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alice of the Rose
Ootori Hanzo
12 posters

    God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by ?????? Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:19 pm

    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Resizedgarcch1_zpsc10c809f

    Everyone was busy with repairing houses, roads, stocking food and chopping wood. The winter was cold, and everything was white, but with this eyes, crimson sight. Blood of one and many in my hands, i see nothing but red and white.

    For days I swam across the freezing sea, tearing my flesh then leaving me be, shore was heaven, but nothing alike, this land i have gone to was not what's in mind.

    They eyed me... Men... Women... Children.. of the dead. They shiver in fright, protecting each other with trembling arms. I had snapped, breaking them to pieces, leaving no trace behind.

    All i see is red, the sound of their cries, the sweetest of all tunes. Was this my purpose? Ah yes, now i remember. Someone released me, and sent me hear to play.

    This was the play ground, the place under heaven, the place of those creatures, who protected those vermins.

    "Suus 'a pulchra vita ad finem."

    I was inside the walls of Gotei 13, silently moving as they moved, silently sneaking when they breath. Ive gathered enough information to leave my post, but not enough to bring them down. NO.

    What I had in mind was something far grand. If my plan is put in to action, this farce will cease to exist.

    The beauty in it, is that they believed my smiles, my charming words and beautiful sword play. They will go down, this 13. They will fall so low that they would beg at my feet.

    This 13, they will fall.

    3 days... He said. In 3 days, this organizations fate will meet it's definite doom. How boring.

    It was the last day of the vote, and as the 8th Division captain voted, it was decided.

    The flames roared royal blue, they have decided to join the mission, the one who would search for God. How Boring.

    He almost noticed my presence, but he shrugged it off then finally left.

    I put in my vote, just one paper, turning the flame crimson red.

    They will not go anywhere, these shinigami's they're staying here.

    How boring.

    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
    Captain And Commander
    Captain And Commander

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:53 pm

    Hanzo was the first to arrive inside the meeting room, but he froze just a few steps away from the door. From there he could see the color that the chalice had turned. It was Red.

    So they had decided. Even with his vote, it couldn't even make the flame purple, it was pure red, the color of blood, burning the white walls of the meeting room, melting all that's white into nothing but red.

    Someone had his back and helped him up on the chair. "It's decided, it seems were not gonna go on this voyage." Hanzo pounded the table. He explained himself like a red handed criminal, the person just listened.

    "Say something!" He yells like he was awaiting some sort of redemption.

    Posts : 46
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Chico Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:00 pm

    "You cant do this anymore, Hanzo" He said, his voice calm and cold at the same time. "You cant lie to me more than you could lie to anyone, you're not fit for this job anymore, you've gone week." The person then smiles, lightening up the mood. "My father would have been disappointed of you. It's not a bad thing.... No.. It's not your fault, not on the slightest bit Hanzo."

    Only this person was aware of what the Captain and Commander was going through, after all, he was the one who kept the Captain and Commander Captive, the 5 years he was lost in Hell.

    "Hanzo, you must step down."
    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
    Captain And Commander
    Captain And Commander

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:09 pm

    "Not yet." Hanzo stood up with all his strength, smiling at the man before he started walking straight and out of the room. "Kaoru... You take care of this place while I'm gone."

    Those were the last words he spoke before leaving Gotei 13 Head Quarters, traveling north west, to the place they called Thriller Bark somewhere in the Minamoto District.

    Posts : 46
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Chico Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:13 pm


    That was a name he had almost forgotten. No one has called him that for so long, the last he heard anyone call him that was in Hell, when he wasnt him self. He watched Hanzo walk away while thinking. "Why does it feel like... this would be the last I'll see of him?"

    Kaoru sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "How boring.."

    He sat on the Captain and Commanders Chair, awaiting the wave of captains that was suppose to arrive any minute now. "Sorry Hanzo."

    So he waited.
    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Aki_624 Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:17 am

    The winter was truly the worst this year. Even the third's rain turned into heavy snow. Almost everyday of the winter their was a blizzard. Nothing unusual for the third though. Wearing underarmor and a scarf to keep her warm Aki Mifune arrived at the meeting hall umbrella in hand. She stared up at the door before entering. Not even seeing the flame she could tell what the results. The furious gotei 13 captains.

