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cool beans
Sanba Yukimura
Loli Gaga
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    Uruha Medical Clinic

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:01 am

    Welcome to Uruha Medical Clinic

    Uruha Medical Clinic 30vddme

    Uruha clinic is certified by the government, the doctor in charge is named Envidia Lobrego, He's said to be a miracle worker who can cure any type of disease.

    Feel free to drop by, get free check ups or just say hello to the doctor.

    This is an RP thread, please stay on topic and on character.

    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:00 am

    *Sanba lands at the front door carrying Uruha*

    Here we go

    *He walks inside and places her sitting up in one of the chairs*

    So whats going on? Can you explain?
    cool beans
    cool beans
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by cool beans Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:08 am

    Following close behind Sanba Hanzo lands inside the clinic

    "I hope i dont need stitches..." He says as he limps in
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:10 am

    *Sanba looked down and saw the blood streaming from his left leg, and then his back. Forgetting about them both he winced as he came to the realization that it hurt*

    Agh looks like im gonna need some help too
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:34 am

    Listening to his I-pod while eating pocky sticks, the doctor of the house was shocked to see that Her boss Uruha Ayako was somewhat in bad shape. He swiflty made his way out of his office making eye contact with the strange looking people. He asked, "You guys aren't normal, are you?" he smiles at them then turns to Uruha and strokes her forehead. "What happened to you?"

    Uruha shakes her head and reveals somewhat of a cut from being bitten by the anaconda. "Snake bite?" she said while Envidia sighs at her saying. "Idiot, how reckless of you." while saying so he cleaned her wounds and somewhat used godai, a healing technique from gotei 13's 4th Division.

    "You must be shocked shinigami"
    he says while smiling. "I guess you can say that im not normal as well."

    He then turns to them as he was done with uruha and continues.

    "I'm Doctor Envidia Lobrego, you can call me Envi" he smiles offering to shake Sanba's hand. "So what are your injuries?"
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:25 am

    *Sanba grins as the doctor hols out his hand. he gives a firm handshake*

    Well it seems that my left arm, left leg and lower back have been sliced open. The leg and arm are pretty charred too
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:37 am

    Checking on his wounds Envi was surprised to see of a new breakthrough. "It seems like your wounds are healing quicker than normal ones, must be cause your special" smiling he cleaned healed and fixed his wounds with godai.

    As Envi was done healing all of them Uruha sat up and started talking as promised. "It was 20 years ago, when i last encountered beings such as your selves, i was with my big brother that time, on our way home, while all of the sudden we saw a crack on the sky. Great inhumane stench came from it, it looked like a rubix cube with parts of it flying and joining the cube again over and over.

    It was the first time that i saw something that looked so human yet so different, they were cold blooded and brutal, they killed my brother and somewhat turned him into one of them. Within a matter of seconds before he couldv'e gotten to me, a shinigami killed him, even though she had great weep seen all over her face, he was still my brother, i felt it whole heartedly, yet, he was killed twice within those short seconds.

    The one who killed him was one of you, i hate how i have her face, for some reason, we have the same face, i grew to hate her starting that day."

    (read this only if you like, its a flash back sort of thing)

    20 years ago
    "OY! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE!" It was almost nightfall when Ruru encountered a little girl who was almost taken by a hollow, she wouldn't stop crying. Realizing she wouldn't see her anyway, she somehow knew that the girl saw them, why else would she start crying.

    Killing off a few more hollows that went after the girl Ruru turned to the girl only realizing that she wasnt alone, behind her a dead body lies of a teenage boy, for some reason Ruru froze for a second only realizing what she has done. "I'm sorry" she said dropping her Zanpakuto and walking over to the girl who was still crying. "You shouldnt be here, your not safe here." Thinking its best to send her home, Ruru was just about to call for someone to send her home but the girl grabbed her hand and wont let go of it.

    "I guess i cant send you away anywhere huh?" having no choice she picked the girl up and gave her a piggy back ride.When she was about to pick her zanpakuto up it vanished, but that dindt stop her from doing her mission, she had to get inside that cube.


    Uruha was now sitting on a more comfortable position drinking a cup of coffee which Envi bought and gave one to everyone.

    "I never caught her name in whole, but im sure that she was called Ruru." Sipping one more time she turns to the window and continues. "She took me inside the cube, I was so scared, so scared that i knew i wasn't going to be able to go home, if she didn't take me home herself, maybe i was destined to die that day, and somehow i never got through that, its all thanks to that shinigami Ruru, she bent fate its self.

    They called the cube Hueco Arca, the hollows arc, it was a false world made by both the shinigamis and hollows to serve as a new home for the hollows, i instantly knew it upon seeing it, for some reason, strange things started happening to me that very night, i just started to instantly knew things. Ruru even branded me the Oracle of the new age, that woman invents stuff even in the brink of death.

    Either way, seeing arrancars again, is something impossible, cause on that night, they all died, Hollows as we all know it, are no longer a living race. So its imposible, cause the balance is a joke.

    After the battle, i was sent home with my memories being sealed, but i was not normal anymore, they couldn't do anything about what i know, or saw that day.

    It was the unwritten history, of how the hollow race died, but somehow a few cease to exist, but they're not the real thing, they are modified ones to make you all believe that your enemies are still the same, the false balance so to say, your job is nothing but a joke now, not unless you solve this case.

    To solve it, i suggest you search for hueco arca, i dunno where it is, but Ruru told me something about a map, a guess the one who you believed to be espada are looking for that map, since non has been written about Hueco arca, no ones really sure if it really exists.

