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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)


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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:38 am

    The screams of the damned, the screams of the innocent. They cries of pain, torment and anguish. In night, Washington was under a foe that could not be seen, and when it was they were gone. Not that that their life was extinguished. Oh no. It was a fate far worse then death. An eternity in damnation.

    A monster in black with blue glowing lines and metal wings talked slowly down a street. the humans who attacked were killed, and those who didnt were not. His goal: The White House."A boring dance.... but soon time i end it"
    9th Division Captain
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:27 am

    Leaning against a lamp post, among the darkness, was a tall figure. His features only revealed when the light flickered on and off. Standing there was a man with long black hair, he's looking down but it's clear there is a large grin stretched across his face. He is wearing a black leather jacket, with black jeans, and black steel toecap boots. In his right hand, spinning between his thumb and forefinger, is a blade that is waist high and made of a gleaming metal, of angelic design. Though it seems that while spinning, a mixed flash of blue and white gleams off the blade. Slowly looking up, still keeping his smile, his hair falls back revealing his unusually pale blues eyes. The pupil in his left eye is not round, but a slit, while the other is the normal round shape. So, you're the one that's standing in front of the many doors to my home. You're not as ugly as the others I've killed but you are a disgusting monster none the less.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:22 am

    "Ah... so this is an entertaining dance after all."He said with a dry English accent. The slow walk then stopped with the male tilting him head. The man was human, though there was something about the man. As the red eyes scanned both the weapon and the man. Who was here. Extending the metal wings would, the hand bound man then looked at the white house."perhaps i am monster. But remember, the humans exile those that they do not understand. i didnt attack those that attacked me... so who is the real monster?"
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:51 am

    The blade stops spinning when the question reaches his ears. He grips the handle hard and bursts into laughter. What's this?!?! A Hellion with manners!?! Now I've heard it all!!. Moving from his comfortable lazy position against the lamp post, he walks in front of his target. His smile disappears and his tone becomes cold, It doesn't matter. You are all the same, believing you are not monsters and only killing because THEY started it. All that I have seen is that you are killing and destroying what I am here to protect

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:26 pm

    "Then it would appear you have two options..." The restrained man said. He broke contact with the male to look down the street as he tilted his head. with that, he began walking down the street to the white house again. He has lost interest with the man as he would retract his wings. As he walked down the street, people fled the scene, either going indoors or just running as fast as they can."You options are: to warn everyone about me going down this street... Or you can kill me... Though i wonder, which is easier"
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:17 am

    As his target walked towards him, Celeste felt infuriated that this demon didn't notice who he was. When his target was almost parallel to him, in almost an instant the blade was in his left hand, fully outstretched, and in front of the throat of his mysterious dark target. The doors to my home shall remain forever shut in my face, unless you are stopped and locked away back in hell forever!. With that, his trademark divine flames covered his body in a pattern that resembled armor.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:57 am

    With the glow, it was seen that Ronove did not have a shadow "ahhh~... so you are the who is in forever purgatory... Never knowing hell or heaven.... Celeste, is it?"the monster said with a bemused tone, not really caring about the blade to his neck. Simply pushing it away with one of the metal wing's hand he would stand there, now interesting in the male one again. Perhaps this willl be an interesting night after all, he thought."i am Ronove... The lord of the deepest circle of hell... Though that will not interest you... you care for stand with heaven. In ways you were like my predecessor, Lucifer Morningstar, the fallen angel. Though i wonder... which life do you value... Your own, or though who are afraid because of not understanding what you are?... Fully extending his mechanical arms, the blades of each wings would appear. Out of nowhere, a dark aura would consume the flickering light.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:39 am

