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    Moon and Jades training


    Moon and Jades training Empty Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:12 pm

    Jade walked into the Colosseum with a loud yawn. Her arms stretching as far as they could above her. Blinking around in the bright sunlight, she could hardly see anything. She was not a morning person like Moon. She started out stretching and humming a soft tune to herself. It was a song that reminded her of her human life, Moonlight Sonata.

    Oh I know we have to do this today, but why do we have to get up so early. I mean it's not like the day will be going anywhere in a few more hours. She yawns some more and puts her long hair into a ponytail so it wont get in the way of their training. So where is this guy who we are suppose to be training with? I heard he was tough.

    She sits down and the white light surrounds her to slowly transform her into Moon. He takes in a deep breath of morning air and starts to do his own exercises. At first it starts with simple stretching and then goes into more physical actions. Moving through his routine from push ups to sit ups to a 3 mile run. Moon loved getting up in the morning. The expression on his face was nothing less than pure happiness.

    I don't know where he is, but I hope he shows up soon. I am almost done with my workout. And speaking of which you didn't do much of one, as usual. But I guess you did stretch, so you won't be as stiff as we train. He looked around and took in the morning view as he waited for his trainer, for he could think of no other word to call the person at the time. Well I guess I am ready if you are Jade. Lets do our best.


    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:38 am

    Rapid footsteps could be heard coming from a distant and a spiritual pressure that was getting stronger as it was getting closer. It was the current Squad 6 Captain Bane Fenix who was getting closer to train the two new captains. Bane jumped of a large building which was at least 50ft from the ground, he jumped of it and began to dive down towards the ground feet first, he was being followed by two large hollows. He roars loudly and beastly and then crashes down onto the ground feet first, due to his immense strength and spiritual pressure the ground beneath him had cracked badly and had sunk down a bit.

    The two hollows that were following Bane roared loudly and a large horde of hollows came flying from the top of the large building Bane had just fell out of, around 50 hollows where charging down towards Bane all in a nose dive. Bane looked up and unsheathed his sword, deadly yet elegant in it's own way.

    As he unsheathed his blade it was instantly engulfed in powerful flames, he pointed his flame covered blade to the sky and then said. "Tornado de Fuego"

    As he said this a large flame tornado shot out from his blade and trapped all of the hollows inside it, the hollows roared loudly. Some tried to escape but it was too late, they were all sucked into the center, the large tornado span rapidly and began to disintegrate each hollow that was above him into ashes. The roars of the hollows were instantly silenced, this move was so quick it was shocking, the tornado had killed all of the hollows and then instantly withdrew into Banes blade.

    Bane withdrew his blade into his scabbard and then began to dust himself off, he walked out of the cracked area he was standing in and went over to greet the two captains. He dusts himself of as he begins to walk, he was a very muscular fellow with a rough beard hair up to his shoulders and messy. Black hair black moustache and dark brown eyes, he walks over to the two captains and fixes up his haori. He wore the regular shinigami uniform and he had a pure white haori with the symbol for Squad 6 on the back of it in black.

    He looks to the two Captains and then says. "Greetings to you both, I am Bane Fenix, the current Squad 6 Captain I have been sent here with direct orders from the Head Captain to train you both. Now then before we start I want to ask you, why are you two not in your Captains uniform?"

    He said this with a serious tone as he would crack his knuckles by pressing them with the opposite hand. This wasn't out of anger it was simply a habit he had, he looked to the two captains and awaited there response, he saw how they were very young and also saw how they were disarmed.

    "And exactly how do you expect to train without a Zanpaktou?"

    He raised his left eyebrow as he asked them both a question, his spiritual pressure was at a Normal Captains level which even without him increasing it was intimidating due to his large figure as he stood at 6"6 and was wearing sandals.

    The sun was blaring hot and the day was good with a light breeze, his hair would lightly move as the wind would blow from time to time and the tail of his haori would move with the wind however his zanpaktou stayed in place and didn't move an inch, light smoke was still coming from it due to it being so hot and was still cooling down.


