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Stark Kreuz
Ashe Ventus
Soren Kiyomeru
Ferris Will
Loli Gaga
Jeremy Winters
Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
19 posters

    One World

    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
    4th Division Captain
    4th Division Captain

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Ashe Ventus Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:04 pm

    Ashe looked up solemnly as the leader of the side of her enemy approached the stage and began speaking. Humans...if only they knew how much they owed to much more than just 'humans'. Did they know how many among them were more than that, or had the potential to be? Shaking her head slightly, the blonde soul reaper frowned as something began falling from the sky. She suspected rain, but it was white. Snow? No...paper. Small rectangular bits of paper with numbers and a symbol written on it. Catching a falling one in her gloved hand she scanned it, but couldn't make sense of it. So she tried to discreetly fold it many times over and tuck it in a small pocket on the inside of her jacket. It may not mean anything to her, but it might to someone else. Maybe the other Captains or Lee would know.
    3rd Division Captain
    3rd Division Captain

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:27 am

    Aki picked up the piece of paper and looked at it closely. For now it just seemed like numbers. But if the president seem like he didn't like it than it must be important. "33-777-75-666-73?" She shoved the paper in her pocket and looked up. She than got catious and looked around. And whispered to herself.

    "Just try to fit in till its time."

    Posts : 364
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Remi-chan Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:27 am

    The only thing that made Hotaru stop her weaving through the crowd would come as the President himself stepped onto the stage, speaking ever so briefly to the crowd with words that exuded confidence. Seeing him she knew that her best chances would probably be to let him know the plan before it was too late. She knew the signal and had to make it before that time.

    As the slips of paper fell, Hotaru would glance at one only briefly before moving on. While others were confused she didn't pay it much heed even as the Pandoras went to clean up the mess. She had far more important things to do after all and time was of the essence. So, she kept moving, only stopping as she reached the entrance that would take her backstage. Once there maybe she could get an audience. The only thing standing in her way was a guard determined to make sure not just anyone could get in. Given the density of those even in this spot it would be difficult for her 'allies' to see this. As far as they were concerned she could only hope they would think she was getting prepared for the task at hand.

    "Sorry Miss but I can't let you back here. Authorized personnel only."

    "I have the clearance." Reaching into the pocket of her skirt, Hotaru produced her wallet and showed her proof, something she'd kept on her at all times in her absence because it would have compromised everything. That at least seemed to work on the guard as he stepped aside for her.

    "My mistake. Go on ahead."

    She didn't have to be told twice as she entered the backstage area. While there were plenty of people outside there was only military personnel here. That made it easier to get the job done and she didn't have to be so secretive on her intentions anymore though she still said nothing specific. She wouldn't divulge anything until she had who she wanted to talk to, someone she actually could trust. "I need to talk to the President. And the sooner the better."

    Rank : Royalty
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:11 am

    Lee sat in a seat, one leg crossed over the other as his black boots, black cufflinks and black collar kept the rather white overall appearance fair. The gold shoulder pads and tassel on his right side fit in well with the outfit. He did happen to enjoy the sheer number of people that had come to attended the celebration event.

    But he kept his attention focused on the president himself over all. He had come far and he then let his attention come to something else, things falling from the sky. Paper it seemed and the Pandora were quick to the scene to begin collecting these things. Lee slowly rose his hand up as he held the wine glass and took a sip of the delicious red liquid.

    Rank : Royalty
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:22 am

    Ai Kazuma continued to push passed the woman that continued to plague him on his way to the one in his sights. His majority black regal attire was the greatest cause of the attention. The white cufflinks that went up to his elbows with silver buttons along with the white neck piece blended naturally. The blue along his chest piece matched perfectly with his natural blue hair.

    But it was the pristine colored beauty that had his attention the most out of the falling pieces of paper. The blonde hair and reddest of lips begged to be touched. The paper confused many and he continued on his single track, moving just a bit further toward the woman.

    Posts : 43
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Persephone Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:43 am

    The president gave quite the short speech, she kept her eyes locked on him, his face, his eyes, his lips. This person she knew so well before, seemed so distant. She gave a short sigh of regret when it started to rain peices of paper. "33-777-75-666-73" it read.

    A small smile formed from her lips. So it has happened.

    "Hades." She spoke as if he was next to her. "They are coming."

    Posts : 49
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Hades Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:01 am

    Hades was atop a tower, two sniper guards with broken necks lying on each sides of the towers floor. He had a wide grin carved on his face like a half moon.

    "Good. it's been a while. he held his hands spread wide and within a snap of a finger, an exploasion occured on the tower.
    Old man in red pajamas

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Cronus Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:09 am

    Cronus was watching from his post, the west tower burst into flames, now it was the south towers turn. He ignited the explosive and flash stepped to dostance himself from the exploasion that's about to occur.

