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Loli Gaga
Ferris Will
9 posters

    Rebel Hideout

    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Ferris Will Tue May 15, 2012 1:05 pm

    The others were a bit alarmed by Kyouga's appearance but Will raised his hand, signaling the man was safe and alright to be there. "He's with Ciel." He told the others and they returned to work.

    He turned to Aki once more. "Very well then, but first things first, since were speaking about powers, Im aware your a non-human..." he observed him once more head to toe, then nods. "Yup, you're non human, but you have that thing... they call it Zanpakuto i believe. We... found a way that allows you to utilize your powers in this world... But it has a prize."

    Will loved the suspense in the air, he waited a second longer before continuing. "You need to become a vizard... something you may or may not already know, if I'm not mistaken. Aki... Taichou." He smiled at her, seemingly already knowing about her true identity.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Tue May 15, 2012 3:45 pm

    Soren now five years older him being in his twenties now wondered the now waste barren land carrying his rosary around his right hand for protecting he moved quickly and silently not wanting to attract attention to himself. He was dress in a white button up shirt with a back wool jacket the cuffs of his shirt coming out of the end of his jacket sleeves he was also wearing black pants and black shoes. Closing in on the place he was going to the rebel hideout.

    The rebel hideout began to come into his site and his pace began to get faster he needed to find his friends and allies once again and he believed they would be here and with the wretched world government. He felt a deep shame for letting them come in power. Coming up to the door he realized he didn't know how to get into the base. Ahhh hah... uh Hello...?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue May 15, 2012 9:46 pm


    Two shots were shot at the door, missing the target on purpose, a voice came from the speaker. "Who goes there" it spoke in half static. A probe flew by and red lights scanned the person specifying the person as safe.

    Sniper lowered her gun, it was hard to tell where she was inside the sunken structure without lights. It was near nightfall and there was no lighting at all, just the flickering light of the broken welcome sign.

    She steps from behind the defaced statue of a deranged clown and spoke. "Dont move" she asked, still cautious of what this person may do.


    "NO" Rei protested shaking her head furiously. "You cant be serious Adam, she's... just a kid."

    Ferris Will shrugs and replies to her. "So is Sniper, but i guess that doesnt spare her from fighting and moving onwards. This little girl is stronger than you know."

    "I WONT DO IT!" Rei protested. "You cant make me do it ADAM! There's no way!." She turned to Aki and shook her head with a sad look. "I'm sorry Bunny, but there must be some other way we could figure out."

    "There is no other way." Seven interrupted them taking a sit on a fuel barrel. "We tried everything Rei, you know this, you were part of the extraction team."

    Rei knelt. "To many... died, I cant do it Jim, not you too.."

    She cried. But Will walked up to her and crouched infront of her.

    "If you're that uncertain, why dont you do it to your self first... then teach her how to deal with it... if you survive, that is."

    Rei felt guilty all of the sudden, driven by this madness. "You really think i should do that?" She asked Ferris Will who seemed indifferent. She hated how he lacked any sort of emotion, to her, he was empty.

    She wiped the tears that now left her face with dark lines of running mascara. "If this will asure you that im right, then i shall."

    Before anyone could stop her, she stabbed her self with a broken katana which she pulled from her side pocket.

    Blood gushed out quickly almost splattering everyone if not for Ferris Will blocking the way, he came to her aide catching her before she falls, she spat blood towards Wills un-moved face, but he avoids it. She falls unconscious, and will was pretty sure she's dead.

    The room was silent all of the sudden, will still cradled Rei in his arms, listening intently for the sound of their doom.

    Slow silent heart beats echoed the room like the sound of bass drums. Pressure escaped her body, Seven immediately came to Wills aide, standing by his side seemingly hoping he would listen to him.

    "Adam, let her go." Seven asked, but like a statue, Will did not move, but replied to him still.

    "I did this Jim. it's my fault."

    "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Seven warned one more time before light escaped Rei engulfing them and pushing them back like a violent explosion, everything was covered in light.