    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:45 am

    Moon watched in awe as the man single handedly defeated the Hallows as they chased him down the 50ft free fall. As the flames glowed brighter so did his eyes in astonishment of what he had done. Even though he was new as a Captain he still had never seen anyone do such a feet of skill and still manage to come out unscathed. This not only inspired Moon to become stronger, but also to make the best out of Jade as well, whom was thinking that the man was only showing off his skill for intimidation purposes.

    Jade seemed to not care for his astonishing feet as Moon did, but rather assumed that the Hallows were fairly weak and could have been defeated by any shinigami. She watched him as he walked twords the two and gave his name, noticing the tone of his voice didn't help with her thoughts of his guise of showing off earlier. But she didn't say anything, partially because Moon was currently out and partially because she didn't want to get him mad too quick. She rather liked to toy around for a while before bothering people she just met.

    Moon looked at the man Donkey he approached and seemed startled by his question before realizing that his Captains uniform was on Jade, she had thrown it on this morning and he put on his regular shinigami robes. But seeing as this is the first time the man had met them it would be a little tough to explain how everything works between them. Oh, I am sorry about the uniform, Jade put it on this morning and sense we only had one for right now I had to put this on. When we change our clothes change as well. It is not always easy to set things up. Let me fix that situation for you.

    In a white light covering his body Moon slowly transformed into a woman, whom appeared to be the same height and age. Although her hair color changed from his brown to a light shade of purple. She smiled as she appeared in her Captains uniform. With a playful wink and a slight giggle she whipped her ponytail to the side and bowed. As she rose up she offered her hand to shake.

    I am Jade, I guess you could call me the Co-Captain. Moon does most of the actual work however. And as far as our Zanpaktou we have it right here. She reached behind her neck and lifted the blade out of the back of the robes. They kept it here to keep it out of the way for business reasons.It dose not help to have this at out side the whole time, so we agreed to put it here. I know it is not practical but not everything can be.

    She smiled and looked him straight in the eyes, as if to see any glimmer of fun in the mans soul. And although she couldn't see it threw his strict outlook she knew there had to be some in there. After all what is the point of doing anything if you can't have fun with it. She lowered he blade to the ground and gave another slight giggle as she straightened up her robes.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:34 am

    "you really need to stop giggling your Donkey off."

    Bane said in a serious tone, he looked to the now transformed woman and wasn't impresssed.

    "I've heard about you two, you two are like brother and sister both trapped in the same body, you need to learn how to seperate yourselfs and become two unique people."

    Bane looked to the young girls hand as she offered to shake his, out of respect he shook it then let go, he turned his head to the side and spat onto the dirt ground. He looked to the young girl infront of him and then began to talk once more.

    "Now then before we start let me tell you now although this is training you can still be killed. I don't mess around when it comes to training, there are a large amount of people out there in the world who are stronger then you and I put together. That is why. Must train so that ee can at least stand a chance at defending yourselves. Hollows arn't the only threat out there believe me I've even met shinigami who were former members of the Gotei 13 who have managed to over power me... That is why we train that is why we fight to defend ourselfs and to protect others."

    Bane walks around the captains and walks over to the center of the training arena he looks to the captain infront of them and then says.

    "Before we continue, maybe it would be a good idea if you go pay a visit to the Squad 12 Captain Rioshi Urahara he may look intimidating but as powerful as he is we are lucky to have him on our side. He may be able to come up with something to seperate the two of you and make you into two seperate people, the outcome of hus experiments are endless from what I know no one has died so far. Now then when I train my pupil I don't hold back, I will push you past your limits and make you beg for mercy and once you beg for mercy even then I will not stop. Even if it kills me I'll make you two better captains than you are now.

    Now then rule number 1 be aware of your surroundings. Notice tht there are alot of buildings and walls, use these to your advantage because if you don't it could cost you a few bones, yes what I am trying to say is if you have the chance smash me through a f#cking wall, rule number 2 have no mercy, this is a training session if you are not careful you can get killed there will be times were it may seem that I am about to kill you. That may most likely be true however I will not kill you I am simply here to train you by continuously beat the crap out of you, now then are there any questions? If not then unsheath your blade and prepare for battle. If you wish to fight hand to hand first then that is also fine by me."