    "I guess I'm saying goodbye to my squad for a bit again." The gates opened and she walked in. Still with the open umbrella. Dripping snow and letting it melt on the ground. "Snow sure is heavy this year." She got in line. And awaited the others.
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Zatoichi Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:43 am

    Receiving yet another noticed that he is needed to attend another place since its only been a little over a few set hours since taking a break on training some before he came to a sense of what he was going to do with taking part on the mission with the other captains of the gotei. Zatoichi gets ready and takes his things upon locking up the area in which he is using to go over a few basics as he does prior to any real training which he involves himself in. The seventh captain doesn’t run off like before but instead casually makes his way from the seventh division compound towards the destination in which the notice letter has called him too.

    While making his way to the meeting he does realize that he did say prior to leaving the first serious meeting that he would take part regardless but now he is questioning himself if but for a mere moment. It was then that he reminds himself that to question yourself is to doubt yourself the capabilities as a leader as a protector and with that reminded from within his resolve is soon refreshed. It did not take him long to find the location of the meeting since the central headquarters of all major topics of discussion is quite literately one of the larger compounds that resides for serious matters.

    Zatoichi is quite bundled up since his haori is an overly larger coat than most and he doesn’t pull his hands out of it since the inner lining of it can be fitted with a type of warming material which he adds should it be needed. And since the weather tends to fluctuate in soul society now and then, and so the quiet captain does his fittings of it prior to leaving any place that is beyond the compounds of seventh division. Standing at the door as he waits for it to open, the easy breathing is noticed since it escapes the mask below his face as if he were leaking of air from inside him.

    Upon his entrance he can spot the third captain who seems to have gotten this memo much faster than him or that she just doesn’t waste her time so easily whereas others would. The doors open and Zatoichi nods his head down as a way to pay respects for letting him through and he walks to the gates which then open long before he even is asked to state his business. It would be as if all the captains of the gotei need no reason to state anything if they make it beyond the doors prior to entering here.

    Looking into the main compound, Zatoichi can see a lot is being talked about and finding his place since it goes in order. With holding his words and everything else, the captain wipes his feet down before entering as this place should hold all high regards and tracking any kind of mess into here is disrespectful as he thinks. As soon as he feels he is ready the seventh captain nods to the third captain and the other individual as he finds his place in order. Standing he waits for the rest to arrive.

    Rank : Royalty
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:14 pm

    The room had began to fill itself, slowly but surely with one captain and then, another. The message was sent to all of the captains of the thirteen court guard squads. But not all of the captains came to the call of the head captain Ootori Hanzo, for one reason or another. Though, there was one reason that most if not all captains knew. Captain of the first squad, Alister Hinamatsuri. The reclusive captain that made few if not any appearances with the outside world.

    There were others that did that for him. The first was his most trusted and dearest vice-captain, Suki Edmonzaimon. One of the only people that Alister himself ever came out of hiding willingly to see. The other was not even a person at all, but his own sword or more over, his shikai. That was the one that would appear in his stead today at this meeting as Suki was at the last.


    A seemingly small child, around that of nine to twelve walked into the room. But upon closer inspection, this is false. The girls left arm from the elbow hovers slightly from her body. She wore the first squad captains haori which drug itself behind her as the size difference is great. Under that was a simple and plain light purple dress. There are a multitude of ball-joints and sockets the closer one looks on the figure.

    The small puppet looked around and soon, found itself a place to sit as it put its hands onto its lap and closed its eyes as it spoke

    "So are we not going to be on this little venture to find God? Or was this vote thing a false show of choice?"

    Posts : 29
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Kura Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:31 pm

    "Is that really all you've got?!" Kura shouted at his hard working squad members. He was trying to get his squad to work hard before he would leave for the captains meeting. I'll leave for the meeting and I'll see how they're doing when I come back. Kura thought to himself as he walked away from the tenth division training grounds. He always made a point to not be late to captains meetings, no matter what he was doing.

    Kura had decided to vote yes to the venture. He knew it was risky but the soul society would not be the same without a soul king, it was the duty for Shinigami to protect the worlds and he figured helping to find a soul king pretty much fell under that category. "I don't care what the other captains think about this being to risky, we all agreed risk our lives in becoming Shinigami," Kura said as he reached the doors of the hallways.