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Tue May 15, 2012 11:24 pm

    Hotaru had been sitting aside silently, half paying attention to the exchange that went on between arrivals and the leader of the Rebels. She didn't have anything better to do, nor any input to place in the events that were taking place. It was like she was waiting for something, nightfall. It was something she seemed to wait for almost daily since just after her arrival to the least until the word 'Vizard' peaked her curiosity. Since her arrival she'd yet to see anything of the sort take place, so it was only natural to be interested. But she didn't really expect Rocker to stab herself. All she could do now was watch though, it was already too late to interject.

    "Just what...?"

    The light that escaped from Rocker then was blinding, forcing her to shield her eyes, hoping that would offset the brightness. This turn was confusing but she couldn't help but question the safety of those who remained in the room that she knew.

    "Ferris, Seven, is everything really going to be okay? What about Rocker?"
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Wed May 16, 2012 12:23 am

    Soren stood there and raised his hands he had no intention of fighting her especially one so young. I thought it would be to comply to her wishes it would work better in the long anyhow. Soren began to speak cautiously My name is Soren Kiyomeru I am here to join the rebels... I mean no harm.

    thinking it would be for the best he opened his palm and dropped his Fullbring. There I am weaponless without my Fullbring I am just as human as you are.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Wed May 16, 2012 3:57 am

    Aki looked at Rocker stabbing herself and stared. The first sign of life she had seen in years. Fall before her eyes, and for some reason blamed herself. "Rock-" Before Aki could say the rest an explosion of light occured. Aki jumped back and put her goggles on holding onto her sword tightly. lemons it, before I could even stop her. "Will! What happened?!"
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Ferris Will Wed May 16, 2012 11:14 am

    As the light disappears Will finds himself still next to Rei's lifeless body which was lying motionless on the floor, he stares at her with the same empty look before being thrown away by an invisible force, but once he hit the pillar he did not fall, it was as if something was holding him there, choking for air he couldn't find, it was as if someone was holding him around his neck.


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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Seven Wed May 16, 2012 11:25 am

    Seven then only awakens from the blast, his head bleeding a bit. His eye widen as the monster reveals it's self in the form of a hollow, no, something else, it was Reira being hollowfied, the first of it's kind he's ever laid eyes on.

    Will eyed him and by then Seven knew what his friend was thinking. "NO!! ADAM! DONT DO IT!"

    Seven reached for Freud but before he could even use it, it was to late.

    The lift fell fast, down it goes at inhumane speed leaving them all above ground and sending both Rei and will down deep the endless pit.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed May 16, 2012 11:35 am


    The stranger who introduced himself as Soren Kiyomeru, he dropped something that looked like his weapon, so he did have one, but it seemed he intended no harm.

    Sniper set her weapon aside and turned away. "This way.". But before she could take a step further, the ground beneath them shook, it was as if something had happened deep down below.

    "We should hurry" she opened the car trunk and jumped down the same path earlier.

    She pushed the statue this time hitting the lift button repeatedly until it finally came. "You coming?" she asked Soren before pressing the drop button.


    Her body was there, but she was also there, but as something else, she was conscious and she was grabbing hold of Will's neck attempting to crush it, she fights the urge to do so.

    Suddenly, the lift falls into a pit thousands of feet below. She drops with it and lets go of will, but her tail grabs hold of his leg, dragging him along with her.


    Seven was very worried about Will's recklessness, "Seal all lower floors" he spoke over a receiver. "Send the extraction group."

    The other end replied. "And the nova?"

    Seven replied in a low tone. "Kill ...If necessary."

    Seven then turned to Aki... With sad eyes and under it dark shadows. "It's going to be alright." he said, sounding like he didnt believe him self.

    He also turned to Hotaru, thankful that she would understand no matter what. "It's already being taken care of, you may go now, if you wish."

