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Ootori Hanzo
10 posters

    The Big Shake : It ends here

    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:11 am

    The Big Shake : It ends here 2d1o47p

    Everything went to a silent stop, the winds stop blowing and the skies as bright as ever. It was a normal day in soul society, but not for the captain and commander, who was only made aware of the current living world affairs. The "he-who-must-not-be-named" is making his move, and Hanzo was affraid of it's after effects. "And Minamoto?" he asked his secretary, the sadness in his eyes. His secretary could only shake her head, he closed his eyes and took deep sigh before opening it again, only to receive more bad news.

    Several captains have been ambushes by the 2nd division vice captain for some reason, Hanzo didnt know what to think of the situation, but it could be a ploy to distract everyone from something even bigger, but what came after was something even he didn't anticipate.

    The skies turned gray, and the winds blew tornadoes, the ground shook like there was no yesterday, then it stops. Hanzo immediately went out to see what was wrong out side, from Gotei 13 tower, the highest peak of central, he could see it, though not clearly. Soul society is moving, he could see it now, Hueco Mundo very far away, it seems, there worlds are experiencing the same thing.

    Anyone who's in soul society could experience this shake, any shinigami ranking not higher than 5th seat could see the world inched closer to Hueco Mundo.

    Something was causing this, something they still had no idea about. Hanzo fell into a sitting possition, his Secretary went to his aid.

    He could only stare blankly at the sky, mumbling the shoguns name. "What should I do?" he asked, his secretary replied with a concerned look. "Should i summon the captains?"

    Hanzo replies without looking into her eyes. "Yes do." Before she left, he added something more.

    "And another thing, making sure to summon Minamoto-dono... i need to speak with him."

    she replied with a light nod and said "Understood" she vanished like a whisper quick in the already dark skies, she turned into a thousand hell butterflies, a spirit of the messenger butterfly.

    Read this for more info:
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:43 am

    Raiden quickly shunpoed to the Head Captains meeting point, the hell butterfly stated All shinigami not just captains so since Raiden was a Vice Captain and a Shinigami he shunpoed outside the meeting point and he walked into the area his footsteps being heard as his boots touch the floor each time he walks.

    He was in full shinigami uniform he went to the wooden doors and opened the large doors and walked into the meeting point. He stood slightly and looked directly into the head captains eyes, he then walked to an available area and sat down awaiting the rest of the captains and shinigami to arrive.
    3rd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:45 am

    As Aki walked to the first she stared at the sky as something was visible. She asked her divisioners if they saw something but they didn't. She said quiet and rushed to the first. She was busy with the events at the 3rd and now this. She walked in a bit drier than usual. She was summoned, but it was a good thing to her. It must explain some things. "Hai hai~ I'm here! But not doing so well! Arah...Raiden..."
    Demon King
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Pythia Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:47 am

    Pythia appears rapidly within the meeting point of the captains orders. He walks in his eyepatch well fixed and a lit ciggerette on the side of his mouth. He walks in with his hands by his pockets. His eye wondering the area looking to all around and emotionless face being seen by everyone.

    Each footstep he would take being heard from the meeting room. He arrived to the doors that were now open nodded to all in the room, he took out his ciggerette and droped it to the floor stepping on it after. He then walked to the side and took a seat in someplace free awaiting to hear what had happend. He was in full Captain's uniform with the symbol of squad 5 being shown on his captains Haori.
    Wandering soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Soro Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:55 am

    Not knowing what had happened to him, Soro woke up sleeping somewhere in the streets of 3rd division, is was drenched in rain and couldnt remember what had happened to him. He could only remember getting really drunk and seeing the his Kohai, but aside from that it was all blank.

    He felt the ground shaking as he stood up, he thought it was the aftermath of days and days of non-stop drinking, but it wasn't, the sky was gray and it was raining, but it couldn't fool his eyes, he saw the skies of Hueco Mundo, mirroring Soul Societies, something grave was happening somewhere, and it only took a few more seconds before a hell butterfly flew over him with urgency in it's voice. "All captains are summoned to the head quarters, this is not a drill, its a code red."

    Before the message even finished, he was already on his way, flash stepping like there was no yesterday, what had happened during his drinking?
    Wandering soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Xero Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:57 am

    Kamon had just finished patching his side up from his encounter with the masked man. He had been wounded by a 1 inch cut from the enemy Zanpakuto. 'Who was that?' the captain wondered to himself while tending his wound. Not long after finishing up, he felt the quake. Looking outside, he saw the horrifying sight.

