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Marcus Cole
6 posters

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:00 am

    First Spar:
    Cantin vs Marcus



    The first spar in the Gobantai Pagoda's Sparring Area goes to Cantin, of the 1st Division. While being a beginner to sparring, and Cantin's power limiters on full, Marcus put up a fight worthy of his position in the 5th Division.

    The next spar will now begin.

    Hiro (Yaminami Sousuke)
    Squee Bly (Aihara Kanezane)

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Fri May 01, 2009 7:05 am

    *Standing opposite his Taichou, Aihara breathes calmly and beckons his opponent*

    "After you, Taichou..."
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Sat May 02, 2009 6:19 am

    *hiro takes off his haori and hangs it on a peg near the door, he then casually walks back toward Aihara whilst he walks to the place near his VC, hiro thinks of something he forgot.*

    "oh my Kaze-kun we have not gone over a small detail"

    *Hiro looks around and see's no one is around*

    "Oh well never mind this will be good for us both, I think its high time we brushed of the
    cobwebs hey Kaze-kun?"

    *On the last sylible Hiro shunpo'd next to his VC and launched a powerful chop, using a spin in his shunpo to increase its speed and force*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Sat May 02, 2009 8:48 am

    *Seeing his Taichou disappear, Aihara unsheaths his zanpakuto and lazily thrusts it sideways, parring Hiro's chop with little difficulty, then shunpos to the other side of the room to remove the VC badge from his wrist*

    "Cobwebs? For you, maybe. I haven't seen you do any sparring recently, but I've done a bit..."

    *Aihara slips off his sandals and ties his hair back, preparing himself*

    "I can't believe you'd just go straight in on me..."

    *Aihara shunpos behind his Taichou and aims a punch at his lower back*
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Sat May 02, 2009 9:04 am

    *Hiro dissaperes just before the blow connects and he reapperes about 30 feet away from Aihara*

    "you should know not to let your guard down at any time my friend, plus you need to really get going because the longer you wait the further you get from beating me"

    *on that Hiro points at Aihara*

    Hado 88.

    *A huge blast beams toward Aihara*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Sat May 02, 2009 9:22 am

    *Aihara laughs coldly at Hiro and raises his own hand*

    "Bakudo 81: Danku."

    *A wall appears in front of Aihara, blocking the thrust of energy from Hiro*

    "The further you keep moving away, Taichou, the harder you have to work to hit me."

    *Raises his left arm, and shunpos just in front of Hiro*

    "Hado 4: Byakurai."
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Sat May 02, 2009 9:30 am

    "you underestimate me kaze-kun"

    *hiro chuckles out a kido*

    "Bakudo 8. Seki"

    *A dome sheild englufs hiro before Aihara's kido hit, deflecting it but nuetralizing hiro's aswell*

    *hiro straight away shunpo's at Aihara and with a flash, draw his sword and make a horizontal slash at Aihara*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Sat May 02, 2009 9:36 am

    *Their zanpakutos clashing, Aihara lets out a laugh filled with excitement*

    "Finally, some close quarters combat! Oh, and I think that we shoudln't use shikai and bankai in here, that'd just tear the place apart. Let's just stick to the basics, and stop the shunpos and high-level kido too, what say you?"

    *Thrusting Hiro awaw, Aihara leaps into the air and brings his zanpakuto over his head, aiming for his Taichou's left shoulder*
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Tue May 19, 2009 3:09 am

    *hiro swipeshis sword skywards as he darts diagonally to parry the inpending blow from his fuku*

    "thats good, I see you have inproved my friend"

    *hiro says whilst in a half spin from the force of the clash of swords"

    "its nice to do this now and again"

    *Hiro took a breath, then shunpo'd at Aihara. As hiro appered he made a low spinning slash at Aihara's legs*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Tue May 19, 2009 3:23 am

    "Hey, no shunpos!"

