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    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
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    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:21 am

    Michael hangs there in his cell with re-enforced chains, his hair covering his eyes and his head tilted downwards.

    It was just another day in prison. The other convicts in the prison shouting amongst themselves and fighting amongst one another.

    Michael simply hangs there with his own thoughts, every now and again they pour water over Michael to wash him with.

    Every now and again on a rare occasion would a prisoner begin talking smack about him. Michael simply had to pull his head up and look directly at the prisoner to silence them.

    He would then continue to lower his head once more as he would close his eyes and rest as violent volts of electricity would pass through his body slowly charging him up.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4381

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Jintaro Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:44 am

    Jintaro walks up to the squad two prison, he had a traditional robe on with a hood covering his ears and part of his face. At the time he was wearing his traditional outfit (which is what his profile picture looks like), just as he approached the prison gates several guards had stopped him.

    Guard One: "Halt, this here is the Prison of Squad 2 some of the most dangerous people are locked up inside, we can not allow you to pass any further. State your reason for being here."

    Jintaro: "Ahh... my dear boy... no need to threat I am here to simply visit an old friend of mine... Michael Shichirou I here he is a resident in this prison."

    Guard One: "Damn... he has had quite a few visitors today, alright for security reasons we must ask you to disarm and hand in any weapons you may have on you and I see you have a small wooden box there, we must inspect it before you go any further."

    Jintaro nods to the guard as he hands him the rectangular wooden box which contained a few cigars. The guards looked at each one briefly and nodded in agreement that they were safe, Jintaro chuckled slightly and shook his head. He thought to himself "Good thing they never inspected them properly, it would make things difficult."

    He unstraps his zanpaktou and hands it to them, the guards take it and seal it up in a special contained safe which also contains the items of Michael Shichirou. He looked over to the safe and saw how it was unlocked and sealed.

    Jintaro: "Hmm... Interesting."

    Guards: "Okay Sir, You are good to go, if you could just follow us we shall take you down to Michael's cell."

    Jintaro: "Very well young man, lead the way."

    Three guards begin to lead Jintaro down to Michael's cell. One would walk in front of him while two would walk behind him, as he walked down prisoners from all the floors would roar and shout loudly shouting out various things and rude things also. Jintaro simply chuckled at the remarks that were made towards him, before they got to the prison cell the first guard that was in front of him would stop turn around and hand the box back to him.

    After two minutes of walking down the long stair case they were finally at the bottom floor the walked down to the Largest and only cell in the floor.

    Jintaro: "Why is there only one cell on this floor?"

    Guard two: "Oh well... seeing as Michael is our most dangerous prisoner we have to keep him locked up and by himself in case other prisoners attempt to provoke him in which we cannot take the risk of him trying to break free simply to beat up everyone who annoys him... like he did last time..."

    Jintaro: "He broke out of his cell last time to simply beat up the other prisoners?"

    Guard Three: "Oh yeah but he then went back into his cell."

    Jintaro: "Oh so he didn't break out of the prison?"

    Guard Two: "No, that came afterwards."

    Jintaro: "Oh... right..."

    The three guards walk up to the large door of his prison cell and each unlock it, they open up the cell and allow Jintaro to walk through. Jintaro nods to the guards and gives them the signal to leave, the guards obey his commands and leave as they close the cell door behind him.

    Jintaro walks up to Michael and looks at him hanging there with so many chains attached to him. Jintaro chuckles slightly, he doesn't say a word he simply stands there in silent as his face is covered with his hood and a small smirk is hidden underneath his hood.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:58 am

    Michael sniffs the air. He grunts slightly as he looks up, he sees a figure there but doesn't recognize it.

    "Why do you smell like a bear? And who the hell are you?"

    He asked rudely towards his visitor.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4381

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Jintaro Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:08 am

    Jintaro chuckles slightly, he lowers his hood revealing his face, he looks to Michael and then says.

    "The term is Panda! I see you haven't changed a bit Michael. Don't worry no need to explain why you're trapped like an animal I've already heard all the stories and rumors on why you are like this. Fool, I always told you never let your anger get the best of you but you never listen to what I say."

    Jintaro shakes his head in disappointment. "I bought you a gift!"

    He shows him a box of cigars. "More Cigars!" Jintaro looks to the side and see's at the amount of cigar boxes that were left behind from former visitors.