    A hell butterfly flew toward Kamon and landed on his finger, transferring its intended message. After hearing it he returned to his quarters, put on his captain's haori, and then shunpo'd to the captain's hall.

    Upon entering, he noticed some other captains who had arrived before him. Paying no heed to them, he continued to the meeting hall in which all of the squad leaders would gather.
    Rogue Shinigami
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:28 pm

    The unknown man walked into the area where all the captains were being directed to meet at. All of the captains hadn't met him yet, but the Squad 1 and 3 captains had. Despite how mysterious he was, he was there to help them all in these times. He walked over and noticed Raiden had come to the room. Katana grabbed his zanpakto and looked closely at the man. He kept to himself and sat down across from him, seeing as how he was the new captain of Squad 2.

    "Why is he here?" He asked. "He is a traitor of the soul society and should be arrested immediately"
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:56 pm

    Raiden looks around to all the people in the room and then looks to katana with a confused face.

    "Excuse me? who are you talking to? who betrayed the soul society?"

    Raiden said this with a seriously confused tone in his voice and an even more confused look on his face. He doesen't react he simply just asks the question and awaits the responce. Raiden was confused about what was happening here.
    Rogue Shinigami
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:25 pm

    [Nobody knows his name yet :\]
    "I wonder who betrayed the soul society?" He said in a serious tone. He leaned forward and looked at him. "Don't play dumb with me, wheres your father at at a time like this?"
    He leaned back into his seat to gather his composure. He cupped his hands together and looked at him.
    He then looked around to look at the other captains.
    "When I arrived to my division earlier, I found bodies of shinigami, and among them were Raiden and Daemon"
    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:00 am

    Aki walked over to Katana and smiled. "Hey hey, calm down. Let's not start something so quickly!" She said laughing. Although, putting her hood down and her goggles she smiled at Raiden. "It wasn't exactly Raiden but at least some version of you did attack my 3rd division...there a lot of rukus cause of you now."
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:40 am

    Raiden sits in his seat with a confused face.

    "My father? what? I haven't seen my father in several weeks, he told me he was off on a training course and said I should stay here look after the squad, I never even knew he came back until you mentioned him now, I thought he was still training.

    And a rukus in the third division? well I don't contain enough power in myself to do something like that, why would I want to attack the third squad?"

    He looked over to Katana with a strange look and said.

    "Who exactly are you?"

    He said this in a serious yet confused tone. Raiden was relaxed and was willing to answer any questions that people may have againts him. Maybe what they all think is a big mis understanding.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:47 am

    Katana let out a low laugh as he listened to Raiden. He stood up in front of his chair and crossed his arms.
    "If you all must know who I am, I am Katana Hatake, the new captain of Squad 2 due to Daemons betrayel" He said. He gave a look to Raiden. "Before I made myself known to the captain of squad 3, I did some searching around after I found the dead captain and vice captain in the division, that was when I found out the bodies were fake and not really theres, I then felt a lot of, whats it called, Illusionary Spiritual Pressure, along with yours Raiden"
    He looked at him.
    "Mind explaining to me, if you weren't there or whatever, why the division is full of your spiritual pressure and Daemons as well?" He said. "Might I add that the wounds on the division members are filled with spiritual pressure that belongs to you and Daemon"

    Katana was trying to get the details out, he was wondering if anyone was starting to get confused, if they were he'd try to explain things in a different way.
    3rd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:26 am

    Aki looked at all suspiciously but smiled. "Well, Raiden I have to admit. You came in and destroyed the place and than disappeared. You even said something about your captain...I'm thinking he might have been part of the plan as well..."
    Empowered soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by King_Nothing Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:47 am

    *Roan quickly walks into the meeting room and begins talking fast and loud*

    Sorry Im late you should be used to it by now what the heck is going on we're on a crash course with Hueco Mundo and what the hell are we doing about it!?

    *Pauses to take a deep breath, then starts again*

    Okay, what's going on?
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Muerte Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:51 am

    Katana ignored the coming of the next captain and waited for Raidens explanation on what his part in all of this is.
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:12 am

    Raiden looks to the captain.

    "Dead bodies of me and the captain? are you mad? Squad 2 filled with my spiritual pressure I can understand, I am the Vice Captain of that squad ofcourse and I do happen to train there once in a while when I actually have free time.

    The wounds on my fellow comrads of squad 2 are from training, whenever we train we go all out ofcourse were going to be damaged by our attacks, but I would never kill any of them. And I don't know why you felt Daemon's spiritual pressure because I haven't seen him in several weeks!