    Kura didn't fear the outside worlds. He knew all of this would come down to the other captains opinions. Kura looked around the place, his eyes narrowed on the door. The young captain opened the door into the captains meeting hall. There were quite a few captains but not a lot of them. He sighed in relief that he wasn't the last person there, that he wasn't late. Kura's crimson eyes looked at where his spot should be and then he walked to his spot in line.

    "So how's it gonna be then? Are we helping squad zero or are we just gonna sit back here in the soul society again?"
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by alice of the Rose Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:47 pm

    Alice silently arrived and got in line. She had no words to her Division members when she left, and no words for her fellow captains as she arrived. She just wanted to see what new play mates were to come.

    Her ability to have empathy was extremely low, and she just wanted to go out and play. Staying at home would be rather boring, and she would go find something to play with no matter the situation. However, it would be nice to go after the new enemy.

    家臣 Retainer

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Nerovampyro Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:12 am

    Foot steps were heard behind the captain as the the man whom looked for aid arrived. His eyes on the flames seeing how they danced, how red they were to the eyes of a normal being. His eyes were narrowed as he saw lord Hanzo and another being whom he did not recognize. Adding the two together the squad Zero captain deduced there was something underfoot occuring, and with how heaven is, he cant waste precious time.

    As he approach the throne like chair the mysterious figure was in, an enormous blade appeared in his hand, as though materialized out of thin air. standing 10 feet away the captain of the royal guards looked at him as he declared his ultimatum to him.

    "I do no know who you are but you are not welcome... Leave, or die"

    The male's voice showed anger, the same anger that drives him to defend heaven. All the while, no reiatsu was felt by Daiseisho, almost like he was not there. But he was and this his promise just as real. All the while his piercing eyes glared at whom this might be
    2nd Division Captain
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Raiden Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:28 am

    Raiden has arrived with the other Captains, he was wearing his captains uniform with the acception of a mask that covered his mouth and part of his nose. He looked around with his eyes as he heard what the Squad 0 Captain said, he stayed silent and stood in line and waited for the being to respond to his demands.
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:57 am

    Captain Hiromi Miyamoto appeared slightly later than most of the other Captains due to her having to help her squad clear paths around the Seireitei. There was quite a lot of snow falling, but it fitted the season she supposed. When she got inside, she scratched her head, making more snow fall off of her from when it had gathered during her walk over here. Sticking her hands inside her sleeves for warmth, she surveyed the scene of the Squad 0 Captain in front with her hawk-like golden eyes.

    "Yo, what's goin' on? What's the vo-" She asked her fellow surrounding Captains, until she caught sight of the Cup's color. "Looks like we're staying here after all." Hiromi tried to be discreet as she let out a small sigh of relief. As head of the Healing Squad, she certainly didn't want the brunt of the Seireitei's defenders leaving their posts. There would undoubtedly be a rise in casualties if so.

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Chico Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:57 pm

    "Captains, a pleasure to meet you all." Kaoru sat on Hanzo's throne like chair center of the back part of the meeting hall. "I'm afraid you're trip to the upper plane has been cancelled. As you may all have seen for now, the flame on the chalice burned blood red, you have all decided NOT to join the voyage to heaven."

    They may not recognize him now, but Kaoru was once one of the most feared criminals in Soul Society. He lead a rebellion which cost the lives of millions of innocent souls. He was one of the few souls to ever experience being taken into hell by force, he was the first case which Gotei 13 have ever encountered and witness. This confirmed the existence of Hell for most everyone.

    But that wasnt the question now, his appearance greatly changed, and his stories were mere legends this time, to them, he posed no threat, he was nobody now.

    " before any hostility pointed towards me, I came here a mere messenger, sent to deliver a message from the NSS (Nobles Society of Sereitei). You can call this anything you want, but as for the time being, Gotei 13 is asked not to leave their posts. Your duty is to the people of Soul Society, and Heaven protected us not when the world was stolen away by Lucifer, the Nobles, demand a separate control of power. A power not dependent to that of the soul king. An authority that matches the power of God within this plane. "

    He takes a sip of tea before continuing.

    "But eitherway, you all spoke your votes. So its decided, you're all to stay here and continue with your duties."

    He threw his arms over his head and continued.