    When it exploaded, his job was done.

    This would cause so much panic and chaos that would give them enough to time to rally arround the stage.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:18 am

    Not long after Andy left the stage an officer whispered something to him and he rushed towards the left stage exit and there spotted Hotaru. Or Agent XX. "You... What's going on?" he asked her.

    He was waiting for an answer, but an explosion occurred not far away.

    “Sir, we must ask you to stay within our protection.” The guards say. The Pandoras were deployed to clean the paper rain, now Andy was left without any real protection other than highly skilled human officers.

    “Tch…” Andy was mad. It was good that Hotaru was here, but how much can he trust her? They were lead inside the building behind the stage and there he asked her again. “Agent XX, what’s going on?”
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
    Human Revolver

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Ferris Will Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:50 am

    Will watched the south and west tower ignited. He greatly appriciates the help from old friends, but he rather hated trusting them... the exiled...

    But he appriciated the gesture, now it was time for them to move. He took one peice of peper from the many which fell from the sky.

    But this one was a bit different from the rest.

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    Like the others, its a bunch of numbers, but this one was quite different, it had the letter E printed on the center.

    Just above him, he though he saw the shadow of something sped right pass him. What was this thing?

    He studdied it a little more beofre 2 of the remaining towers ignites.

    The 4 pillars of the new world fall down. This false government goes next.

    Posts : 364
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Remi-chan Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:00 pm

    As the President himself finally addressed her Hotaru would bow slightly, having no real time for formalities. His surprise wasn't unexpected, after all he hadn't seen her since she left for her mission but she could only hope that he realized just what her presence meant. She of course had opened her mouth to begin to explain as the first of the explosions began. It was starting, it had to be.

    "They're attacking." Glancing briefly at the paper still in her hands she offered it to him, keeping with him all the while. In fact unless absolutely necessary she likely wouldn't leave his side at all now. "This has everything I know about what's going to happen though it might be too late to do anything about it. I tried getting here as soon as I could without raising suspicion. The rebels are out there mixed with everyone else. Just make sure everyone's on their guard. I could pick them out need all the protection you can get, Sir."

    Guessing that he would probably take the paper of her intel from her, Hotaru used her free hand to summon her bow. She was ready for anything and soon enough the rebels would probably notice that Archer was nowhere to be seen. At least not where they had expected her to be.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:27 pm

    Andy took the files she handed him and read through them briefly. It had every bit of info about what was about to happen today, but he’s afraid it’s already too late, they were already within the head quarters. This event… Andy was afraid… was turning point. It’s either they win… or they loose it all. Andy was so furious that he crumpled the end bits of the file. He Tossed it on the table and massaged his forehead. “Get me Malcomn Alberts!” He ordered one of the guards. “RIGHT NOW!”

    The guard rushed through the riot outside and searched for the person the president wanted to see. The President paced inside the room, back and fort, in deep thought. The Pandoras were out side, there’s only one other option. One he didn’t want to take.

    Malcomn returned, the same fidgety excuse of man. He was pathetic, indeed. But Andy knew who this man really was. “Cut the act.” Andy angrily ordered, but still politely. “What are you planning now?”

    Rank : Royalty
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:44 pm

    Ai continued to head in the direction of the woman when something happened that would change everything for him. There was a single massive explosion that began to topple a single tower but before anyone knew it, another explosion went off and a second tower went down. These were all things that Ai himself could handle but it was what came next that he couldn't.

    He looked around and, even with his god-given eye sight, in the masses of scattering people and bodies, he could not catch a glimpse of the woman. He'd lost her in the confusion and this was one of the bad things that could have happened. He balled his fists up in anger as he looked around, still in search for her. If anything, she would be in need of rescuing and that would surely get him in her good graces but at ground level, he wouldn't be much good to anyone and so, he looked around for a good clear spot in the air to get a birds eye view.
    Stark Kreuz
    Stark Kreuz

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Stark Kreuz Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:45 pm

    Malcom first shuddered, shook a few more seconds before falling into seat. It was as if something pushed him there. Now head bent down, hair covering his face. Slow deep laugher escaped his mouth. "Oh, Andy... Andy Andy... Andy.... What dont you understand? I dont need to plan... This world is where i reign as God."