    Last edited by Loli Gaga on Wed May 16, 2012 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Wed May 16, 2012 12:37 pm

    What had happened next admittedly caught Hotaru off-guard. She had been certain that Rocker died, yet already she was starting to become a Hollow? It didn't seem right to her and she couldn't help but worry as she saw Rocker start to strangle Will. Before she could do anything though, the lift plummeted. While it was futile, Hotaru had rushed to the edge of the lift and contemplated following after. If necessary she had the ability to take out Reira, but only wanted that to be a last resort.

    "Can he even handle it? I know what Hollows can do, Seven."

    Even if he couldn't it would seem that the situation was being taken care of without need for her intervention as Seven went straight to work issuing an order. Knowing she didn't have to do anything now, Hotaru was admittedly relieved as night had fallen. Her hand briefly going to her wrist, she looked over to Seven and gave a nod as he gave mention to her leaving.

    "You'll know where to reach me if needed."

    Without second thought she would begin the process of heading back up toward where the exit lay, ready to go about her nightly routine alone.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Wed May 16, 2012 4:12 pm

    Soren grabbed his rosary laying on the ground and followed her hearing the thudding sound he took a deep breath and held out his arm holding his rosary and a bright light flashed transforming the rosary into a beautiful white katana which he twirled and stopped at his side. Looking over to the girl sorry don't be alarmed we just don't know what is down there making that noise even if it is a Arrancar or any foe for that matter I won't attack until I have your orders since this is your hideout after all. So uhhh yeah pleasure to meet you despite the circumstances. Soren had no idea why he introduced himself at a time like this so he decided he wasn't going to say another word it would probably for the best.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Wed May 16, 2012 5:46 pm

    Ali grabbed her sword tightly staring at the pit with a determined look. "is... Is it possible I can get my arm while she's down there? After she's done I want to go right after this is the process of hollowfication is it not?" she stood up with all her strength. "I can't even help her because I'm so weak right now. I've never fought without my reiatsu. I'll bear all the sins of the arm and the vizard mask... Aki turned to Seven. Her face so thin but her eyes beaming with strength.

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Kyouga Wed May 16, 2012 10:16 pm

    Kyouga merely sat on an oil drum while the events unfolded. There really was no point in getting involved in these small matters, but he felt that Aki's hollowfication was his responsibility. At the same time, he was trying to figure out why Rei took this measure to prove something to Adam. More importantly, he needed leads on either Lucifer or the Elements.

    He then felt like something was calling him outside, so he took the elevator back to the surface and something in the air didn't feel right.

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Thu May 17, 2012 10:32 am

    It wasn't until she was outside the confines of the hideout that Hotaru could bring herself to relax. Though she wasn't having too difficult of a time, there was always that came with being around the rest. But it was something she had to do.

    As she walked away from the facility, one of the rogue probes flew by her, scanning her to make sure she was not a threat, a rebel and non-human. While the others there didn't seem to want to deal with the nuisances, the machines paid no real heed to Hotaru and likely wouldn't even if her bow had manifested. So she had nothing to worry about, unlike the rebels she was around. But, in keeping with her efforts to earn trust the probes had to be dealt with.

    The cross at her wrist would glow briefly as it drew in some of the reishi that remained in the area, leading to the creation of her bow, Hanabi. Almost as soon as it had formed the probe that had been near her was destroyed, a single arrow disabling it permanently. This, of course, was her self-appointed task, taking care of the threat of discovery. Her cover that allowed her alone time at night.

    With her bow at her grasp and the darkness as her cover, Hotaru would scout out any probes that were nearby for the moment, taking the opportunity to think about just what she had seen moments before. Knowing no-one was nearby her, she spoke softly to herself to process the thoughts.

    " 'Vizard' he'd said, but surely Rocker was becoming Hollow there. Hollow of all things. Whatever happened to destroying those threats... What would be said if the others of my kind saw me now?"
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat May 19, 2012 11:25 am


    Snipper punched out the button that literally said DROP and as promised the coffin lift dropped at an impossibly faster speed. Assuming that the person she's with was capable enough seconds before they reached the ground she told him. "HANG UP!" pointing up there were metallic handles bars much like the ones found on subway stations.