    "Now then, i doubt there will be any, but Hanzo left me here to answer all of your questions, i may not look the part, but I'm Hanzo's most trusted friend and only care for what's the best for Soul Society"

    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Zatoichi Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:33 pm

    Having lost the last bit of his nerve the seventh captain finally answers out towards this wannabe figure whom displays great amount of history and power but even still Zatoichi does not hold his tongue and walks toward the center of the room while the rest were locked on their own trivial rants of what they wish to say or do. “I don’t care about you or what you stand for, I could give a flying crap what you are here to do and say. But to call us all here just to witness some stupid piece of crap flame change color and you indicate that as a way for us to decide, Bull crap you are simply crap beneath the edge of a stained sword filled with residue from a worn out candle. The hell with what you decide for us and you can tell that to Hanzo. This will be the last time I come to one of these stupid meetings only to be told something else entirely. Waste of time you and your backwards nonsense are,” Having no more need to further get involved the seventh captain storms out of the meeting and pushes forth the doors that lead into the area as if they were nothing but twigs showing he doesn’t like to be toyed with and have his time wasted like it was. He tried to hold his nerves but somehow it got the better of him and he had enough of all these high and mighty wannabe figures.

    He has no need to wait for the guards to open the gates for him as he kicks them from his side outward at them upon breaking them in the process. His temper has gotten the better of him as he storms out of the entire area like a raging demon with no more need to show respect and gratitude to anyone even if that said person may he ancient in reference to him. “The hell with everyone, they are all a big waste of time. They sit on a pedestal and act like they are tough crap only to babbler back and forth about the history of relics they are. Waste of time a lot of them,”

    The captain makes his way outside to breathe and get some fresh out since he is overwhelmed with this guy he acts like he can speak for everyone. Being bottled up with anger and frustrations as they seem to the only emotions raging inside him after hearing it all through, he never does enjoy the politics of anything. But he fights to try at least to make an effort to cool off by stepping outside to relax his nerves a bit.

    Last edited by Soundz on Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:57 am; edited 1 time in total
    3rd Division Captain
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:46 am

    Smiling the smallest captain of all gave a light smile at the criminal in front of her. She couldn't care less who he was, if he was here in place of Hanzo it should be alright. And frankly now that the color of the flame turned red nothing really concerned her anymore. She merely let out a childish laugh that rang after the 7th captains outrage. " Zatchii really has no patience does he?" Making up a random and bad nickname out of thin air to break the silence.

    Her slit eyes merely open a bit to reveal a gold hue. "Its really funny though. The loyal captains under Hanzo chose to stay behind and not fight? Its almost like a bad joke." The statement seemed like a curious question but sounded really like a bad joke. It did make her a bit curious as to why the flame turned the color red. "I hope those guys don't catch a cold while working. The snow is falling pretty hard these days." Trailed another useless statement followed by a laughter.

    Last edited by Aki_624 on Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Rioshi Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:29 am

    The rooftops were slick with the previous evening's storm, the tears and sweat of a non existent god on high having rained till clouds were all dried up. A cool wafting breeze slid eagerly off the tongue of the Twelfth Captain by the doorway, and though his eyes were merry he was still.

    Quiet as the dead. A statue, noticeable only by the clockwork ticking of his barely rising and falling chest. The scrape of metal rings roughly into the air as the skin of this tall gentleman hums with a magnetic vhir; every second of his eyes tracing the blueprints of those nearby as his right eye catalogs all relevant information.

    He was closest to the door, not interacting with the others as his suit mimicked the coloration of the wall so as to go unseen. Rioshi glanced, unbidden towards the far end of the expanse but amusedly not going any further. He looks up, tsks lightly, and fades from view completely.

    The Machine Heart did not care for either side. He had faith they would do the right thing anyways.

    And just like that, he vanished.

    Rank : Royalty
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:02 am

    The small girl that wore the first squad captains haori stood, dwarfed by the other captain's in size but tried not to let it show too much. It seemed that the man in question was left to answer their questions, as he had said and was to be trusted by Hanzo himself. It was then that the fragile girl looked to see the squad seven captain rage and soon, left the room in anger as she would seemingly speak to herself

    ".....I don't know.....I'm not sure either....."

    She then turned to see the squad three captain breaking the silence after that with a small joke and laughter which caused the small girl to laugh slightly as well.

    "This is why you should get out more...oh come on, don't be like th-...okay, okay."

    The girl then turned her attention outward and slowly raised her hand, as if in class or to make sure she was noticed as the elongated sleeve she wore slid down her fake arm as she would wait to make sure that everyone would notice her. She would put her hand down and place both of her hands onto her lower stomach as she would bow forward respectfully and speak.

