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    Dead Bone Pulse


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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:32 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Within the remnants of a broken part of town, a single white colored claw slowly reached out and took hold of a building. Its claw dug deep into the side as it slowly began to pull its way up off the ground, as if it had been resting for sometime. The massive monster was stories tall and its gaping mouth was wide and its teeth sharp.

    It had rested enough and was time for another meal. There was nothing like the taste of a human soul compared to that of a hollow but if it could get its jaws on something, it would be devoured all the same. It had one thing in mind and that was to grow stronger and stronger still in spite of Kyouga and for the praise of Yukino. It started this by pushing over the large building and seeing if any human's would scurry about and catch its eye.

    Last edited by Lee_Takamoto on Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:05 pm

    And flee people did. While most of the buildings of the area had been abandoned over time, the one that it had focused on had maintained its integrity well enough that people would seek it out as a shelter. Until now at least. With the building crumbling those who were able to tried to preserve their lives by fleeing before the large building could bring itself down.

    Of course in the way of this new world, there was no way such a large presence could go unnoticed though many of the humans about had no way of dealing with it. There were only a handful that could have the power to fight it back, but the people there were largely unskilled. They just wanted to find their ways of life after the world had picked up its broken pieces to try to move on from disaster.

    There was one though who was around that had the skills. In fact she was trained specifically for this kind of situation, though much of her practice came after the world crumbled. While people were running away from danger she ran toward the building, though had enough sense to keep out of the reach of the massive Hollow. With a quick hirenkyaku, this woman would prove that she wasn't normal as she ascended a building not too far away. All for the sake of a good shot.

    "Big and ugly, just my lucky day isn't it to get to shoot down one like you."

    Reaching the rooftop she turned her focus entirely to the Hollow. It wasn't that she needed to be up there, in fact it would have probably been just as easy to do what she was about to from the ground. It was more along the lines that she preferred having a bird's eye view of the scene before her. Setting one foot on the edge of the building, Hotaru would lift her right arm, the cross at her wrist glowing for a moment before a bow appeared. In one fluid motion she would bring her left to this bow and draw back, creating a singular arrow. Adjusting where the arrow and bow pointed slightly, Hotaru let it fly. Her target, one of it's arms so that it would leave the building be.

    "Let's see how it likes food that fights back. I won't let you prey off those who cannot fight their own battle in this."

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:54 am

    Shikotsumyaku continued to let its shifting eye go from any slight movement to another but had completely overlooked the on coming threat. It rested its other hand on its knee but this was not to last as something struck its arm which causes all movement to stop. It was struck. Something or someone had hit it. It slowly turned its head to the side as its eye looked down at its now raised arm that held the injured area. It was slowly at first but surely, the rage began to grow as it slowly began to rise up into its full posture.

    It's tail slamming on the ground behind it as the head rose high into the air, looking for the attacker, where ever it might be. The thought of food was high on its list and nothing would do it better than this.

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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:00 am

    It was obvious that she had hit him by the reaction that she got. Almost immediately the beast of a Hollow seemed angered and she could imagine that he was seeking her out. After all that was typically what one would want to do, eliminate the source of pain.

    And Hotaru wanted nothing more than to eliminate the Hollow. So she would set another arrow and send it flying. This time for Shiko's heart or torso, whichever she could be lucky to strike. Knowing full well though that this would give away her position, Hotaru would then set herself to move to the next building over hoping to avoid detection as long as possible until the threat was eliminated.

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:26 pm

    Shikotsumyaku continued to search for the cause of its pain. It was growing more and more inpatient. This only fueling the rage that grew within it, not from the attacker but by the thoughts of times were it was attacked, times like when the arrancar had attacked it, the time when that arrancar had sent it back to the white sands. Where it fed and fed and fed till it returned to the world of the living to fed more.

    Another strike had hit it but this time, struck its chest. It halted in its tracks once more as it raised its claws up to cover its chest. It looked toward the direction of the arrow and rose its head as its jaws closed together as red beams of light began to emit from its mouth. It then threw its head forward as its mouth opened widely as a large beam fired from its mouth, this was its cero.

