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Stark Kreuz
Ashe Ventus
Soren Kiyomeru
Ferris Will
Loli Gaga
Jeremy Winters
Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
19 posters

    One World

    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    One World Empty One World

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:51 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    5 long years they battled, and finaly the war was won, the war is over. The east fell to the west completely and the president declared it the day of freedom.

    He summons everyone to join this glorious gathering and welcomed even the non alpha's.

    Today they were free, today, they were one. One World. One Human Race.

    Posts : 105
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Francine Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:59 am

    The real celebration was the next morning, but the staff of News 9 could not wait on this big news, so she arrived earlier. Big smiles, perfectly comed hair and made up face, Francine waited for the cue.


    "Thanks Jeremy, reporting to you live on the World Government Head Quarters, you can see a big party going on within it's gates, we havent been able to gain acces because of the head count restrictions, but we believe that this party will die down tomorrow morning."

    She reports says taking one short breath before going on again.

    "VIP'S have been arriving from all over the world, just earlier we were able to see the arival of Shon Benjamin, Jeremy he is the most influential man here thus far, aside from the president himself."

    Jeremy Winters
    Jeremy Winters

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Jeremy Winters Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:19 am

    On cue, Jeremy Winters replies to her sounding very intrigued.

    "Thanks Fran, now, hows the weather there? Mr. White said there's a high possibility of rainfall around that area, does it look like its going to rain?"

    Posts : 105
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Francine Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:22 am

    "Well..." she pauses.

    "It doesnt feellike it Jer, if anything the place feels really humid. And i dont think the people here care, they only want to party. Jer."
    Jeremy Winters
    Jeremy Winters

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Jeremy Winters Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:25 am

    "That was Francine Alberts, reporting to you live. Now then, in other news, irregular weather conditions, what does it mean? Will our world be destroyed this time? Stay tuned to find out. And later on the easts cry for help. All that and more when we return after the break."

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:53 am

    -Day Time-

    The sun was high with no signs of rain what so ever, it seems the reports of rain were false. Sniper was at a ramen stand eating her noodles normally, her sister was around the area somewhere, but they avoided sticking together, all of them, especially her, she needed to be as far away as possible to be of any use.

    But over the weeks, she has been training to improve her close range combat skills, even she was amazed by her quick improvement. Over the days, for some reason, she was feeling more and more powerful. This bothered her. She slurped some noodles. Today was the day of freedom. It really was, the rebels, they will take the world back. Everything will return to normal after today.
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
    Human Revolver

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    One World Empty One World Old

    Post by Ferris Will Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:59 am

    He was without mask today, and his hair was dark, almost black. He was blending with the crowd as he was finishing a slurpy. He was able to spot Snipper eating ramen, and even Rocker arguing with someone over the corner of his eyes. She never learns. He sighed catching a glimpse of Seven walking towards the puppet stand. He wasnt wearing a hat, but he was still shirtless.

    Seven was always without shirt, sometimes it was contagious. Even he didnt wear shirts. sometimes. okay more than sometimes.

    Will stopped and looked up the sky, today was the day that everything would return to normal. He held the ring on his necklace. "Soon. Very soon. My love.." he says before walking around again.

    Posts : 49
    BD-cash : 5288

    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Hades Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:31 am

    Anyone who mattered was there. Hades walked along side the crowd, but they were all afraid of him, he sent out an unfriendly slightly pissed off aura towards anyone who stared for more than a mili second.

    He was looking for his target, the president, this was his mission, those were the orders, once it was done, he could then return home.

    But it was one hell of a hot day, he was sweating like crazy and steam was coming out of his head. But he walked on. It was only a matter of minutes now.

    Posts : 43
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Persephone Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:34 am

    They were together one moment, then not the next. This worried her so much. She knew how Hades got when he were to be separated from her. Se browsed the crowd, but they were all staring at her. She was just that beautiful. Pristine skin, platinum blond and ocean blew crystals for eyes. Blood red lips that are hard to resist.

    People were following her like a celebrity, but she payed no attention to them. She searched for her husband, Hades.
    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 5
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Cronus Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:39 am

    Highly resembling the president, Cronus could not wear his usual armor, he had to dress down to an Americana, but this real confused people. If not for his eye patch, he would be mistaken for the past President, Andy-Mann Sr.

    Ironically, what he was wearing made him stand out more. He walked away from people and tried avoiding crowds as much as possible.

    Posts : 13
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Nigel Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:42 am

    Nigel was looking for Francine who got lost in the crowd, if anything he would think she was avoiding him. She was about to go on air any minute now, but she was missing.

    he cried out. he was her camera man, but she was no where to be found.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 490
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:10 am

    Soren was walking around the area when he spotted sniper sitting there eating ramen looking around he also noticed rocker arguing with another person he couldn't find Seven anywhere he sighed he didn't know what to do he walked over to Sniper sighing. Hey... Soren looked down as his voice trailed off there was no doubt about it Soren was worried but who was he worried for?