    Now then you say to me that I Raiden Sazumushi managed to destroy and injure several captains all in one go with some so called Illusionary Power? now tell me how is that possible when the only power I have inside me is of Thunder and Water. I've never been able to use any sort of illusion power... ever!"

    Raiden simply sat there calm and quietly responding to each of there questions.
    Demon King
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Pythia Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:23 am

    Pythia finally spoke out.

    "So all in all from what I've been hearing is... You destroyed several Squads, you injured various captains... and you and your captain have both killed a number of shinigami who had done nothing wrong? and now ontop of all that... you're denying it?!?!?.. heh... if it was up to me i'd execute you onsite!"

    Pythia leaned back on his chair with a hidden smirk on his face. The smirk coulden't be seen due to the lightning around Pythia's face.

    His hair covered alot of light that was heading towards his mouth area and he had his left arm crossed over his stomach and had his right elbow with his arm up straight with his hand rubbing his chin lightly slightly covering his mouth.
    Wandering soul

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Xero Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:51 am

    Kamon turned around and walked back toward where the captains were gathering around Raiden. "I can attest to this accusation, fifth captain," he spoke out. "Recently I battled against an enemy of high skill. He managed to wound me but I was able to defeat him; only to find that this was an illusion; a clone. Though I couldn't see his face, I remember his spiritual pressure, and this man reeks of that same essence," he said, looking at Raiden dead on.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:45 am

    Raiden looks to the Captain speaking to him also trying to proove him guilty. He says to him.

    "Tell me captain... I have never faught you in my whole entire life nor do I plan on fighting you. If you believe that I was in your squad fighting you...

    how could I be in other squads at the same time? If I don't contain the power within me to cast down illusions? and who would want to make a clone or an illusion of me anyway?"

    He said this while looking back to the captain with a plane emotionless face. He would continue answering all there questions in a calm maner.

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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:56 am

    A almost silent stepping flowed forward as a figure started into the room with a hand hesitantly raised as if trying to get ones attention, his face was not visible for the fact of two things. The hood of his cloak and the long purple hair that drifted over his face and out of the cloak.

    I squad was attacked by mr Sazumushi...He...he might have...a partner...or being framed...used as a scapegoat...

    He lightly lowered his hand down as if he might be afraid of some sort of verbal attack for speaking.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:01 am

    Aki laughed at the things going on. "Sorry Raiden I believe your innocent but. Come on, I know it was raining really badly when I was fighting you but I could see and sense your pressure right away! " She admitted while taking out a piece of candy and eating it.
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:05 am

    "What!? Squad 1 got attacked aswell!? who the hell would do this? the only person I know who contains the ability to cast illusions is Daemon Sazumushi but I highly doubt it was him who would do such a thing..? or ... would he?...

    My father and I have always had seperate personalities we've always been on a different level on how we think, and different goals in life should I say... but I hgihly doubt he'd ever go and do something this insane.

    and Captain Aki.. I would never do such a thing as to attack squad 3, I have no meaning to do so. I am clearly being framed here because I do not contain any source of power within me to clone myself or to create illusions of any kind."

    Raiden would look around to the captains and would wait for there responces. Raiden sat there with his hands together on his lap while his left leg was crossed over ontop of his right with his face fully shown and a full shinigami uniform.
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:07 am

    Aki laughed grabbed his hands and spun him around before letting him go. "Maybe Daemon did fool you. But right now we all saw you attack us. So for now. Your the only suspect to the well as your captain!"
    2nd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Raiden Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:12 am

    Raiden sorts himself out after being spun around a little hazed by the spinning but all in all he was fine.

    "Well then if you suspect my captain then by all means feel free to hunt him down and do what you wish to him but to suspect someone as innocent as me is just hurtfull... I am willing to help repair each squad if I'm still suspected of doing such things.

    I am also willing to hand over my zanpaktou's if you all still believe I attacked you. Lock me up take my weapons away.

    However I assure you that I would never attack any of you! I am still not at that level of power to take down a captain let alone stand a fight againts one!"

    Raiden continued in his seat and awaited responces of the captains. He was still trying to proove his innocence afterall... the attacks were all illusions and no one knew were the real Raiden went.
    3rd Division Captain
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    The Big Shake : It ends here Empty Re: The Big Shake : It ends here

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:16 am

    "How mean, if my VC said to hunt me down I'd be hurt~ But still we can't believe you. You might have secrets like all of us here." She said smiling. "Who knows, you might be one of the fakes we were fighting. " She said looking at all the captains to see there opinion.

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