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    Appreciating the art.(Open)


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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Preach Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:08 am

    Stepping into the world from high, came Emily, holding the hand of her gigai. The red haired "Goddess" as she claimed, looked down on the city of Paris with calm eyes. She saw the immense tower, and if she knew well the sun was....rising? It was hard to tell for her, she could tell that it came from what the humans called the east. That much, the pixie hair cut Espada could tell. Though beyond that she didn't really understand. To her the "sun" that "star" that warms the human world, was simply there, the idea it was anything more than just there, didn't really register to her. She could certainly ask her Gigai, she was a child of this era.... perhaps later. To be frank, the idea that she would need to ask someone apart from her dear friend something about the world made her angry, evident as her silver reitsu spiked violently for just a moment, causing the long black haired gigai beside her to look a bit startled. It was rare for her to seem upset.

    The Red haired Espada shook her head and held her Gigai's hand as she stepped onto the air. For now they would not be seen by the humans below, as they stepped onto the top of an old gothic styled cathedral. Emily seemed to remember it having a name, but she couldn't for the death of her remember it's name. The something Dame... or was it Dah-mei? Whatever, humans where so queer with their choice of languages. Why where there so many? Could it be from that old tale one of the other Negotiators had once told her, a tower of babbling people. What a site it must have been, a tower made of words....

    Emily shook her head again, sidetracked from her origional goal, and the espada looked to her gigai. Now, the difference between her and the Corpse Doll that accompanied her was like night and Day. Emily, was a red rough pixie cut haired Espada with a bone tiara circling her head. Light freckling and a slightly tanned complexion. Today, she wore a yellow windbreaker, and underneath that, a white button down shirt with a silver bow tie. Covering the lower half of her, was a pair of baggy sweatpants that held the color of sapphire to them and no shoes, or anything for that matter covering her feet.. As for feature wise, Emily was not to mention, her body being five foot and eight inches, she still carried a athletic body type, with little to no curves, her body nearly being as flat as a washboard. On top of all this, her eyes, hold a look of defiance towards the world, the emerald hues strong.

    Meanwhile, Amilia, the name of her Gigai, Stood at five foot six, and has long silky black hair. Amilia's choice of dress was a pair of white leggings, and a a pair of thigh high black rain boots. Covering her topside, she wore a baggy looking black sweater, that drooped slightly off her right shoulder. She wore what looked liked several silver necklaces, and a pair of sunglasses covering excited looking brown eyes. in each ear is a simple small cross earring. Around both her wrists are several bangles, one of silver links, one of black leather, and three crimson colored bangles seemingly made of stone, perhaps rubies? Body wise, Amilia is about a C cup, and has an athletic, but slightly curvy build. Between the two, many would definitely say she was the more womanly of the two.

    Emily placed her hand on the back of Amilia's neck and looked at her eyes, before diving into the Gigai. When Emily found herself in control, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Why so many dangly things? And... underwear.... not something comfortable, to say in the least. How Did Amilia stand this? Emily shook her head, the defiant eyes taking over, but hidden behind her brown sunglasses, which, now that Emily thought about it, could be something useful for later.

    Emily floated down among the wandering populace, and took a breath, her form appearing to the people, not that they paid her any attention. Emily looked about, and saw a plaque in front of the great Cathedral, and read the top line. To her it was mostly gibberish, but she definitely recognized, Notre Dame. So that was it's name. Interesting. For now, The now guised Espada wandered the area in front of the Cathedral, crossing the street, she stared at something odd. Amilia, corrected the mindset, and Emily found it was a coffee shop. What's coffee?
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Fumei Oni Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:11 am

    Fumei Yawned, covering her mouth with one of her hands, looking almost fake with how she did it looking like it was out of a typical anime with her flat palm in front of her mouth, it being wide open, standing near the ever so famous Notre Dame.

    Her paracel blocked the sun above, resting the pole upon her left shoulder. She wore her semi geisha style makeup, as she did everyday, to represent her Ochaya back home, and well she felt beautiful with the pale as the moon skin and fabulous eye makeup. Not to mention the hair, with her very expensive ornaments. Today she also had on her blue kimono, hand made by a dear kimono painter who indeed owed her his livelihood. The geisha industry was dying before she swooped in with loving salvation, paying several debts and having a very popular establishment for performance. Her nails were long, pointed, and black in color. She even wore her 5 inch high wooden sandals.

    A large amount of... Neck was showing how she styled the kimono, which was not a geisha trait, as well a the obi tied into a more bow in the back and the slit up to her thigh. It did show her skin was that pale all around. Not to mention her C cup breasts compared to her size 0 waist, with a butt still. She was very proud of her figure and was a bit inappropriate in showing it off.