    Not caring for the fact that his blade was pushed away, Celeste simply rotates his wrist bringing his blade back round to face his target. Not breaking his sight of vision, ignoring the fact that it got darker, he begins to slowly circle to the front of the bladed-winged monster. Celeste is used to darkness, his eyes have no trouble adjusting to the lack of light, though there was hardly any to begin with. Looking at his targets arsenal when he reaches a stop, Celeste lets out a long, slow whistle, starting low, then high, then back down to a low pitch once more. So my name has gone down that far!? You seem to know more about me than you lead me to believe. Celeste takes a quick look at his surroundings noticing that all he can now see is the darkness erupting from the creature standing before him. He now feels that he is alone with this monster, no distractions, no inocence to hold him back. My name is Celeste Decesso. I have earned many names here on Earth, but the one that is now commonly spoken is 'The Angel Bound to Earth'. Looks like the stage has been set . Celeste cracks his neck, clenches his right fist cracking his knuckles quickly releasing his fist, faint flames traveled along the pattern of his veins. Almost instantly Celeste dashes backwards, clearing 15 feet easily in as little as 1 second, his blade ignites as he slashes in the direction of his target, Divino Fendente!

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:49 am

    The stage is set indeed. ready for an age old battle of angels against demons, light and darkness and deciding the fate of many. Ronove looked on as he would watch the male sending forth the flames that were sent the direction of male. As they got ever closer, the bound man would begin to sink into the ground. by the time the flame got to where Ronove was, he was gone. A rippling of the ground was seen, almost as though it was water even though it wad definitely solid concrete. The lamp post began flickering again as the light would begin to flash on and off, on and off.

    The mad man who was to have power over darkness. Where would he be now? the light would flicker still. The sound of guns being drawn from holsters would be heard. It was almost at though it was coming from the light post. And indeed it did. Standing perfectly upside down The demon has the desert eagles drawn, using the hands on the mechanical wings. Without hesitation he began to open fire at the angel. Deciding to amuse himself he would deal and see what is fact and fiction about this man."it would appear you are at a disadvantage celestae..."
    9th Division Captain
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:42 am

    Hating to admit the demon was right, Celeste was at a disadvantage. Deflecting the first bullet, he charged away just in time to hear the the next one wiz past his ear. 12 feet, he could feel the bullets passing through is flaming armor. Faster Celeste!! Increasing his speed now, the flame trail seems to have thickened. 7 feet, this guy is relentless! Good Celeste hasn't had a challenge in a long time. 6 feet, Celeste rebounds himself off of a parked car towards Ronove, crushing the frame onto the front right wheel and shattering the windshield in the process. Celeste's right arm now appears to have a double-helix flame circling around his forearm. 4 feet, Celeste swings his blade from his side towards the demon,'Not anymore'.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:47 am

    "because you are in close range...?" The monster said calmly. He wanted to see the power Celeste had. The strength of the angel and the demon. with being in such closer range Ronove moved of the move mechanical arms so that the blades with connect with this so called angel's one.

    Using the other arm he pointed the gun at the male's chest. The red eyes would look at the male. Cold eye, harsh eyes, Eyes that know love and betrayal. Eyes that know justice and injustice. Ronove is powerful and he does not need to kill mortals to prove it. Pulling the trigger, there was a click that was to signify an new magazine was needed."empty...

    With the darkness around if feet being reduced, he decided to let gravity take him down as he kicked away Celeste. Landing he would change the magazine from an unknown location.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:10 am

    As the demon kicked Celeste away, he grabbed onto his leg somewhere around the calf muscle. Hearing a very satisfying burning sound from Ronove's foot from his armor, Celeste replied with just one word,' Yes'.

    The double-helix flames on Celeste's forearm speed up, and twist into the palm of his hand. Celeste made eye contact with his demon eye, with the red eyes of Ronove, showing his own hatred and malice towards him. As quick as it was made a flaming lance bursts through the other side of the demons calf muscle. Incendio Lancaire .

    Using this short but quick opportunity, Celeste places his right leg on the torso of Ronove and rebounds himself away from the demon, not wanting to get hit by his other wing. He lands somewhat near the car he had used earlier to get to the demon. Readying his blade once more he feels a slight pain near his shoulder. Glancing at it Celeste finds that one of the demons bullets had grazed it.

