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    The Flow of Water (Invite Only)

    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 3971
    BD-cash : 468913

    The Flow of Water (Invite Only) Empty The Flow of Water (Invite Only)

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:15 am

    *A few thousand miles off the coast of China, there was a ripple along the water, Sanba was letting out a fair bit of spiritual pressure. It sent waves crashing along the shores of the world. He peered down into the water, as if he were searching for something. Suddenly he sunk below the surface darting down to the floor of the ocean at an extraordinary speed. At the tip of his finger was a small cero, to shed light on the darkness of the ocean. After a few minutes he finally touched down on the bottom of the ocean floor. It was very dark and eerie so far into earth but it did not bother him. He was not among the living, and with his grasp on power he had nothing to fear.*

    *He unsheathed his zanpakto, he could feel its angst of being in such a place. He released it and it illuminated the surrounding area, many large fish could be seen scampering away from him. He brought his weapon up horizontally and then slashed extremely wide. He opened a tear about a mile long, and then concentrated his energy into widening the rip. It stretched now for several miles, however Sanba was visibly growing exhausted at the task. Once he stopped the rip opened large and wide sucking in water at a fast rate, he was almost sucked into his void but he acknowledged his mistake and shunpod far from the tear. He remained rooted watching the water fall into the massive tear. The earths water level was going down, foot by foot at such a fast rate. After several hours of merely watching left the void it continued to demand a high amount of reiatsu from him but it was secure and still collecting water.*

    *He then shot himself to the surface of the water, and made his way to Australia. He slipped into the sky high above the island continent of Australia. People were fussing greatly about all the water that had vanished, not knowing what was happening to the earth at that very moment. Sanba held his zanpakto in the air again, he was miles above the clouds, nearly in space as a matter of fact. He ripped open another tear in the sky, it was twice the size of the one he had opened in the water. It took an immense amount of reiatsu to pull this off, he was asking too much of his body. However he did not falter, he fllicked his zanpakto again and the tear opened wide, letting out all of the water he had gathered before. He had creating a portal of sorts, sustaining this new portal took so much effort and energy from the man he could barely hold it.*

    *Because he was in the middle of the island and so high up the water crashed down like a waterfall, spreading itself everywhere. It overwhelmed the humans below, there was so much water coming from the skies people didn't know what to do or why it was happening. All satellites saw was water falling from a point in the sky, they could not see the man who was causing it all. The water spread everywhere and flooded the small continent. Millions died from having nowhere to go and this went on for hours. Eventually the water began filling valleys and cities as well, the sea level in that part of the world was far greater than it had once been. It was painfully obvious.*
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 3971
    BD-cash : 468913

    The Flow of Water (Invite Only) Empty Re: The Flow of Water (Invite Only)

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:39 am

    *Sanba began to grumble as it was increasingly harder for him to maintain this portal. It was something he had never tried, or even thought possible. His reiatsu was quickly diminishing and he had to come up with something. He didnt want to waste this opportunity, so with his free hand he pulled out the box he had used earlier to absorb the souls of dead humans. He put it up to his chest and it lit up, soon disappearing into his chest. He felt a huge surge of power go through him, then a small hole, about half the size of a dime, opened itself in his left palm. He could feel the power surging through him, and the portal was much easier to sustain.*

    *Water continued to gush out from the void, and after much time what had once been Australia was now just ocean. There were hundreds of boats, and many things being used as flotation devices. Humans were using everything they could to survive but the death toll was huge. It was just another tragedy, an affliction to earth. The catastrophe's were piling up in quick succession and not many had answers.*

    *Sanba shut the voids he had used to spread so much destruction, his zanpakto returned to its sealed state, and he sheathed it. He stood in the clouds, looking down at the earth with a blank expression. He had once felt obligated to keep the balance but now it held no interest to him. He was a shadow of his former self*

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:29 am