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Loli Gaga
6 posters

    Uruha Envio {Done}

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:35 am

    I AM Shinigami warrior of god

    Basic Information:

    Human Name:
    Uruha Hana
    Shinigami Name: Minamoto Envi
    Gender: Female
    Age: 701
    Division: 3rd Division
    Rank: any
    Residence: Minamoto Village


    Envi has long light brown hair, she rarely ties them up, and if she does, it always had to be pig tails, which made her look absolutely adorable. She does her best to try not to stand out, though she always did unintentionally.

    Her real eye color is dark brown, but in most days they look brown to anyone eyes. She hates the shinigami attire, she rarely wears them, and she's mostly forced if she did. Envi loves wearing casual living world clothing rather than edo period clothes.


    The Pressure cooker
    Uruha is short tempered, she hates it when her ideas don't connect with what she does, or that when shes tongue tied. She's always a person with many words, and would give you a mouth full if you ever cross her.

    Rough diamond
    She's like a hard boiled egg, tough on the outside, soft on the inside. She rarely shows her sensitive side to anybody, not even to her own mother, she always tends to give other people a hard time mostly cause she thinks its for there own good, she suffers silently.

    Uruha is like a puppy, she mostly falls for a person on first site, shes someone who still believes in fairy tails and believes that her prince charming is somewhere out there, looking at the same bright star as she does.

    The Split
    In times, comes the split, in tough times she turns berserk, this mostly happens when she's under pressure, or she runs out of options. and if it does happens, she looses it completely. This side of her is usually the one they call the inner hollow, but in her case its more her demon side, a voice who never gets heard, the sensitive side who only knows of hurt. For she wears no smile, the split knows only of it, a smile filled with sorrow, one someone wears when they kill.

    Your Legacy:

    Character Story:

    Human Arc:
    Not a lot is known about Hana's human life, but what is known is that she had 2 children, twins, a boy and a girl, Rolo and Reira. Hana died in a car crash caused by hollows, she was unsure how she saw them, but was killed short after.

    Soul Arc:

    She had no memory of who she was or what she was, all that she knows is that she exists, one day, bright light took those of like her, and sent them else where, they were alive. She got re-married to a Minamoto, one of the most feared clans in all of Soul Soceiety, , he was the 13th Generation Boss of the Clan, Minamoto Jubi. After Jubi died, there was a new Leader in place, she had no where to go, with so much freedom, she joined the shinigami academy and successfully graduated, she became a shinigami by name.

    She joins the 3rd Division finding the situation in the very area it stands, interesting.

    RP Sample:

    "When i was alive, i was dead, and now that i am, i never felt more alive."

    "Ayako..." The old Uruha lady called for her inside her head, it was getting late, then again her thoughts screamed out of 'Dont return' rather than 'Save me'.

    The cats were wailing, as if reacting to the presence of an unwelcome figure shadowing the old Uruha from the door way leading outside.

    "Well well, you've changed a lot, Uruha Moko" He's face was covered by a mask, his voice was deep and low that of a males. "Where is Michael?"

    The old Uruha spoke no words, she was in a sitting position, hear head held high her right hand petting a sleeping cat on top of her folded knees.

    "The news spoke of only but truth.... Your true heritage... has truly been erased, no one shall ever wear the uruha name, and by no-one means your demise."

    The only sound that could be heard after was the sound of bamboo hitting another, the cats grew silent, staring at the door way, awaiting of the following events.

    "Means yours as well." Uruha replied, her tone was sharp. "And by my hands shall your blood be lost, you shall never see the day after to night."

    The man laughed, "Your bluffs wont do anything, your too old, and you have someone you want to protect, your outnumbered." he grins. "You let love enter your heart, and it is love who killed you. You've gone soft, Uruha, you are no longer worthy of living."

    Fear was obviously shown on the old Uruha's face, but it was not of the words, true, that she feared, it was what he said earlier about being outnumbered, Ayako... was in danger.

    "Mark my words, you shall never see the light in the world... Demon."

    Your Zanpakuto:

    Zanpakuto Name: Saint Michael 13th ( セントマイケル13 , Sentomaikeru 13 )
    Sealed Appearance:

    It has an air tight case making it seemingly impossible for anyone to pull out, it has a trigger that can be pushed to make this possible, but it only responds to a certain pathological reiatsu surge that can only be released by the a true Uruha heir.

    A chain extends from the zanpakuto's guard to the case making it inter connected with each other at all times. The air tight case also gives the Zanpakuto more force when used.

    The cover its self is rather complex than the zanpakuto alone, its larger and fatter than most, but not as heavy as it would appear. From its mouth written is the Zanpakuto's version which as of to date was Sentomaikeru 13.

    It's blade is quite normal compared to it's cover.

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:
    Sentomaikeru 13 is a girl despite its name being Michael, which is a
    boys name, it's said that Sentomaikeru 13 is more of a manifestation of Ruru (Hikari's mother) sane self.

    Zanpakuto spirit appearance: Sentomaikeru 13 is a teenage girl wearing a headgear which could seemingly absorb all the knowledge in the world, she has long hair and only the lower part of her face shows (namely lips, nose chin). She has pale white skin and is mostly naked but is also sometimes seen in a sailor uniform.