    Guess I wasn't fast enough after all.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:37 am

    There was no cry of pain or anguish as the muscles of his calf were not only squired by the weapon but corterized to prevent bleeding, even causing major burns on his leg. when used as a spring board, he was launched backwards and went through a brick wall. Moments passed, until he would then stand from the location he was in. As he walked out he reloaded his weapons, one of the mechanical arms sliding back one of the desert eagles.

    The wound's status was unknown as the fabric would seem to cover it over, the stitching was seen to reform. tilting his head to the side he looked at him."an interesting dance we are doing... However i grow bored of this one"

    As he stated this the blue lines in the straight jacket began to fade. The moment it happens the darkness was seen to be getting thicker as demonic power was sensed increasing ten fold. The fabric on the arms began to fade as his arms dropped down to his side. They were not moving almost lifeless for a moment until his hands twitched, then as he was closing his hands, orbs of darkness appears over them, covering his hands completely.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:19 am

    Bored?. A smug, and cocky grin flowed across Celeste's face. Turning his blade, so the tip faced down, he slammed it into the ground. The blade wobbled slightly as he began to take off his jacket.

    Well I do suppose that the warm up was boring. He said as he tossed his jacket to the side. With that he outstretched his arms and folded them in an X across his torso. The flames from his armor began to grow wildly and eventually consumed Celeste's entire body. As he leaned forward the flames seemed to grow out from his back into what appeared to be wings. A low growl could be heard as this body of divine flames began to shake, as if in pain or from fear of burning.

    Not being the case the crossed arms flung themselves open releasing the flames from his body. Standing before the darkened demon was a tall, but hooded figure. His attire had change from black to a tan brown, which now look more like leather, strong and sturdy. Two large white wings now flapped behind him, beautiful, elegant, excited to be stretched. A deeper voice now spoke, but it was a voice that still held the malice Celeste had from before.Now, onto the main event.

    As he reached once again for his blade, as soon as he had placed but a slight fingertip on the hilt, a voice spoke to him in his head,'He's fun!'. The voice was dark, full of evil, and full of hate. Only a millisecond of a hesitation, before he fully gripped his blade, pulled it from the ground and held it in a reverse style. Activating his armor once more but only now the flame patterns looked more intense, stronger, more reliable.

    Enough of your mind games!. Celeste charges straight at the demon leaving a crack in the ground from where he began.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:33 am

    The male looked on calmly.The split second hesitation... what was it that occurred in that moment. This was a interesting occurrence. The demon lord looked on as the man would charge. No matter how bright the flames became, they were consumed in the darkness to be equivalent to that of a candle begging to blown out and extinguished in the darkness of a stormy night. The closer he got, the thicker the darkness surrounded the angel. The closer he got, the more there were screams and cries of anguish.

    The cries were those that were from this area. As soon as the angel went to slash at Ronove a blade was formed from the darkness of his right hand. It was almost the monster manipulated the darkness of be the shape of the blade and made it solid. "dont you hear them?... the screams of those you failed to protect?... they are trapped in and consumed in the darkness... their screams... are like a lullaby to me..."

    The man said as he would cause the darkness in his left hand to form into an exact replica of the desert eagles he has already. All three pointed at Celeste as he would open fire at him. he was ready for him if and when he would attack again. The screams becoming more palpable as time progressed, almost as though they were coming from people several feet away. His eyes looked at him as he wondered still about that moments hesitation... Was it his demonic side wanting out? Celeste fighting two opponents at the same time
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:15 pm

    As the demon opened fire once more, Celeste darted to the left dodging the first few completely. Flapping his wings hard, he propelled himself faster towards Ronove. Ducking under the next wave of bullets as they speed past, he continued to fly towards this new darkness.