    Now, Fumei was not present in Paris, France to admire the building of ages before her, but she had simply just closed a deal. Another thing affiliated with France was everyone smoked. THAT was why SHE was there. She sold exotic and home grown tobaccos at her Ochaya in Japan. She went around sampling some local product and agreed to make a nice deal with a couple who had a delicious vanilla scented produce. It had made her crave coffee which was more exactly why she was in this part of town.

    Fumei's very high sandals clacked along the sidewalk as she approached the shop, already able to smell the delicious coffee in the air, as well as some baked goods that were sold along side the drinks. She opened the door and a bell above rang alerting the staff of a new guest. She saw a woman with black hair was on the approach, and held the door open for her, with a welcoming smile.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
    4th Division Captain
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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Alastair Knightfield Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:01 am

    Stepping through the doors of a local college Alastair began reminiscing of much simpler times of his life. Today being one of his... Rare off days he decided to visit the root of his education in psychology. This college in particular paled in comparison to any other around in fact legally it could not be considered one.

    This "school" offered real life situations nothing you could receive in a text book. Each class had been no other then a official viewing of actual sessions. Each student before taking the classes signed and waiver promising not to reveal patient information and could only view upon client consent. Among the multitude of views prior to gaining his captaincy Alastair had gained the ability to access human issues just off their body language along although some were easier then others.

    But this wasn't the time to dwell on the pass Alastair had to remind himself that he was now in Paris, France a place where most humans could only dream of going. He sure wasn't here str pure entertainment and relaxation. Making his way to a famous local coffee shop he couldn't help staring into the window of a book store.

    Alastair was dressed as any other young man his "age" sporting blue jeans made by Levi and Co with a black belt with a golden loop which held his baggy pants up. He wore a somewhat tight black and white Hollister shirt with color matching Van sneakers. Reaching the door of the coffee shop Alastair would be greet by a young lady as he was taken to his own seating area.

    Looking around he would noticed several others but one who stood out the most was an assumed Japanese lady wearing a Blue Kimono with high sitting sandals. Reverting his attention back to the waitress he would order todays house special which consisted of a large cappuccino and blueberry muffin.

    Now returning his attention to the woman in the blue kimono Alastair would sit upwards in his chair coughing loudly attempting to get her attention. Although this fascination was not of attraction more of curiosity the clothing was unusual for this area and being the psychologist he intended to investigate...

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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Preach Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:59 am

    As she stared out at the Cafe' as she believed it was pronounced, for was it Cae'-Fay?. Humans language confused her, but in her mind, the one she currently shared residence with Amilia for, the term Cafe' was better, so she stuck with the term. A woman, dressed in japanese clothing walked up and held the door open for her. A sense of pride washed over her, Emily feeling her regalia shine even through her Gigai, not realizing that it was simply a common courtesy, a thought that was soon corrected by Amilia, and the look on her face would seem perplexed for a moment. She wasn't used to the idea someone simply held the poor out of a sense of how they were raised. Certainly odd, at least to Emily. to her it felt like lowering herself to someone, and such a concept was... not allowed, certainly not for herself.

    The Dark haired figure would move passed, her movements swift, but at the same time almost graceful and stiff at the same time, her back upright and her eyes straight forward hardly paying the female that held the door any mind. She walked towards a empty seat by the window, and sat down, far from other patrons, and she gazed dreamily out the window, removing the sunglasses and placing them on the table to reveal chocolate colored eyes. But the eyes themselves seemed to hold a permanent look of both curiosity and defiance. Emily's natural state was as such. She always stared at the human world with curiosity, and defiance when in her Gigai, because it bound her to more... mundane things, as it limited her power, and forced her in a corporeal form. Humans where really such... weak things, where they not?

    Emily shook her head from the thought and stared out the window, waving away a waitress that offered to take her order. She only came in here because the smell was interesting. She was not hungry, or thirsty. She had not felt such need for a very long time. Emily thought these things as she watched people walking about outside, passing by as if the other didn't exist. Why? They were conscious of their surroundings enough to avoid each other but they simply walked on. Even she said hello, or gave a nod to others of her home. Humans... Very similar to cattle were they not? They live, they walk, they eat, but they all end nearly the same. A simple husk destined to become a spirit, and to belong to a world they will be like newborns to. Emily gave a faint smile at the prospect of how many people here would one day be hollows, and perhaps followers of her lands.

    Such prospect made her almost giggle, but she stiffled it. Humans were odd, but their souls held a lot of potential to power. After all, even she knew she was at one point a human, although she remembered not such days. She only truly remembered the days of being a Vasto Lorde, a Queen even before she had become the Queen of the Web of Enlightenment... Even looking back then, she always found humans a queer species.
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Fumei Oni Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:41 am

    Fumei's smile started to fade at the woman she was hoping to be helping just kind of stared at her and darted in without a sign of appreciation. The nerve of some people... Fumei rolled her eyes as she let the door slide shut behind herself, now inside the doorway. How odd, it was as if the woman had never seen the gesture of a door being opened.

