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    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:01 am

    Hikaru walked looking at the ruins on the streets and the people on the floor in tears. He looked at them with sadness keeping his hands in his pocket and trying not to make too much eye contact with people. He was wearing his usually white hoodie a long with jeans and black and white jordans. He what his hood over his head, not because it was cold, but just because he liked the way he looked with it up. As he walked he plodded down the street not knowing what to do or what was his purpose.He couldn't decrypt a encryption, and couldn't do anything about his past. The only thing he had was a key that could change into a sword[Incomplete fullbring] and frankly that didn't really help him other then when the monsters tended to appear.

    Thats when Hikaru sensed a presence, of some kind of energy. He turned his head to see a huge black fist coming down at him. Hikaru jumped to the side while his right leg showed a more unorthodox version of bringer light. Hikaru flipped back holding his chain. He tightened his grip on it and then it began to glow brightly and transformed into a sword that was shaped like a key It was black and had white lines on it. Hikaru ran up to the monster jumping over it using his unorthodox bringer light again. He slashed it as he landed on his feet. The sword began to glow and then became a necklace again.

    Hikaru didn't know his full bring was incomplete but he did know it was some supernatural power that was above his understanding. Hikaru necklace was dangling on his neck once again and he placed his hands back into his pocket looking around to see if anyone had spotted the combat he had just done. It wasn't every day you saw someone going around changing a necklace into a sword. That was when Hikaru's eyes met the eyes of another person who seemed to be watching him.

    He quickly jumped and put his right hand on his necklace to be ready for combat but it didn't look like the man had intent on killing him or harming him in any king. He loosened his grip on the Necklace and continued to hold it. How could the man have slipped by his vision, he didn't get that intense while fighting for someone to see him "Who are you and what do you want?" He said as he was ready to tighten his grip and charge the man at any time if he did any slight movement.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
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    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:04 am

    Shima twitched a bit as he noticed the boy had noticed his existence in the area.
    "My my" He said lightly as he stepped out of hiding. His hair, pink in color, shined with what was left of the sun that shone over them. He let out a low sigh as he noticed he was holding his necklace.

    "I notice you have power, but the power is hidden, sort of" He said. "I can't be for sure, but it seems you're power is...incomplete?"
    He crossed his arms as he walked closer.
    "Do not worry" He said to him as he walked towards him. "I mean you no harm and I'm definately not the enemy so you don't have to harm me" He examined the area and saw the remains of what appeared to be hollow disappear into nothing. Shima chuckled under his breath as he waited for the boy to speak.
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:28 am

    Hikaru looked at the man who stepped out of the shadows. He seemed fairly handsome and somewhat slim. Hikaru looked at him from the feet to the hair and decided this man didn't look like a threat but he seemed a bit sketchy so he continued to hold onto his necklace. "Yeah I do have a power, you must of noticed while you eaves dropped." He said calmly as he loosened his grip a bit more as the man crossed his arms revealing probably know threat since he hadn't reached into a pocket. Hikaru let go of his necklace and put his hands in his hoodie. "I guess, I have no idea if its complete or not, It just appeared after the death of my parents after this monster and its been with me ever since. For some reason I can't let go of this necklace, its too prized for me to give up."

    "I guess you don't seem that much of a threat" He said settling down as his shoulders went down signaling he was loosening up around this man. "So what do you know about these powers? and how did you slip past me while I was fighting, it was only a fifteen second fight basically." He said looking at what the man was looking, the remains of the same type of beast that had killed his parents.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:53 am

    Shima continued to look at him, closely, listening to how he obtained his...power. He looked up at the sky then back down after hearing him ask him a question.
    "My power, is the power of sound" He said quietly. "I can make different frequencies that'll either cancel out any sound I make, cancel the frequency of anyone using a certain attack, and I have more abilities with sound but i'll keep them a secret" He said with a wink. He then plopped down in a nice patch of grass.
    "What I know, is that these powers are dormant within us after birth" He said quietly. "However, something may happen in our pasts that cause these powers to awaken, but some haven't been fully mastered, and some are able to go up to a stage 2, like mine. My fullbring lies within the headphones I wear around my neck. IT's called Surround Sound. I got my powers shortly after I witnessed my family getting killed while I was powerless to stop the attack."
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:01 am