    The lower half of the lift removed it's self leaving the top half suspended as it attempted to go on full stop, before it even did, Sniper kicked open the metallic door slid open and jumped in as it opened.

    She assumes Soren would follow and went on ahead, there she saw the girl they braught in earlier, Seven was also there, but Rei and Ferris Will were missing.

    "What happened here? What was that shake earlier?" Sniper asked with mixed concerns and confusion.


    Shook his head. "Will did the arm repairs around here, i know he looks spooky, but he's actually the only mecha doctor around here." Seven shrugs as he looks down below slipping in by accident. "ooops." he carelessly says before disappearing into the darkness, he was now falling after the lift.


    The lift was just about to hit bottom and Will saw this as an opportunity not to get killed, he mobilized his body to spin free from his entanglement from one of Rocker's tails, when he succeeds, he jumps into the free mecha and operates it to send him safely down, he also conveniently takes Rei's physical body to safety before doing so.

    The lift crashed into an endless land form found underneath the base. It comes with an illusive sun and was nothing like anyone have ever seen before, for humans that is.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Will placed Rei's body on the ground and exited the mecha, he watched the creature that came out go wild just a few meters away from him.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Will sighs looking back and fort at the creature and Rei. "What have i done?" he asked her.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sat May 19, 2012 11:34 am

    Aki watched as Seven dropped in the pit and stared after him. She took out another stable bread and engulf it quickly. "Dammit, mustering up the rest of my energy for this." Aki ran as quickly as she could and jumped into the pit following the others that fell. She used little of her remaining reiatsu to break her fall but still made a larger enterence.

    She slowly got up stumbling here and there. "This rebel hide out is too much." Looking forward she sees Rei's body, Will and a monster. She grabbed the hilt of her sword and brandished it so the seal would slide off and got into a stance. "wha.... what... is that?"
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat May 19, 2012 3:59 pm

    Soren felt the sudden drop of the coffin lift and he looked around he didn't like this not one bit and it slightly freaked him out. It felt like a eternity for he heard the girl scream hang up. Looking up he noticed the metallic bars and dropped his fullbring in order to grab the bars hanging there as the insane ride came to a stop. Seeing sniper leave he let go of the bars and grabbed his fullbring stumbling out for everyone to see him his only thoughts wereNever again...Hmm?

    Looking up he saw a Shinigami or what he thought was one before she jumped into a pit and a few other individuals standing around. He didn't understand the situation but he doubted now was the time to ask instead he quietly got up and stood by the only familiar one in the room awaiting any orders they wanted him to do.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun May 20, 2012 11:38 am


    Seven fell into the pit followed by the girl, "WAIT!" she yelped, but they were gone before she could even interogate them. Seeing from the look of things, something had happened here, there was the smell of blood in the air and a dent on the pillar which was near impossible to do.

    The answer lies on the lower floors, floors she's never seen nor heard of, the place was impossible to explore, some areas with lock codes, some area restricted, and the lowest level no one has ever seen, she turns to the Soren. "Im going down, you can follow, if you wish, but i cant grantee your safety." without waiting on his reply, she took an umbrella, of all things and allowed her self to fall arms spread, umbrella in hand, free falling.


    The creature scans the area, but before she knew it seven metallic pillars slammed the ground 6 of them going arround her and the last one nearly heating her to be pinned to the ground, this made her mad, growling from where it came from, there she see's Seven slowly dropping down, with an open umbrella in his right hand. Guitar hugging his body, it seems he was the one who sent the pillars, but no one knows for sure how.

    He landed next to Aki who was grabbing hold of her zanpakuto. Seven was a bit worred about her, how would she defend her self here.

    "I'll... Take care of this." Seven smiled at her. "Actually, Ferris Will and I will." He turned to Will and yelled at him. "RIGHT?"

    Will started walking towards them, seeing as the creature inside Rei as pinned down, he wondered if she could win over this battle. But right now it seemed pretty impossible.