    *Aihara steps over the spinning slash and swipes his fist at Hiro's face as he spins*
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Fri May 22, 2009 8:24 am

    *Hiro blocks the blow with his forarm*

    Opps, My bad haha

    *hiro pushes Kaze kun back and trys a low kick to the thigh*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Fri May 22, 2009 8:39 am

    *Blocks the kick with his shin and grabs Hiro's arm he used to block the punch*

    "This is nice."

    *Pulls Hiro with him as he twisted, throwing him across the room*
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Fri May 22, 2009 8:43 am

    *hiro slams into the wall*

    Nice my friend Your sharp as ever I see.

    well your move.

    *hiro takes a Old style stance, herasegan, Teninrishin style*

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Fri May 22, 2009 9:09 am

    *Starts running towards his Taichou and raises his palm*

    "Hado #31; Shakkahō!"

    *Changes direction so he runs diagonally around Hiro, and raises his hand again*

    "Hado #31; Shakkahō!"
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Fri May 22, 2009 9:19 am

    *hiro sees the red shots coming towars him so he masses reiatsu in his arms and points them at the shots*

    BAKUDO 1 Sho!

    *he uleashes two waves of force deflecting the blasts*

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Fri May 22, 2009 9:22 am

    *Squee reaches Hiro from a side as he fires the Kido spell, and swings his zanpakuto un a two-handed uppercut at Hiro's outstretched arms*

    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
    BD-cash : 7557

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by hiro Sun May 24, 2009 6:44 am

    *blood splatters on the ground*

    Tch well you draw first blood I guess you win that one my friend ><
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Sun May 24, 2009 7:21 am

    *Squee looks at the blood splattered on the floor, his eyes wide.*

    "You didn't block it..."

    *The realisation dawned, slowly but surely, and Squee's face lit up*

    "You want the lack of limits of the higher floors..."
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Ai-sama Sun May 24, 2009 7:22 am

    Second Spar:
    Hiro vs Squee



    The second spar of the Gobantai Pagoda's Sparring Agea goes to Squee, of the 5th Division. Hiro sparred like the Captain he fought to become but, with the limits of the Second Floor on, was slipped up by Squee's tricky low-level Kido skills and nimble feet.

    The Gobantai Pagoda Sparring Area's next spar is:

    Pyro vs Cool Beans.
    Keep it clean, boys.


    Posts : 94
    BD-cash : 6989

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Pyro Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:51 am

    *Okibi finishes shunpoing onto the sparring grounds and sits down indian style with his blade laid across his lap, unsheathed, awaiting for his opponent to walk in to begin his match*
    cool beans
    cool beans
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2552
    BD-cash : 64918

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by cool beans Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:54 am

    *Hanzo walks into the sparing grounds scratching the back of his head
    "i have a feeling somebody wants to have a spar with me today" he says to himself

    Posts : 94
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    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Pyro Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:55 am

    *Not looking up at Hanzo, okibi replies*

    Hai, it is I who wishes to spar with you. So shall it be, or not to be, this is the question.
    cool beans
    cool beans
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2552
    BD-cash : 64918

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by cool beans Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:58 am

    *Hanzo looks at okibi and smirks
    "alright then, this should be fun" as he draws his blade and spits out his reed from his mouth

    Posts : 94
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    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by Pyro Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:00 am

    *an almost evil aura forming around okibi, he stands up, allowing the light in the floor to relinquish all shades of red throughout the room, refracting off of the crimson blade that is his*

    So shall I begin this dance? *Bowing before his opponent*
    cool beans
    cool beans
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2552
    BD-cash : 64918

    Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area - Page 2 Empty Re: Gobantai Pagoda 2nd Floor: Sparring Area

    Post by cool beans Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:05 am

    "what is this, does this man walk the path of a demon or a warrior? Its hard to tell" hanzo thinks to himself,
    "go ahead have the first move" hanzo calmy says and nods at his zanpakuto spirit whom is watching from the shadows behind him

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