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Stark Kreuz
6 posters

    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra


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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:30 am

    The black katana disappeared from view, and Kyouga used his sonido to appear behind Ben it order to deliver a punch to the man's waist. However, he would have to finish this quickly before reinforcements arrived.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:30 am

    Shon Ben sighed as he already calculated his moves before he did anything. He dropped his stick and rapidly turned around as Kyouga re-appeared now in front of him once again, the fist was being launched to Shon Ben and he managed to catch him by his wrist. He pushed away the fist and pushed Kyouga back and then said.

    "Ah... so impatient I see... so tell me who and why did they send you to murder an old defenseless old man? I am simply one man following the path of light to see were it takes me, how could such thing lead to my death?"

    Rank : Séptima
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:14 am

    "Lucifer sent me to kill you in return of command over a group of unique individuals known as The Elements. The only reason I'm in a hurry is because nearby troops are coming to your rescue." Kyouga said without a flinch as he was pushed backwards, and the started to dash towards Ben and cancelled into a slide at the last moment in an attempt to knock the man down.

    "If I do not kill you, someone else will and they might not fight you on equal terms. I need the power of the elements so that I can restore balance to the east and west and establish peace. That way, less people have to die in this war." Kyouga explained calmly to the man, expecting to fail now that he was fighting a man with more experience. However, his intentions were purer than his heart.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:39 am

    "So you're telling me that the man named Lucifer... also another name for the Devil asked you to come kill me all in order for you to kill other people so that balanced may be gained?"

    Shon Ben sees the man charging at him and simply moves to the side and out the way of the man charging towards him. He slightly chuckles from the information he told him.

    "And now you're saying that there are troops of soldiers coming here to rescue me from.. "certain danger?" and see you as a large threat... right so I'm in the middle of a desert... and a man who happens to have a hole in his chest is trying to kill me all because the devil said that if he does he restores peace between the east and the west? Heh... blimey...

    I can tell you've never been educated before in your life, if you so foolishly decide to make a deal with the devil then your life is already gone."

    Shon Ben spoke as he had his arms crossed. He looked at the man as he stomped about like a raging bull trying to prove his point... it all seemed slightly pathetic... and funny in a way, the poor being trying to kill a defenseless old man a being who craves so much power and yet so far hasn't been able to lay a finger on him.

    Rank : Royalty
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:55 am

    Ai had used Hirenkyaku many times to shift from one building top to the other as the waves of energy shot through the air from a battle. Regardless of whom it was, Ai had to make it a point to protect Shon Ben and if it was not, then someone would definitely have to pay for wasting his time. Bow in hand at his side, Ai continued to shift through the air till he would throw himself high up and activate his Spurhaltung des Auges as the blue flame burst from around his left eye in which he saw the sight and it was as he had feared.

    He drew back a single arrow and aimed clearly from the sky down onto the man that was attacking Shon Ben as he spoke to himself "You stupid ignorant monsters don't know when to leave well enough alone."

    Last edited by Lee_Takamoto on Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total

    Rank : Séptima
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:08 am

    Kyouga stood up and sighed quietly. "Shon Ben, I am a monster in my true form. I have been dead for hundreds of years and will continue to be so. Humans are foolish, they will keep on fighting each other until one side has surpassed the other in power. The only way to stop the fighting is for an even stronger power to intervene and force a cease-fire. Only then can true diplomacy be made. Unless you have any brighter ideas to end the struggle between the east and west, then I have no choice but to continue this battle." Kyouga said with slight agitation, giving the man a chance to reason with him.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:54 am

    "Mhm... young man... or thing... I understand what you're saying however even if a greater force comes in war shall still wage through. Even if it will not be with one another it will be against that greater force as everybody wants power. Our Father who art in heaven, died on the cross for our sins, although we have still been forgiven look at how the people continue to fight.

    War and conflict is never the answer, it will never help solve things. Killing more people will upset the balance that there is around and there shall be no peace.

    I suggest you have a word with Lucifer and see what he really wants from you, do you really think a man like Lucifer would really grant you! and army? a young boy who can't even lay a finger on a poor old man? come now quit being so foolish and be off on your way."

    The mans words were not convincing Shon Ben however he would refuse to fight him at all. There was no reason to fight and he is not meant to fight him... at all!

    Rank : Royalty
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:29 am

    Ai let his aim watch the fight between the two fighters and trained his arrow in the midst of the two as he then continued to fire several more arrows to fire around the single one he fired to make sure that the gap between the two would grow to his liking enough. He had to distinguish between the two and make sure that the old man was indeed whom he thought he was as his last arrow, he activated his skill Verschiebungs-Pfeil and this one aimed a bit more toward the older man.

    Rank : Séptima
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Kyouga Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:34 am

    "You definitely live up to your title, Shon Ben... Very well, I will withdraw from this fight. I wish your deciples live long and bountiful lives. Be wary, for I suspect that Lucifer will stop at nothing to silence you and your voice of reason. Please take care, hopefully differences can be settled." Kyouga said calmly before exiting through a garganta before troops arrived.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:48 am

    "Very well then... then tell lucifer I shall be expecting him.. now be gone!"

