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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)


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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:58 am

    A large black crack is seen running through the sky above squad 4 a large garguanta opens up from that crack. Coming from the garganta Relampago the Septimo Espada is seen standing there with his large vicious Smirk on his face.

    Behind him were several other hollows who would follow him around. Relampago presses an in ear intercome which allows him to listen to orders.

    "Alright Boys I just got Orders from the Big boss. Cause as Much Chaos as you can! Go crazy boys! haha this night is ours!"

    The hollows behind Relampago cheer and then dash of to other areas to destroy. Killing [NPC] shinigami along the way, leaving dead corpses and pools of blood everwhere.

    As Relampago was left alone in Squad 4, he Opened his metalic jaw charged up a large dark red cero and then fired it to the main building infront of him. Since Squad 4 was abandond all it caused was rubble and dust. He extended his right hand to his side and pointed to another building, a smaller one.

    He would then begin to fire several Balas rapidly each one would crash into various buildings crashing them down and turnining them into rubble.

    After a few minutes Squad 4 was pracitcally destroyed. All rubble and useless. Relampago no longer had any need to be here. He sonidoed out and went to another squad.
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:09 pm

    with destruction, carnage and despair in all corners, the monsters that want soul society gone close in and eliminate the already crippled realm. A the smoke erupted from the squad 4 barracks, the sky darkened over as a stormed brewed. But from this terror, an old force of light appeared, from a clouds a beam of light shot down to the ground.

    as the figured materialised, her white clothing and hair blew in the breeeze. She was a young adult, with a frail appearance and delicate, tender look about her. she stood there, saying nothing, but her silver eyes looked at the male
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:59 am

    Drenched in cold rain a small figure landed on the 4th division. She saw destruction and smiled. And than a famliar and unfamiliar face within it. Relampago and a whitegirl. She was a new face. Aki didn't even know she was a shinigami or not. "Well well, hey there! What's happening. I can't have people destroying the soul society."

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:38 am

    Relampago steps out of his sonidoe and sticks around the squad 4 area. He turns around to look to the two his eyes like demons glowing a blood red. His metalic jaw curving sharply into a deadly smirk and then a snikkering.

    "Tut tut tut little children, this is no place to be playing little games... heh heh... so what will it be... and what do we have here... the squad three captain and a girl who knows no colour other than White... pure as snow and as innocent as a baby rabbit.

    So what will it be Children?"

    Relampago begins to walk as he holds his blade unsehathed in his hand by its hilt, scratching the blade along the floor leaving a small black and dark red trail flame behind his blade.

    "Will you give me the Ohh... this is wrong I should learn the errors of my ways or will you actually fight me like a true shinigami would."

    He looks over to the white covered girl. "And uh... whatever you are... Who are you?"
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:23 pm

    Why should i tell you my name hollow? Its useless information to you seeming that you will fall.. though I'm suprised.... You took the 9th blade technique and you survived to tell the tale...."

    The Female said in a tender voice as her eyes stared at the male, neither glaring, nor looking at him in a bored fashion. At the moment, she had no idea that there was another girl there. Às she blinked the stare stopped,look at the new girl, a light would shine on her right hands as it would grow to look like a blade. As the light died down, there was katana in her hand. Unlike other ones, though, the blade was glass, instead of metal.

    "i hope you shinigami are how legends speak of you"

    she said, then looking at Relampago with a gentle smile

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:44 am

    "Heh... lets just say that whole technique thingy.. wasen't as strong as I expected it to be... and them shinigami... there all weak!"

    Relampago turns his back for a split secound and then croutches down, when he gets back up and turns around there in his hand is the body of a young dead shinigami in which he holds by the back of his neck.

    "I mean look at this little runt! He thought he could take me on heh... he thought he could win!"

    Relampago clenches his hand wilts its on the boys neck, a loud cracking sound is heard as he shattered the collar bone in the boys neck, left over blood spewing out dripping on the floor and all over his fingers.