    Ah well, some people were just rude. Nothing could be done about it... In public. A man coughed in her direction. Fumei's eyes turned across the room to find a teenaged looking male sitting alone and quite obviously looking at her. Her eyebrow twitched to a raise for but a moment. Little did most know, but the out cast Shinigami was well aware of the events of the Soul Society and was very aware of who this guy was.

    The new 4th Captain must have a reason to be in Paris, France. Luckily he seemed interested in her too, so she wouldn't need to make up much of an excuse to visit with him. Her eyes traced back to the female as she clacked her way to the counter and ordered her warm cider. The girl seemed to be in some sort of deep daydream, staring out the window. The waitress seemed much less amused by the presence, as it would be considered loitering.

    Fumei shrugged and approached the male instead. She already offered her kindness to the other, and was rejected. Her kindness was not a common thing, and would not be repeated without a reason. So, she sat across the two seat table from the unsuspecting captain, unaware she knew exactly who he was, and smiled sweetly. She crossed her legs, and set her cup in front of herself, wrapping her hands around it to gain warmth. She purposely put her elbows in while she held the cup, to make her breasts more prominent and visible. Her eyes locked on his to see why in the world he was asking for her attention.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Alastair Knightfield Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:35 am

    Alastair would offer a sincere smile to the young lady as she sat. It was normal for Alastair to be oblivious to his surrounding as he still had yet to notice the other young lady entering the Café shortly before the young woman sitting in front of him entered.

    His attention at the moment was only limited to one thing at the moment and she was currently sitting here. Upon watching her straighten her posture as well as flashy show of enhancing her chest area Alastair's curiosity was at a all time peek. Yet something was off...

    Normally he would be able to pick up on a personality trait or at least characteristics in humans but he wasn't able to get even the slightest hint. Alastair's mental questions had shifted from a who are you to what are you within and instance but obviously he would not visibly show this.

    His thoughts were instantly interrupted as the waitress brought his order. Before speaking Alastair would lift his cappuccino cup sipping it slowly as he began to speak softly, "Sorry for the such rude way of your attention but something told me I had to know you."

    Before continuing with his rant he would take a few more sips now moving on to his muffin removing the wrapping. "My names Alastair Knightfield nice to meet your acquaintance... I was wondering what a girl clearly of Japanese descent was doing in France.

    I would think it to be such a drastic change and scenery and culture. Alastair would began to do something weird taking a small plastic knife he would began cutting the muffin into several slices similar to bread thinner in size.

    Upon finishing the process Alastair would start to eat the muffin as a flurry or flavors filled his mouth, "This is delicious would you care to try? Also if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Preach Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:50 am

    As Emily sat there and stared out the window, she watched as a hollow wandered the top of a distant roof, and raised an eyebrow. A lower class hollow, but it seemed like it wasn't really doing anything, it was just there, as if sniffing for something. How curious, if it wanted to eat, it could simply devour one of the various humans of this city, she could only surmise this place had its share of vagrants and bums that could stand to be devoured before they turned into malevolent hollows that simply caused chaos. But no, this one... It just sat there, smelling the air. Perhaps it was not used to this world. Was it one of the ones that had no kingdom? It was concerning to think one was simply... there. Emily learned forward towards the window as if to go through it to speak with it, and slapped her head promptly on the window with a thud.

    "Ita-ta-ta"* Emily spoke, her accent clearly not of french, despite her clothing style. It was more closely Spanish-Japanese mixture, given the phrasing she used for pain. She stared at the window with almost contempt for a moment before shaking her head. Though to her annoyance, the waitress came back and asked is she had an order, and Emily sighed and simply waved her hand in a shooing motion while speaking in a slightly annoyed tone*"Just....get me some of whatever the Geisha got..."* She spoke in a blunt tone, but the voice pattern hardly fit the body of the girl, the look calm and almost reserved, but the voice pattern, very abrasive.

    Emily watched the hollow from her seat, simply wondering as she touched her left thumb to her lower lip lightly in thought. There truly was no reason for it to just be waiting in place. From experience, Hollows where not patient, and were more often than not, fidgety. This hollow... bothered her. Emily lightly touched the back of her own neck with her left hand after removing the thumb from her lower lip, brushing the hair aside a moment. Before she covered it, one might see the symbols for life and off, on the back of the neck. Emily wasn't bothered by much, but this hollow wasn't quite right....
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Fumei Oni Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:25 am

    Something told him he had to know her... Not the first time Fumei had gotten THAT line. She refrained from rolling her eyes and simply smiled in response. He then introduced himself and asked why she would possibly be visiting France. He offered her a slice of blueberry muffin and asked her name.

    Her attention quickly shifted over her shoulder for a moment at the female calling her a geisha. Fumei's face actually looked disgusted by this comment. It was by no means an insult to HER but it was to geisha. She dressed quite provocatively, and this was simply NOT allowed for geisha.