    "I am Kokeshi, Suigetsu Kokeshi. Zanpakuto and shikai of the first squad captain Alister Hinamatsuri. Captain Hinamatsuri wishes to ask who all will be effected by the loss of the Soul King? And...what would happen if a captain were to side with the captain of the royal guard in his search as well as....slow well as what you, Kaoru are doing here in Ootori Hanzo's place."
    家臣 Retainer

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Nerovampyro Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:51 am

    "The Nobles society of the Seirietei..."

    The captain looked at the man, his sword still against this man's throat as he then sighed a little. He knew why the world was like this. He knew why the domain was unable to answer soul society's call. He was there.

    "Heaven did not answer the call since she did not receive the cry for assistance. Lord Hajime Yukimura died, meaning the gates to heaven were closed."

    The captain stated this fact as he pressed the swords against the male's neck.

    "And now with the seven stakes of Purgatory waging war against Heaven you expect me to believe that these shinigami will not face a threat like this? Suki Edmonzaimon would not allow this to occur."

    The male stated the name of the young vice captain of squad 1. A noble woman, the head of her family. She would know the threat and would not be as short sighted as the so called society.

    "As captain of squad zero, I will bear the responsibilty of those that follow me to heaven."

    He stated this with a tone that showed he had enough of it. The shinigami are needed to fight, a fight that angels fear.

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Kura Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:30 am

    Kura looked at the squad zero captain, it wasn't with admiration, he didn't think he was foolish for thinking he could go by himself but he certainly wasn't impressed with his bravery. Kura had been simply standing in line, being a quite captain, he had simply watched and paid careful attention to the events that unfolded around him. Kura decided he might as well say his input, he was usually a quite and laid back captain but now it was time to say his opinion.

    "With all due respect captain of squad zero I know how desperate you are to go but do you really think you will simply take a few Shinigami and it'll be enough to accomplish the task yo are so desperate to complete? I wanted to go as well but if everyone else doesn't want to go there's no point in going with a few people and probably getting killed, that wouldn't accomplish anything," Kura said plainly and with no emotion.
    3rd Division Captain
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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:15 am

    The umbrella spun on Aki's shoulder in a quite repetitive pace. It seems some actually still do want to go to Heaven. But she figured since it was indeed the captain of squad 0. Everyone seemed to have various roudy and different opioins. Which wasn't suprising as some of these captains don't get a long in the first place. She heard Captain Kura speak for the first time she believed and chuckled at his statement. He was quite different, usually captains death or not would have just went.

    "Kurachii taicho's got a strong saying there. And Daichii taicho is loyal as always." The small child said laughing referring to the two captains. "I am interested as well, why are you so intend on going somewhere that most of us voted down for. You may die, I mean. If those purapura things attack we can just face them when the idiots in heaven fail." Her eyes then slit open a tiny bit to face the man on the throne. "What are we even really up against?"

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Chico Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:27 am

    Kaoru listened intently as one by one the captain voiced their concerns, he was just about to answer them when the emergency bell rang 3 times, meaning there was strange activity happening somewhere right at that very moment. One hell butterfly was able to make it's way to the room and spoke.

    "A wide scale explosion covered half of Ootori district not far from the 3rd division area. It is believed to be caused by a hollow, but nothing as of yet has been confirmed. The Ootori clan sent 2 teams to handle the matter, but both teams were believed to be wiped out by the enemy."

    Chico was left silenced by the message, so "it has happened" he thought, just as expected of them. He definitely knew something about the creatures, but only to an extent.

    "Also, to the captains..." The hell butterfly continued. "Hanzo relies his final message to you.

    Hanzo: Protect Home.

    This was the last we heard of him.
    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    God Is Dead {3rd Day} Empty Re: God Is Dead {3rd Day}

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:59 am

    Aki's questions weren't even answered before the alarm rang. But no matter. there were bigger matters to be handled, the Ootori district had an explosion? Which is the closest to her home. Not in a million years was she going to go through another destruction of her kingdom. She instantly summoned her butterfly and stated orders.

    "Tell only the 1st and 2nd team to head out to the Ootori district, do not engage in battle, just observe and report." The butterfly flew away from her as she stared at its wings. "Protect home?" Even through the alarm she let out a laugh that rang through the room. "What kind of game will this be?"

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