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Ootori Hanzo
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    The Big Shake : It ends here

    Demon King
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Pythia Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:18 am

    Pythia begins to speak once again in his snake-ish tone of voice.

    "I say forget arresting you how bout we kill you on the spot? what would you do then huh? how do we know you're not bluffing, you showing no emotions? what is that your poker face or something? I say that we kill this guy on the spot right here right now! it could be dangerous if we keep him on here!

    Especially with such a high rank who knows what he could be capable of! We already suspect him of attacking several squads I say either we kill him or we torture him until he spills the beans or is simply dead!

    It's people like you who make this place look bad! who make lower ranks shiver in fear! In my opinion you're a discrace!"

    Pythia would just simply say simple minded things to see what peoples reaction would be and to see if they would actually do anything that he suggested.

    Rank : Royalty
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:25 am

    Alister's head slowly turned to the attacker of his squad but then looked to Pythia as he spoke his option and he couldn't keep to himself

    N-no...if we do that...and he didn't do it...that wouldn't be right....he is willing to give up his zanpaktou...and...and with all...the captains in one place...even if he did attack...don't...don't you think we could do something about it...?
    3rd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:28 am

    Aki sighed. "Than let's take his zanpaktou and hit him with some lil kido. It can't be that harmful! H is a vicecaptain right? Should be strong enough for that!" She said as a suggestion.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:31 am

    Aki sighed, "I really want to kill Raiden before the main guest arrived. But I guess it's too late." She said. Aki didn't bother with her zanpaktou. "So, who are you?"
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:31 am

    "Well Captains if you don't believe that I'm real then by all means feel free to piece my body with which ever sharp item you may have on you. Or you may even use my own Zanpaktou to see if it's real.

    And to your responce Captain... I fail to see why you are a Captain if you suggest such rash things as murdering you're own comrad. You say that it's people like me that make this place look bad, it's people like you who make this place look worse.

    I already told you all i'm innocent the only abilities I have within me is to cast down Thunder and water and the ability to use Kido. So by all means feel free to stab me cut me whatever...

    you will see that all that will happen is that my skin will part and blood shall begin to rush out and unfortunatly stain these wooden floors."

    Raiden unclips his scabbard which contains his zanpaktou and throws it on the table. The scabbard slides across the table and stops in the center of the table. Raiden sits there patiently and calmly and simply says.

    "Well... who's going first?"

    Rank : Royalty
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:40 am

    The purple haired captain looked to each of the shinigami in the room and felt more and more fearful. There were so many people in one room that he felt he should have sent his puppet for the meeting but to call all the captains meant it was indeed important and after the attack, it was.

    He looked to the table and watched the given sword slide over it that Raiden gave forward to help his case.

    Y-you have to see it from our point...someone has to take...take the blame for now...but killing isn't least not now...

    Last edited by Lee_Takamoto on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:42 am

    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:05 am

    Raiden lets out a large sigh.

    "Right then since non of you won't slash me looks like I'll have to slash all of you instead!"

    Raiden gets up from his seat and jumpes up onto the table he picks up his scabbard with his foot and throws it up into the air and catches it with his hand, he grabs hold of his zanpaktou hilt and unsheaths his blade.

    He takes out a smoke bomb and throws it down onto the table to make it burst making the smoke surround the whole area, and with that he begins to shunpoe around the place attempting to slash each of the captains at once and trying to make a break for it.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:08 am

    Aki let out a laugh. "I knew I should have killed you! Man, Raiden's a great actor." She located Raiden and looked at him, What's your deal man. She ran to the door trying to look like she was trying to stop him. "What's the big plan your part of?"
    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:21 am

    Hanzo entered the meeting hall in haste, seeing as everyone was already there, Raiden, the suspect to the said attacks was also there. He kept his eyes locked on him for a long second, studying his face before closing his eyes then made his move, he analyzed Raidens movements quick, and being cornered by most captains, he couldnt do much even with the smoke bomb, Hanzo had caught Raiden's katana with his a look of authority in his eyes. "Get this criminal out of my Headquarters... he authorized, expecting the captains to back away on there own if they didnt want to be crushed by his initial release of reiatsu, anyone who was lower than a Division 0 level of shinigami would feel there legs loosing it's mobility, making them numb from anything and being unable to move at all. Several cloaked figures appeared behind them and surrounded Raiden like flies, Hanzo would expect him to come with this cloaked figures if he treasured his remaining seconds under the captain and commanders mercy.