    It stopped her from responding to the Captain so she could tilt her head back over the back of the chair, so she was looking at the day dreaming girl, upside down. "Please, don't flatter me. I am no geisha. I own an Ochaya that geisha attend, but I am a Lady of an Ochaya." Her eyes saw out the window to the Hollow, who was.. Just sitting there. She didn't take much note to it, as she was a very neutral party.

    It was a very true statement. Fumei was the Lady of her Ochaya and had a booming business among humans and non alike. It was a truce location. Any race was welcome without threat, but if they started a mess, or anyone attacked another race within the walls... They answered to her. Other than that it was a wonderful place for home brews of sake from local brewers, fine teas from all around Japan, and imported Hookah from all around the world! Not to mention her... More... exoticly grown smokable substances.

    She slid back down in her seat and took her attention back to the man. She smiled again. "Excuse my outburst. I am very passionate about geisha culture. My name is Lady Fumei. I travel the world to buy home grown tobaccos to sell at my Ochaya back in Japan. She turned her head slightly exposing more neck to him, and winked. "If a vacation isn't enough of a reason." She took a sip of the warm cider.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Alastair Knightfield Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:33 am

    Alastair would look over just as soon she would to access the issue. What caught him was not the young lady staring out the window but what she appeared to be staring at. A hollow just motionless on the roof of a building sniffing and searching for something.

    Alastair would stop eating his food as he began to observe the young lady as a single thought flashed through his mind, "What the hell is going on here." Reverting the center of his attention back to the young lady in front of him yet not being completely oblivious to the things around him.

    He would began to unconsciously tap his foot against the floor as the young lady told him hear name, "Oh no worries I understand the need of correcting and rather disrespectful error in someone's words..."

    He would pause as he heard her name something about it was extremely familiar,"Lady Fumei sounds familiar you said you ran a Ochaya, is that the only thing." Alastair was trying to pull information from the young lady but in a way that was extremely suspicious or blunt.

    He would continue to drink his cappuccino periodically glancing over to the young lady at the window and the weird Hollow. "Who are these people... This was suppose to be my off day," she would say inaudibly sighing as his foot tapping temporarily picked up on intensity.

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    Post by Preach Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:06 am

    Emily blinked, and turned about in her booth by the window, her knees on the seat as she looked to the "Geisha". Lady of an Ochaya huh? Emily spoke with a more calm tone than she used for the waitress, and seemed inquisitive.*"Ochaya....tea house, would be a direct translation, but I've rarely known one to serve tea, why is this?"* Emily, had a genuinely curious tone in her voice as she looked to the woman, a spark in her eye as she asked the question. While she hated asking, she loved learning new things, the hollow beyond the window no longer capturing her interests.

    Emily, moved from her seat purposefully, and stood next to the table of the odd man and the "Lady", regardless of whether the woman was talking or not, she would simply listen as the woman spoke if she moved. Emily would lock eyes with whichever one looked at her first, and wait for an answer. She would not sit, simply stand over a chair and look at the two with her chocolate colored eyes.

    The waitress would soon come over with the cup on a plate, which Emily simply grabbed bare handed, wincing lightly, but she didn't drop it. The cup emanated heat, but she didn't give much of a reaction. She simply held the cup without drinking, the smell, registering to her as...different. She wasn't used to human foods and drinks, they were simply there. But something about the smell almost made her smile, a nudge at the right side of her lip. She didn't recognize it as her reaction, perhaps it was Amilia's?
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Post by Fumei Oni Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:46 pm

    A grin of a fox came to Lady Fumei's lips. Her white teeth gleamed, seeming amused by the man's question. "Of course that's all. What could you possibly be assuming?" Her voice almost coming off challenging. Everyone knew of her... other business. The human police for sure. They just didn't care. She had rules about who could come to that part of her business and really it was only there so she could control the trade and distribution and hold a grip over the local crime organization. Her goal was really to keep peace in her area. It worked very well in her favor. Interesting that Shinigami took concern to such mortal matters, it really didn't affect them.

    She noted an increase in the man's tapping. Most likely nerves and annoyance all wrapped into one tic. This seemed to amuse Lady Fumei, the was a lame zebra would amuse and attract the attention of a lioness. Before she could pick at the sign of distress when the woman asked her a very interesting and very fair question.

    Lady Fumei's eyes slowly moved to the approaching body, and slowly her head followed her eyes into a direct look to her. How did I manage to miss that before? She thought. Her establishment was very neutral, but they weren't at her establishment. This area was fair game, so she didn't reveal the identity of this woman. Yes, Fumei even had eyes and ears in the dimension that was home to Arrancar. She, herself, was neutral and had no interest in raising alarm.

