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    Daiseisho Oricaltos

    家臣 Retainer

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    Daiseisho Oricaltos Empty Daiseisho Oricaltos

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:03 pm

    Basic Information:

    Shinigami Name: Daiseisho Oricaltos
    Age: 1203

    Division: 2nd squad
    Rank : unknown

    Residence: 2nd squad barracks

    Appearance: medium height, mask worn over his face, covering everything on it other than his medium length silver hair and right eye. He wears the traditional squad 2 uniform with an adjustment of his neck being covered and an extra layer over his left arm. Hetrochromatic eyes, one red (the one in the mask) and one green (right eye)


    Daiseisho suffers from a split personality caused by an accident, which is the reason behind the mask that he currently wears. about a 800 years ago he was in an unexplained event where the area he was training in was set alight with fire. The results were that 3/4 of his face along with his left was burned, and are unnerving to even the most emotionless being. Normally he is a charismatic man, and chivalrous at heart. He motivates those around him and tries to keep the morale of his comrades high when facing an enemy. Irrespective of who he talks to, he always thinks of them as being higher than himself, unless there is a reason behind doing otherwise.

    The other side of Daiseisho is the polar opposite to him. When ever he sees a large volume of fire, he gets a huge migrane followed by his doing unpredictible things. He becomes blood-thirsty, destructive and will kill anyone who is in his way, friend or foe alikeAfter either he is knocked out or his blood lust is sated, he will fall unconscious, where his sanity will be regained, and he will have no recollection of what occured when he went insane.


    human Arc
    Daiseisho was a newly appointed brigadier General of an army in a land that was desolated with famine, war and death. When he arrived to his troops there were only about 327 left. Their foe was great and he was in a tight spot, With the numbers against him and the morale low he stood up and raised his sword over his head saying "after we dine I will make my grave, and I will either live here of die! And let me tell you now, this will not be a day for fighting... THIS DAY WE FIGHT!"

    Daiseisho was renowned for boosting even the most frail of morale and getting his troops to fight without fear. On the battlefield though, the entire troop were slaughtered, not because of being over-confident, but by the sheer fact that their foe had better numbers and better equipment. But Daiseisho fought until his last breath, knowing he was going to die. as he wandered the domain as a lost soul. he met a nameless samurai that told him that his comrads, and his love were waiting for him, in Soul Society. After a little hesitation he decided to go to meet to the place the swordsman spoke of. and so the start of his journey as a shinigami commenced.

    Shinigami Arc
    Even as a youth, Daiseisho was always in playful combat with the other kids that were there. He would show his skill when using a short stick, using a long one (treating it as a pole-staff). But even with victory, the opponent didn't hate of dislike him for being worse than him. There was something that Daiseisho has about him that caused all the foes around him to not help but be happy around him.

    By the time he entered the academy, it was clear that he was not one to use active kido, but augment his own blade attacks with kido. It was as though he had been doing this for far longer than his age was. with this, he was exempt from the kido classes and was trained solely in kendo and the use of weapons. he graduated after 4 years. But as much as he was friendly and everyone loved him, with this ability, he was rather intimidating.

    Smiling reaper arc
    On his 403rd birthday, the friends he made in past had given his a bokken made out of the finest timber (ash, with a sakura exterior). With this training blade he trained everyday in the wooded area near his residence. however his happiness was not to last. For one of those near Daiseisho detested him to no end. Always nice, always happy always willing to help out if needed. And as a result he wanted to get revenge on him out of self-pity. he called daiseisho on that same day, in the middle of the forest, and just as Daiseisho turned, oil was splatted over his face and down his left arm. just as he would cough any out of his mouth to ask why he did that, there was a burning sensation on his arm that then wasted no time to betting up to his face. this then caused his to let out a scream of agony as started to roll along the ground to try and put himself out, but it was not good. instead it was leading to a disadvantage as the flames on his went into the forest floor.

    as the two were trapped by the flames, the burnt male's screams became a laugh of insanity as he stood up again without a moments hesitation he ran at the male with an insane grin on his faceand kicked his into the fire. Due to the burns on the attacker of Daiseisho, the attacker died and his spirit disintegrated. he then let out a mad laugh as he wouldthe pass out due the burns he had. When he woke up he met with the 4th squad captain as she told him about the what happened from her perspective. when he saw how hidious he was in the mirror is had paid everything he had to conceal it. This was not because he was a narcissist but because he cannot bear to see the looks on peoples faces when they see him. And so he was given a mask, forged from silver to use. it covered his face. not long after he joined with squad 2, where he hopes he will be usful to all the memebers there.

