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Loli Gaga
Ferris Will
9 posters

    Rebel Hideout

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed May 23, 2012 10:42 am


    Snipper landed in softly before the umbrella chute closed on its own, she eyed her surroundings intently before finding a monstrous creature standing just inches away from Ferris Will. She immediately assembled her rifle and fired at its head, but it bounced off just like that, this annoyed her greatly. "What the fudge is the Duck is that thing?" to anyone it looked just like any other nova, but there was something strange about it.

    --Ferris Will--

    Will didn't move an inch even though he was warned by Aki, he merely stood there frozen like a statue intently thinking of a way to save Rei and or to kill her pondering over that back and forth, even before the jaws of death, he did not move, luckily it stopped, something that he didn't calculate.


    "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING ADAM?" Seven argued guitar in hand, it seemed he's done something but no one's as to what it was.

    Will did not reply, but the beast was frozen much like Will was.

    Then they all heard gun shot. the beast snapped back and moved its massive claws to smash Will, but this time he avoided it.

    The beast did not move, but instead was now attacking it's self, the human looking part of this creature was tearing off its monstrous part bits by bits.

    She was now holding the blade that Rei was earlier, and with one final plunge the skull broke, falling of piece by piece like broken porcelain.

    Rei was now before them, much the same, but also different.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Thu May 24, 2012 3:21 am

    Aki held her breath as the mosnter attacked will but relaxed when he finally moved and dodged the attack. But the site of the thing tearing its self apart made her freeze. Not in shock but of wonder. Is this how hollowfication works? Tearing uglyness of yourself out to a new?

    She saw Rocker before them took a step. "Rocker?..." She said under her breathe and relaxed putting her sword down.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu May 24, 2012 6:47 pm

    Soren watched as the girl jumped into the dark pit walking over to it peering down into the darkness. He felt a few reiastu's down there one was slightly out of control. Considering the options he could either stand here like a coward or go and join in the fray. Or well what it seemed to be grabbing a umbrella he jumped into the pit opening into a slow descent.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri May 25, 2012 8:13 pm


    Rei stood there porcelain fragments falling off, tails retracting leaving only what looked like bones in the shape of a hand which conveniently rested on her body, she yawns before speaking to them.

    "I remembered something" she told them pretty much surprised that she was alive even outside of her body, but why? Did this mean she was one of the 'others' now?

    Will threw something at her and she drank it. She turned to him and spoke. "I didnt die, but... this doesnt mean im wrong."


    --Ferris Will--

    Ferris Will shrugs at her. "You didnt have to do that." he shrugs one more time before shaking his head this time crossing his arms. "You survived because you are you. But you dont know who you really are do you?"
    he shrugs one more time before sighing.


    Was not sure what happened, after shooting the creature it seem to have killed it's self and was now replaced by her sister, she doesn't move but instead prepared to fire another shot just in case it was something else.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sat May 26, 2012 3:47 am

    Aki stood there talking to herseld. "If that was hollowfication... than she did die... Was she even human to begin with? Probably... but than she did die..." Aki backed away a bit. These people know so much, and have so much power. How is that. The world's been dead.

    She walked a bit closer to them and than stopped letting them discuss amongst themselves.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat May 26, 2012 3:36 pm

    As his slow descent began to end he saw sniper, other two other girls, and a man standing there what exactly happened? Coming closer to the ground he seemed to be twelve to ten feet off the ground so he decided to let go of the umbrella ground and roll once he landed so he didn't break anything. Soren lifted his head up and he noticed the white fragments on the ground getting up and over to sniper keeping on guard for some of the other people with his pure white katana twirling in his hand. Stopping it and looking over to sniper Do you know what just happened here? Because at this point I am confused.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun May 27, 2012 10:49 am


    Rei turned to Aki with slight worry in her eyes. "I know what to do now." she tells her. "I know how to restore your powers." she sits down and claims to have found a solution to Aki's problem. "Memory showed me."

    She shrugs before continuing. "I think... the person who once owned this broken katana, was a shinigami... much like you.


    Convinced that nothing would go wrong any longer decided to move. "We should go see our selves, i guess." she says short low and simple.

    She stood up packed her riffle and walked this time more cautious of Soren. "Let's go." it was like a weight was lifted of her chest, it seems everything was fine now.
    3rd Division Captain
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sun May 27, 2012 11:46 am

    Aki runs toward her and kneels. She has much curiosity in her eyes. "A shinigami? Who... Is it someone I know?" Hearing the word shinigami made her burst inside a bit. She seperated from most shinigamis 5 years ago. "How can I restore my powers? Please tell me. I have to get them back if I want to fight again, survive, and help this world."
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun May 27, 2012 12:26 pm


    "You have to become someone like me." Rei smiled at her softly on the same time weakly. "You need to defeat what i had." she stood up and steps closer leaned forward and continued. "You need to have the nova, dwell within you, and exist there..."