    "The Ochaya do all serve tea, just not the way people new to the scene assume. In evening hours when they come alive geisha attend and serve the tea. No cannot just order it. My Ochaya has several kinds of tea, but if one was to come in without invitation and attempt to order tea, they would be removed." She looked at the cup in the Espada's hands with concern. If she continued to act so oddly she would cause suspicion and alarm in the man. She looked up at the eyes of the woman, hers wide, as if begging for attention and sipped out of her own cup. A simple way to establish a bit of trust between the two as well as awareness the Fumei was aware of her identity, even in the faux body.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Appreciating the art.(Open) Empty Re: Appreciating the art.(Open)

    Post by Alastair Knightfield Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:45 am

    Alastair found the next few events interesting Lady Fumei had once again turned he attention to the young lady. It seemed as if they both knew something Alastair didn't and it began to annoy him. Removing his eyes from the current situation he would move back to his muffin finishing the remaining pieces.

    Just as he had finished doing so the young lady would began walking to their table to further the discussions. What peaked Alastair's was how the young lady was able to grasp a searing cup which to a normal person would instantly dropped.

    Alastair himself would admit he is oblivious to alot of things but he knew for sure these ladies weren't normal humans. He would began to watch Fumei as she very skillfully yet opening attempted to warn the young lady.

    At this point Alastair felt the need for games was over. Clearing his throat he would ask the first question that came to mind, "Who truly are you people? I don't like when people play games with me so I would like serious answer. I also assume you know who I am or we probably wouldn't be having this conversation."

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    Post by Preach Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:02 am

    Emily tilted her head and blinked as she set down the tea while staring towards the Lady, unaware of visual cues, she simply set down the tea to place her hands on her own hips. while lowering her head a moment in thought. Then asked another question*" Why kick patrons out if they want tea?"* The innocence evident in her eyes as she asked the question, she had little idea of the affairs of adults of Shinigami and human kind. After all, she had not left the Hueco Mundo apart from the occasion she sensed her... friend. Emily, tilted her head to the left as she looked to the man as he spoke, and seemed confused as to the question*"Who am I? My name is Amilia, and yourself sir?"*

    She stared at the boy, or who she thought was a boy, curiosity in her chocolate eyes. She liked knowing things, for there was so little to know about in Hueco Mundo. In truth, the body was in fact Amilia, so it was not small thing to her for her to say as such. As for the other two, she focused on them with a deepening want to know more of them. To her, the Lady was not strange, or out of place, she simply WAS. So the idea of seeming odd or out of place did not register to the young looking female. After all, she lived surrounded by odd.

    Emily would patiently await a response while occasionally sipping on the drink provided to her, but she kept her eyes focused on them if they spoke, sipping lightly from the hot cup, not registering her hands becoming slightly reddened from the heat of the cup itself. Though Emily would slightly register the sound of music beginning to start up and raise an eyebrow. The noise, seemed pleasant, but it was odd, why did it pattern? So many strange things in this world.
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Post by Fumei Oni Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:35 am

    Fumei rolled her eyes and turned back to the man. "YOU wanted to talk to ME? Remember? Her eyes narrowed at him for a moment, like a mother scolding a child. "I am Lady Fumei. Once a captain like yourself, I left to live among humans as a neutral party."

    Her eyes widened as her attention was taken back to the woman. She continued with her reasonable set of questions. "In an Ochaya you have a geisha serve it to you. It is a tradition and one I keep dear to me. If you come to my establishment you should know these rules. If not, it is better you do not stay."

    Lady Fumei sipped her beverage. She knew the new Captain would drop asking about the other female. She hoped it wouldn't turn ugly. What could she do about it? What could be done it it did? She was neutral.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    4th Division Captain

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    Post by Alastair Knightfield Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:58 am

    Alastair's eyebrow had raised in agreement with his confusion. Lady Fumei had seemed to know him more than Alastair expect. Furthermore she had said she was previously a captain of the Soul Society is what threw him for a further loop. Now think upon it the facts hit him the reason she was so familiar was because of her captaincy as a Vizard. Immediately stopping the nervous tapping to the floor

    Alastair had wondered what mess had he just gotten himself into. "If you knew who I was from the beginning why toy with me? I just became captain were the hell are you getting your information," he would say as his general tone and mood had become quiet annoyed and suspicious. He managed to stay calm no one here had show any form of hostility or anger. Alastair has never been one to act irrationally or ignorantly based of his emotions so he would decide to continue this strangely destined meeting.

    His attention had fallen slightly off course from the other young lady until she began drinking her tea the cup now starting to sear her flesh, "Forget my last question "Amilia" now I wanna know what you are instead of whom." His would then glance out of the window noticing the Hollow had turned to face the Café still referring his questions towards "Amilia", "Would that by any chance be your friend..."

    Sitting up in his chair would run his fingers through his hair now reverting his attention back to Fumei, "What the hell did I just stumble into..."