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:28 pm

    Hotaru was lucky to have moved when she had as the beast had then taken the opportunity to send a cero toward where she had been. Of course, as a result the building where she'd originally perched ceased to exist. Such a thing only served to heighten the sense of panic amongst those humans who still remained in the area. Even with the times some could not see the Hollow that was there, but they could definitely see the aftermath.

    Instead of immediately firing another arrow, she took a moment to observe the damages. If he was capable of Cero, it was quite likely the Hollow was a strong one even in this world and time. He was definitely not a threat to be taken lightly. Especially since her arrows weren't doing any discernible damage, aside from ticking the thing off. But perhaps, she thought, it wasn't that her arrows weren't strong enough. It could be where she was aiming that was the issue. Crouching down so that she could try to avoid detection by Shikotsumyaku, Hotaru took the time to study it's form more closely, searching for a weakness to exploit.

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:02 am

    The large boned creature watched as the building had turned to rubble and nothingness. It slowly let its head lower down as its hands rested on the ground. It let its eyes shift around to look toward the grounds, humans scattering in and out of their hiding spots like small bugs. It rose its foot and let it fall down so it could look down at the ground.

    It slowly lowered itself down and placed its lower jaw onto the ground in which it began to look for prey once more.

    Come. Out.

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:04 am

    Once the building had been destroyed it seemed that it was satisfied, assuming that the threat was taken care of in the process. Of course this left the woman free to shoot again. Until now though, her arrows had been largely ineffective, which was really a shame. Hotaru either had to adjust her technique and aim for a better weak spot, use one of her actual skills, or make herself more known than she already had.

    By now the people had cleared the area around Shiko enough to where he would have to likely attack another building in order to catch prey. The collapse of buildings meant a threat, something that people in this day and age had no desire to be around with the state of the world. Unfortunately those who were fleeing or had already fled likely wouldn't have been a tasty enough snack as even Hotaru could tell they weren't as spiritually aware as she. So she figured the sheer numbers were what drew it to this place.

    Still not sure on what she was doing wrong, Hotaru would form another arrow, taking the time and effort to make it stronger than the previous two as she drew back on the bow. Before letting it loose this time she would take her time in the aiming as her target's body lowered closer to the ground. Taking her time to adjust to the angle, she went back to a standing position and then let the arrow loose. Her target this time was his eye, though if she could catch him anywhere on his head it would be a blessing.

    "You can die now."

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:02 pm

    The gillian continued to try and find a meal to which it could sate itself. It slowly started to move its head forward as it opened and closed its mouth as if trying to catch whatever it might be able to within its jaws but only rubble and debris was ever to be found. It moved its claws forward to try and pry open the gap but was met with something.

    It was a bright light that had suddenly caused a sudden darkness, but this darkness was only one sided and only moments after, there was a pain, a horrifying pain. It pulled its head up, scratching against the building as it threw its hands up and covered its wounded eye with a hand whilst the other swung around as if to try and find the attacker. Who was causing it pain, why were they causing it pain? Who could it have been...could it have been him?


    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:52 am

    Hotaru smiled and gave herself a silent cheer of victory at the fact that she had finally landed a meaningful blow on the Hollow. At least her accuracy had improved over time. She could be thankful for that. Lowering her bow, the woman watched from her standing point as the Hollow tried to deal with the blow. Quite obviously she'd caused it quite a bit of pain just now, taking away use of one of it's eyes. Could she do the same with the other?

    "Let's find out..."

    Raising her bow again to target the tormented being, Hotaru drew back with a new arrow, just like the last one. She held no sympathy for its pain. To her it was a killing machine, a threat needing dealing with. It was her purpose to dispose of Hollows after all, so it was easier to think of them as such. Taking aim at the other eye, she would then release the arrow, hoping for good results though it wouldn't be easy with the being thrashing about.

    "Give up on life and find peace in your death, abomination!"

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:10 am

    Shikotsumyaku continued to flail about, its arm shifting and swinging around in all manners and in what ever direction it could try. It would strike the edges of buildings here and there but nothing of to high destructive power. It had continued to scratch through the air and let out roars and cries of its own pain. It heard the voice of degeneration aimed in its own direction. It's hands covered its head as if it was covering its own ears.

    Bones upon bones shot out from all over its front body. From its arms to its head, all of them crossing over one another and stabbing into other bones to protect the massive monsters front with a wall of prickly bones.