    It was a theory that the eastern government had, the others can only survive by becoming a complete being. But the experiments all the while have only been done with humans. what would happen if a shinigami was present? would the process work?

    But what off Rei's survival, was she more than human or was she just lucky, even she didn't know the answer to this. It seems, the broken katana belonged to a shinigami, and it was protecting her somehow.

    "The answer as to who that shinigami was... I dont know." re shook her head disappointment in her face, she wanted the answer her self, but she dindt have them. Not unless she finds the remaining pieces of her broken katana.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sun May 27, 2012 12:34 pm

    Aki was slightly confused at her words. Defeat what she had, maybe should would meet her zanpaktou again. She looked at the sword in her hand and pointed it to her body. "So, to do this... I have to stab myself in the chest? Will that make me strong again?" Though Rocker was different than her, What worked for her might not be the same regarding Aki. But it's not like there was anything else she could do. "Will this really work?"
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun May 27, 2012 1:18 pm


    Rocker grinned widely, almost frighteningly as she forced the blade to stab Aki in the chest, this alarmed everyone all including Will who normally shows no real emotions.

    "REI!" Seven yelled. Rei turned to Seven and growled at him. Seven stepped back, taken by surprise.

    Rei turned to Will wiping what looked like thick drool dropping from her comically widened mouth, it returned to normal shortly after.

    Will shrugs. "Let's do what we can for her."

    Rei stepped back as did the rest.

    Now they wait.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Muerte Sun May 27, 2012 10:37 pm

    Shima walked around the deserted land. Only those of his group and those who have met him would recognize who he was by his spiritual pressure. He had been tired, and hungry and thirsty due to his long travel to find his other team mates, and his search brought him to the Rebel Hideout. He rubbed his forehead as he came closer to the hideout. He leaned his body against a wall, leaning down, passing out from hunger. His clothing was tattered and torn, his jacket almost being completely gone. His full bring was wrapped around his neck.

    his clothing:
    3rd Division Captain
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sun May 27, 2012 11:52 pm

    Aki's eyes widened at Rocker suddenly stabbing her chest with the blade. She slightly coughed blood but no screaming. She was probably too chocked. Aki looked into Rocker's eyes. But Suddenly a smile was upon Aki's face as well. "ha..hahaha" She stood up slowly and grabbed the blade, and quickly pulled it out, blood splattering everywhere.

    "Only weak pawns on a chest board can die so easily." She said, although it was sure Rocker's intentions were hopfully not to kill her. Her body fell and her spiritual pressure for a brief moment, any sign of her life completely disappeared.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Mon May 28, 2012 3:16 am

    Soren looked at sniper and was walking beside her coming closer to the group seeing the girl walking over to the person he believe to be a shinigami and suddenly retract the broken blade in her arm and stab her with it. Soren was taken back by the girls sudden hostility and he looked over at Sniper ...What just happened... She just... Soren couldn't believed what he had witnessed he started to run towards the group to see what was happening.

    Coming up to group he looked at all of them and towards the girl tht showed no signs of life. ...What just happened here...?

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Okami Tue May 29, 2012 2:02 am

    A deserted land sprawled out before Waka Hanasaki, who wandered about it aimlessly. Even after 5 years, not much had changed about Waka. Although, not many people would recognize him anyway. His usual flashy attire was abandoned for a more sharp look. His once long golden hair had adopted a much shorter look, but it remained messy. He now wore a pair of black dress pants, black penny loafers, a bright pink dress shirt, and a black tie. The sleeves of his bright pink dress shirt were rolled up three times each. On his left hand, a flashy sterling silver watch glimmered in the sunlight. Waka glanced at the watch for a moment, which read 4:04. He sighed and said aloud, " Ever since I got here, it's been 4:04. " Then he asked, " When the hell did I get here anyway? " He let out a deep sigh once again. He took a flask containing his own sake out of his right pocket and took a swig of it. He frowned; it was warm. Suddenly, he spotted small, dark figures in the distance. For the first time in a long while, his face lit up with an eager grin. His bluish gray eyes squinted to try to make out the figures, but he gave up and his stride broke into a run. As he neared the growing figures, spiritual pressures became clear to him. It had been so long, so he was unsure, but he thought he recognized some of them. He grew closer and closer, until he stopped to catch his breath. Now close enough, he made out the horror of the scene: someone stabbed someone else, the someone else removed the blade from their chest, then collapsed, and appeared to die. Adrenaline dumped into Waka, and he once again sprinted towards the group. He then arrived and asked, along with a familiar voice, " What just happened here? "

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue May 29, 2012 10:30 pm


    Sniper couldn't believe her eyes, her sister stabbed the person they found earlier, lost for words she fell to the ground eyes locked on Rei. Everyone including Soren ran towards the commotion, even a person she didn't know or recognize at all did the same all but her.