    He looked to the being as he stepped through the garganta, then he looks to see the large amount of arrows charging at him. He simply steps to the side and allows them to charge by him. He looks towards the people in front of him then he looks behind him to see if his pilgrims are alright.

    He looks to them and they give him a look of confirmation he looks back to the people and begins to slowly walk to them. As he walks to them he takes of his cowl revealing his true uniform as he says.

    "Greetings to you all, I am Shon Ben... the one who people may call the prophet... I don't know myself however I am simply a man following the path of light!"

    Rank : Royalty
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:04 pm

    Ai held himself in the air still as he rained the few arrows down onto the individuals below. As the hollow took his leave and all his arrows pierced the ground, Ai disappeared with the use of his Verschiebungs-Pfeil skill and he instantly appeared just aside from a single arrow that was a bit brighter. He watched as the older man turned around and proclaimed that he was indeed the man he was looking for, Shon Ben.

    Ai slowly let his bow dissipate as did the arrows. He slowly let his arms raise up and crossed them over his chest as he spoke "So you are Shon Ben."

    Posts : 18
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Folken Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:37 pm

    The Pandora watched at there was an alert of a c-type nova in the vicinity. She then heard the Quincy she were to meet leave to deal with this. But that did not matter as her primary concern was right before her. The man known as Shon Ben: the who she would hold his own against a monster who probably used honor as a cloak and dagger for his own agenda

    The young girl walked towards the man in a military fashion, probably drilled into her head for some time. she the out stretched her arm as she spoke to him in a less authoritative voice then usual.

    "Shon Ben. I am Ingrid Bernstein from the elite force known as Pandora, it is a pleasure to finally meet you"
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:41 am

    Shon Ben was surprised to see all these people here to greet him, he looked to the quincy and recognized him from an earlier time were the quincy actually attacked him for helping out his friend. He then said to the quincy.

    "Ah... Greetings young quincy... I see we meet once again."

    He looks in front of him and sees the beautiful young lady, he grabs her hand lightly and flattens it out and then kisses the top of her hand gently, he lets go and nods his head in respect.

    "No no.. the pleasure is all mine..."

    He begins to speak to the crowd around him and then says.

    "And to all of you, I thank you for coming to greet me... times have been difficult and they will continue to be difficult, but together we will fight through it and succeed to our destination."

    Shon Ben then stops talking and stays silent for the time being, he looks up to the sun, he inhales the air and then exhales letting out a light sigh of relief. He nodded gently and looked back to the people.

    "Now then, what is our next task. My pilgrims and I are tired and wish to rest however if it would help to simply continue without rest as we have done the past couple of days then we shall do so, the path of light is a difficult one but worth the trouble."

    Rank : Royalty
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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:27 am

    Ai watched as Ingrid appeared on the scene and spoke to Shon Ben as he then spoke to him about meeting him once again. This proved to throw several questions in his mind as to when it was that he had met the prophet and yet, he could not place him but figured it better to just go along with it. "Yes, lets hope these circumstances end better than the last."

    He could only assume that it was a bad one as most his encounters with the male species was a negative for the most part. He then watched as Shon Ben greeted Ingrid and then his followers and then spoke of resting or not. Ai then placed one arm at his side while the other held its place over his chest and bowed his head

    "You and your subjects would have a welcome shelter in the nearby town and if you would like to continue, then myself and miss Bernstine would accompany you so that if any more attacks on your life were to occur, we would do our best to defend you from your attackers."
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:33 am

    Shon Ben looks to the young man speak, he nods to him with a smile and says

    "Very well then, my followers and I are tired and need a well earned rest, stay for the night and continue in the afternoon once again. If you two can acompany me please do so as it would be of great help for me and my people."

    He said with a nod and a smile as he then began to walk further along heading towards the town as the people behind him would follow in his footsteps as he led them the way of the light.
    Stark Kreuz
    Stark Kreuz

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Stark Kreuz Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:31 am

    Malcomn had fainted yet again, and when he woke up, he was in Shon Ben's room. "Where...." He turned left to right only to find Shon Ben kneeling at one end of the room in deep trance in prayer.

    Malcomn had no idea what happened then, but he remembered the alamrs resounding into a Level five emergency. After that, it was all blank.

    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:02 am

    Shon Ben made the sign of the cross head held high then down for a few final word of return, temporary farewells. He turned his head towards Malcomn a small smile in his face. "So you're awake." he greeted him, standing up from the long kneel.

    He carried him self with ease, walking towards the weak man before him. "What's the last thing you remember?" he asks.
    Stark Kreuz
    Stark Kreuz

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Stark Kreuz Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:59 am

    "I remember" The words lingered between his lips... The memory was so distant that he is set of track....

    Then he stopped talking all together, left thinking...