    F-Find...Shi-ko-tsu-mya-ku...doesn't...want to go BaCk!

    The spiritual pressure around the large mass of bones that was a gillian started to fluctuate. It's claws slowly starting to dig into its skull and its feet digging into the ground.

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:30 pm

    The fact that it suffered now was quite clear, but that wasn't enough for Hotaru. It was indeed stubborn in the fact that it had yet to be slain by her attacks and she didn't like that. By now she was trying for an act of mercy in eliminating the threat. More buildings would quake as it lost control, threatening to come down and lay further waste to the area. By now though no one people had the sense to not be around.

    "Give into your suffering and cease to exist. Your kind is not needed here!"

    It was also clear that in its suffering something seemed to be happening, though what was beyond the woman's knowledge. Any straightforward shot seemed almost impossible now with the new bony projections that surrounded it. She'd have to resort to something else. Something a little less obvious. Hotaru would draw back one more time on her bow, creating an arrow that she would shoot toward the sky instead of at her target.


    The arrow shot up high to the sky would then proceed to split into dozens, bringing down a hailstorm of arrows around Shikotsumyaku, aiming to pierce him any way possible in an attempt to destroy.

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:20 pm

    The mass of bone and spikes shifted hesitantly as it began to grind into the ground. The voice continued to plague it once more which only served to throw it more into a unbridled rage. Digging its claws further into the ground and its spines began to grow more and more and pushed into the ground.

    L-leave S-Shiko AlONe!

    It had no sense of the oncoming attack as the arrows rained down upon it, striking long its spine, ribs, and head. Each strike causing the monster to jerk and shift closer to the ground.

    Go AwAY!

    With the roar, the massive creature rose up only slightly before its body erupted full of bones in all directions, piercing buildings and the ground, its body being lost in the white solid substance. The bones growing outward and into whatever they may as its spiritual pressure threw into a frenzy and warped inward as the bones stopped growing and soon, all was silent.

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:51 pm

    The storm of arrows stopped after being met with the eruption of bones outwards from the being. Whether this was a defensive maneuver on part of the Hollow or something entirely different wasn't immediately clear to Hotaru. But as things started to settle into an eerie silence she got her answer.

    Her building had been close enough to take some damage from what had happened but luckily it didn't effect the Quincy woman at all. Still, it wasn't easy to get a good look through everything she could no longer make out the beast of a Hollow. Had she killed it?

    No. That couldn't be likely. Normally didn't their bodies disappear if they died? So far everything remained in place but unless she really put effort in things were beyond the reach of her arrows. So all she could do is watch and perhaps call out again to the beast.

    "I refuse to go away, 'Shiko'. Not until you have perished. You do not belong in this world and it would give me no greater pleasure than to be rid of you and do my clan proud."

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:34 pm

    The bone forest was silent as small bits of rubble would fall from a now ruined building. The roaring and clawing was no longer something that echoed through the air, the only other side was the creaking of some of the longer bones that held themselves in mid air from the original branching mass.

    As the Quincy girl spoke out to the monster, everything was still silent but the massive bone structure shifted slightly as if a tree being moved by the wind. Then, slowly, from the furthest reaches that the bones stretched, they began to crack and creak, growing faster and faster toward the center and once they did, there was a sudden and thunderous BOOM that sent a small shock wave over the ground. Then, the structure began to crumble and crash onto the ground.

    Then, there in the center where the Gillian once forced itself into a huddled spot, was a smaller creature that stood still, rather tall but its color scheme was different, more black than white but there were several areas that held the bone color. It now stood there, the hollow-looking mask slowly turned its attention toward the sky in silence.


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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:18 am

    Shortly after Shiko evolved, Kyouga entered the area through a sonido not far from Shiko's current location. Right now, Kyouga just watched the scene unfold, but he could definitely sense that Shiko was a lot stronger than he was last time he saw him.

    Posts : 34
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Siddhartha Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:30 am

    Siddhartha slowly walk closer to this place of broken and hole bound place. As he's eye ceatch a girl and another hallow. As he walk a bit closer to the two from the side he stope and look at the girl for abit. Then he closely looks at the newly evoved hallow. " May I ask what makes you two fight?"