    5 feet. Celeste takes a bullet hard just under his collar bone, flinching ever so slightly he looked back at the demon only to see another bullet coming straight towards his face. Only a centimeter away from Celeste's head, flames engulf his entire body and he disappears.

    From behind the demon the flames appear again as Celeste charges out from withing them and drives his shoulder hard into the back of Ronove, pushing him forward. Not wasting any time, using his arm he holds onto the demons shoulder and flips around to the front. While still in midair Celeste brings his blade from his left with force and aims for the outstretched mechanical arms that held the monsters weapons.

    Your guns bore me. Completely ignoring what the demon said earlier. He could clearly hear the screams, their pain, their cry's for help. He could almost see their frightened and terrified faces. He could almost feel their pain and suffering. This angered him. This made him want the demons blood even more. He now had full focus on what he needed to do, who he needed to protect, and whose lives he holds above his.

    After the swing from Celeste's blade he landed in front of the demon already following through with a strong, clenched fist. As he fully turned to smash Ronove's face in, he saw that he had a new opponent standing before him, and it spoke, 'Release me'. It was full of darkness, maybe even darker then Ronove's darkness. To him it was the darkest thing he has sensed in his entire existence. This threw off his arm from the shock of a new face.

    Using his wings again he flung himself backwards away from the demon before he could counter attack from his mistake. What the HELL just happened? Who and what was that THING standing before him? Was it another one of Ronove's dirty mind tricks? Or. Could it be that for the first time, Celeste's demon is trying to communicate?

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:40 am

    Ronove watched as the male was about to him his square in the face. However he didnt, instead he watched as he would he him fling back. Tilting his head he would feel the darkness of the male before him surfacing. It was clouding him and consuming his light from the inside. Seeking the advantage, he waved his hand as where the male landed a dark symbol appeared in the ground. before the angel a mirror would be seen. Inside the mirror was a reflection of himself.

    The reflection had red eyes and a sickle smile, In one hand he had his father's blade and his his hand, his mother's. Walking out of the mirror the mad being became surrounded by the darkness.

    Then he began to be surrounded by dark armor with a horned helm and a purple cape. the two swords vanished as it would be replaced with a 6 foot black blade. A dark laughter was heard as he would stared at the angel. If the angel were to look around he was not where he was fighting anymore. It was as though he was in a castle area or a grand monastery. Dashing toward him the Knight would have the blade skid against the ground as he would be ready to punch the male before him. If he were to hit a direct contract the male would much straight though walls that were behind the Angel. If he missed he would send the gigantic blade towards Celestia as the blade would burst into dark flames.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:09 am

    Looking at the mirror and his dark reflection, he notices his father's blade. He instantly feels nothing but a loathing hatred at the very sight of it. He could feel his own demon fighting to get out. He then looked at his mother's blade. From that he could feel all the loved she showed him and how she fought the high heavens for him so that he would always be with her. As his new opponent walked out of the mirror he watched as he saw him transform, and he watched as his arena changed as well.

    Interesting, he thought to himself. Even for Celeste, he could not help but be somewhat impressed at the demons power. Looking away from his opponent now, watching as the landscape changed before his eyes. But why change it to a monastery? Why not something more to his advantage? Why make me feel like I'm at home? he thought to himself. He then saw a tall figure full of darkness, standing by one of the pillars under an archway. Though concealed, it seemed to spread out four wings and a dark voice spoke from withing,'Release me!'. The voice was louder than before now.

    With that Celeste swayed to his left slightly bringing up his right arm as flakes of flames traveled once more along his forearm. The punch from the now transformed knight glided in front of his face blocking his view from the shadowed figure, as he slides his right arm along the inside of the knights, stopping at the inside of the elbow forcing it to bend and losing all its force in the process. He then continued to bring across his blade to meet the knights as he went to strike at Celeste, blocking his attack and creating some sparks as the two blades met. Celeste slowly look at the knight's face,'I said No!'.