    He finished his speach. At all times keeping a serious tone, Bane ment buisness this was no time for fun and games, especially with what iscurrently happening in the world right now and with what happened in squad 6 a few months ago. Bane crossed his arms as he looked to the captain infront of him as he awaited her responce, this was going to be a very long day however he was chosen for this task so he shall fullfill it and go through it the whole way.


    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:23 am

    Jade could sense his dislike for the two of them, but never the less decided to ignore it for training purposes. She did gave to control her self after all. As he spoke of separating the two of them, both Jade and Moon had a spark of rage inside of them. They admit to themselves that it is not easy living like this, but it is what makes them unique. And nobody was going to change that, not the Captain of Squad 12, not the Captain of Squad 1, and defiantly not this guy.

    You may believe that being like this is a disadvantage but we find it to our liking and have no plans on changing. As far as the giggling goes I see your point but I guarantee you I take my job seriously as well. She had a fire in her eyes that was rarely seen, even by Moon. He new Jade didn't like to be insulted and was easily irritated. She placed her Zanpaktou back into its sheath and cracked her knuckles and neck.

    I think it is best to start out without our blades.Jade looked ready for the fight, almost wanting it too much. As eager as she was to train, she was even more so about it after listing to him insult her. Just the mentioning of her and Moon splitting would have done it enough. Anytime you are ready.

    The wind blew threw her hair and it chilled as it swept over her pale skin. Although it was early and she was ready for a long day of training, she had no intentions of quitting. And although she knew the risk of death in this line of work, she was never going to be killed by this man. She knew she would only die when it was her time. And That was nowhere near today.

    Moon watched as she took her stance and awaited for their opponent to come at them. As Jade focused on the Captain in front of them, Moon studied the area. Memorizing every building location and estimating heights to the ground. He scanned for all the damages and rubble left from the Hollow attack. And suddenly it did not seem as impressive as it first had to him. Moon spoke to Jade threw her mind so as to not be overheard, or much worse interrupted, by the Captain.

    I think he underestimates our team work, and I agree with you that our uniqueness comes from us being together.But do not lose your cool. I know you get heated fast but you will have to stay focused if you want to do well against him. Besides we don't have to beet him just hold our ground and stay standing. We will never give up. But if you could manage A smile arouse on Jades face as he spoke and she waited for the Captain to start. She had assumed he wouldn't speak unless he needed to or it was another insult that she didn't want to hear.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:01 pm

    Bane unclipped his scabbard from his side and dropped it to his side. The blade rested inside it's scabbard and laid there on the floor, he takes of his captains haori and then drops it down besides the blade as well, he then pulls down the top half of his robe revealing his bare muscular chest.

    His chest was filled with various scars from past battles, on the left side of his chest where his heart is there is a healed burnt mark which is in the shape of a
    lightning bolt:
    due to a past battle that he had against a certain opponent who managed to leave a mark on him, one that he is not too fond of, although he can choose to remove the scar he decides to keep it for motivation, to piss him off when he needs it most.

    The same with all the other scars as well, his body was extremely muscular having muscles in all the right places, it was obvious that Bane constantly trained his body past his limits.

    Bane cracks his knuckles then his neck, then his arms and his back.

    "Good I pissed you off, I was hoping that would happen, looks like now you're more serious. Lets begin, at any time feel free to pick up your blade and try to strike me, during the battle I want you to continuously switch between the two of you.

    If it's gonna be two on one then we also have to work on how to make that transformation quicker. Example, Moon kicks me to the side with hope she makes me go flying, Jade then swaps and flash steps to where I am about to land and smacks me down.

    Continuously swap between the two of you. Be aware of what I do, keep your eyes on me at all times, not on anything else, do not get side tracked. As soon as I see you are distracted that is where you will be at a disadvantage and be at your most vulnerable state."

    Bane instantly shunpoes besides the captain and sends his right foot rapidly to the back of her knee in an attempt to make the captain fall to her knees, if this succeeds he would then follow that up with another kick however this time it would be to the face and with his left foot. Bane was here to train these captains, and he wasn't gonna stop until he worked there asses of to be one of the best around.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:26 am

    Jade looked his body up and down. Taking in each scare and its depth. She knew her was a fierce combatant. He must have fought in many battles. Taking particular note to the lightning bolt on his heart she assumed that he could handle some very powerful attacks. This was not going to be just any walk in the park fight. That was good, it is what she was her for after all.