    Siddartha find it quit in raging that he is sure that this strange girl is only attack this hallow because she deems it right or just reason. But then again he was sure that hallow was not as innocent eather. Siddhartha grunts and sighs as he sit there winding trying to rap he's head around this fight. Then again this is the first time Siddartha been out of is own world. But the only thin gob he's mind was he love. "Have any of you seen a girl like?" as he goes on explaining how he's significant other look. As he look at the new comer, think maybe he would know something seeing is how he's a arrancar. Siddartha stands there read for anything type of out come. Knowing he's dealing with being not of a hight since then himself.

    Rank : Royalty
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:42 am

    Shikotsumyaku continued to stare upward into the sky as it seemed just high up now. He slowly let one of his arms raise up as if it was trying to reach up at the air. It did not even come close but it did stop and looked over to its arm and then lowered it down to stare at it carefully, turning over the bone colored gauntlet to look at the dark skinned arm below it. It then stopped its attention and turned it toward the sound of another speaking. Shiko did not move nor speak till all was silent yet again but it did and its voice was...different

    "This one does not recall. It has not seen any one girl."

    Posts : 364
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:20 pm

    Hotaru had only watched what took place next. At the cost of at least one building some change had gone underway. She could tell that much at least. It was obvious as she looked back down and spotted the Hollow again. wasn't a hollow anymore. It had...evolved?

    That apparently wasn't the only change in store for Hotaru at this time. And it seemed as though Shikotsumyaku's change had attracted attention from not one, but two others. Neither she could fully trust or deem an ally. They were like the beast she'd been targeting's current form. Stronger. Arrancars. One of them turned its attention to her and Hotaru could sense its disdain, something she fully returned. If she wasn't smart she would have lashed out on this one as well, but instead she would answer his question.

    "I fight him because he must be eradicated. Is that not why I exist, just like you are around to take lives?"

    To his second question, regarding a woman that she did not know, Hotaru did not answer. If she'd have seen the girl she wouldn't answer regardless. While her heart held kindness, she still had every reason to be wary and untrusting to Arrancar. It went against their ways, something she truly understood as a Quincy.

    Knowing that she was outnumbered and that such a situation could prove dangerous for her if the other two posed a threat, Hotaru released her bow from it's physical form, no longer channeling the cross at her wrist. She would then try to keep all three at least in the periphery of her vision and slowly step back, ready to retreat at any given moment. Hotaru valued her life too much, knowing there weren't many of her kind left. She couldn't stand to lose it all here.

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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:49 pm

    Kyouga finally made the decision to approach Shiko in a rather calm manner. "You have evolved nicely Shiko, and your grammar has significantly improved. You're certainly getting stronger my friend, and you'll grt used to your size." Kyouga said kindly to Shiko with a pat on the back, and shook his head at the Arrancar's question about his significant other.

    Posts : 34
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Siddhartha Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:23 am

    Siddhartha look at the strange Girl as he seen the Hesitation in her eye's. as he let out a grunt looking up at the Girl.
    "So Why have you not answered my question about this girl I'm Looking for?... I'm not here to hurt you... know you. Also just because I'm a Monster does not mean I'm Going to kill you, I'll find me to be Quit a nice person. If you stay on my good side. But By all means Please Kill me if you feel that it is Fit in you're own eye's After all we all are but Monster right..."

    Siddhartha Stood back up looking at the other Arrancar, This Felling of dislike came over him. He slowly walked over to The two, For Once Siddhartha was next to someone who was just as big as him. But bigger Siddhartha's eye slowly roll down as they look at the small Arrancar. Over hearing what this man said to The Newly evolved Hallow. He Left compassion towards the stranger.

    " You speak so kindly to these lower ranking one's. I commend you for this you not like everything else, When i say this i mean hallows and humans and also soul reapers alike. Casting judgement on what they see fit. when really that is gods, and god;s job alone.

    He then slowly held out is arm and spreed is hand out flat as he started glowing and Five spirits appeared around him. in a flash he was up on top of the building with the girls using snap to intently warped right behind her. As he was right be hind her he said to her before anyone noticed what had happen.

    "So well you please answer my quieten... or you well not leave this place, until you do." now
    Siddhartha slowly went to grab her arm. hoping to hold her there, He still had the other two in he's mind watching them with all precaution. hoping they would not step in.


