somehow gotten up and was walking over to him. Raising his bow, he drew another arrow, but hesitated on the fire. No. Dropping his aim, he released it and struck the ground beneath him, shattering the concrete and flinging him into the arrow. Controlling his flight with a few minor hirenkyaku-esque "flares" of his reiatsu, he got back on his feet (still in the air) and rapidly fired three arrows. All hit their mark, the fullbringer too surprised by his kamikaze technique and half-blinded from the dirt and concrete chunks that had filled the air around him.

    Dropping to the ground, Demon watched with a satisfied smirk in his red eyes as the soul of the killer parted his body, still attached by his Soul Chain. "Now.. I should just kill you, obliterating your soul and ceasing your reincarnation... You're an abomination to the face of this earth." Confidently walking toward him, he grabbed the sou's phantom hair and pulled him up to meet him eye to eye. "But I'm not a monster like you." Twirling his bow high above his head, he dropped the soul and took a step back, bringing his weapon down hard on the soul chain, severing it with a single blow. "Have fun with your enroachment." Turning, he started to walk away as the violent scream of the anguished, tortured creature began to hollowfy. Stopping, he was momentarily distracted by the reiatsu pattern of someone unfamiliar to him but still strong enough to be worth investigating. Perhaps it was a partner. Turning in the direction of the approaching reiatsu, he realized that the being was coming to him. Keeping his bow on hand, just in case, he stood and waited for the newcomer to arrive.

    Posts : 34
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Siddhartha Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:49 pm

    Running throw the streets crushing and throw anything he could get is hand on. Siddhartha seen this person up ahead, Screaming at the Creature Only slowly down enough to grab a huge part of the ground and throw it at the unknown one. At this point Siddhartha did not care giving away his presences Picking speed back up again he was rushing in like a freak train. Crushing the ground under him with ever step Siddhartha closed in. Leaping into the air as he pulled is Spirits to his hands and spam shoots them at the person. " Die you.. Cold heated beats.." as He dropped to the ground he rolled and called his spirits again but only to fire them off at the creature from the ground.

    Not really caring if they hit or not Siddhartha keep running was he ran up one of the walls and jumped in the the air use Zen to call the spirits to is side. in free fall, Siddhartha then watched the foe as he fell. not really scared the enemy had 10 spirits flying at him. Waiting for the spirits to impact to make his next move.
    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
    BD-cash : 4512

    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Demon Obscurum Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:31 pm

    Well. THAT escalated quickly. Whatever it was, it was approcahing him FAST. Raising his bow in the area of the incoming being, he realized that it had hostile intent the moment he felt the reiatsu flare wildly. There was a crunching sound as a heavy chunk of earth was ripped from the ground and hurled at him. Firing an arrow at it, he shattered it into dust and pebbles, filling the air with a thick smog of suffocating stone vapors. But that wasn't all his attacker had in mind. An onslaught of orbs were summoned. He felt the reishi forming them the moment he activated the technique.

    Knowing they were going to be trouble, Demon immediately focused his attention on them, the spirit particles around the edges turning black as he began absorbing them, breaking them apart with his reishi dominance and drawing them into his bow, supercharging it for maximum efficiency when it was his turn to attack. Suddenly, the spirits shot toward him. Leaping backwards with a touch of hirenkyaku to help boost the speed, he minimized the damage two-fold, both from absorbing the potency of the technique along with reducing the impact speed it would make with his flesh.

    Four missed, three hit hard (one in his leg and two in his abdomen) one grazed his cheek, and the other two struck his legs. Still, they did a bit of damage, but it was nothing he couldn't recover from. After they had struck him, the spheres had used too much of their energy (especially with Demon leaching off of it) and floated for a few moments before fizzing out, disappearing in a twinkle. Drawing an arrow, the extra energy he had absorbed forced it into a massive size, almost ridiculous in appearance. And yet, he didn't fire the obsidian lance just quite yet.

    "Did you just call me a beast? Do you think I did this? You're mistaken. The one who did this is dead and currently undegoing hollowfication. If you still wish to attack, I will not hesitate to kill you in order to defend myself. If you'd like to take a more rational approach, be my guest." Big words coming from one who was so clearly underdogged, blood seeping from his torn clothing and flesh.

    Nevertheless, his grit held strong, seen most in his tightly-clenched jaw and steady hand holding onto his drawn arrow that was aimed straight for the tall man's head. Demon's red eyes revealed no indication of further hesitation or mercy, but still. It was his call.

    Posts : 34
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Siddhartha Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:06 pm

    Siddhartha fell to the ground crushing the asphalt under him. Dust and smoke covered the air was lighting flashed around. A soft caring voice called out from the dust. " Y-Y..You're not the one that did this?" He calmed down fully. the dust was gone as he sat there in the craters feeling like a monster himself for going in to a berserk rage like that. Siddhartha slowly stood up and dusted himself off as all five spirits Disappeared in the the air. Slowly walking past the Male Quincy and on the the one that was slowly going mad turning in to a hallow. Siddhartha grabbed the soul and started eating away at it. " I'll never allow you to live in this life of the next." he then turned to the Quincy Shocked as to why he let the guy become a hallow. " So why did you not kill him? I mean you think him becoming a hallow was going to change anything he could become stronger and more deadly.. I can't let that happen."

