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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:05 am

    Brazil, lush with forest and full of animals that can't be found anywhere else. It was here that a man with red autumn hair. He was wearing a bar of baggy black jeans that were getting caught on the branches and bushes around him. He had been chasing a small group of arrancar when he had ran into a couple of patrolling Shinigami, who decided to talk his game. Not being happy about this the man, cut down both the Shinigami and arracnar like he was swatting flies, and was now mad that both groups together were not enough to even be considered a warm-up.

    Grabbing a piece of fruit from a nearby tree, Thasti continued to walk through the rain forest, looking for more Shinigami or Arrancar, who ever decided to show up first and challenge him to a fight. He found most places interesting, yet where ever he went there was nobody strong enough give him a good fight, and after going through the tough people in the town or city he was usually bored, and this forest was no execption. Yawning out of bored, Thasti chucked the pit of the fruit deeper into the forest.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:25 am

    Michael was in the same forest at the time and could sence thasti's riatsu, he remembered the last time there fight was intereupted he had a smirk on his face as he was in the shadows through the trees, he saw the piece of fruit being thrown into the bushes ironically it was coming his way so he managed to catch it. The sound of the fruit colliding with his hand was the same noise as a tennis ball being caught in someones hand. Michael caught the fruit and then rose his riatsu enough for it to be felt and to warn other shinigami away from the area. Michael walks out of the bushes and then takes a deep bite into the fruit and then swallows the piece and says.

    "Mmm... juicy... heh... hello Thasti... it's been a while hasent it?"

    Michael throws the fruit to the side and then walks forwards and looks at thasti and says.

    "Don't you remember who I am? Last time we met I was the Vice Captain of squad 2 and you were still in the soul society, unfortunatly our fight was interupted, so now you owe me a fight!"
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:46 am

    Thasti stopped walking when he heard a rustle in the bushes not far from him, and watched Micheal walk towards him, and stop not far from him. Yes he remembered the guy, not that he really wanted, considered he would have prefered to forget about it, but the betrayal of his own squad members and his hatered towards the Soul Society, would not let him forget the place he once called home.

    "Yes I remember Micheal. Lets just hope you have improved your fighting skills that have given you the right to hold the title of Captain, that I once held."

    Thasti shivered as he continued to remember the past he left behind. Using shunpo, Thasti disappeared only to reappear behind Micheal, swing the back of his hand towards Micheal's neck.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:24 pm

    Michael shook his head in dissapointment, Michael turned around and then grabed held of Thasti's hand quickly.

    "Now now... this area is far too crowded, time to clear it up!"

    Michael raised his riatsu so it would be like a large blast that would come out of his body and then send out a large wave along the whole area around them disintigrating anything in its way apart from Thasti who wouldent be affected by the move. The area was now clear and was now a large circular sanded arena, Michael's riatsu went back to its normal stabalised form. Once he had let go of Thasti's hand he jumped back a few feet to be opposite him.

    "Now that the area is cleared we can fight in piece! let the battle begin!"
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:05 am

    Thasti didn't struggle when Micheal caught his arm. He was disappointed through when Micheal decided to clear a section of the forest just for their fight. When the reaitsu passed by Thasti, he felt a small tingle but nothing that would that would cause any damage. Feeling Micheal release his arm, Thasti watched him jump back.

    "Yes lets carry on from where we left off."

    Unsheathing his sword with his right hand, Thasti shunpo'd toward Micheal and threw a punch at his stomach with his left hand, while swinging his sword towards Micheal's shoulder.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:43 am

    Michael saw the attack as it was played out, Michael stood there as the attack was being played out, Michael unsheathed his right zanpaktou out and clashed it with thasti's zanpaktou, and then took the blow to the gut. Michael was winded lightly, he gasped slightly but quickly recovered during his movements. Michael grabbed hold of thasti's shirt/robe top and attempted to swing him around with one arm while still having his right arm held up above him to clash with thasti's zanpaktou that was aiming for his shoulder.

    "Come on quit with the cheap attacks and lets get onto the proper battle!"
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:42 am

    Thasti watched as Micheal blocked his sword, and his fist hit Micheal's stomach. Thasti knew it didn't do much damage, but he still liked getting in the first hit. Feeling Micheal grab his shirt, Thasti allowed himself to be lifted off the ground. Going with the momentum of the throw, Thasti withdrew his sword from Micheal's and tapped on the red joker that sat on top of his hilt.

    "Be careful with what you wish for," Thasti replied

    "It's time to entertain, Joker" speaking the last word the red joker popped of the hilt, while the black joker peeled off the hilt and started to float around Thasti. At the same time, tow rectangles appeared; one near the hilt and the other right above the tip of the blade. Grabbing the black joker, Thasti placed it in the rectangle near the hilt, causing the blood red blade to pulse black.