    Hikaru listened to the man. That might of explained how he went unnoticed when coming close toward Hikaru. Hikaru nodded in approval of this power and said "Sounds better then mine, so far all I can do is slash and shoot a blast, though it seems quite weak." He followed the man as he sat down on the grass. "So are you saying I had this power at birth? To be honest I've only touched my necklace 3 times before my dad even decided to give it to me, so how could I receive power from it. Also, is there a possibility mine is dormant?" he said "that might explain why it always seemed it would die out quick, maybe just because it was dormant though Im not sure.. I lost mines, they were killed by one of those monsters thats on the floor." He then said "So if mine is incomplete how would you recommend I make it complete?" He said as he looked down at the ground remembering the death of his parents as if it was yesterday.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:42 am

    "The powers are dormant even if you touch the power source" He said. "It usually takes a traumatic experience that causes the power to awaken, and the item in question is nearby and it just becomes the source of the power taken form" He looked at the boy closer. "With my headphones, I had these on all the time while growing up, never had my power when I had them on until the whole family death thing. And after mine was awoken, it took forever to give them a full form"
    He raised up and pressed his hands against his headphones. "This is the first form, the only form i've been able to master" He said to him. 'Surround Sound'
    His headphones glowed and within an instant, he had a staff in his hand and on his chest was a vest with speakers attached to them. This was his first complete form.
    "This was what happened after I mastered my power" HE said. "And to answer your question, I could help train you, it'll take some time so you may end up going on missions with me personally to help you with the power."
    He walked over to the boy, his fullbring now fading away as he patted his head.
    "I know how you feel" HE said to him. "And if you ever need a friend, come to me" He gave him a smile. "Consider us friends no matter what"
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:15 am

    Hikaru looked at the man as he explained it. "So I also went to a trauma event, so mine is still in his first stage?" He said. Was this what the man meant when he was talking about Hiakru's powers or key being complete. Maybe that could help him learn more about how to decrypt the necklace. He looked at the man once more and said "Hmm.. So you've fully mastered yours? Whats the difference between when you just have headphones and when you have that outfit on." He questioned the man as he came close to him.

    "So how exactly do you master these powers? Also, missions? What exactly do you mean, to fill you in I'm not a adventurous boy, and I'm somewhat new to this experience. " He said looking at the man straight in the eye. For 2 years he has been on the run and never had a mission or a goal other then to decrypt his necklace. "I guess i'll come to you, my name is Hikaru, Hikaru Nakamura. Would you like my cellphone number." He paused considering the idea the man said, and finally decided it wasn't bad to have a friend every now and then "Friend." he said holding his hand out to the man.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:23 am

    Shima looked at him. "Please, call me Shima" He said with a smile. "Mines not exactly fully mastered, but it is up to a certain point" He continued on. "When I just have my headphones on, it's like listening to normal music and whatnot, no powers whatsoever, then I just say the words Surround Sound and they activate and allow me to control the sound in a given area"

    "To master them you just continue training it until it's given a definite form. As for missions, we just go out and help those in needs from hollow attacks."
    He gave the boy another smile as he shook his hand some. "Don't fret from telling me anything" He said. "I'll try and help you the best I can, to my ability" He gave him a wider smile as he looked up to the sky. Hidden in Shimas hand and Hikarus hand was a slip of paper with Shimas number in it.
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:41 am

    "Oh Shima, that makes sense, though if its not fully mastered, it seems quite powerful still. Hikaru looked at Shima and decided to ask him about his powers. "Can you demonstrate this surround sound thing, it seems quite interesting, but i've never actually had a mute button on me" Hikaru said with a gentle smile showing he had lightened up and had already adjusted to Shima.

