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    Daiseisho Oricaltos(WIP)

    家臣 Retainer

    Posts : 394
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     Daiseisho Oricaltos(WIP) Empty Daiseisho Oricaltos(WIP)

    Post by Nerovampyro Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:15 pm

    (Shinigami Warrior of God)

    (Your character here)

    Daiseisho Oricaltos

    "There are two constants in life, Grief and Death. I face you now bearing both"

    Basic Information:

    Name:Daiseisho Oricaltos
    Age: Unknown
    Age Appearance: 25
    Gender: Male
    Affiliation: Souls King
    Division: 0 Division
    Rank: Captain
    Appearance: As per picture above
    Personality: For being one of the strongest warriors heaven has to offer, he is laid back and unwilling to do much to assist soul society. However he knows when and when not to interfere with the world of soul society, since he is heaven's defender. He can be cynical, or very serious depending on what is occurring at the time. When being around Suki Edmonzaimon, it is said he has a more paternal voice and nature

    Your Legacy:

    Character Story:

    Daiseisho was once known as Gabriel; the Seraphim of Death. If heaven required something dead then he was the one to make it so. He was the last warrior that Heaven would look to fight.

    However when the monster who was not welcome in both heaven and hell attacked, he was the first to answer the call. This monster, known as Ea, was shrouded in mystery and has no real point of origin. In the battle, heaven was torn assunder as the two waged war against each other with neither letting up in this battle. Then Gabriel used his true form as he broke one of his vows and became the very aspect of death, his Forme d'ange. To break a vow while being one of the seven seraphim is punishable by null existance. Knowing that he would die, Gabirel used every weapon as his disposal to contain Ea.

    It was here the soul king came to the scene and use his own blade to seal Ea into, making her the Soul king's blade's spirit. When Gabriel returned to his Forme Ceteris, he impaled himself onto the soul kings's blade, knowing that only time would free that monster, causing the blade be absorbed into Gabriel. Soon after Gabriel died, but not without the intervention of the Seraphim of Mercy, Ramiel. She placed a mark of protection upon Gabriel so he would be reborn anew.

    Week became years and those years became centuries, until Ramiel then looked to the human world, she felt a familiar presence; the presence of the Gabirel. She searched for the man and found him... Only The name Gabriel was not what he went by any more. It was Jin Higurashi and he was know as the invicible tiger general, to a king in Edo Japan. Legends states that he has know all arts of warand he is able to use a halberd as easily as a dagger when in close range. He inspired confidence in his army and told them that death is nothing to fear. In perhaps his greatest battle he too a shovel and dug a hole in the ground.

    When he finished he stated "I HAVE MADE MY GRAVE HERE! AND I WILL EITHER LIVE AND FIND A BETTER PLACE TO PUT IT, OR I WILL DIE HERE!" With those words, he rallied his forces, for the last time. They were heavily out numbered and the longer the fight continued the more prominent Jin's worst enemy was present... Fatigue. Even when his was to die, it took 5 arrow and 3 spears to finally bring the man down.

    Ramiel seized the opporunity to bring her plan into action. She disguised herself as a shinigami and brought the soul of jin into soul society.


    Ramiel has taken the name Melodia Izuna, more so for the plan she has hatched for then who she named Daiseisho then anything else. Melodia made the ruins of the dead izuna Clan, the first clan in soul society. It was situation a considerable journey away from soul society. Her plan is to bring out the angel side of Daiseisho so he can return to heaven.

    The illusion that was set in motion was to have the ruins of the izuna clan return to pristine conditions and the people walking around, going about their day to day lives. These were all from Ramiel, so Daiseisho could learn how to interact with people when he was a youth. She had to be present at all times in this domain and as a result she had herself as the head of the 'izuna clan'.

    As time progressed Daiseisho became infatuated with his ladyship and wanted to protected this almost divine beauty. All according to plan Melodia allowed his to do so. With each waking hour Daiseisho had for the next hundred or two years he used to master any and all weapons, mastering every technique no matter how small or challenging. When he was finished he began to hear voice... someone calling out to him. It was the Zanpakuto that Melodia had obtained for him; the very apt Sougyu no rotasu; the blade who holds an armory inside it. The moment he had unsheathe the blade he was able to use all the forms of shikai from his training. However it was not enough. He wanted to be invincible. He looked to his mentor and pleaded that he would teach him more. Seeing he was ready began to teach him about the technique that made Gabriel so dangerous. His eye techniques. Daiseisho's mentor stated that each member of the izuna clan has one, whether to slow down time for a small duration, or to copy another's move. He heard and began training, however everything he did was not working

    Frustrated, he left to sit by a stream. As be began to play a flute, there was one thing that Melodia did not see coming.

    Lee Takamoto.