    "Opps... looks like I broke his neck Hehe!"

    Relampago stabs his blade which he held in his right hand into the ground and with his now free right hand he grabed the boys hair and pulled it with his minimum strength and managed to rip the dead boys head off making even more blood spill out.

    "Hehe... well now that I shattered his collar bone and ripped his head off what now? Does that show how useless these shinigami are?"

    He drops the dead corpse on the ground and grabs hold of his blade once again. He pulls it out of the ground and then digs it into the dead corps' back with a large demonic smile on his face. His eyes glowing an unusual dark red.
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:46 am

    Aki laughs at the girl's words and smiles, "I ain't no legend, I can tell ya that much. But I'm a pretty decent fighter for my age. I guess...haha, I guess we might be a team in this, miss mystery" Aki didn't ask for her name due to the fact she might not tell a mere shinigami who she was. Aki put her hood down and her goggles to her forehead to get a better view of the field and than put her goggles back on

    Aki looks at the bleeding body of her fellow shinigami and yawns. "Hey, try not to spill much blood around here okay, someone has to clean that you know. Cause the smell later on is terrible" She said stretching and shifting her haori. She didn't draw her blade yet but it porbably won't take awhile until she does. "Het you ugly espada, come at me and tell me how useless I am! And when you can't I'm going to paint a nice picture in my division with your blood!"

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:28 am

    "Heh... very well then..."

    Relampago grabs the dead corpse once again and then flings it with his left hand towards the captain. He then extends his left hand and aims it to the back of the body and fires a dark Red Bala. The red bala hits the back of the dead shinigamis body speeding it up firing towards the Captain.

    "I said it once... And I'll say it again!"

    Relampago thrusts his blade up into the air causing a large Blade wave made out of a dark red Flame. The Flame would travel rapidly set fire to the corpse explode the bala and blow up the body, making body pieces and blood rain over the area. The flame was still traveling as Relampago said once again.

    "You're Usless..!!"
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:34 am

    As the body went towards her she caught the body with her left hand. She spun around slowly putting the body to the ground. She looked at the body and grabbed a small marigold from her pocket and put it on the body. "thank you, you can rest now. I'll take the burden of your revenge. she stood up looking at the espada with her innocent eyes of a child. She smiled, "oh whats that, I didn't hear you over the sound of your stupidity"
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:22 pm

    "then as your partner I will defend you miss Aki Minfune"

    bringing up her hand she charged a cero from her blade, firing a snow white one against the dark red one, exploding nowhere near the squad 3 captain. AS the dark flames follows she brought the same hand to go from being a pointed finger to an open palm and spoke, so far, the female was not impressed with what was seen. Common tricks for a common hollow.

    "hado number 81, danku"

    she said as the barrier appeared stopping the flames from reaching the area. her expression showed she was not amused by this hollow but she then had a tender smile appear on her face

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:41 am

    "You have No place here! why do you even Bother coming here and trying to stop me, no matter if you strike me down! more of us will return and in greater numbers! as we speak your numbers are decreasing! I'm doing you all a favour!

    finishing you off before you have to suffer!... heh.. well that's a lie.. the suffering part ofource.. either way, you'll still have to suffer! heh... and If I don't hear you scream then i'll squeese you until I hear that one scream I've been waiting for!"

    Relampago begins to walk left and right looking towards the two while he had his blade in hand and a smirk on his face, he was prepared to take them down he knew the captain's strength but never knew the strength of the white covered girl. He had to think things carfully. He coulden't afford to be too rashanol.
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:01 am

    Aki pulled her blade from the hilt it rested in on her back and smiled. She than disappeared into thin air leaving the ground she stood on freezing ice cold. She appeared behind the espada stabbing at his back. "Than let's begin this game alreadly. I can alreadly predict the winner and it surely won't be you."