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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:05 am

    Shikotsumyaku stood slightly hunched over as he continued to look over his arm with a weird sense of curiosity. He raised his other arm as he placed them against one another and rubbed several times as Kyouga and Siddhartha moved closer and Kyouga even spoke to him but he was far too into himself to be brought out at that very moment, only giving a slow nod for an answer. All the movements were slow but one, one made by Siddhartha as he instantly disappeared which startled Shiko to the point that he took a single step back and looked in the area where the espada once stood.

    He reached one of his claws out to move through the air to see that he was no longer there anymore. He then looked over to Kyouga and back toward the spot where Siddhartha once stood and back toward Kyouga. He would then swing his gauntlet at Kyouga to see if he was indeed real.

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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Kyouga Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:07 am

    Kyouga was indeed surprised when the taller Arrancar disappeared after complimenting him on his kindness. Kyouga also became concerned when Shiko seemed confused, and ended up attacking him. "Hey, it's me Shiko! It's okay buddy!" Kyouga said in alarm as he used the Hierro in his arm to block the damage from the attack. He was also feeling that the Arrancar was a lot stronger than he was.

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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Remi-chan Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:56 am

    At least the other two hadn't paid her any heed, and she didn't pay them any more attention upon noticing that. Hotaru didn't need all of them on her at once, especially when she was just trying to leave, preserving her own life and chances the Quincy might have to survive. All the humans had gone from the area so far as she was concerned now the threat was cleared. For bystanders at least.

    Her escape route was quickly cut off before she could get too far and the Arrancar that had been speaking to her wasn't too keen on her leaving. It seemed it demanded an answer before she could. Before he could grab her though Hotaru moved go create distance, using a quick Hirenkyaku toward the edge of the building and facing him. Hotaru's bow was back in hand and she wasted not a movement as she created a new arrow, trained right on the Arrancar. She knew that if it came to a fight she was already outnumbered, this was meant mainly as a defensive maneuver now.

    "If it's an answer you want there was none that I could provide. If she's still alive then she might be around but surely you can tell that life is few and far between in this forsaken world. I cannot say for certain that I've seen she whom you seek. But make another move to touch me and I will end you, have no doubts about that."

    Posts : 34
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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

    Post by Siddhartha Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:26 pm

    Siddhartha slowly rose up standing there with this look up confusion in he's eye's. As the wind Picked up blowing his hair in his face, There was this sudden chill in the air. as this blink and empty look at feeling covered him. he slowly pulled he arm up to he's hips and clinched he hand in to a fist as he blood started to boil.

    " No kindness at all huh? When All i want to know is one Simple question. The real monster bear's it fangs first... SO you well End me hum? Let me ask you one quick Question. Do you believe in miracles...And this world you speak so ill of is this way because. because you human's kill the earth with you're ways.

    The spiritual Presser started getting stronger. As the air got thicker. Siddhartha slowly started losing his mind in this sea of dark clouds. He teeth start to rind together. as this lighting started to flash around is body. Five Spirit Spheres of ground, wind, flames, water and neutral element appeared. They started to flow around his body. Siddhartha slowly rose his right arm in the air as the spirits entered he's hand and he let out a cry and punched the floor of the roof leaving a great crater. Going in his Fury state.

    "Shoot me.. I dare you TRY and hit me Please for the love of my god TRY!"

    Siddhartha stood up looking down at this small but quick girl. as she held her bow fixed on him. But just as quick as he Anger came is was gone. He slowly grabbed he's head slowly running he hand down his face covering it. as he feel bad for letting this darkness get a hold of him like that. Siddhartha slowly gains control of him self and just stands there looking at her. With this deep Despair in he's eye's.

    " I'm Sorry... I don't like being looked down at nor being disrespected. I'm Not here to hurt you or fight at all.. I'm just lost, Alone and confused that's all. Forgive me

    He then walk to the edge and looked down at the other two. seeing what all was going on down there. If they where okay. He looked around the city roof tops as the stairs off. He let out a sigh trying to rap is head around what he must do next. all this time he's been looking he has found nothing at all of her. With he back turned on the girl. He says in the most kindest voice to this girl.

    "Do you think it worth looking for someone you car for even if you know you may never find them?

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    Dead Bone Pulse Empty Re: Dead Bone Pulse

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