    Zanpakuto Personality:
    Sentomaikeru 13 is playful and smart, she hates to loose and feeds of the enemies fears. She's also quick and perky, mostly childish, sometimes too lazy though.

    Zanpakuto Instinct: If given a chance to walk the earths, Sentomaikeru 13 would most prolly want to achieve normalcy, from the way she dresses, sometimes it gave out what she wanted, she wanted a normal life of a teenage girl.

    Inner world:
    Sentomaikeru 13 lives in a cold dark control room. She's mostly found inside a tank from where thousands of tubes connect to her, from her world she is called the brain controlling billions of super computers all under her command. She's also sometimes just sitting in a big boss chair eating cookies while watching blinking monitors with data running through it all day. It's said to be Hikari's brain.

    Other Information:

    Saint Michael 13 (SM-13) Is one of the firsts of its kind, a modified zanpakuto suiting its Shinigami's personality and likes/dislikes.

    Unlike regular zanpakuto's, SM-13 has the ability to think on its own, and it drives Uruha mad to the bones. Stubborn like her master, a traitor, with a trigger, she can fire freely at an enemy, an ally, or Uruha her self.

    Saint Michael is a katana merged with a gun, or 'gunpakuto' as what Uruha would call it. It may look like a toy, but its very durable. (For released appearance, view bellow)

    Smart Zanpakuto - Saint Michael 13 is a modified zanpakuto, she is smart and somewhat automatic and out of control, she can always out perform her wielder and disobeys them if she thinks they are making a stupid move, or that they will both be in danger.

    Auto Firing - If the safety is not placed, SM13 will fire automatically with or without its wielders consent. Being smart SM-13 can determine weather when it time to fire or not, but being bitchy, she can choose to shoot randomly, causing Uruha to make mistakes.

    Easy swing - SM-13 is very light, and makes swinging easier for the user, the reason for this is the auto firing, the force from firing bullets reacts with the swing going the opposite direction with a much stronger force. Auto firing makes swinging easier, yes, but sometimes, with a force to strong Its hard to regain proper control and timing with the the sword unless fired on the other side for return which is far to risky all in all.

    Bullets - Uruha makes her own bullets, and they are not unlimited, she can only carry up to 10 magazine rounds around her waist and 2 on each calf and legs. all in all she can carry up to 14 with her in a day to day basis. Each rounds has 12 bullets. They could either be special or a regular one. If this bullets run out, SM-13 becomes paretty useless considering most attacks require bullets.

    Shikai Release Phrase: Shōtaimu (showtime)
    Released Appearance:
    The handle changes into a bullet chamber while keeping its original appearance, the magazine release is located near the lower guard while a trigger like switch appears on both its upper sides(Under the guard). The bullets are released from the sides giving more force to the swing. The bullets are normal unless commanded to change. The tip of the blade gains 3 vertically aligned holes which are symmetrical to each other. It's use has yet to have been revealed.

    Other Changes: spiritual pressure color turns to light blue instead of her regular white.

    Release Phrase:-non-
    Released Appearance: -non-
    Other Changes: -non-


    Name: Steam Shell
    State: Shikai
    Terms of Usage: Special bullet must be inserted and shot, it will take 1 post to insert the bullet, 1 post to shoot it and another 3 for it to fill the 10 meter radius area it covers. The process is slow, but speeds up during the last 2 posts.
    Description: A special perk that SM-13 features, Uruha uses a special bullet to activate this technique, the bullet is empty, and only filled with steam, thus if shot towards several places, it creates some sort of cloak to hide Uruha from her enemies. (think smoke screen, smoke bomb, flash bomb) The steam is hot enough to make someone sweat, but not to the point of burning.

    Downside: Aside from the said advantages, theres no other use for this techniques, without the said special bullets she cant use this techniques as well, she has about 8 bullets per battle.

    Name: Stun Shot
    State: Shikai
    Terms of Usage:Special bullet must be inserted and shot. The enemy must get hit, if not, it will be useless.
    Description: A special bullet which stuns the enemy for a post, making them immobile and unable to move for that amount of time.

    Downside: bullet must hit, if it doesnt, its useless, she only has 8 bullets per battle.

    Last edited by seraphim on Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:21 am


    Can someone look over this?
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:07 am

    Yeah it all looks good just show which are the downsides of your zanpaktou, like seperate it from the other information and make it obvious to see! :)
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:04 am

    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Aki_624 Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:08 am

    I love it! Perfect For the 3rd!

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Afscheid Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:19 am


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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Rioshi Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:45 pm

    Not bad, ruru.
    3rd Division Captain
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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:30 am

    Since. Wait Um since we get five in a division does that count the cappy and VC?
    Of just captain, vice captain, and 5 other seats?
    Either way, I'm going to put you in 5th seat. kay?~
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:38 am

    Yeah, it counts you and your VC aswell ^_^
    3rd Division Captain
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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:45 am

    Cool. Start doing when ever you want! I put you as a 5 th seat. Might be forth soon.
    Prof. Zaki 95
    Prof. Zaki 95

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    Uruha Envio {Done} Empty Re: Uruha Envio {Done}

    Post by Prof. Zaki 95 Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:00 am

    I approve your Profile.

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