    "Why cant i remember... pretty much... everything..." he thought... "I must have hit my head pretty hard..." he joked. "I cant seem to remember a thing..."
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:07 am

    Shon Ben sat to the chair next to the bed where Malcomn sat up. "Indeed you have..." Shon Ben said with a worried tone. "Getting possessed for long... Even I would think it’s a bad hit on the head.” Shon Ben shook his head eyes closed. “Gain control kid, the powers within this world are working ways to man-kinds salvation, you should defeat your demons… defeat the one who possesses you.” While saying so Shon Ben made the sign of the cross over Malcomn’s head. “The blessing I set upon you can only work so long… When we part ways… you’re on your own. But.” Shon Ben pauses. “You’d always know where to find me… If you seek true salvation, you’re always welcome in the holy land.”
    Stark Kreuz
    Stark Kreuz

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Stark Kreuz Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:10 am

    The realization numbs everything... Possesed? he thought over and back, he has no memory of ever being posseed, there was only him and him alone, doing his thing as a weak scum of the earth. But he did not argue with the holy man, he simply swallowed the news the spineless he is. He was so small, so weak and so fragile, even he feared the power of this holy man. The very thought of him being invited into the Holy Land... was scary... as hell...

    He simply took one deep breaght, a long sigh and nodded. "Alright."
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:57 am

    Shon Ben then stood up and prepared for the continuation of their journey. It has been a week since they arrived. There had been security issues and a few of the pilgrims got attacked, so They had no choice but to stay a few days more. Now… They were ready to complete the pilgrimage they started 6 months ago.

    Shon Ben stepped out of the room giving his final farewell to Malcomn and closed the door. On the hall way, the pilgrims were ready to move.

    “Brother’s and Sisters, we’ve traveled through the world and now we near the holy land where we started, it has been six long months of prayer and outreach. We’ve seen this world, and what it has become.

    Brothers killing brothers, women and children left to die. There’s not enough food, not enough water. The world as we all know it… it is dying…

    And this is because Lucifer dwells within us, and until we defeat him, we will never give up. We will stand high in the power of the almighty Lord. God bless the new world, God bless Lucifer's soul when he is brought back to hell, chained for the rest of eternity to suffer for all the sins that he has committed. We are at war against evil, and we will defeat it. Lucifer will lose.

    I am Shon Benjamin… Overseer of fate, messenger of angels, descendant of the Adam… and I will refuse to let this evil continue… When we return to the Holy Land, and we will Return, We will tell them all what we witnessed over these 6 long months ... And then… We would make our move…”

    The 24 pilgrims grew in numbers over the past few days, other pilgrims had convinced locals to join their cause, Shon Ben was loved and admired by every place his visited, he had a way of touching every person he meets in very different ways.

    Their cheer was loud after his speech, but the soldiers flood in suddenly, there was someone of importance heading at Shon Ben’s direction, and he couldn’t believe his eyes when that man walked to him and smiled.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:04 pm

    This very popular man who was rearely seen in public made an apearance. He took long strides, clean cut hair, seemingly well trimmed facial hair and fancy macho-perfume. It was the president of the new world, beside him his personal pandora body guard Chiffon. He offered his hand for Shon Ben to shake leaving him no real choice but to respond by shaking it.

    "Shon Ben..." Andy says amused. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." he continues.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:16 pm

    Shon Ben shook the man’s hand, he was indeed the president of the new world, a man he very little trusts. His facial expression remained the same, blank and distant. "Same." He was able to say. He let's go of the presidents hand afraid of what might happen next, but he acted like the fact that this very powerful man was here was not a very big deal. “What brings you in such a far away place, Mr. President?” He asks welcomingly, sounding more concerned than sarcastic.
    He observed the unchanging expression of the Pandora beside him, she could easily kill every single person in the room if the president so much as order it. These Pandora’s is the desecration of the temple of god, they are neither human nor man made, they are both and an abomination not only to mankind but to God himself.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:38 am

    "Ah." Andy half yelled in surprise. "I see you've met my secretary, Malcomn Alberts." Andy shook his head. "I heard he's been out for days, and you cured him, you truly are a miracle worker." Andy laughed patting the holy mans back a little. But Shon Ben did not budge, much like everyone else in the hall. "Aw comeon people." Andy turned around, ordering the soldiers. "Dismiss your selves and wait out side, these are pilgrims here." She shook his head in dissapointment. "Im Sorry about that my friend, I my self am a very important man, and threats come as easy as they go." he apologizes, but Shon Ben remains an unmoving statue.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
    The Living Saint

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    World Government : East Wing; Sumarra - Page 2 Empty Re: World Government : East Wing; Sumarra

    Post by Shon Ben Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:52 am

    Shon Ben stood unconvinced and not even slightly amused. "Yes.. Ofcourse, A man of power such as your self requires this much protection, what would the world do without the man who single handedly built the world back to it's feet, you sir, are the miracle worker... But..." Shon Ben paused but did not hesitate. "Not all miracles are the work of God." Shon Ben had given him a small smile, patting his shoulders and walking pass him. "We will meet again Mr. President, i think it will be sooner than you think."


    The pilgrims were set to go with Shon Ben only waiting for the escort. The sun was high and the sands were dry like the wastelands of the east. But greater danger lies beyond this border, yes, They needed this convoy. If not, they could be facing an untimely death wish.

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