    She also lays her Captains robe to the side of her sword and nods as he discusses what he wants them to do. Switch back and forth eh? Well that's not too difficult. In fact it was what their plan was from the start. No point in only one getting trained while the other sits by the sidelines.

    As he finished up she waited for him too move, and just as expected he would start out from behind. A natural option giving him the advantage and easily being able to knock her off balance. But Jade had just enough time to twist and strike a kick at his ankle as his foot came down. After her attack she would flash step to the left, transforming into Moon as she did so, and he would chop his hand twords the Captains rib cage, directly in between two of the middle bones.

    No hesitation, just what I would have expected from a man with so much battle experience. You are quick, but I think I can manage your speed.Pushing himself back with his feet to get a bit of distance between them, Moon leaps into the air and falls twords his opponent fist first from a fifty foot drop.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:50 am

    As Jade countered his kick with her own and then swapped to Moon Bane span to his right side and around Moon as the chop would get near to Bane, Bane managed to dodge this attack and then managed to stand firm. He saw how he jumped up into the sky roughly 50ft from the looks of it and saw how they where diving down fist first.

    Bane bends his legs and crouches down, he waits and lowers his spiritual pressure, he waits until they get closer then Bane lets his spiritual pressure rip as he dives of from the ground. The impact of his spiritual pressure and the strength of his legs cracked the floor as he dove off, he charged directly for the captains.

    As Bane got closer he smirked slightly he managed to move his body to the side of the captains so that he would just manage to dodge there fist, as he skids to the side mid air he grabs hold of the fist from the side and then with a large amount of strength he begins to spin them around in mid air as they both begin to drop. He spins them around three times and lets them go, making them go flying in the direction of a building.

    "Don´t get cocky, just because you saw a bit of my speed doesn´t mean it´s my full speed."

    As they go flying towards the building Bane presses his feet againts the air and then launches himself once again diving towards the captains in an attempt to strike them one more time.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:06 am

    Knowing their last attack wouldn't work, they planned to be grabbed. The swing,however,was not seen. As they flew twords the building,Moon quickly turned back into Jade. Jades cat like reflexes kicked in as she flipped around and ran up the wall. Pushing off of the wall, she lunged for the captain and meet him half way with a punch twords his jaw. However, in mid swing Moon came out to kick him in the ribs before she got close enough to hit him.

    They wanted to show that they too had speed, as well as control over their body placement. This combined with the timing of the kick was unmatched by any Shinigami they have ever come across. But then again, they have never met a Shinigami pair such as themselves. This captain did indeed have great speed and endurance, and although he would normally have no problem facing off against two opponents. Moon sensed he was enjoying the challenge of fighting two people like this.

    Moon whipped around after his kick and started a free fall to the ground. As he fell Jade reappeared and gracefully landed on her toes. She appeared to be a highly skilled acrobat. Nice throw. But you was a little off on your aim. She leaped back twords him, jumping from building to building to gain momentum as she climbed higher, with an uppercut twords his chin.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:31 pm

    Bane gets punched in the jaw and then afterwards gets a kick sent to his ribs, with his left hand he quickly grabbed hold of the captains leg tightly and then pushed the leg down sending them falling, as they free fall spat out a light amount of blood to his side and wiped his mouth with his hand, he looks down as he sees them come up to attempt to uppercut him in the jaw.

    He moves back one step and then sees as they come to uppercut him, he grabs there wrist with both hands and begins to spin them around once again. He spins them around twice and then flings them towards the ground, however as he did this he still had a tight grip on the captains so that all three of them were falling rapidly to the ground. As they began to fell Bane wrapped his legs around the captains hips and tightened his grip on there wrist so that they couldn't escape the fall.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:05 am

    As he grabbed their wrist, they knew he was going to twirl them again. They had seen it coming and prepared for it so it wouldn't hurt as much, even with the intense grip of their opponent. As the captains fell the squeeze of Banes legs around Jades body was very tight. She tried to wiggle out but couldn't. So she thought quickly and gave the Captain a swift punch in the groin to make him let go. She didn't like doing this to people, but if it worked then she is not going to complain.