    He expected silence from the captains after the criminal had been taken away, after all, they were facing very dark times.

    "We will deal with that issue later." his first words upon opening his eyes obviously referring to there earlier arguments. "I'm afraid were facing a greater matter for our sky is mirroring Hueco Mundos, as you can all see with just a single look at the sky."

    His secretary appeared at the porch surprisingly quick, it was like she was already there the whole time. She handed him several paper works, reports of what was actually going on, But Hanzo placed it on top of the table as if they were 10 times heavier than they looked, the look on his face suggests that he was about to tell them grave news that he's been keeping to him self for a while now.

    "Some of you may or may not be aware of it, but the Shogun has passed a couple of weeks ago... The knowledge has been hidden from public knowledge to prevent an uprising of some sort... The perpetrator, non other than the Daishogun, Yukimura Sanba.

    The shake were feeling now is non other than the effect of his doing. It had all come to our attention that the living world is facing great catastrophes, but what i'd found out recently is that it's not of natural cause. Sanba is making it look like so, and for what reasons, as for now we still dont know."

    3rd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:27 am

    Finally the man of the hour has arrived and for once was unhappy. "Sanba? No way! He always gave me candy! Well... a lot of people do...but he was one of them!" She said grabbing Hanzo's arm. "We should go find out! He must have an important reason!"
    Wandering soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Xero Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:20 pm

    Kamon was astonished at the news of why he could see the Hueco Mundo. "How is that possible..?" Kamon was in a state of awe for a moment, then he returned to normal. "Yes, I believe this Yukimura Sanba must be dealt with as swiftly as possible. Where is he currently?" Kamon asks with a bit of haste.
    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:03 pm

    Hanzo stared at Aki with mournful eyes, he knew Aki wouldn't see anyone as truly evil, but Sanba was a lost cause. "I'm afraid we cant save him, nor can we save the lives of millions he already took. It's all too late, which only explains why our world is colliding against Hueco Mundo. "

    Hanzo's secretary handed everyone the reports. "As you can see, most all of the continents have fallen now... But the souls... where do they go?" Hanzo began the report with an intriguing question. "Theoretically speaking, they should be wandering the living world premise unless one of the two deaths find and take them away. Shinigami or the hollows. But the issue is that neither of the two deaths have taken such actions, so they are currently missing. a whole lot of them." Hanzo had cleared his throat this time turning to Kamon. "To answer your question Kamon, we believe that this is the cause of the shake earlier, and the appearance of Hueco Mundo over our skies, our world and theirs... are at very high risks of destroying each other without even dirtying each others hands."

    Hanzo folded his hands together then placed them under his chin with his eyes closed sensing another shake coming it's way. "We ladies and gentlemen could be witnesses to our worlds very own downfall."

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:39 am

    Alister stood off to the side that he had so silently let himself drift off to in order to fade away from the crowd. He looked through the report that was handed to him from the head captain and read it silently and cautiously. He listened as well and then rose his head up

    B-but...we...we have to do something...I least...something can be done...
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Nerovampyro Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:50 am

    The shinigami, falling to the knees of a man they thought of as an ally. The guardians of the human world trembling in the wake of a yukimura. but to say that the shinigami were without those to assist them would be far from the truth.

    As foot steps were heard, the pressure of an old ally was felt. but it was not shinigami, it felt more concentrated, it felt like an angel's prescence. Daiseisho Oricaltos, the captain of squad 0, has arrived. his piercing eyes looked around the area. The captains are here, and Ootari too.