    When he questioned daiseisho, Lee learned about the Izuna clan and the power they have, their eyes. This was when Daiseisho learnt about the shinigami and who they were. However when lee advanced, Daiseisho stopped him and tried to protect his clan. During the fight, his eyes were unlocked causing daiseisho to lose the color of what he once knew. But in turn he could see where to strike, he could see the origin of kido attacks and illusions, they pierced all armor to know the truth; The Piercing eyes.

    However they did not aid him when Lee used fire to burn nearly all of daiseisho's body. This angered him as a blade of unknown origin appeared in Daiseisho's hand. Then with merely a slash he caused an explosion of to occur which nearly killed Lee there and there. Melodia, sensing the trouble came to bring her knight home.

    Not long after he recovered and was able to move, but the burn marks were still there. He vowed to kill Lee for what he did, but more now he needed answers as to what the technique he used was. Melodia stated that it was her father's signature move. Each one of the izuna clan head had one and there are 10 in total. In truth, these were known as the arts of war that Gabriel had mastered and he had ten favorites he liked to use. He then proceeded to master these with the intention of leaving soon after so he can join soul society, choosing a greater purpose then one being he was sworn to protect.
    Limiting his power he soon entered squad 2 and with the ability to limit his strength he was put a a recruit. With hsi burns still healing, He had a mask on to not show his face, which people believe were for some unknown reason. However Daiseisho could not have come at a worst time as they were on the brink of a civil war that determined the fate of soul society. In a moment of fear, he returned to the izuna clan a year later to find it in ruins.

    Ramiel had left, feeling she failed her mission. Daiseisho had enough of it and was to wage war against soul society for attacking his beloved clan. That was before Ootori Hanzo had stepped in and stated he was the captain commander of soul society. He stated that squad 0 needs a captain and he believed Daiseisho needed to be be in that position. When asked why him, Ootari stated "with times where blades are bring drawn out, there needs to be one blade that will neither break nor shatter." He soon accepted the position and ended the war in soul society.

    In the time soon after, Daiseisho looked to the Seireitei and aided in the rebuilding of it. This was where a chance meet occured between him and the next head of one of the four noble households, Suki Edmonzaimon. This blind girl was without parents now. Looking to Suki he saw himself; A wandering blade with no family to comfort them. Daiseisho then began to train this your head in many arts that required a katana. Not long after suki entered into The academy and want known as 'The Untouchable Queen'.
    However decades later, he was drawn to the ruins again, now mastering his bankai. There was a tablet he had not seen before which was said to be the tomb of the 11 Izuna clan heads and, for those who had the ability to, become ascended to another plane of power. There daiseisho fought all of them. All but one who was content to look on at the battles. That one was melodia who watched the precision of Daiseisho's moves, watching the grace he had and the power he used.

    The 10 clan heads were defeated but not a moment after, Melodia battled him too and overpowered him. He then forced to have the battle in his inner world. IT was a place he never came to. this inner world was an entire battlefield that had thousands of blades discarded, or stabbed into the ground. There was also a hill that seemed to have a figure with blades impaled into the body.

    The battle was fierce and raged for hours, if not days on end. However the old enemy of this warrior returned, Fatigue. In what would seem like a deathblow against daiseisho, Sogyou no rotasu sacrificed herself to saved her wielder. This caused all the blades to vanish, meaning the lone figure on the hill was no longer impaled. He appeared by daiseisho. Surprisingly it was an exact replica of Daiseisho. Gabriel has woken from millenia of slumber. Unlike Daiseisho, he had his left eye in a different shape. As a glowed it then forged a weapon as he then killed Melodia Izuna. Soon after Gabriel left the inner world, swapping places with Daiseisho.

    Now he had ascended into somethjng else... He was now an angel. When he had reached heaven he was appointed as the Angel of death

    RP Sample:

    (We prefer quality over quantity.)

    Powers & Abilities:

    {To be able to use technique, Shikai and Bankai, knowledge and know how must be acquired in-game)

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: {Describe your Zanpakuto Spirit}
    Zanpakuto Name: (Name of your Zanpakuto}
    Inner World: (What does your inner world look like)
    Sealed Appearance: {Your Zanpakutos regular state}

    Name: (Name of your released Zanpakuto)
    Shikai Release Phrase: (What is said to release your Zanpakuto into its Shikai)
    Released Appearance: (Your Zanpakuto's released state appearance)
    Shikai Special Ability: (What can your Shikai do that makes it special)

    Name: (Name of your final released Zanpakuto)
    Bankai Release Phrase: (What is said to release your Zanpakuto into its final form)
    Released Appearance: (What does your Zanpakuto look like in its final state)
    Bankai Special Ability: (What can your Bankai do that makes it special)


    (Max 12, you can add/unlock as you progress, but to be able to use technique, you must acquire it in-game)

    Name: (Name of the ability)
    State: (Shikai, Bankai, Regular Or All)
    Terms of Usage:(Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: (Describe what your technique can and cant do)
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique)

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 22, 2024 8:39 am