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:44 am

    Relampago smirks, his whole body disintigrates into flames and travels around the captains blade, spining around rapidly the flame hits the captain pushing her back a few feet. Relampago then solidfies once again once he is away from the blade. He stads there aiming his left hand begining to fire various balas.

    "Close but not close enough captain, I know your tricks I have been trained to avoid your tricks!"

    The area in which the captain stabbed was lightly bleeding but he woulden't notice, he was determined to kill the captain. He was at a dangerous position he had his back towards the white covered girl without knowing anythin about her.
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:51 am

    Aki raised and eyebrown and than laughed, "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard! You're trained to defeat me huh? I'd like to see you try, I've got a lot more tricks up my sleeve, I've been learning what human call magic too! And a magician never reveals their secrets! Or so they say~" She slyly says as she disapears into a flock of doves and appears above him slicing at his head. She continuly but weakly tries to hit him without much effort.

    She gives a slight look to the girl than back at the enemy. Aki isn't much of a fighter to the weaklings that the main bad guy has, Come on, while he's distracted girl! Get him! She thinks to herself.

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:18 am

    Relampago sees the slashing above him, with his eyes he follows the blades movements and then grabs hold of her blade with his left hand.

    "Your not trying captain!"

    Relampago opens his incredibly large metalic jaws for once as the whole of the inside begin to glow a dark blood red colour charging up a cero preparing to fire to the captain. Relampago pulled down on the blade to bring the captain closer to him for an even deadlier shot.
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:58 am

    Aki smiled, her eyes were wide but she had a smile, She has never been so close to a cero and watching it for her was somewhat very interesting. Aki pulled her blade away and shunpo'd behind him to barely avoid the cero. "I'll get serious when your a bit more threating!" She yelled laughing.
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:11 pm

    The female watched on as she would see the way the fight would go. One that evades to fight and the other to battle and slay anything one, even those weaker then himself. Taking a step forward she would make her way to the fray. Gripping the katana with her hand. Seeing the cero being fired, the female vanish and appeared in front of the male.

    She simple stood on the spot looking at him with disappointment, or maybe its regret that she has to face him.

    "forgive me.... number 1, blooming Mei"

    she said as she scraped the blade off the ground, causing a violent shockwave that ripped towards him. though the moment it neared, she snapped her finger, causing flames of identical intensity that Relampago used previously.

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:45 am

    Relampago was suprised at how fast the captain got away from him. He then senced the other girl infront of him, he pulled his head down to look at her as his Cero was fully charged and fired automatically at her, the attack that Melodia sent clashed with the cero and blew it up, creating smoke in the area.

    Crap... there good...

    "Grahh!! a counter attack!"

    Relampago got pushed back slightly as he was made to stumble back on his feet. Relampago stabs his blade into the ground and then unleashes out a powerful Flame into the ground, this causes a volcano affect and various areas around him will randomly fire up large pillar sized flame beams that will surround the opponent and burn them harshly.

    (location is up to you, you can decide to be hit or not. Ofcourse you can sence one coming attempt to get out the way but get a body part court, thats acceptable aswell.)
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:54 am

    Aki landed on a building and caught her breath and looked the flames appearing. 'Crap, my ice powers should at least protect me.' She said to herself while getting up. She asn't bleeding yet but she knew this battle would get worse by the minute. Although the captains and divisions were broken off it was still a duty to protect every part of the soul society.

    Aki stood up and looked at the girl. She was much stronger than she predicted and was really glad they were fighting at the same enemy. "Drocell, your going to have to wait till you ocme out" she said looking at her sword than shunpoing feets away from the enemy. "Guess we're bigger enemies than I thought, I hate fire. Heat makes me stuffy and cranky."
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:33 pm

    looking at the male through the smoke, she would turn her head to see what would appear to be flames sprouting out from the ground. A gentle smile appeared on her face as her breath became visible. The water vapour being condensed due to a sudden chill in the air.