    She manged to land her feet on the ground first and with her grip still on Banes wrist she twisted her body around and slammed him into the ground as hard as she could, leaving a big crater in the ground as she did so. As she went to punch the Captain into the ground a second time, Moon reappeared and dropped his elbow down on to the Captains rib. The same one he hit just moments ago. He knew this was not enough to drop the man for long, probably not even a moment. But Moon had to be come stronger.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:07 pm

    (Wow... I finally understood what you meant by "Cheap Shot" ... Ouch!)

    Bane was ... surprisingly enough... hit in the groin... then hit various times on the same exact rib, this caused this rib to crack very lightly. Although it was very light Bane could still feel it, he was on the floor as a large crater had formed from being slammed down. He smirked as this captain was improving, once the captain was done hitting him he raised his legs up and jumped up.

    He stood there outside the crater and stretched slightly, he took in a deep breath to releve the pain he had from the various hits.

    "Good, you're improving! I like that, now we're gonna fight a little bit more hand to hand and then we will swap to using our blades."

    Bane finished his sentence and then he turned around and rapidly dive tackled the captain to the floor, he sat on top of the captain and began to continuously punch there faces rapidly. He would increase his spiritual pressure and then send his spiritual pressure to his fists as he would continuously punch the captains with both fists filled with large amounts of spiritual pressure.

    "Come on Captain! it's situations like these where you need to figure out how to get out while still taking blows to the face!"

    These punches were famous for destroying brick walls and denting steal walls, due to his rapid and heavy punches the captains face would have various bruises and would be highly injured from his attacks. The captain would have to think of a way on how to get out of this before Bane would break they're jaw, Bane was sat on there chest and his legs were around there arms so they were unable to move.

    Bane would continuously punch there faces in with each blow feeling the large amount of spiritual pressure which is sinked into each punch.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:29 am

    Moon smiled at the Captains compliment right before being tackled into the ground. He could feel the weight of the other Captain on top of him as he was pinned down to the ground. With his arms pinned it would make escaping difficult. As he started taking punches to the face he could feel his bones vibrate with each one. He had to get out of this and fast, he didn't know how much more of this he could take.

    Then he thought of something, it would be risky but it was worth a shot. Moon raised his spiritual pressure and focused it into his head. As the Captains fist fell twords his face Moon quickly slammed his head into it, not only taking some of the sting out of the blow, but also equaling the pressure and stopping his fist. Quickly reacting to this he transformed back into Jade and she flicked her legs up and around their opponents neck and flung him too the side.

    She took in a few heavy breaths, the weight of Bane was too much for her small body to hold up for too long. She looked over at him and slowly climbed back to her feet. Although proud of herself, she didn't think that she would be able to do that again.

    You could lose some weight. Are you trying to crush me to death? A smile ran across her face. She winced suddenly and grabbed her own ribs. Two cracked already. Moon reminded her that she needed to be more careful. Although she didn't want to stop the fight she knew she must watch her side from this point on.

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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:44 am

    Bane rolled after being thrown and then he got back up from the floor, he smiled at them and laughed slightly.

    "Heh... You're improving... I like that... Don't worry about your injuries... we will heal those afterwards, now then, lets see how well you are with your blade. You've impressed me so far with your hand to hand combat hopefully you can impress me with your blade skills."

    Bane walks over to where his blade was resting on top of his haori, he picks up the scabbard and unsheathes the blade , he slashes the air slightly to check how it is. He walks back to the center and holds his blade with two hands in the kendo position.

    "Alright now, grab your blade and prepare for battle, strike me when ready!"

    Bane positioned himself and awaited anything from this captain, he was eager to see what they would come out with in this battle.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:35 pm

    She smiled and nodded, this was training after all. She needed to be able to fight while sustaining many injuries. But know they had to fight with their Zanpaktou. Moon was hesitant at letting her fight first, but she wouldn't listen to him. The fight was just getting good.