    "Black wave," swinging the sword, the black cover slipped off the blade, and without enough room to split, the full black arc closed the small gab between Micheal and Thasti instantly.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:06 am

    Michael turned around to see that a large black powerful wave of energy sent by lee was coming towards Michael, Michael's reactions wernt quick enough to dodge them so he quickly took out his zanpaktous, formed an X infront of him and then jumped backwards so that the crash inpact wouldent be as hard as it would be if he dident do anything. The large powerful wave hits Michael and sends him back flying through the forest, crashing down trees that Michael diden't whipe out. Eventually the wave dissaperes into the air and Michael's body was crashed into a tree fully burnt and hurt. Michael fell from the tree and onto the ground.

    Michael grunts slightly and manages to get up with dirt marks across his whole body and robing and his shinigami top torn and burnt marks all over him. He grunts kinda and manages to get up and strengthen his legs.

    Michael grabs his zanpaktou's and then looks at them and then back at lee, he shrugs and then leans his body forwards and begins to charge up at him, increasing his speed rapidly. Michael runs through all of the bushes and trees and then gets onto the plane dirt area where they were originally fighting.

    Once Michael gets 5 feet infront of he jumps up 10 feet into the air, Michael's body spins around with his two blades out as he comes crashing down towards thasti spinning his blades around his body like a human tornado attempting to cut Thasti in anyway he can.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 83
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:22 am

    Thasti watched as Micheal went flying towards the forest all the time being pushed by his black wave. Within seconds Micheal disappeared from Thasti's view as he entered the forest. Standing straight with his zanpaktou by his side, Thasti waited for Micheal's return.

    It took a couple of minutes, but Thasti finally saw Micheal emerge from the forest, wielding both of his zanpaktous. Watching as Micheal reaches the border of the cleared trees, Thasti sees him jump, and spin his body into a hurricane decending towards him.

    "You always knew how to make a fight intersting,"

    Backing up just a couple of steps, Thasti puts up his single sword to block the rain of attacks by Micheal. The clash of metal on metal produced a smile on Thasti's face, knowing that Micheal was a worthy opponent to crush, and even possible release his new form to. The wind pressure created from Micheals attack sliced through his shirt, and tickeled his stomach

    After a minute, Thasti became bored with the spinning attack and decided to send the spinning Micheal away again. Thasti placed his free hand in front of him.

    "Hado #1 Sho" Thasti released a blast of reaitsu.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:02 pm

    Michael gets blown away by the blast, the blast spins him around the opposite direction, once he gains a good air blanace he goes towards the floor and extends his legs and lands swifly skidding slightly in the dirt floor leaving a trail. Michael grabs hold of his head due to dizzyness. He trys to balance himself out and withdraws his two zanaptkou's. He extends his hands infront of his and says.

    "Hado 4. Byakurai"

    As Michael said this, due to the fact that he was dizzy the kido attack would fly everywhere and hit everywhere, if he was lucky Thasti would get hit but he wasent counting on it due to him being dizzy.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:57 am

    Thasti watches as the spinning Micheal gets blown away, and eventually gains some balance while in the air. It wasn't soon after Micheal landed, that Thasti saw him fire a hado. "I expected more out of you Captain. Being pushed away so easily and get steady oneself enough to fire a hado proberly."

    Taking a offensive stance with his sword behind him, Thast grabbed the black joker once again, and this time slid it into the rectangle near the tip of the blade, and once again it pulsed black. "This time theres more than enough room. Black wave!"

    Swinging the blade verically upward, the pulse flew off his blade, and after flying several feet towards Micheal the wave split into three pieces and all turned to converge on the spot where Micheal was 'standing'.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:14 am

    Michael managed to regain his balance but still acted asif dizzy and to make it more realistic he took a flask out from his captains haori, and wobbling back and fourth he opened up this metalic flask and began drinking from it. He closed the flask and saw the three waves coming towards him.

    "Oo...This could be a problem..."

    Michael looks to the waves laughing lightly he places his hands infrotn of him and then says.

    "Hmm... Bakudō 21.Sekienton."

    As he says this a large red smoke blows up infront of Michael and begins to spread around the whole area, as the view was covered and the waves were coming in Michael quickly shunpoed Behind thasti and took out his right zanpaktou and attempted to slash the back of Thasti's neck. Michael knew Thasti was too good for a meer cheap shot like this, Michael just wanted to joke about abit and see how long his drunken act would take him.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:58 am

    So Micheal has become a drinker, who would have cared. Thast thought to himself as he watched Micheal take a drink from a flask, right before he used a bakudo to hide his whereabouts. Thasti shook his head.

    "It would have been better if had tried to dodge to keep the act going instead of using that bakudo, considering getting out of a cloud of red smoke, requires having complete control over one's coordination, right?" Thasti said, as he smiled to meet Micheal's blade. Bringing up his left hand, Thasti used it to block Micheal's blade. "As long as your zanpaktous remain sealed, you cannot hope to harm me."

    Bringing his sword up, Thast swung down at Micheal's head.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:45 am

    "Heyyy mann.. How chuu been!!"

    Michael grabs his left zanpaktou and then clashes it with Thasti's Zanpaktou, Michael smirks and continues acting drunk.

    "Ahh come on now.. you really want me to release my zanpaktou... Hic!... why... it's just getin started mann!!"