    "Wow... I see you already have a large amount of them... hmm very well these are special cigars!"

    Jintaro chuckles lightly as he lets out a smile towards Mike.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:17 am

    Michael's eyes widen in shock and surprise that his former mentor Jintaro was stood in front of him, the panda that had helped raise and train him was here in his prison cell. Michael flicks his hair upwards and looks at Jintaro properly.

    "What the fuck are you doing here?!?!? And Cigars? Wait what? I thought you hated it when I smoked cigars..."

    He sounded confused as he responded to Jintaro.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4381

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Jintaro Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:29 am

    Jintaro chuckled once again.

    "That's the point."

    He placed down the box to the side on the metal table that was provided, Jintaro cracked it open and took out a cigar, he rose it up to the light and inspected it.

    "Remember Rioshi, the young boy from Squad 12 who was the Captain... Remember that cigar that he made for you which once inhaled would turn you into a large hulkish beast with immense spiritual pressure and if you blew it into a persons face it would make the person sink into there deepest nightmare? What was that cigar called? It began with a C... hmm..."

    He continued to inspect the cigar and then said. "Also... what was that stone that prevented or cut off spiritual pressure? Urgh... in my old age I keep forgetting these damned names!"
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
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    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:38 am

    Michael looked confused and began to think... a Cigar made especially for him by Rioshi... suddenly his eyes widened.

    "The Cigar was called the Cuban Nightmare."

    He then continued to think and then said. "And the stone is called Seki Seki."

    Michael looked at Jintaro with eyes widened, he looked to the cigar that was in his hands but was not sure of it. Could it be that Jintaro bought him a cuban nightmare?.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4381

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Jintaro Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:04 am

    "Ahh those are the names! Yes, good of you boy! I see you did learn something after all"

    Jintaro then takes out another cigar, he splits it in half and a white rock is revealed from it.

    "This my friend." he shows Michael the white stone. "Is Seki Seki."

    He picks up the other cigar and shows him it. "And this is the Cuban nightmare... If you still don't know where I'm getting at well allow me to put it into simple terms. Break out of those damn chains you fool this is a break out!"

    Jintaro places down the cuban nightmare and then sets light to the seki seki stone, the stone ignites rapidly as he then slams it into the riatsu shield. The Seki seki stone reacts to it quickly and immediately the large shield covering the cell is shut down and destroyed. The alarms instantly go off, Jintaro blows out the flame and withdraws it into his wooden case, he picks up the cuban nightmare and lights it up with a lighter he had in the box, he looks to Michael and shouts out.

    "Now! break out of those chains! the guards are coming down the stairs!"

    Jintaro throws the cigar at Michael in hope that he would break out of the chains and catch it.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:48 am

    Michael was surprised, his former mentor was breaking him out, the cigar was thrown to Michael he then quickly tensed his muscles and ripped out of the chains that were holding him back. He grabs hold of the cigar and then takes a large puff of it, he then suddenly goes all hulkish and his spiritual pressure shakes up the area.

    He grows up to stand around 10ft, he roars loudly as he begins to charge out of the place. He begins to smash through the floors avoiding the other prison cells knocking out any of the prison guards along the way until he finally manages to smash his way out of the prisons.

    Jintaro was just behind him at all times as they managed to get out, the alarms sounded and prison guards would charge out as they all attempted to take down Michael.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4381

    Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)  Empty Re: Michael's Prison cell (Plot purposes only - invites only)

    Post by Jintaro Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:11 am

    "Michael, quickly go to the safe and retrieve back our items!"

    As Michael rushes off and smashes into the large safe that has all there items kept Jintaro stands there and fights off each and every single one of the guards simply knocking them out onto the floor.

    Michael manages to grab all the items and throws Jintaro's zanpaktou back to him. Jintaro catches it swiftly, Michael stands there punching away at all the other guards and roaring at anyone who comes close to him.

    Jintaro clips his zanpaktou back to his side and then places his hand into his robe and takes out several medicated needles. He throws them at Mike which all pierce his back and inject medication which makes Michael go down to his normal size.

    He quickly changes into his clothing and arms himself up, Jintaro and Michael stand there after a while with all the guards around them knocked out. Luckily they managed to breakout without having to break out any other prisoners.

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