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    Post by Preach Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:18 am

    Emily blinked a moment and looked a bit taken aback as Fumei stated she used to be a captain. And that this man was currently a captain. Which caused Emily to slowly reach for the back of her own neck with her right hand, pushing aside the mass of hair, and was prepared to jump ship on a moments notice if she really had to. While she herself held no issue with the...Shinigami, or death gods as they called themselves, she was none too fond of the idea of fighting in this squishy form, and it would be unlikely her Gigai could handle her releasing her Reitsu freely. Emily took two steps back, almost bumping into the waitress, but paid her no mind as she set the cup down on the table and eyed the other two warily with her chocolate eyes.

    When adressed by the casptain who had not given her his name, she stood straight, on hand to her side and her right hand on the back of her neck as she spoke with a chill to her eyes*" I am the Dia Dos, Queen of Enlightenment, Emily Friswald."* Her eyes locked with the man's as she tried to remain relatively calm. This world still had issues.... but she didn't wish to partake in them. But then the man asked her another question, which made Emily tilt her nose up in almost disgust.*" That thing is not one of mine, and thus no "friend" of mine. I was simply curious what had it...scared, I suppose would be the word"* Her tone was a mixture of indignant and annoyed at the very idea of her personage being associated with such drivel.

    Emily's stance was a mixture of prideful and mindful that she was in the prescence of enemies. She didn't know how a Shinigami would react to a God-King being in the human world, and she had little intention of being on the short end of the stick, so her finger was prepared to let her Gigai go on auto pilot. While she could leave any moment, she prefered her Gigai be able to get out of the way if a fight broke out. After all, this gigai was her only method of walking about the human world without constant... nuisances distracting her.
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Post by Fumei Oni Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:13 am

    Lady Fumei sighed and rolled her eyes, slowly turning her attention back to the upset man among them. "My dear, my establishment is neutral grounds, members of all races attend. This includes both Shinigami and even arrancar. I am a neutral party. No threat to either of you. I was not sure of you, threats live within the Soul Society. I do not openly exchange information with anyone. I had no intention to meet anyone special today, but I am a business woman and take up every opportunity."

    Fumei couldn't stand it anymore and quickly took the extremely hot cup from the arrancar, and put it on the table. "You are ruining your gigai." She had ill will towards the Hollow, which personally Lady Fumei felt extreme indifference, as a person would see a cow.

    she sipped her drink and had hope the situation would calm a bit. The reason she was there had already been discussed and completely truthfully. Of all the coffee shops in the area, she had to pick this one, eh? Perhaps the some of the situation would still be salvaged.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Post by Alastair Knightfield Sun Oct 12, 2014 7:45 am

    Alastair has sighed to no ends as he discovered who Amil- Emily was. What the hell was an Espada doing in the world of the living? That with the addition of meeting a previous captain who happened to be a Vizard who owns a Ochaya shop which has neutral grounds to all sides, not to mention those of his own race who visit the shop probably are open and accidental informants to all races was ridiculous...

    "The paperwork on this will be sooooo annoying," he would say rubbing his head trying to regain his composer. Yet all the new and troubling information hadn't changed his mood. He had no reason to resort to physical violence nor did he want to. This whole meeting still remained intriguing which lead him to continue this interaction.

    He looked at Emily's hands after, "Let me fix those." Hovering his hands over hers he began to use basic medic Kido. Looking over to Fumei he would smile sincerely, "Passing up a opportunity I think I will take a page from your book."

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    Post by Preach Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:10 am

    The Espada looked to them cautiously as one took the cup from her left hand, a red swollen looking thing, although she understood not why, and the other took her hands and some kind of light glowed from her, and her brown eyes eyed the process warily as she felt a type of energy over her hands, but it didn't seem harmful, so she simply watched, remaining still, watching with a slight indifference as she let the gigai heal, she herself stepping out of the gigai to watch, Amilia becoming conscious would blink, the aggression leaving her eyes as she looked at what was happening, before giggling. Amilia realized that Emily had been clumsy with her actions, although as a Corpse Gigai she did not feel the pain, and simply gave a light laugh, closing her chocolate colored eyes and her mouth opening slightly, as though simply happy.

    Emily, as she stepped out, walked through and out of her Gigai, standing a few inches shorter as she watched the process. Healing was something she was familiar with, but it usually took something of a larger scale to do it, though her healing was.... different. Emily shrugged as she stood next to her Gigai and looked at the two with her own fierce green eyes, mindful to tame down her silver reitsu. It wasn't like normal humans could see her, so she didn't care about the bone tiara that circled the back of her head and met at her forehead, or the fact her feet had nothing on them. a trait she enjoyed, as the feeling of this word's stone and dirt was vastly more welcome than the feeling of the constant sands swirling about the Hueco Mundo.