    RP Sample:
    As he brought out his bokken down from training, He knew it was time the he went on his mission. But he questions why he would venture on it. War is about fighting others to prove a point. But if there is no point to prove, then why fight?

    "Why do I fight a battle that will only bring more blood. and from that blood, revenge will be sought for..."

    The reaper with the smiling mask. Such a name that would insinuate he loves to kill, but its the opposite really. as much as death is but a stepping stone on a riverbank, he knew it was an unsteady one. From behind the mask he smiled.

    "Then i will not allow my comrades to perish... for the sake of my squad, its time I went"

    Zanpakuto Information:

    Zanpakuto Name: Sougyou no Ro-tasu
    Sealed Appearance: It is the shape of a two handed Dachi, with one half of the handguard completely plain and the other half completely worn down (only in the look of it)

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:
    Sougyou no Ro-tasu is an honorable Zanpakutou that acts as a sheath to the humane side of Daiseisho. she tries to let her master be capable of regaining sanity... and is always there so comfort him. on the battle field however she will be ruthless to her enemies


    Release Phrase: Shine

    Released Appearance: upon the release,Sougyou No Ro-tasu becomes a poly-morphic weapon taking of the form of a spiked chain, a halberd (whos blade can also for a scythe) and wolverine style gaunlets (most commonlu used)




    Other Changes:none

    Passive abilities (passive abilities are abilities that need no activation. maximum of 3)

    Name: Ishiki Urufu (literally means: wolf senses. Note only work with the claws active)
    Description: Daiseisho's senses, reaction time, and speed all increase dramatically while he is using the claws.
    Downside: with the height of these sences, even a flame on a match stick will cause him to go insane

    Name: Bachi (punishment, only in the halberd form)
    description: Daiseisho can change the form of the blade edge in this form, so it can not only be a halberd, but a scythe, a glaive or a spear.
    Downside:takes one post to fully change

    Name: Kaosu (chaos, only in spiked chain form)
    description: Daiseisho can have the chain stiffen at any moment so that it acts as though it is one solid piece of metal instead of many links of metal
    downside: since rigid, may cause the chain to shatter, forcing Daiseisho to use another form

    Active abilities (Active abilities are abilities that needs activation. maximum of 3)

    Name: Sutoraiku Wangetsu (crescent strike, only with claws)

    [/b]Description:[/b]a build up of kido occurs in the edge of each blade, then he slashes them towards his foe. the wind that passes these will also move in that direction, causing it to act more violent

    [/b]Downside:[/b] when the kido blades leave the claws then they are unable to be recalled, it will fo damage to friendly if in the way.

    Name: Kagirinai yari Sutoraiku (unlimited spear strike; halberd form while as a spear/glaive)

    Description: in the said forms, daiseisho can have a twin of the weapon toss one of them at the foe. This continues until he is finished a chant has. when the chant finishes all the weapons raise from the ground and fall onto the foe like rain. (note this is an illusionary technique. The blade returns to the original weapon but an image is left where it is struck.)

    downside: high chance of hitting ally too if they are in the area.

    Name: tore-sa-chi(blood tracer, only with spiked chains)
    description:when blood of foe touches the chains they will follow them until the foes death, or an new target is made
    downside:requires blood

    Last edited by nerovampyro on Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:04 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Daiseisho Oricaltos Empty Re: Daiseisho Oricaltos

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:21 pm

    I dont see anything wrong with it, approved, i'll leave Lavi to your rank though, since im not sure what he's planning on.

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