    Michael raises his spiritual pressure and continues to push againts Thasti's blade.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:57 pm

    Thasti didn't release his hold on Micheal's right zanpaktou, and kept applying pressure to the blocking sword as well. Thasti didn't back down as Micheal started to rise his reaitsu pressure.

    "And you'll die before this fight even reaches its climax." Thasti replied, as he too started to rise his spirit pressure. Yet as Thasti rised his reiatsu, it started to turn darker than a normal shinigami's reaitsu. Picking up his foot, Thasti drove his heel towards Micheal's toes.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:46 am

    "Heheheh... looks like i'm gonna start having to get serious now... looks like our little ex shinigami friend is more than what he looks"

    Michael smirks and then sees the heal coming to Michael's toes, Michael pushes thasti back enough to make him stumble and Michael shuffles backwards lightly, he withdraws his blades and then takes out his metalic vase filled with water that he was drinking and acting drunk from it, Michael smirks lightly he opens it up and takes a sip and then throws the vase at Thasti while it's open making the water go all over thasti and soak him slightly.

    Michael then takes out his zanpaktou's and stretches and says.

    "Look's like i'm gonna have to stop acting drunk and fight for real, looks like this won't turn out to be a friendly fight at all.."

    Michael's face gets serious he grabs a hold of his zanpaktou's once again and unsheathes them holding them tightly, he looks towards the ground and then raises up his spiritual pressure to what would usualy make a normal shinigami third seat fall to there knees.

    "Now then Thasti... it looks like from what I heard back in the soul society them rumors they been spreading are true, now then... I better take you down nice and quickly."
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:10 am

    Quickly catching his feet, Thasti felt his toes get wet. "Lovely," Col said as he shook his feet.

    Grabbing the red joker, Col popped the black one out of its slot, before turning the blood stained blade over and slides the red joker into the rectangle near the hilt. With the joker touching the blade, a red mist slowly started to seep off of the blade.

    "Just you Shinigami trash."

    Rushing in, Thasti increased his reaitsu and swung the blade aiming for Micheal's right side, while leaving small cuts on the ground, which produced the same hallucinating mist that was coming off of his blade.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:50 am

    Michael sniffed the air and smelt something funny, he diden't know what it was but if he was gonna continue in this battle he would have to be carful, Michael turned his head to see Thasti coming from his right. Michael quickly turned his body around and then charged at Thasti aswell raising his spiritual pressure up high making the ground below and area around them tremble with the clashing riatsu. Michael clashes blades with Thasti and tences his neck muscles and grins showing his canine teeth, Michael's feet dig into the ground and begin to slowly push Michael forward in hope of pushing thasti back to slice him with just pure strength.

    "Come on punk! you were one of us and now you betrayed us that to me is the same as spittin in the face of you're own family! So come on! you say you're strong you say you can defeate me and you're eyes say you can kill me, then do it! You scum!"
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:23 am

    Thasti pushed against Micheal's blades while keeping his reiatsu high and stable. Thasti didn't move an inch while Micheal tried to use power agaisnt a brute.

    "You know I have you beat when it comes to shear power. Taking out the previous 11th captain was easy, and you'll be no different."

    Sliding his right foot back just an inch, Thasti starts pushing down on Micheal with more force than before.

    "Its you guys who tried to kill me first! The 11th division memebers attempted to kill me in their coup, and no one came to my aid, and labled me as a traitor! Besides you guys never bothered to learn the full truth of that incident!"
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Funnyguy339 Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:38 am

    "Heh you think you can beat me in sheer strength and brutality you should know who you're talking to I came to equal strengths with the former squad 11 captain Jenny who is now in squad 0 and that girl heh... not only are her looks stunning but her abilities and strengths are aswell, I saw what happend that day my squad were ordered to take you down.

    I stoped them before they could do anything I wanted to hear you out first but squad 11 was already trying to kill you. I was hoping that you would go down easily and then we could sort this out but we was wrong so we were forced to attack you wiether we liked it or not!"

    Michael growl slightly his zanpaktou passive abilities awakened and through his anger the clouds above began to form thicker and it began to pour with rain and thunder began to roar in the skies, the dirt below them now turning into mud was begining to get thicker to stand in. Michael did all he could to push Thasti back, as Thasti pushed Michael back abit Michael tenced his muscles and pushed him back even more making Thasti's feet grind through the dirt/mud floor by a few inches.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
    Rogue Shinigami
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    A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead Empty Re: A confrontation of a Captain, and the one thought dead

    Post by Thasti Col Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:14 am

    Thasti stared into Micheal's eyes, and he continued to push against Micheal's twin swords "You may be on par with one of the Gotei's captain, yet I have yet to use both of my hands to swing my sword, while you are using both of your swords to block just my one." Thasti smiled, "which gives me an advantage.

    Thasti removed the red joker from the rectangle, and just as the black joker reached the left side of his face, Thasti grabbed it and insereted it into the slot that the red joker was occupying. The blood red blade started to pulse black for a third time.

    "Black wave" Sliding off of the blade, the wave exploded as it touched Micheal's zanpaktou's

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