    Amilia would take a half bow and would pull out a chair between the Captain and the Lady and sit down, as Emily stood behind her, using her Gigai's head as a arm rest as she spoke, her voice more crass than it was in her gigai's, and in a way, very tomboyish*"So, what is the news from the Seireitei side, I'm assuming they might know something about what's drawing the little ones into your realms?"* She looked to the Captain with a stern look to her eyes, the jade eyes sparking a light silver on occasion as she looked to him, her Gigai remaining quiet, and wrapping a couple of napkins around the cup before gingerly picking it up, blowing on the drink, and sipping it lightly before releasing an "aah" sound. Her own voice, much more gentle than her owners.
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Post by Fumei Oni Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:44 pm

    At first Fumei winced as the Shinigami took hold of the hand of the Arrancar. It could have been taken the wrong way and blown up into quite the situation. However, to her surprise the Arrancar didn't stir from the sudden touch. The man also mentioned that there would be paperwork to be done, and she assumed that he was talking about that on her Ochaya, which made her roll her eyes. As if the Shinigami were unaware of a Vizard, ex captain none the less, owning an establishment that various Shinigami attended. The fool.

    The Arrancar popped out of her shell, of sorts. The eyes were now green and she was a tad bit shorter. She grabbed an empty seat and pulled it out to sit. The arrancar directed a question to the active Captain, which intrigued Lady Fumei. Wondering if he knew why the Hollow were invading the world of the living. She had yet to have intel on that situation, so she began to listen quite intently. If he didn't, perhaps the Espada would.

    She looked out at the calm Hollow. It was very curious. He wasn't attacking or even watching the mortals. Like he knew if he had done so all the effort of leaving home would be for not, as he would be killed here for such crimes. He didn't Howl or do anything to gain attention. It was indeed odd.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Post by Alastair Knightfield Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:37 am

    Alastair would sighs as this was a question he wanted to avoid. On the other hand it seemed that the Espada had no idea what information to what was going one as Alastair assumed Emily's reason to being here was the one he was about to present.

    Closing his eyes temporarily and straightening his posture. Although he shouldn't reveal this information about the upcoming events he felt the need to inform others who set back blindly waiting,

    "The Seireitei has came with the conclusion that the great increase in hollow appearance's yet no murderous activity from lower Hollows are that they're hiding from something that has inhabited Hueco Mundo. Sadly we don't know what and since the treaty is still in place we can not investigate. It seems that you being an Espada has no knowledge on such things are troubling but are sources are telling us whatever it is originates from Hueco Mundo..."

    He would stop talking as he waited they're responses especially from the Espada on this concerning news.

    Last edited by Alastair Knightfield on Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Preach Sat Oct 18, 2014 8:58 pm

    Emily raised an eyebrow resting her chin on her Gigai's head while giving an inquisitive look. She looked first at the Lady, then at the captain before choosing to speak again, standing straight as she herself glanced out the window.*"Hollow leaving due to fear....not uncommon, but what is more concerning is their actions here. It is almost as though some are simply refusing to hunt, which is more.... concerning than anything else in truth. After all, it is rare that any non Arrancar, or Vasto Lorde would simply be still. I could understand if it seemed to be watching something, but it's just... staring off into the horizon."* A tone of concern in her voice. Emily flicker her wrist a bit, and a small blade dropped from her sleeve as she began to walk outside, her emerald eyes locking onto the beast.

    She pointed her hand at it, and a silver ring of energy began to form around her hand, the ground about her shaking a moment and she stared at the beast. She made it obvious she was charging a cero didn't even flinch. She lowered her hand and shook her head, the silver energy fading. Emily pointed to her Gigai and waved her index finger in the usual, "get over here", motion. Amilia, would nod, and quietly pull out her chair, stand up and put it back in place once she was up. Amilia gave a nod to both of the others, and began to seemingly glide, her movements smoother than her owner's own.

    Emily didn't speak as she stared at the beast, which Amilia soon joined her as they both stood a few feet off to the left of the coffee shop door as they both looked to it, Emily muttering, and Amilia humming. Emily had some thinking to do if such a thing was true. Soon, the air ripped open at the window of the coffee shop, a door of sorts ripping open in the world as Emily and Amilia turned about. There were questions to be asked.

    (Emily and her Gigai exit if no one interacts with them.)

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    Post by Zenshin Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:05 pm

    Jack, now forced back to the Human World he thought he'd never see again, was standing on a roof and looking downwards at the various humans walking around. Of course he was hungry, but he would never eat a human, which kind of messed with his physiological needs and causing him to become slightly... fidgety. Why was here here? The answer was simple. Many, many of his lower hollow brethren have come here out of instinct for some reason, and since he wasn't going to be eating any Vasto Lordes any time soon, he came to where the food was. He was curious why they were doing this of course, but since they really couldn't communicate like he could, there wasn't really any way he could get an answer. So now, he wait there on the roof, looking down into one of the alleys to see if there are any hollows like him hiding there for him to eat.

