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Shark Tail
6 posters

    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:59 am

    Appearing in the night sky above a large body of water, a figure of a winged man hovered above the neon city

    He felt weak and dizzy, it was hard for him to breathe but as he caught his breathe he began to laugh a maniacal laughter that echoed throughout the Australian city

    "Finally, after all these years, my time has come..." he looked around, for anyone else that may have followed him through the crack in the sky into this new world

    "But am i alone, very well it is for the best"

    Rank : Séptima
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Kyouga Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:00 am

    "Excuse me, but would you happen to be Gabriel?" Kyouga said as he came out of the Garganta. "If so, then I guess that I was one of the lucky ones to find you. Anyway, why do the others make such a fuss about you?" Kyouga said and asked. "I am Kyouga Minamoto, by the way." Kyouga said as he introduced himself, but he had a feeling that this guy was likely stronger that him.
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:21 pm

    "Hello there Kyouga Minamoto, yes your assumption is correct I am the one called Gabriel. I am surprised you have heard of my name already but the distortion of time from my world into this one must have been greater than i could imagine." He speaks as he watches the humans below him in their everyday lives with a sad look in his eyes

    Placing both hands infront of himself he closes his eyes as he continues to converse with Kyouga

    "I am going to put my plan into motion, i would suggest you either sit back and watch or stay out of my way altogether although there is nothing anyone can do to stop me now"

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:44 pm

    A light flutter sounded across the air as Gabriel spoke. Within the same moment, a nicely dressed man in white slid across the air and came to a halt with a hand held tightly onto the back of Kyouga's clothes. He let himself continue into a spin as he released Kyouga into the air sending him far from Gabriel's side. He then turned around "So here you are. I figured I'd run into you sooner or later."

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Kyouga Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:19 pm

    Shocked that the man in white tossed him away from Gabriel, Kyouga opened up a Garganta and instantly left the scene. "I'll just let things play out then..." Kyouga said quietly to himself as the Garganta slammed shut.
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:10 pm

    "Uriel" Gabriel smiled as he appeared before him and threw Kyouga aside still with his arms out stretched before him. His hands covering the great city from his sight. It looked as if he was about to play a grand piano.

    "How are you adjusting to this new world? You must have noticed by now that the human populace has spread out all over the globe like a great plague, in fact i was just about to cleanse this land of its vermin"

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:25 pm

    Uriel watched as Gabriel started his demise performance and he just stood there "The world...It is far to sinful. No one cares about God. No one cares about there fellow man. A purge is needed and I can't stand back and let it go on." He slowly let his arms raise out to his sides and then up as he tilted his head back "I have already used my Multiphaser and are covering the globe as we speak."
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
    BD-cash : 5177

    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:43 am

    "I am pleased to hear that we think alike." Gabriel shut his eyes. His eyelids flickered, his head was shaking almost as if he was having a seizure

    "These humans are so weak willed that i have nearly the whole populace of this city under my control right now, i could have them all throw themeselves from their tallest towers, or drown themselves in their habour."

    Letting out a sigh he shook it off, brushed back his long white hair with his black gloved hands and looked at Uriel.

    "But no it is too soon; we must wipe out all the humans at once, then not even he can do anything about it. The only obstacle in our way will be the Soul Reapers, the protectors of this realm. I trust you are dealing with them as we speak"

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:54 am

    Uriel watched as Gabriel started to shake rather violently. He started on about his control over the feeble minded humans and what he could have them do on a whim. Uriel then let his head nod "I am. I have intercepted not only them, but a couple of other possible obstacles that I am currently in judgment of. They are not in the original plans but I am working with what I have Gabriel."
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:28 pm

    "Very good, once the soul reapers are but a memory we shall wipe out all the humans in one fell swoop. I sense the others have followed us through to this world as well. They may prove to be a hindarance but nothing more. If Micheal is weak willed enough to fall under my hypnosis then none of the others even have a chance"

    Raising his arm into the sky looking as if he was trying to grab at the clouds above them Gabriel sighed

    "Soon he will see, yes we shall prove him wrong all this time for focusing all his energys into this pitiful dammed race."