    "ye shinigami are the guardians of the human world. how is it that it has come to not only your realm but the realm of humans to perish as one? i was alerted to the squads that were attacked by the now ex-captain of squad 2 and found that the entire reiatsu that was felt belonged to Daemon. it was a clever illusion but they would not fool my eyes.

    At this very moment, my company searching the area. in total three of us arrived"
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:18 am

    Aki looked at the report but didn't read it. She just looked at it with sadness. "We exprienced these things before right. So come on let's get moving!" She said. "There's gotta be some reason!"
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:26 am

    Katana sighed as he listend to the discussions between everyone. He ignored the fact about Raidens treason and raised his head up.
    "I agree with Aki" He said. "I haven't known Sanba for to long, but I do know he doesn't do things without a reason, if his actions are really treasonous, why don't we go stop him or something instead of talking it out here, I mean, the man has been an ally for the gotei for some time now, and suddenly this happens"
    He rubbed his chin a bit.
    "Theres something behind it all" He thought to himself.
    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:12 am

    "I spoke to him..." Hanzo had started after he had heard there opinions about Sanba, "Right after he killed Haji, i spoke to him..." the look on Hanzo's face would make anyone think that this was something he didn't want to talk about, a moment of weakness perhaps. "I saw the look in his face, the emptiness in his eyes and the coldness in his voice. I felt it all, and for the first time in my life, i felt threatened, threatened enough that I wasn't able to move."

    This was when his expression turned serious as he eyed each of them once before continuing. "You're all strong, but I'm still stronger than all of you as of now, even with my body filled with bandages, I can stand a chance against me, but I cant risk all of you going after him."

    He wanted them to understand the weigh of the situation, if Sanba Yukimura was able to kill the strongest of them all just like that, how would any they be able to stand against him. Even Hanzo himself admitted defeat out of right fear, how would they, the inexperienced diminished number of Gotei captains.

    "We will do something..." Hanzo declared, standing up his face filled with certainty. "As of this day. Gotei 13 is no more... you're all, free to do whatever you please." This was his decision, he knew he couldn't stop them from doing whatever they wanted, especially at times like this, they would and would disobey him, so he dissolves Gotei 13 for reasons he wont tell them.

    He had another plan, but he knew non of them would agree to something they'd rather die than do.

    As of the present, Gotei 13 is no more, it's existence in question together with there world.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:37 am

    Without though Aki lightly punched Hanzo. "You would never say such things! The gotei 13 exsist for a reason right?! So why break it up now? With all of us we'll be able to. I'm sure you ave some idea in mind! If you don't I'll just go and take Sanba on myself! I might die but it's better than this!" She stated out loud. She would usually just agree with whatever people said but this was just absurd to her.
    Rogue Shinigami
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:45 am

    "I'll stay in the gotei for now, even if its disbanded, if I have to i'll band all of us remaining captains and make a fraction outside of the seireitei" He said quietly. Katana stood up and let out a sigh.
    "Were do we go now?" He thought to himself.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:48 am

    Aki grumbled at the head captain and looked at Katana. "He said we're on our own. We can all go our seperate ways but we must stay connected or else the enemy might kill us one by one. I think I might head for the human world to see if I can at least see Sanba. Maybe just once, I just don't believe he would do this......" She smiled at every one of them and started out the door
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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Nerovampyro Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:08 pm

    the squad 0 captain looked at them all as he would then sigh. stepping aside for aki to walk past him he decided to deal with a matter which needs to be dealt with... even just to allow some motivation to fill the shinigami again.

    "so... the gotei is no more. this will be interesting."

    the man said from behind the mask as he would give an unseen smile. Then he too left the room
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:25 pm

    Katana let out a low sigh. He shrugged his shoulders as he turned around.
    "If the gotei is no more, what will happen to the Soul Society?" He began to think to himself. He then disappeared with a flash.
    Wandering soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here - Page 2 Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Xero Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:13 am

    Kamon scratched the back of his head. "Boy, this is a mess." He then left the gathering room like his fellow captains.

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