    For some reason... he felt as though he was being watched. If there was anything that hollows had over humans, it was definitely much stronger instincts, so he looked around him towards the surrounding buildings. Nothing. He looked as best he could at the buildings surrounding him. Nothing. He looked into the windows of he buildings surrounding him and saw what looked like a head hit the panel of the window and immediately reel backwards. Did that person just... forget the window what closed? How clumsy he thought. If he could raise an eyebrow, he would, as this human kind of interested him, but he immediately turned back around to look into the alleyway. Wait... could it see me? Huh. Either it wasn't a human or mediums actually exist. he thought again while hoping for some hollow to pass by the alley.

    Jack was always hungry, so he could deal with wanting to eat between meals, but it seemed as though the weaker hollows were hiding. What they were hiding from, he had no idea. It was really inconvenient to him though, given that he wouldn't ever devour a human. Then he thought of the girl in the window again and decided to look back at it, his curiosity overwhelming his hunger. All he did was look back through the window, hoping to get another look at what he believed was a girl.

    To his surprise, another came to the window and saw him, and he saw her. Another? Coincidence? No. he concluded before looking away from the coffee shop. There were obviously no hollows here to hunt, and those two girls in the coffee shop could presumably see him, maybe... maybe they can hear me too he thought before hurrying down the fire escape of the building. He didn't quite know the limits of this body of his, so he decided the safest way was the best as opposed to simply jumping from the building.

    The chance was too great to pass up. If he could communicate with others, maybe he would feel a little less lonely in this world. Either that or get obliterated, but he was willing to take that risk. He could be tricky when he wanted to. Jack quickly made it to the coffee shop's window just as a black... gate of some sort was being opened up. It looked like the one he had used to get here in the first place, but he'd never seen it purposely made before, and approached the woman "Hello? Can you hear me?"
    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

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    Post by Fumei Oni Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:38 am

    Lady Fumei watched the Espada with great interest. She wondered what would happen if that cero were to be released. Her heart picked up with a bit of both excitement and concern. The action would be a direct violation of the treaty, and doing so in front of a Shinigami Captain, it certainly would not fly. It certainly was not time for her, herself to present her abilities in warfare, so she would have to simply watch and then vacate, not unfruitfully. The information gathered from the fight would be very valuable for the future.

    Alas, the glow from the Espada's finger disappeared, and seemed to be more of an order, or way to get attention. It was a wonder to see if the Hollow truly followed the laws of the Arrancar. The gigai and it's owner went to the window, staring out at this being, examining and plotting. To Fumei's surprise, the thing seemed to notice.

    At first it just looked at the Espada and then away, but it slowly returned it's attention and even spoke to her. It was one of the few Hollow's to have enough intelligence to communicate with other beings and have a thought process. Now THIS was interesting. However, with so much public eye, this was not the place to do this. Other customers of the human notion were already gawking at the woman standing at the window, staring out and talking to herself.

    Fumei quickly stood. " Come now, everyone!" she began, clapping her hands to grab the odd group's attention, as well as that of the Hollow outside. "To the park!" she exclaimed, as the was one on the other side of the noted church that they could all talk more freely, and not draw out the concerns of humans.

    She quickly stepped to the door, opening it and nodding her head in the direction of the new public place. The sun was setting and under the guise of night, they could speak of all the after life matters they wished, as the humans went inside buildings for the evening.
    Alastair Knightfield
    Alastair Knightfield
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    Post by Alastair Knightfield Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:22 am

    Watching the reaction of the Espada Alastair had become slighlty worried. As he guessed she knew nothing of the suspected issues which seemed to originate from Hueco Mundo. Even them this was disappointing news this particular issue threatened the well being of the treaty Alastair felt the Shinigami and the Espada needed to come to an understanding before thing had gotten out of hand.

    But before he could act on it he would watch the Espada abruptly leave temporarily voiding his chance to speak out on the matter. What happened next would almost send his head spinning as his eyebrows raised sharply. He would watch in awe as she began charging a cero. Was this a threat to the living world did she plan to break the treaty because of a estranged hollow?

    A few moments later the Espada would stop charging the blast as a sigh of relief came from the confused Alastair. Seconds later he would notice the Gigai take its stand moving to its master. Although something strange caught Alastair's attention the hollow which sat in a froze state on the roof across the walk way would leap down and began crossing the street.

    Most importantly the Hollow would speak as if it was a normal person. Snapping Alastair from a trance Lady Fumei had decided to move this little "get together" to the park to avoid being exposed. He would pay for everyone's food who didn't before following her out the door staring at the hollow in pure curiosity because it still retained its intelligence, "What the hell is going on... Did that hollow just speak..."

    In his five hundred years of living Alastair had never known a hollow below adjuchas to speak before so this completely stumped him. So much had changed within these years of piece and Alastair felt everyone need to do some catching up. He would need a moment to go over the constant information flowing into his head so he wouldn't seem like a noob rather then a captain of the Soul Society...

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