    But im telling you now, i have been there, and it was real."
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Muerte Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:46 am

    A man appeared inside the clinic. He was using his zanpakto as a holster to keep him from falling. His lieutenants badge was gone and his hakama was all that was left of his uniform. He stood at the door with a pale face as he looked up.
    "Eh, I need healing" He said jokingly. He couldn't help but joke at this time around.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:48 am

    *Nachos appears outside, panting heavily from so much shunpoing, he walks in saying*

    God I need to stop smoking.....So what's the story so far?

    *he looks at uruha and bows*

    Mi Lady..
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:59 am

    Uruha smiles over at envi asking him nicely to tend to the wounds of the new comers then continues telling the tale, but summarizing it this time.

    "Bottom line is, that your enemies, the so called hollows/arrancars, are non-existent, they were long before extinct, murdered, massacred even, but this history was never told off.

    Having no hollows means theirs no such thing as the balance of all worlds, to solve the mystery you must find Hueco Arca, the new world of the hollows, but it went missing again, theres such a thing that's called the map, but as to its where about, i dont know anything about it. But it looks to me that your enemies are looking for it as well, they might want something from it."

    OOC: for more info read the longer post above suzu's first post here.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:06 pm

    *Nachos looks at her with a confused face*

    ......uhhhhhh.....say what now? You lost me after "Bottom line is"
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:12 pm

    She glares at him then sipped from her coffee cup.

    "Hollows are all dead now, there aren't any of them left, the mystery lies behind there new world Hueco Arca"
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Muerte Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:18 pm

    Suzaku looks up from where he was at. He looked over and saw Uruha.
    "Hello Milady" He said calmly trying to get up. He then noticed Nachos.
    "Hey bro" He said while coughing.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:19 pm

    So is this Hueco Arca like a new Hueco Mundo? Is that where these new espada and arrancars are from? And how'd they get a hold of the hogyouku?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:39 pm

    "Hueco arca is the new Hueco mundo, yes.

    Supposedly, but the conditions between gotei 13 and the Vasto Lordes were broken, Hueco Arca vanished, and so Gotei 13 saw it as a threat.

    I dunno what this new espada's are, but there not supposed to be alive and breathing.

    I believe they made there own hogyouku, if someone already made it its not impossible to recreate and modify it, only someone with great knowledge of it can do that, one such person is Hajime Yukimura, the ex 12th Division Captain Alfred Alstein and or the deceased witch queen Freya

    I know this from studying years and years of Soul Society Archives, and they are the only ones capable of creating such a thing. So i suggest you look for Hueco Arca, before the new espada's do."
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:45 pm

    *Nachos looks at her with sweat dripping down his face*

    Soooooo, will we be facing Vasto Lordes?

    *Nachos clears his throat*

    You know, not that i'm afraid of them or anything...hehehe

    *more sweat drips down*
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Muerte Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:50 pm

    A cough is heard at the entrance of the clinic.
    "Hueco Arca" He said slowly to himself. He picked himself up with his zanpakto and walked over to the duo who were talking.
    "Hello again" He said to Uruha. "Hello Nachos" He smiled weakly at the duo.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:52 pm

    "Not entirely sure"

    Uruha shakes her head then replies again.

    " You might encounter them, but im pretty sure they're gone as well, like i said earlier, the hollow race is no longer present, that includes every single one of them, from the lowest to the highest. But what do i know? I'm after all just a human branded the oracle of the new age."

    She then bonks the shinigami that was already getting to her nerves.

    "URUSE-NAH!!!! We know your there even though were not recognizing your presence, im just trying to explain something really important here, i hope you don't mind." she said
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Muerte Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:54 pm

    Suzaku held his head tightly. A small glare slid across his face.
    "I came over here to hear what it was you were saying" He said. "But if I can't, I'll leave" He turned and prepared to leave the clinic if needed.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:57 pm

    ooc: am I the one you bonked?

    Ahhhh I see, well it's been an honor talking to ya, now I'll step back and let someone else take the floor..

    *Nachos bows then steps back*
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:00 pm

    Somewhat miffed she wanted to wrestle him to submissiopn but because of her own wounds she couldn't move much.

    "GAAAAH, i so wanna shave your head and laigh all over you, but i guess i cant on my state, i've been repeating it over and over since you guys entered, the answer to your questions lie in the hidden Hueco Arca, but with a missing map, no one knows where it is for sure."

    OOC: no its suzu, uruha is like passive aggressive she tend to act calm, yet when she bursts out its hell on earth.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:09 pm

    ooc: gotcha, i'm just used to being bonkedXD

    So where exactly can we find a map to Hueco Arca? Is it in another dimensional plane?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:18 pm

    "Im not sure my self on where, but what i know is that it is within the living world, its what the espada's are looking for..."
    cool beans
    cool beans
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by cool beans Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:06 pm

    Drool running down Hanzos mouth as he snores in the corner of the clinic, he wakes up and catches the story

    "Uhh wha..? Ok... so you said that all the hollows are gone... well i have to disagree with you there
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Uruha Medical Clinic Empty Re: Uruha Medical Clinic

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:43 pm

    *Sanba stands to his feet looking at everyone*

    I understand what you're saying Uruha. Is there anything else you can share with us about this map? If not that then where these self proclaimed "espada" are currently inhabiting? It would go a long way if we knew whether they were in Hueco Arca or in the living world.

    And another thing, Haji and Alfred have gone missing, do you know of any other person that could be of assisstance. Or maybe if we can some how contact Freya.........somehow

    Sorry for all the questions, I will explain this to my troops momentarily.

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