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:26 am

    Uriel nodded his head as he heard Gabriel speaking and after he had finished "Gabriel, I have come in contact with some of the other angels and I have even encountered other things besides the soul reapers. I have how ever learned so much from the encounters. I saw Micheal...but lost him without getting anything. Jhudiel is ready and more than willing to do anything at your word. I am currently just waiting on your word and what you would like for me to day and I'll jump to it."
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

    Posts : 36
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:55 am

    "Other things besides the soul reapers?" Gabriel muses for a moment "The world is indeed vast place, but no matter they are all but insects to us."

    "All I need for you and Jhudei to do is to protect me when i finally spread my influence all over the planet and wipe out the humans in one fell swoop for that is when i shall be most vunerable to attack."
    Asari Asakura
    Asari Asakura
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Asari Asakura Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:02 am

    Wrapped in a black cloak that supressed his spiritual energy and hid him from plain sight. The 12th divison captain Asari Asakura edged as closley as he could to the two higher beings in the sky.
    Aoyama Moshiro
    Aoyama Moshiro
    4th Division
    4th Division

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Aoyama Moshiro Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:12 am

    A faint presence of another hooded figure came following the 12th Division captain, it was one of Moshiro's messenger already hidden within the area.

    "Captain." She softly spoke bowing her head a bit. "The 4th Division captain will be with us in a bit, can i help you with anything?"

    Posts : 104
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:02 am

    Uriel listened to what it was that Gabriel said as if it was the last things he might hear. He slowly let his posture straighten itself out as he placed his hands at his sides firmly "We will do anything for you Gabriel, there is nothing you have to worry about. I've made it a point to get as much as I could from everyone I have come to encounter. I can only hope to see true justice brought."

    Posts : 81
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Grixis Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:25 am

    "This is the so called Australia Gaberiel-sama is in?" *Walking toward the vast land she looked up*
    "I don't see him maybe.." *Jhudiel tried to send small waves of her energy for anyone to sense her*

    Posts : 104
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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:48 am

    Uriel paused as he turned his attention outward as he moved a hand up and pushed his glasses up onto his face as he blinked several times "And Jhudiel is here to complete the alliance." He slowly paused as he looked down at his chest, a hand punctured itself into and out of his chest and he burst into dust as another Uriel stood there. This being the so called original. He sent out his own pulse toward the direction of Jhudiel, things were coming to a peeking point now.

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Grixis Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:28 am

    *feeling uriels presence Jhudiel ran* "uriel, he knows where gabriel sama is"
    *after running she sees him* "now it all begins"

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:33 am

    Uriel slowly let his hands move outward as if to welcome Jhudiel "Nice of you to join us." He then let his arms drop down as he looked back toward Gabriel and then once more back to Jhudiel Now, there is no stopping the coming of justice. He slowly let his eyes glare over the landscape

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Grixis Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:43 am

    "gabriel-sama, sorry i was late. Got caugt up in things" *as she went toward them she looked at the area or enemies* "did you find anyine interesting?"
    Shark Tail
    Shark Tail

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Shark Tail Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:22 pm

    "I am pleased you have found us Jhudiel" Gabirel smiled as she finally arrived

    "I apologise, not even i anticipated the delay of travelling between our old realm and this one"

    "But no matter you are just in time, as i was saying i will need both of your protection when i wipe out the humans in one fell swoop. But unfortuantly my powers have limits, to take over the entire globe at once is impossible for me to do alone, i will need a voice"

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:01 am

    Uriel slowly moved one hand up to his glasses and placed his middle finger onto them as he moved his other hand into his pocket as he leaned his head forward "You have nothing to worry about Gabriel. I will be the shield that will halt anything that would try and stop you, the justice that will protect you."

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Grixis Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:27 am

    "I'll will also help, for there is nothing else to really do. A voice what do you mean?"
    *She stopped in front of them*

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Kyouga Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:10 pm

    A Garganta opened in-front of Gabriel, and Kyouga advanced toward him as he pulled out the letter that Lucifer. "I'm here on orders to help you Gabriel, and Lucifer wanted me to give this letter to you." Kyouga said with a smile as he tried to be as pleasant as possible.

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    The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia Empty Re: The birth of a new world- Sydney, Australia

    Post by Uriel Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:37 pm

    Uriel was beyond quick to the draw as the Garganta started to open, he was already standing in front of Gabriel before the person was able to speak. The words fell on more the deaf ears to him. He hand one arm drawn out to make distance between Gabriel and himself and this other person. He had his other hand raised into the air, a orb of light the size of a tire...from a monster truck "You will keep your distance! Don't you dare address him so casually! Respect your betters! Now, Distance!"

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