    She looked up at the other Captain and spoke with a kind of chuckle to her words. Being honest, I just wanted to make you grab your sword first. But know it is getting to the good part. I hope you are ready for us.

    Jade walked over and grabbed their blade. She held it in her left hand and swung it around a few times. She loved her Zanpaktou more than anything else in the world. Walking back over to where her opponent stands ready she twirled it and pointed it at him. She seems to be standing in a stance that is not normal for her weapon. She stands ready in a fencing stance with her blade diagonally pointing up perpendicular to her opponents blade.

    Only holding the hilt with her left hand she seems to be bouncing the tip of the blade in mid air, as if pointing out spots on her opponent and the area around him. Then she quickly thrust her sword straight twords his left shoulder.
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Nerovampyro Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:54 am

    As the training occured there was a sole being the looked onward. She was not far away from where this was taking place. In fact he was leaning on a near by part as he saw the captain of squad 6 and two beings that were bound together. It was as though they were united by their reiatsu, or perhaps they were like the north and south pole of a magnet. seeing the two of them intrigued him but he still stood there simply looking on. As per his nature, that male was masked to hide his face. All the while he pondered on what to do with the former captain of squad 6.

    With this man capable of being able to hold his own,he thought for a moment as he folded his arms, his intimidating serpent like eyes looking on.

    A silent spectator looking at the new member of the gotei 13

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:16 am

    "Well notice that this is only training, I do things within moderation here. You wounds here will only be temperamental."

    Bane sees the blade as it is sent towards his left shoulder, Bane manages to spin around and dodge the blade while manage to send in a quick swing of his blade. He managed to slash his blade upwards towards her in an attempt to slash her chest, if this had succeeded her clothing would be torn and she would be lightly cut from the blade.

    However if the blade did not manage to cut the captain Bane would turn the blade downwards once again and then swing his blade back down to the captain to try slash her once more. Bane felt the presence of another being, this presence was strong but it was idle.

    Bane had no time to battle other people so he simply kept his mind on focusing on training this captain since the other being was idle he would only react if approached.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:25 am

    Jade parried off the first slash twords her chest with a graceful flick of her blade. As she did so, she turned on her toes to keep her eyes on the other captain. Blocking his second attack, she pushed against his sword to get a bit of space between them.

    Using this time quickly she ran up and twirled as she slashed at her opponent. Allowing her to have a three hundred and sixty degree slash, starting at his left hip and ending up on his right shoulder. As she finished the attack she turned back into Moon. As she did so the Zanpaktou also seemed to envelop into the white light. However it came back in the same shape as it was previously. Oddly enough however it had a slight hum to it. As if it was an electric fence.

    Moon spun the sword around to face the hilt up and slung it at Banes left shoulder in an attempt to knock him off balance. As he did so he could feel the presence of another person watching the battle. Weather it was friend or foe, he was not sure of. But he knew that right now was not the time for a two on "two".

    As he noticed it he spoke to Jade, I sure hope he has nothing up his sleeve about interfering.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:39 am

    Bane gets slashed by the young captain and is sent back stumbling a few feat. His wound begins to bleed lightly and then blood begins to run down Banes muscular body, he looks down and smirks and then says.

    "Good you managed to cut me... Now it's time to get serious!"

    Bane saw the next attack coming towards him and saw how she was going for his left shoulder, Bane gripped his zanpaktou with his right hand and then swung it forcefully up at the blade to clash against it. Banes blade clashed with hers and a large spark appeared due to the two metals clashing, Bane would swing his blade in front of him as a slight vibe sound could be heard from his blade as he continuously slashed the air.

    He would constantly move his blade and then dived towards the captain in an attempt to slash downwards from the right side of her neck to her left hip. If this had succeeded then the captain would be cut and injured bleeding slightly and she would feel a slight burning sensation from her wound.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:59 am

    Moon tried flash stepping to dodge the attacks being swung at him. As he stepped threw them he could feel the heat of the blade as it would pass by. Just the slash of the weapon would make him sweat from how hot it was. Taking a miscalculated step the the left the blade manages to slash his left shoulder.