    "Start it." he ordered someone and the pillars formed a small barrier around the creature trapping it inside.

    "This can only last for so long. She can only help her self now." Will shrugs.

    "Seven, If she fails, you know what to do."

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sun May 20, 2012 12:01 pm

    Aki stared at Ferris and Will and clenched her teeth. She felt helpless on her state. She was putting the rest of her energy here. On people she just met. So many things ran through her mind most of them being that she should have just stayed in the broken city. She held onto her zanpaktou tightly and looked spoke.

    "Seven! Rocker helped me, so I'll do the same... I can't do much but... I have some tricks up my sleeve. Besides I need you alive if I want to be powerful again!" She jokingly said as if they were going to fail. Her body was very weak. But in her mind she believed and felt as if she was 5 years ago. When she had her childish energy 24/7

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Seven Sun May 20, 2012 12:19 pm

    Seven cant answer her, but something was very wrong about the barrier. "Wait." He stepped back hands blocking if not protecting Aki from the barrier.

    The barrier was being attacked by the creature, it was stronger than they anticipated. It was changing, now you can see Rei's face half covered by the bony flames of a six tailed demon beast.

    It released a red energy blast that made the barrier crack. It was a cero.

    "Will, i thought you said hours?"
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Ferris Will Sun May 20, 2012 12:24 pm

    "I stand corrected." No creature much the same has ever been this strong thus far, but Will was to skeptical to start hoping for the best now. He avoided pillar parts flying like bullets from the barrier.

    "She's angry, like really angry, two more of those blasts and the barrier will fall, we best prepare to.. fight that thing."
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Sun May 20, 2012 12:30 pm

    Aki swung her blade a bit, "Dead or alive, I don't care anymore. I can use a fight..." She said in a monotone voice to herself. Alreadly dying, might as well go fighting. She looked at Will and Seven who probably would have this under control before she could probably even take a breath. She she backed up a little watching the two.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun May 20, 2012 12:44 pm


    STOP stop sto...stop stop IT Stop stoP it!! Rei argued, in a weak voice that echoed thousands. But the creature was controlling her, it growled as it won, shooting yet another blast that finally broke the barrier open.

    The beast escaped charging towards the small group of people in front it.


    The creature stops inches away from biting Ferris Wills head off, Rei was there now, anyone close enough to see the consciousness in her eyes would know that she was there, she was fighting back now.


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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Remi-chan Sun May 20, 2012 1:29 pm

    After shooting enough probes to consider the place safe for the night and satisfy any prying eyes (if such a thing were to happen, she wasn't sure), Hotaru went to work on what she truly set out to do tonight just as she did on most nights in secret. Producing the pocket flashlight that she'd managed to bring with her, she began to write intently as if the thoughts would fade from her mind the longer she went without doing this. Once the pen stopped moving she would glance over the words she had inked to make sure that everything had been covered that she wished to convey.

    "Should be good..."

    Folding the paper up carefully, Hotaru stood again and brought out her bow again. Then, bringing her left hand up to the 'string', she would let the letter become engulfed in the arrow she formed, drawing quite from the environment around to sustain it given where she had to send it to. Holding the bow taught, the Quincy aimed for the skies, the best way of it ever reaching where it had to go.

    "Tsutaeru. Hit the mark for sure."

    Hoping for the best, she would then fire the arrow toward the sky. Once it was in the clear it would immediately follow the draw of a target she had set far away, hopefully not stopping until it struck. Once the arrow had left her sight, Hotaru would return to the hunt as if she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary.
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    Rebel Hideout - Page 2 Empty Re: Rebel Hideout

    Post by Aki_624 Wed May 23, 2012 9:22 am

    Aki held her blade but her feet froze. She stared at Will and screamed, "Will! Get out of there!"She wanted to strike but somewhere there something was telling her that wasn't really the enemy. it was a battle which she shouldn't interrupt. Rocker was fighting with herself.

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