    Siddhartha really could not put is finger on this person. being a Quincy there suppose to kill hallows. this one was odd and not like the rest. but never the less Siddhartha slowly started walking up to the Guy. [color=orange][" Got a Name Quincy?"/color] Stopping right in front oh the male. Looking down on him was Siddhartha towered over him like Behemoth. " I got to hand it to you kid... You got brains..." He slowly started walking back the way he came. only caring about getting back to the little girl. "You want to walk and talk or end this it's up to you i have no need to fight you." Siddhartha felt bad for all those that died was there spirits where sanding around waiting for a soul ripper to come and send them to the Soul Society. " Soul rippers should be here soon. with all this death. Beside i don't wont to fight anymore anyways." He slowly started rushing to get back to the little girl know that this would also call other Hallows.
    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Demon Obscurum Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:19 pm

    Demon stood for a moment, thinking. His finger was just itching to release the arrow, but he held it. Sighing, he allowed the energy to dissipate around him, returning to their original locations. The arrow, on the other hand, was absorbed into his body. The large mass of condensed reishi would surely help to regenerate some of the damage done to him. If not, it would at least keep him going at full for a while, allowing his body to do what it needed to do naturally without any trouble. "No, this wasn't me." Returning the cross to his left ear, a chain of reishi suddenly snapped into existing, connecting the artifact to its usual position.

    "I let him live because I don't really care. Yeah. He could become stronger and come back, but that isn't my problem. The only reason I killed him now was because I was getting sick of listening to screams." As the hollowkind approached, Demon kept calm, removing all traces of unease from his body. "It's Demon." After a moment, he answered, letting the gears in his mind turn. "You know I am a Quincy, but I am not familiar with your kind. Just what are you? And I suppose your name would be useful as well." Adding the second part as an after-thought, Demon allowed a small smile to touch the corners of his lips.

    Brains? Yeah, he had brains. They had saved his (fear the great kon) more than once and he didn't know what he'd do without them. Looking up to meet the hollowkind's eye with his own, Demon stared openly, studying the creature and burning the image into his mind. He wanted to remember every detail he could, just in case he came across someone like him in the future. "I admit I am curious as to your composition." But that's all he needed to say. As the man took off in a hurry after making a comment about Shinigami, Demon decided to follow. Trotting along, his black dress shoes made a hard smacking sound against the asphalt, a sickening squelch occasionally joining it as he stormed through puddles of blood in his pursuit.

    Posts : 34
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Siddhartha Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:55 am

    As They walked He felt at ease. " The Name's Siddhartha." As they keep walking though blood puddles, As the blood stained his feet. Siddhartha came to a stop "Me.. I'm a Monster just leave it to that. I'm what you call Arrancar, an Espada to be exact. A hollow's life goes like this was your soul chain get to the point of becoming a hollow. the sages are Demi-Hollow,Hallow, Menos after that you slowly get your thoughts back your self awareness. the next class is Adjuchas and then Vasto Lorde. That is what i am BUT going back to the Espada we are the strongest of all we have a ranking 9 to 0 But 0 stay hidden there are only 9 so if you see a 10.. he's 0. I'm 1" Getting more upset with the thought of all this madness, he keep walking through the blood and dead body's and though the handful of souls. they came open a soul ripper as he was sending the little girl to the Soul Society. He then stopped dead in his tracks knowing that if they keep walking there would be a fight. Looking at the Quincy " I hope i enlightened you my kind i hope that helps. i must go for now." A Garganta opened as Siddhartha walk though it. " The girls okay so i can go now. As for you We will meet again..."
    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
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    Guts and Glory (Invite Only) Empty Re: Guts and Glory (Invite Only)

    Post by Demon Obscurum Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:07 am

    Demon nodded, introducing himself as well after. Listening intently, he knew a bit about it from his grandfather's journals, but it was still a lot of information to take in. Digesting it slowly, he realized something suddenly. This espada, this arrancar elite, had just told him a crucial secret of their strategies. That didn't seem like something very wise for someone essentially royal to do. But then again, Demon wasn't familiar with their ways to assume something like that. Instead, he simpy watched the arrancar open the Garganta. Hmm... now THAT was interesting. He'd have to learn how to do that sometime.

    "Until then, Siddhartha." Turning to face the shinigami after the garganta winked out of existence, Demon walked over to him slowly. Stopping a few feet from him, he kept an even expression on his face. "The one that did this was a Fullbringer. I disposed of him already. You can go now." Not waiting for a response, Demon spun on his heel and began walking off, leaving the shinigami behind him as he headed back the way he came, intent on returning to where he was before the reiatsu and slaughter had summoned him. Home.

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