    She was angry, reaching for her pockets she thinks twice before changing her mind, this time reaching for her her bag of guns and amo. She held on in her hand and shot at Rei continuously.


    Rocker ignored pretty much everyone who came to ask what had happened, if they looked close enough, they'd figure it out already, blood was all over the place, a girl on her knees and the weapon rested very stiffly in her hand.

    It took her by surprise when she heard it coming, the bullets, she sensed them instantly, with quick movements, she dodged them, deflected the few with her katana and ran towards it's destination.

    There she saw Sniper, forcing her into an involuntary stop, Sniper kicked her with force so strong she flew a few feet away before falling on her back rolling around the endless underground wasteland.

    --Ferris Will--

    Will walked up to Aki, held her risk to check for pulse then placed his head over her chest. He could only hear the gun shots being fired, but he ignored them, his attention was only on Aki and her alone. "Im going after her." Will decided.

    Seven only eyed him knowing full well that Will was the only person capable of doing such a feat. "I'll take care of everything else." Seven said.


    Seven turned to the 2 strangers now standing before him searching for answers. "She's been stabbed by a sword... capable of making bad things worst, but hey, in the long run it all works out pretty well, if she survives.." Seven explained lighting a cigarette stick and explaining things like they were 1+1.

    "We best prepare our selves, that little girl is not dead, and she may put up a pretty strong fight." Seven counted from there.


    show time baby, it's a hollows blowout


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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Wed May 30, 2012 4:36 am


    Her body laid still and cold but something was emerging. Her hand shook lightly. Than a small chuckle was heard. "He...hehehehe" From Her eyes white liquid dripped around forming a mask of some kind.


    Outside Aki reached to grab Ferris's neck as well. Stopping a centimeter away. Her fingers cracking and her smile widening.

    ooc: idk what happened. up the text got messed up. It won't fix. idk why. I tried 5 times.

    -Post Fixed ~rue-

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Wed May 30, 2012 4:51 am


    Having cleared the area of probes well enough for this night, Hotaru walked back toward the Hideout, bow still at the ready in case she missed one though that was unlikely. Just as she was about to put it away and go back in though, she came to a stop, spotting someone along the wall. Aiming a cautious arrow at him, she waited for movement and approached quietly, only to realize that he wasn't even conscious. This prompted her to lose the bow and arrow, going instead to check him over though still wary it could be a sort of trap.

    " alive?"

    As she said this, Hotaru nudged him gently, not really expecting any sort of response. 'Still warm, probably dying of hunger. Definitely rebel material in that case,' were the only thoughts that really crossed her mind before she went to lift him as well as her small build would allow, which left her half dragging his weight into the Hideout in the end.

    "Guess I'll have to bring you back to life. Get some soup or something into you so you don't die without being killed by someone on the inside or me..."

    With that frame of mind, Hotaru couldn't help but sigh. She had wanted to check and see how things were going as far as the whole 'Vizard' situation went but this would take priority. At least if she wanted to keep the trust she'd worked to build. She would find out later anyway.

    "It'd be much easier if you could walk by yourself you know..."
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Wed May 30, 2012 5:46 pm

    Soren understood somewhat since the man explained What had happened to her and since the white ooze began to seep from within her it was evident that she was becoming a hollow. Then without warning he heard a gunshot him dashing out of the way looking over to where the shots came from seeing sniper and he turned back to seeing the girl that stabbed the now hollowfying woman. ...Ugh... I never thought I would have to fend off a hollow in this sort of time.. He muttered underneath his breath.

    Soren had to focus on the hollow girl for now as she was grinning at him and the man next to as she started to grab the mans neck but stopped suddenly. Soren made no attempt to move yet he couldn't he was worried about sniper and that woman and also how was he going to be able to handle the girl who was holllowfying.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Muerte Wed May 30, 2012 11:35 pm

    Shima chuckled under his breath as he picked himself up. "I can help myself you know, but thanks for helping me" He said with a smile on his face. He took his jacket off and through it away.
    "What is this place?" He asked, confused. His eyes scanned the area. "I sense familiar spiritual pressure here as well"

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Okami Thu May 31, 2012 5:08 am


    Waka winced at the gunshots; he had never been fond of the sound. Either way, he knew they weren't directed towards him, so he remained where he was. A woman expertly avoided the gunfire, even deflecting some. Waka wasn't surprised; something about her seemed pretty pro.