    Using his wings, Celeste pushed away both the knight's arm and his blade. Now being wide open, Celeste spun round to plant a hard flaming boot to the knight's chest. The movement was almost too fast to comprehend. As the knight was forced back by his kick Celeste's blade was set alight as he slashed the air three times, diagonally up from left to right, spinning the blade to a front grip he slashed across from the hip, bringing the blade back into the reverse style slashed once more diagonally down from left to right.

    Three crescent bladed flames now traveled towards the now staggering knight,'You insult him by trying to impersonate him'. In that moment Celeste will never find a reason for defending his dark side. It was the only time that he truly agreed with what his demon felt from withing. But still he fought to break out, still he fought for his freedom into this fight. If Celeste was really fighting his inner demon he would never have had a chance to win.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:26 am

    The dreaded dark knight would take the hits that came his way. The boot to the chest, then 1,2,3 slashed by the remainder he slammed his great blade down to strike the ground. It was used to shield against the attack. With the final hit he would force the buster sword away as he would from out of nowhere would grip the neck of the angel. The dark flames would burn at the neck. Lifting the male easily above his head he would. With him up in the air. there was a sudden lapse of memory would occur. " leave him alone! he is just a boy, he has done nothing wrong!"

    It was a female voice. the voice of a memory, the voice of a distant past. It was the voice of the fallen. The voice of kindness and guiding light that Celeste had. his mother's voice. The knight continued to have the burning hand on the neck of the angel, as though burnng the light from his very being. Then throwing him to a wall, he would launch three projectiles of dark fire after him. picking up his blade he ran at the male with ready to skewer him. the knight would roar out in an angry tone


    with that he threw his sword at the angel, ready to face his head on.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:36 am

    It was outside the pearly gates. He can remember it clearly. He was six years old. He was being lead away by two tall angels. He could see that their face's were full of disgust. He looked back to see that his mother was at the gates screaming,'Leave him alone! He is just a boy, he has done nothing wrong!' She was being held back by two arch angels. Tears flowed from her beautiful alabaster face. Tears of sorrow, and tears of rage. Her arm outstretched, longing for her only son to be in her arms and to never let him go. Celeste reached back with his arm, wanting to feel his mothers soft touch, wanting to be in her arms, wanting her warmth, and her love. But he was then forcefully turned away. Tears now fell from Celeste's eyes but he cried in silence.

    The area now grew dark, his two angelic guards had disappeared as well as the gates and his mother's voice. A tall dark creature now stood before Celeste as it spoke to him, drowning out his sniffs and choked breath,'You had your turn, now it's mine!' With that he saw, through watery eyes, a blackened claw raise up and strike him.

    As Celeste smashed through the wall, he realises where he is once more, but it was too late. He had lost. For him it was over. His body flew over the edge of the cliff where the monastery was built on, and then it suddenly stopped as he just floated in mid air. His blade fell but was caught by some unknown force. His flaming armor disappeared as his hood fell back. He could barley manage a whisper,'What pray, pray Lord forgive me. Prayer guides me by for what I'm about to go through'.

    The area around grew dark, very dark. Dark sapphire flames started to appear slowly.Celeste's body curled and lunged forward as a sound of bones cracking and snapping could be heard. His angel wings seemed to get pushed down as they snapped out of place and tore his skin as he moved. His screams were piercing, shattering the glass windows on the monastery behind the knight, still charging towards Celeste. The sapphire flames grabbed his blade hanging in mid air and forced it inside his body. His muscles groaned as they grew to three times their size and condensed themselves back again. The bones in his body began to crack and snap once more as he started to grow in length. The three dark flames fired at Celeste made direct contact and began to eat his armor.

    The contact forced his body straight as the dark flames disappeared after ridding Celeste of his armor. His skin blackened and black wings burst through his back where his angel wings used to be. His screams became gurgled with blood as his fingers become elongated to form claws and natural armor grew out from his skin, drenched in his blood. His teeth grew longer and sharper, blood now flowed from his mouth. A long, black, spiked tail grew out slowly from the base of his spine. Celeste was no longer able to scream at the pitch he was build up to, just the gurgled, choking sound of a blood filled mouth could be heard. The bone by his temples stretched outwards alone with more bone from along the side of his skull and formed horns. The middle of his jaw shot out and grew down to form a small but sharp bony protrusion.