    Speaking up he needed to continue the conversation So sniper are you nervous about the mission I mean what if you know.. Sighing again he didn't know what he was getting at and he was sounding stupid right about know he thought about the training they had all went through together to become stronger in fact soren knew the basics of how to control his shinigami powers able to use his skikai, usltilize some kidou spells, and finally being able to control his reiastu. Despite our training... Sniper what if one of us dies... I hadn't thought about it until before now and thinking about it now it's nerve wracking.. Haha I must sound like a coward right?

    Soren looked back he had a sense of dread flowing through him this was his first big operation mission would he fail no he couldn't afford to fail.

    Posts : 105
    BD-cash : 5536

    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Francine Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:56 am

    Just as Nigel was about to hit a nervous breakdown, she hit him in the head and walked to the front side and waited for the cue. She's been inside her trailer the whole time, and Nigel's cries were getting irritating.

    "Were going live in 3...2...1.."

    "Thanks Jeremy, Francine Albert reporting to you live, still in the World Governemnt Head Quarters, we are now only waiting for the presidents appearance over this stage to my right."

    The crowd suddenly goes wild, serving as a sign for the presidents arival.

    "It appears the president is here Jer, this is the actual footage of the president's arival on the stage."
    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:45 am

    Aki stood within the crowd just trying to fit in to the celebration. Her hoverboard cube placed on her belt. She held it for a second than let go. She looked around but couldn't see anyone she knew due to being too short to look over the crowd. When the crowd suddenly got wild she ran out of it and caught her breathe. "So many people..." She looked up, and put her goggles on.

    "So what... is it time?"

    Posts : 364
    BD-cash : 5383

    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:30 am

    The crowd was vast, as was to be expected for this sort of thing Hotaru figured. The size of it allowed for some degree of invisibility and anonymity which she wanted to rely on now more than anything. Weaving through the mass of people that had gathered here for one thing, Hotaru had a couple different goals in mind. First and foremost she wanted to get closer to the front. Secondly she wanted to make sure that none of those she had come with were onto what she was up to.

    Luckily her smaller frame allowed her some maneuverability in the crowd though it was becoming increasingly difficult the further she went on. And time was of the essence here. All the while she scanned those around her looking for someone she could recognize, or some Alpha who might actually pay attention to her. After all she hadn't had a chance to send her last letter which might very well be the most important one yet, one that she held in her hands as if her life depended on it.

    'Please just let me find one person in time...all I need is just one that'll listen.'

    Her goal was a simple one, she figured. Find someone in uniform and hand off her message. If it was someone she knew like Sensei that would be a bonus but it was hard to find anybody in the crowd.

    Rank : Royalty
    Vice-captain of Squad 1
    Posts : 2716
    BD-cash : 9169

    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:06 pm

    A single male stood amidst the crowd, he was there of his own free will as there would simply be no female attention to give if he was tucked away within the confines with the president or the others. He was not built to be caged inside but it seemed that this was a mixed ordeal. Ai Kazuma wore his official attire today for the ceremony and he was getting enough attention for it.

    He had his eye on a beautiful woman, one like he had never seen before which instantly caught his delicate eyes. She held a perfect skin and platinum blonde hair and her eyes seemed clearer than any ocean but her lips seemed to take the proverbial cake. But with the number of swooning females that were amidst him, it was making things a lot harder on him to get to this woman than he would have liked. He would try and move closer only to have to look down at another face, smile and slowly try and find a alternative way of moving her only to be faced with a similar problem. It was a massive hassle, that much was for sure.

    Rank : Royalty
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:12 pm

    Lee Takamoto stood in his official attire, away from the crowds and bustle of the outside. There was simply too much touching for his tastes and he would like to keep himself from having to worry about someone tainting his own good clothes and self image. He was never one to make a facial appearance unless it was with the president himself and even then, he found that working behind the scenes for him was more to his liking.

    He looked down and took a hold of the bottom of his glove and pulled it down to make sure that it was on correctly and tightly. He was going to be enjoying himself today and of that, he was sure. He needed to have some sort of enjoyment though, with the glance of the large mass of people outside, it couldn't help but remind him of the acts that he had committed in the past to acquire his powers and it brought a slight crack in his lips to form a
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
    4th Division Captain
    4th Division Captain

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:43 pm

    Ashe Ventus moved her shoulders as a petite girl with pigtails attempted to hurry past her point in the crowd, looking for someone it seemed. It was hard to get used to the fact that she was in her gigai almost constantly here in the human world, she felt as if everyone had their eyes on her. And yet in the time that she had been here, she gotten a bit better at being more 'human', though she didn't interact much with them. The soul reaper's black gloved hand fiddled with her equally black tie. It wasn't too hot really, but it was rather humid and uncomfortable in her full black suit. She had found herself wearing it more than her former attire for her gigai, as people seemed to take her more seriously with this. And she was here rather than somewhere nice and cool with A/C because of the entire reason for this whole congregation. The West had won.