    His attention was drawn once again toward the young woman who'd been stabbed. A man who appeared to be some sort of doctor examined the young woman. Then, another turned to Waka and explained what had been made obvious. Before Waka could apologize for being too dumb to realize, the man said something that surprised Waka. "We best prepare our selves, that little girl is not dead, and she may put up a pretty strong fight." He realized what the man meant almost instantly.

    The young woman's eyes leaked something white as it formed around her face. Waka nodded slowly, recognizing the Hollowfication. He took a few steps back and said to the man, with a slight smile, "My name's Waka, The Gods' Gift To Man. Do you have a plan of action, mon chef?"


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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Thu May 31, 2012 9:35 am

    "Then don't make it seem like you're near death's door next time or I'll drag you by the hair to make a point."

    Glad that he could help himself without her having to drag him, she gave a smile making it clear that she wasn't serious in the threat and began to lead him toward the lift that would take them down to the main area of the hideout.

    "This place...well, what it is depends on what you're looking for. At the very least I'd call it a refuge for those wishing to remain hidden or rejected from the World Governments. Of course with the state you're in you can't possibly be with the Alphas, so I'm sure suspecting is pointless. Meaning I don't have to kill you right?"

    As she navigated the hidden entrance in the darkness toward the lift, Hotaru didn't mention anything on the spiritual pressure though made note that he must have some potential of his own as a human, like most if not all of the others present at the hideout. In fact she didn't speak again until the elevator had been reached, when she would push the button after Shima would step in on his own.

    "Going down~. Hope you like a thrill ride."

    Giving him no time to question, the lift began its descent at speeds that made one thing it was a free-fall or designed to scare the wits out of anyone on it, something she could never get used to but tolerated.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Muerte Thu May 31, 2012 11:31 am

    Shima shivered at her threat. "I'm sorry" He said to her. He then noticed the smile she had given him, making her threat fake. He chuckled a bit. "I'm still sorry" He said as he followed her.

    "The Alphas" He thought to himself. He began to think about how the world is currently and then stopped as she mentioned killing him.
    "I promise you, I am not with Alphas" He said. "I'd rather be dead than be with them"

    Shima continued to follow the girl, as she made her way into an elevator. He stood beside her, but at a distance, leaning against the wall. He then noticed she pressed the button as the elevator began to descend, speeding, almost as if he were free falling off a cliff. His body began to lift up, his feet no longer touching the floor. His body began to shudder as they continued going down in the elevator.

    "This should be fun" He said, sarcastically.

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:18 am

    "You shouldn't have a problem then, if that's the case."

    Hotaru would only crack a small smile in regards to his comment of the Alphas. It was something she had to be used to in this place, the distaste for those on the top of the world. After all being here meant you rejected everything the Alpha race stood for and fight against their ideals.

    Soon enough though the feeling of falling took over, and Hotaru would hold on though she didn't mind as her feet left the ground even for a moment. Closing her eyes it reminded her of a plunge she had nearly taken five years ago and had been saved from, giving her another chance she was eternally thankful for. Of course now it also reminded her that she was taking a fall that was probably even more dangerous than leaping to her death had been. She had to be careful, always now, less everything she was working for would be ruined.

    "Ah but it is fun. Don't you feel alive?"

    Soon the lift came to an abrupt stop and the Quincy landed, knees bent slightly to the impact that made her open her eyes again. They'd arrived at the main area, empty of others as the rest seemed to be further underground. Walking past Shima she would lead him to the supplies.

    "So how about getting some food into you. Is there anything your stomach fancies, sir?"
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 3 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Muerte Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:24 am

    Shima began to think about the Alphas, who they were, he didn't know however. All he knew was that the reason he was there at the hideout was to rebel against their ideals.

    "It is, a bit fun" He said to her. "It's going to be weird for awhile, for me at least" He rubbed his chin some. "There are a lot of people I haven't teamed up with before since I learned fullbring" He felt the sensation that he was about to land. As soon as the elevator landed, he landed as well, with a thud, falling over backwards onto his back. He picked himself up and patted his bottom, out of view of the girl. He followed shortly behind her to what appeared to be the supplies.

    "If anything, I'd just like a hamburger" He said. "I don't want to have anything to large or it'll mess up my habits"

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