    His body curled up again once more, but only curling halfway before stretching out fully, releasing the dark, raw, and rage filled power. A terrifying roar erupts from the monster accompanied by a massive shock wave. The wave flows fast with the help of winds five times stronger than a hurricane, crumbling the rock of the cliff face and smashing through almost half of the monastery. The water below parted and was pushed away by the shear force of this energy. A new darkness had risen. The red eyes of the beast stared at the knight, hungry. Hungry for his flesh, hungry for his pain, hungry for his screams, a hunger that it will never satisfy.

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:33 am

    The black knight would stand there as he would see the angel become an angel no longer. The darker side of this monster was let loose. The knight brought the blade up as it would ready itself for what was to occur. It then ran at the demon and swung the blade at the demon. A deep laugh was heard by out as the knight would attack, the moment It would take a hit, it would vanish, bursting into flame as it does, it would reappear by the top of the monastery looking down at the winged monster. bringing the massive blade down on where it stood, the blade would vanish, as the evil laugh would be heard.

    With it, a massive eruption of flames occurred from where the former angel stood. This shot to the sky. the eruption were not the dark flames of previous but orange in color and in glow. The knight stood there, bringing both gauntlets up and motioning the demon to take his best shot, as though taunting him, even willingly invite him. to do it. All the while the purple cape flowed in the breeze.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:57 am

    The demon looked on as the giant blade was brought down towards him, he didn't even flinch as it disappeared. He watched as the knight engulf him in a pillar of fire. The flames felt warm and they almost seemed to tickle him. Finally he was free, but he was also bored. This is not the darkness that made him stronger. This is not the darkness whose blood, flesh, pain, and screams he desired. This was not the darkness that allowed him to conquer Celeste. He slowly glided out of the flames, arms folded, legs crossed straight in the air, tail curled around them, head low. As he left the pillar fully he stretched out his four wings and flew slowly in the direction of the knight. He stopped around twenty five meters away. He looked up to meet the eyes of the knight, still beckoning him to attack, the hellions eyes full of anger, and disappointment.'Bring him to me! Don't waste my time!'

    He voice was rough, dark, and full of rage. The words were forced out, almost spat at the knight. With that he raised his left hand, and using his long nails he dug deep into the wound in his right shoulder. There was no pain or any emotion on his face as he pulled out the bullet that Celeste was hit by earlier. He crushed the bullet between his thumb and forefinger as easy as crushing a grape. He simply tosses it to the side and then afterwards snaps his finger's.

    The snap echoed for a moment and then two, very large fire demons would appear from almost nowhere and would charge at the knight from either side, at a speed that was faster then Celeste in his angel form. The fire demons would then, in perfect synchronization, lunge at the knight with flaming lances at the knights chest aiming for his heart. (1)

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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:35 am

    The knight stood there, as the lanced demon would fly around. Seeing them going to strike with perfect timing with each other, the knight would bring out the arms as though waiting to be struck by the two weapons. It looked at Celeste and laugh deeply. In moment the fire weapons would sear through the armor of the dark knight, the black metal and rock peeling back. The knight would flick its head back, And then it happened. The feeling of a familiar angelic reiatsu from long ago. The reiatsu that nurtured and guarded Celeste with her life.

    With the armor shattering completely the ivory hair of the being within the armor would blow everywhere as her attire would singe around the two demonic weapons that impaled into her body. As she would bring up one of her hands, she tried to stretch out to her son who was far away from her. Tears welled up and streamed down onto the face of the angel staining her face, like a sin stains a soul.