    The burning it left felt intense and almost overwhelmed him as he stumbled back from Bane. He was bleeding a little, but most of the cut was burned shut by the heat of the blade. Moon could feel the sting threw his whole arm as he moved it, but managed to shrug it off as he sat into the fray with a counter strike.

    Agh....that's one hot blade. I hope you don't find mine too shocking.

    Swinging his Zanpaktou across the Captains waist, the blades humming would be fallowed by a crackling and popping sound. If this attack managed to hit an electric shock, about the strength of a power outlet, would run threw Bane and cause his hair to stand on end and simmer with smoke.

    If not however, Moon would whip his blade back around and prepare for his opponents next attack.

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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:34 am

    Bane steps back quickly as the blade comes towards him however the tip of the blade managed to cut his waist a little bit. The blade scratches him and causes a flesh wound, the crackling of the electricity shocks him and runs through his body rapidly.


    A slight flash back comes to him as his muscles tense up and his hair sparks up slightly. He tenses his fists and manages to shake of the electricity. He was slightly burnt from the shock but managed to get through it, his heart was racing a little bit more from that shock as he then says.

    "Great... Another Electric user!"

    Bane grips hold of his blade tightly as the blade now begins to glow an orange glow as it turns boiling hot. He steps forward once and then sends his blade upwards towards the captain in an attempt to slash the captain upwards from the ground area to the neck. As he sends his blade upwards the air around makes his blade spark up as flame sparks would jump off from his blade.

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:42 pm

    Moon smiles at the captains comment. He didn't realize he was the only one who used electricity. But he was glad to know it is hard to handle. As the captain moved away, Moon took up his defense and prepared for the on coming attack.

    Sorry for the bad pun earlier.

    As the opposing blade glowed orange, Moon knew what was about to happen. That blade was going to get hot and fast. When it slashed up at him, he tried to step back but stumbled because of the sparks flying off of the blade. A few landed on his clothes and burned them threw. He could feel the heat of the blade as it slashed up his side before being parried off of him by his own Zanpaktou.

    The attack left a lash burnt gash in his chest, cauterized by the heat. Moon feel back after the attack and held on to his chest. He could still feel the burn. Maybe he needed to figure out a way to douse the flame. On that thought he stood up and transformed into Jade. She held up her hand and formed what appears to be a snowball, by pulling the water out of the air.

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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:55 pm

    Bane nods and smiles in approval, he swings his blade around and then stabs it into the ground. The dirt combined with the hot blade starts to cool it down, he reaches over to the captain and grabs there hand and pulls them up of the ground.

    "Congratulations, that's your first bit of training complete. You have shown that you have the right skills to be a captain. Now then stay still and allow me to heal those wounds of yours."

    His hands ignite in flames produced by his blade and a large orb of fire surrounds the captain in front of bane however this flame is not harmful, it is a warm flame that begins to heal all of there wounds.

    "This is what I like to call the flame of the Phoenix, as deadly as it may be it can also be used to heal wounds."

    The flames spin around rapidly and heal the captains and then they rise up and return to Banes blade. A sizzling sound can be heard from his blade as it is still boiling hot.

    "Are there any questions before I go? there are other people who need me to train them."

    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:38 am

    Jade smiled and lowered her hand. She enjoyed the challenge and showed it with a slight smirk on her face. The Captain was good, but she knew that with proper training she could over come him with time.
    Re-sheathing her sword she holds out her hand to shake his for the match and the advice.

    Thank you for the training. I will be fine for now. I am sure other people need your help more than I do.

    She was sweating from the fight and worn out. She defiantly needed to take a shower after this. A thought that Moon didn't like to think of. He wasn't too into invading her privacy. But she didn't care, just as long as he was embarrassed.

    Till next time then. Bane was it? I hope to see you by my side on the battle field one day.

    Posts : 82
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    Moon and Jades training Empty Re: Moon and Jades training

    Post by Bane Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:41 am

    "Indeed, My Name is Bane Fenix, Squad 6 Captain, do not be afraid to visit anytime you wish!"

    With that he shook the hand he smiled he turned around and then dashed of rapidly jumping on top of roofs and free running all the way to his squad barracks. He was gone rapidly with only a small trail of fire that quickly dispersed in the air and left the area nice and warm.

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