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    "l'inferno di Collera Della Furia" ~ The Inferno of Wrath's Fury

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47320

    "l'inferno di Collera Della Furia" ~ The Inferno of Wrath's Fury Empty "l'inferno di Collera Della Furia" ~ The Inferno of Wrath's Fury

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:21 am

    "Il foco etterno ch'entro
    L'affoca ledimostra rosse,
    come tu vendi in questo basso inferno"

    "the enternal flame burning there
    appears to make them red,
    as you can see in this lower hell"

    Dante Alighieri ~The Inferno Canto VIII

    And so it is that flame makes all around it seem to glow with an ominous red tone. As the molten rock pours, and the never seems to cease rising, so does the anger of wrath burn in a person.

    Wrath can present itself in many forms, but it spawns from too fatal causes; fury and sulleness.

    Fury makes one forget themselves and lash out violently with malice and intent towards that which it percieves to be the threat, while sulleness is mor subtle and quiet; it spawns from the repression of fury and burns like a volcano in one's soul.

    This battlefield presents itself as a physical manifestation of both.


    The field of battle is rocky and mountainous yes, but instead of glacial streams of pure clean water casscading down it's slopes and valley's somthing more sinister flows;
    rivers of molten lava.

    This area is the most dangerous and treacherous of all. It is blind to one's needs or ambitions;
    it takes no notice of one's strengths or weaknesses;
    It burns endlessly with the desire to consume all that enter into it's clutches.

    Travel with care as you battle here; there are no mind tricks or special devices, though there are inhabitants other than yourselves.
    Be wary and strong of purpose, but also be cautious and mindfully of the ground around you;
    One slip of step and you will plummet to the endlessly deeps of the fury.

    The center of the battlefield is an open lake of lava, which churns endlessly with fury, spewing heat and ash all around it in an endless cycle.

    This churning of the lake is called the Maelstrom.

    To give you and idea of what it looks like:


    Just as wrath is a fire that never ceases, the feild of battle which bares it's name is the same.

    But there is one other thing to beware of here:

    This area is watched over by the most violent of the old beings;
    One's that even the great men of the north both feared and respected.

    They are:


    The beings of eternal war and violence. The roam over the battlefield, encouraging the violence of one's fury to escalate exponentially.

    These beings are so consumed by the fire, they only recognize and exault those who commit violent killings and die violent deaths.

    They are the warrior's patron saints... And Demons...

    They may at anytime involve themselves in your combat, but more than likely, they will only push your desire to win, at all costs to yourself and your opponent.

    Beware of them andtheir influence at all times; remember they crave violence; not the one who commits it.

    Now you have been given all you need to be aware of in Wrath's lair...

    It is a firey inferno of no equal...


    Please note: all forum and divisional rules apply in this feild of combat. Please make yourself aware of them before participating.


      Current date/time is Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:40 am