    Though in intense agony as her dying breath grew near, she forced a smile into her face. Her Celeste, her little boy has grown up into a man that faces being that over shadows him, his darker side. She say the entire fight that took place. To purge the evil of the world so that he can return to heaven. He still has his dream, although the fate that he had took a cold slap of relality now. Looking at Celeste she would speak in the same tender loving tone thatwas always around him since younger.

    "Celeste... I'm so proud of you.... you... are not"

    Coughing up blood her reiatsu would take a nose dive as she started to lose consciousness, almost using the lances as support at this point. She struggled to keep conscious as she began seeing double. She looked up at her son as she drew the dying breath.


    With that the angel that brought the earth bound angel, forever in purgatory was no more. She was merely collateral damage that was cause by the angel losing himself to the demonic side. The time she gripped him , a memory surged through him, trying to tell who was the being in the armor but it was too little, too late for her. Being trapped by Ronove in the armor that he controlled, she could only watch as she would attack her son. when the weapons would be removed from the woman, she would fall lifelessly. The reiatsu that was so abundant long ago, now all but disappeared. She died with a gentle smile on her face.
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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by vergil_90 Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:38 am

    (Some background music if you want)
    Click here

    The demon look on as the body of his mother was skewered by his demons. He looked on as she reached out to try to hold him once more, as she began to fall, the demons disappeared. Inside the mind of the hellion Celeste could only look on at what he has done,'FURIA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!?!' Celeste's voice scream with pain and sorrow from inside Furia's mind. This isn't what he wanted. He was yet again tricked. Furia watched emotionless, as she fell to the ground as her power faded from existence. Flying directly over where she fell he saw the dust and rocks move and bounce as she hit the ground hard. He became consumed by his own rage even more.

    Throwing his head back in the air and tensing up his limbs, Furia let out a massive roar. A roar so loud that it began to shake the ground beneath him. He raised his right hand in the air, as the sky above him would be set alight in hellfire flames. The flames circled around his raised palm, and begin to travel down towards his hand. The twisting flames would then concentrate into a dark sphere. Taking in all the flames that covered the sky into this sphere, Furia let out another wrath filled roar he threw it down towards the body as hard as he could, all while he had Celeste screaming at him to stop.

    The sphere traveled at a monstrous speed. The second it would hit the body of their dead mother it would explode, releasing all the flames that had been condensed into it. The sphere would then begin to expand, it flames consuming and burning everything it touches, until there was nothing left. Furia let out one last roar as a crack would appear along the left side of his chest. (3)


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    Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all) Empty Re: Destruction Of The World: Ronove (open to all)

    Post by Ronove Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:42 am

    With the fireball hurling to the ground, the maiden would lay there motionlessly, her eyes to see her destruction. As the flame came ever closer the entire floor erupted with darkness as the demonic power of Ronove would be felt. Sinking into the ground the angel would disappear from sight as the demon would raise from the ground. with the demon now in direct view of the massive attack the darkness began to surround himself. Not cloaking him, but rather be sucked up by the monster. "forma del demonio: proditio.."

    The darkness would ooze out of the madman as the wings would be consumed by the very darkness about him. in their place a cloak of darkness would surround Ronove's entire being. With the explosion in occurred everything burned to the ground. the monastery, the ground the wrecked building s and even the darkness of the dimension. All of it burnt away to reveal a large ring of land that has been scorched and dead, lava flowing as far as the eye can see, whilst the the roof of the area burnt away to reveal the scorched roof of a cave.

    (click here)
    This was the entrance of Quartof, the darkest of the dark realms. It was the domain that those that betray and those who will turn traitor would go. at the patch of land ronove would stand there. the darkness would emanate from his area, despite being in the seemingly brightest area.

    As the darkness formed a buster sword the male would stand there patiently seeing what would occur from the demons next move, as the armor of ronove would regenerate from the fire attack celeste used. "two sources of power, two souls... two personalities, all looking for dominance in a constant battle between each other, in just one body... yet... you lack control"

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