    It seemed like such an abstract statement that would have been out of place in the soul society. Human wars were not noted with particular importance other than the increase in souls entering the seireitei. But this particular war was special somehow. Why else would Lee be interested enough in it to have actually participated enough to choose a side and help it win even? She didn't know why, but he had and he had also specifically told her to not help the West in any way, but to join her other fellow soul reapers. A good deal of Captains had entered the world of the living to join the East side of the war, and yet it was all for naught it seemed. Ashe had not joined soon enough to be much of a help, though she did make sure she heard all of the latest news and information just as Lee had told her to.

    But even though she was technically on the losing side, she had no qualms with coming to this celebratory event on her enemy's victory. Because she knew that there was that slim, impossible chance that Lee might be here. It was almost impossible to detect spiritual pressure if they were both in their gigai's, but if she could even catch a glimpse of him to see that he was alive and well... Ashe sighed to herself, tugging at her collar as she craned her neck and looked about.
    Jeremy Winters
    Jeremy Winters

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Jeremy Winters Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:27 pm

    "live in 5...4...3...2.."

    "Jeremy Winters Reporting to you, World News Tower, Kansas. We are currently having technical difficulties with the signal, it appears the weather is messing up with our coverage. What you’re currently seeing is our earlier footage of the World Government delegates. To the right you will see Shon Benjamin sitting next to Ambassador Blackwood. To the other isle the vacant seat of General Lee and Commissioner Goodwin. Behind then presidential secretary Malcolm Albert’s and Dr. Kreuger of the Pandora laboratories.

    Everyone important is gathered in this glorious event, and the weather seems to be looking fine, lets just hope for the best. But… Hold on, it seems our coverage went back. Fran? Hello? Are you there?"


    Posts : 105
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Francine Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:32 pm

    "Yes, Jer, we lost the signal earlier, but the president did indeed make an appearance, he is now atop a 3 story stage towering over everyone, he is waving and pumping his fists. The president is in the best mood imaginable."

    Francine moved quick through the special path reserved for media, she wanted a closer look on the president.

    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:45 pm

    There stood a tall stage, towering over crowds of people, the people of the new world.

    He wore a wide smile, rasing both his hands as if to praise the heavens. "We are victorious!" he sang, pumping his fist over the cheering crowd.

    The Eastern Alliance finally gave in to the West. Andy McDowell-Mann is the worlds greatest hero, the leader of the world, the leader of all man.

    "We fought five years of war, five years of hunger, five tears for fears, fight fears that we don't know. We surpassed this fear, we defeated the East and now we stand victorious a stronger human race.

    We are strong, us Humans, us alone, we did it, we will not be chained. We will not manipulated. The others... They will fall with the east. The others will fall next!"

    Just as he was about to finish his speech, it began to rain. But it was not your normal rain. It began raining paper.

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    Andy took one and read it. it was only numbers, but there lies a symbol he recognized. He crumpled it and pumped his fist one more time before leaving for the back stage.

    "Clean this mess up." He told the dark shadow lurking behind the stage. "Ask the pandoras to destroy all evidence of this." He threw the crumpled paper next to the shadow and made his leave.

    Posts : 105
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Francine Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:52 pm

    Everyone was excited about the presidents speech that everyone was only casually cheering him inbetween lines. But then something odd happened. It started to rain peices of paper. Francine took one and read it.

    She mouthed the numbers written in them. It meant nothing to her, nor to anyone. But what could it be?

    "Jer, the president left the stage, and now it appears to be raining... peices of paper that looks like this. As you can see right now the pandora units are being deployed...

    Ahh, they're confiscating all of it.."

    Francine kept the one she had well hidden and continued to report.

    "A lot's been going on, but people are panicing as the Pandoras are taking the peices of paper by force."
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:56 pm

    Sniper swallowed tads of ramen when Soren suddenly spoke, she has never been caught this off guard in all her life, she struggled to breath before she was able to drink water and spoke. "We... We will live." she said in a determined voice, but her expression told otherwise.

    She turned to him and only then saw the paper rain.

    "Soren, what's that?" she asked, pretty much confused. This wasn't the signal they talked about. This was something else entirely.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 490
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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:07 pm

    Soren looked at the paper rain and he sighed it might be nothing but he was going to check it out anyways. Soren nodded in agreement to what she had said Alright I trust that...I won't let you die we'll both get through this I'll protect all of us that I can. Soren exited his human body and he was wearing his usual shinigami attire his white jacket and white uniform standing out but not a whole lot of people could actually see him so he was safe suppressing his reiastu he looked back at sniper.

    I never got a mod soul... Just tell the guy I was drunk or something and get my body safe. The limp human body of Soren would cause quite a scene he jumped into the sky floating seeing exactly what the commotion was about.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    One World Empty Re: One World

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:12 pm

    Sniper caught Sorens Body and guarded it. People were staring at them and she waved at them. "He's fine, he.. he's just... a little narcoleptic."

    The Pandoras were deployed now. if anything went wrong, their plan would be ruined, but she hoped this was something Will anticipated, if not, they were doomed.

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    One World Empty Re: One World

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