    "Definte form, so are you saying that when I get mines to its max it'll look better or be more destructive then it already is? "he said making eye contact with Shima. There hands finally met and he could feel a phone number in his hand as they contacted hands. "So, now we are friends, though I'm not sure where im going right now. What would be the point of mastering my powers other then to help someone. Would it help the Eastern side, and that creature I killed was a hollow? Can you collaborate on that? A hollow, do you think this is the reason for the great famine and destruction of our side and not the west?" He said with a frown. He had been really young when things started getting horrible or worse. He just wanted to see things the way they were when he was young.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:55 am

    Shima nodded his head as he pressed his fingers again to his headphones. "Surround Sound" He called out. His headphones shined and the suit from before appeared on his body. He then stabbed his staff into the ground and held his hands out.
    "Mute" He whispered.
    HE then looked at Hikaru and said to him, before the total effects came. "Now listen to my footsteps as I walk"
    He started walking, not a sound was being made, but it was clear that he was stepping down on the ground with force. He then clapped his hands as his ability faded out and his fullbring returned to normal.

    "The creature you killed was definitely a hollow" He said. "They are monsters with masks for faces, just destroy the mask and you destroy the hollow" He crossed his arms. " happening all over, but there are places we can go to that'll seem like it isn't in affect, like where we are at right now, the sun is shining, but it's only a little bit because the destruction hasn't reached here yet"
    Thats all he knew how to answer, for he didn't even know all about what was going on. He just knew he had to get the fullbringers together, new and old, to help against whatever threat was about to come.
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:31 am

    Hikaru watched as the man demonstrated his powers. He physically saw the man walk but couldn't hear a single step. Hikaru then decided to shout as loud as he could only not to even hear a single ring but felt the soar throat he had achieved from doing it. Hikaru smiled and watched as the men clapped and then he could hear the birds chirping again and sound came back to life. "Hollow, what a sophisticated name. Oh, the Face. I just aim for anywhere that I can land a hit on them, that would of been good advice if you told me that earlier. There are places that haven't reached destructions?!" Hikaru said shockingly before continuing his sentence

    "We must expand those places to save society and mankind." Hikaru continued to talk after that "Would my training bring peace on earth?" He said thinking about it. If he couldn't decrypt the file he would at least try his best to carry out the will to go do hard labor to help mankind become like it once was, though there was no guarantee that that would happen, at least for Hikaru, Unless his full bring made him the luckiest man in the world which it did not.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:48 am

    Shima gave him a smile.
    "We can hope it does" He said to him. "There are a lot of things that can help, but doesn't, but we can only hope"
    He crossed his arms and looked down to the ground.
    "Things are going to be uncalm for awhile after this" He said. "Just be careful and stick with me and things will be ok"
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:33 am

    Hikaru debated, and listened to this mans argument. Hope might of been the only thing he had, so did he really have any other choice but to listen and believe this guy knew what he was talking bout. Hikaru looked at him a nd said "Yeah I figured, I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to stick around with you, not like I have anyone else too." He said as he read the number in his phone. He quickly took out his Cellphone and put the number in his contacts a long with the Name Shima on it.

    "So, since I might be sticking with you, what would our first task be?"
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:56 am

    "The hollow attacks have been lessened each and every day" He said. "So missions are on hold for all fullbringers" He walked next to Hikaru, walking out of the forest.
    "We'll be going to the HQ where we'll get you set up in my room" He said with a smile. "I need a roomy"
    He chuckled a little. "Only if you want to be my roommate"
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:43 pm

    "Hollow attack.... So, if there attacks are lessening could this be a foreshadow that there scared of something greater then themselves, or someone." He said anonymously as he followed Shima through the forest. He couldn't remember walking this route before, was it some kind of shortcut, that was when Shima talked about HQ. Hikaru asked "HQ? What HQ? For what?!" He said anonymously. He didn't mind rooming with Shima, but he didn't exactly know why Shima had a headquarters. "Sure, but only if you tell me why do you need a headquarters.." He said wondering if he head just joined some agency.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Muerte Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:44 am

    [We'll continue in the x-cution headquarters and get you situated if you don't mind]
    Hikaru Nakamura
    Hikaru Nakamura

    Posts : 22
    BD-cash : 4640

    Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander] Empty Re: Hikaru path to X-cution[Xander]

    Post by Hikaru Nakamura Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:06 am

    Sure, just make the topic.

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