    As the smoke cleared the area she stood on began turn orange and red. looking down she saw that the flames spouted up from where she was, seemingly engulfing her. However, the longer the flames were there, the more oxygen deprived they seemed. as they began to turn a cold blue color. From the flames, several white bala were shot from it in the direction of the male. She was firing blind, thus she did not know whether he was there or not.

    Eventually, the entire column of flames were turned to ice,and from the ice, Melodia came out unscathed.

    "was that it, little hollow?"

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:01 am

    "Heh... No actually. It wasent... that wasen't even a warm up!"

    Relampago's claw like hands grip hold of his zanpaktou, both hands held onto the hilt, he raises it above his head and then launches it towards one of the large ice pillars. The blade spins around rapidly and piecs the ice Pillar cracking the ice and stabbing through it.

    Relampago's eyes glowing a dark red, he aims his right hand towards the blade and then closes it and then swings his hand back. The blade seems to be controled in a telepathic like manner.

    The blade comes out of the ice and the flames that were seeled in the ice all pour out and surround the blade. Soon enough the blade dissaperes within the flames and the flames come to Relampago's hands.

    Relampago releases the flames and begins to control them with his hands, the flames increase in size and in heat. Relampago raises his hands in the air as the flames begin to spin around rapidly heating the area up slowly melting the ice.

    Relampago claps his hands and then points his two hands in different directions. The flames split and spin around seperatly. After a minute the flames create two large tornados which begin to drain out the oxygen in the area and heat the area up.

    One of the tornado's was rapidly spinning towards melodia and the other to the Captain.

    "Lets heat things up a little hehe..."

    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:43 am

    As the tonado came closer Aki noticed it took oxygen away and almost the area became much warmer. She knew what this was doing and shunpo'd weridly to avoid it. And dug through her haori. 'lemons it lemons it lemons it, my mask, it's gone, it could have help me out. She than Jumped in the air and than disappeared behind relampago with the tornado following her. "You're annoying" She said as she quickly stabbed at his right thigh

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Relampago Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:02 am

    "Grah!! And your Dead!"

    As the blade dug into his thight Relampago grabbed hold of the captain asif hugging her and instantly the flaming tornado burst out and charged rapidly to relampago. t

    The tornado reformed around him leaving them in the eye of the tornado. The flames were closing in rapidly.

    As Relampago had the captain held down he began to punch her increasingly, from her face to her gut continusly, each punch getting harder by the minute.

    "DIE DIE DIEE!!"
    3rd Division Captain
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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:12 am

    Aki was getting beaten brutally with no attempt to escape. As the flames burned her skin she smiled laughed with each punch. As if the pain was enjoyable. Steam started rising from her skin and than in an instand. She whispered. "oi, transcend.... Drocell and without warning they were both trapped in ice crystals. Inside. Stiff nothing moves. Not a muscle can be flinched. But aki's mouth moved. "oi, Partner. Stab him in the heart. Even if you have to stab me too.I'll live.
    Melodia Izuna
    Melodia Izuna

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    Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone) Empty Re: Destruction of Squad 4 (Open to Everyone)

    Post by Melodia Izuna Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:37 am

    Her eyes widened as she saw the ally to damage herself to keep him in place. Why would she do such a thing? To sacrifice oneself is to give up on the world and have no new want within it.

    She young woman sighed as she would vanish to where held onto the squad 3 captain, As the ice crystal made their way around both hollow and shinigami, she brought her hand, as though it was a specter's hand, or perhaps a ghost, and pulled out the young captain

    " you have done well Aki.... but now its time i got serious. I will say this once, My name Melodia Izuna, you know know of the squad zero captain.... him and i have a history, i may say it later but now .... run... get out of this entire area, because it is going to erupt"

    she said as the was a change of wind about her. With that the glass blade vanished from her right hands as a white blade appeard from her left. Immediately reiatsu was felt that was neither the hollows nor the shinigami, but it was Melodia's angelic strength. The Saint who has no fear has arrived.

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