    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:46 pm

    Mika Sato pulled away the lit cigarette from her full red lips before letting the smokey air escape her mouth. She really didn't want to be here. Celebration or not, she was glad it was over finally. After five whole years this stupid war had ended. And yet still her job working for the World Alliance wasn't done. She was posted here at this event as extra support if needed and guard. She wouldn't be surprised if a riot or two started, but the fighting was supposed to be done right? So why couldn't she just go back home and curl up with Tomoe? It was bad enough that that blue haired gigolo Kazuma was here... She could see him trailing after another piece of @ss in the crowd and sneered, focusing her attention on the president. That was until her attention was otherwise distracted by the odd rain happening. Frowning as she got an incoming order from her earpiece, Mika replied back an affirmative before beginning to gather up pieces of the paper into a trash bag, occasionally snatching one out of someone's hands. That was until an explosion rocked the scene. Dropping the bag, the red head whirled around, her hand going to her locket as her eyes scanned the area for a more local threat while simultaneously backing up towards the stage where the president was.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:49 pm

    "Not for long your not." Andy slapped the table and there now the piece of paper lies. "You've lost your chance. Lucifer, they are coming. They will take the world back."

    He took Malcomn who he just called Lucifer by the collar, "Five whole years we worked on this world, five long years LUCIFER! FIVE YEARS! DO SOMETHING!"

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:52 pm

    Lee Takamoto continued to sit in his chair, the single glass of wine in his hand as he buildings began to fall outside. He slowly let his gaze move to the corner of his eye as if to look outside. He then glanced back to his now raised glass that was at eye level as he watched the contents shake with the rumbling of the outside chaos. "Well, the mongrels finally decide to try and attack at the most opportune time. I wonder if mister president actually has a plan for this."

    Lee slowly let himself rise from his seat as he then began to walk down the hallway and in the direction of Andy McDowell-Mann Jr to see just what he wanted to be done. He was the general after all, he couldn't simply just sit by whilst nothing was done now could he? He took another small sip of his now dwindling wine.
    Stark Kreuz
    Stark Kreuz

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Stark Kreuz Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:58 pm

    Lucifer breathed the words loud enough for only Andy to hear. "Let go of me." with this Andy obeyed even if he didnt want to. "Now then. I must do something if you think i should, but remember this. So long as i hold the hourglass. this world is ours." With just that, he left the room, and prepared for whatever came next.
    3rd Division Captain
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Aki_624 Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:08 pm

    Aki watched as the pillars fell. She raised her hands up to one of the pillars. Admiring h flames and ignoring the panic of the people around her. "pretty, just like the stars." she said to herself. Than she held out her cube and said. "C3" her cubs turned into a hovercraft. She hopped on and put her goggles on and rode through the crowd. "boom boom bye bye world~" she hummed gleefully. Waiting for the next surprise.

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Remi-chan Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:19 pm

    Hotaru stayed back as the President seemed to be rather irate over the turn of events given it was clear nothing was going in his favor when he called for another to join them. "Malcolm" his name was, apparently. Though once he was in the room the President called him by another name in his anger. Lucifer.

    It reminded her of something five years ago. There had been talk of Lucifer back then among the initial survivors at the camp...was he the cause behind the world falling apart? Even if he was, she couldn't say anything on the matter. It was better not to. So she only remained at the ready with her bow, should anything come by way of orders or enemies. All too quickly though it seemed their confrontation was over.
    Shon Ben
    Shon Ben
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Shon Ben Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:28 pm

    Shon Ben watched everything happen from the side lines as chaos began to strike, explosions everywhere, people panicking and running away. Shon Ben was sat there with his leg crossed over the other and he looked up as he watched the papers fall from the sky each one with the same printed pattern on it.

    He held his golden cross tightly and whispered a prayer as he looked up to the sky. A golden light shined onto him and he nodded, he got up from his seat and knew what to do.

    Ben ran inside shoving past everyone and anyone who got in his way, he ran all the way until he found Andy, here he couldn't help it. His anger had got the best of him.

    "You ignorant buffoon!"

    He back handed the current president with his left hand this impact would make the mans face turn, Shon Ben then grabbed hold of Andy's neck with his right hand pushing him againts the wall tightening his grip with rage in his eyes.

    "Can't you see what is happening here! All this the fights the chaos the people dying the sinning, all this is your fault! All of this is because you decided to be the better one, you decided that you were better than the rest and now it has all come down to this.

    You made deals with the wrong people and now look! The End has arrived! Now you must suffer for the sins you have committed! Your soul shall burn in the deepest depths of hell!"

    Shon Ben said with anger his face was starting to go read with anger and the veins in his hands had popped out as his grip was tightening around Andy's neck.

    "If I wasn't such a holy man and a believer in God I would have killed you by now... and honestly I should, but I'm better than that, why? Because I know someone else will kill you instead! someone who has the heart to kill! Someone just like you!"

    Shon Ben maintained his right hand around Andy's neck.
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:35 pm

    Ashe Ventus was scanning the area when an explosion rang out from one of the towers, causing her to flinch. The crowd around her began screaming and running, but not all. The blonde soul reaper stood her ground and wondered if this was the beginning of an attack staged by the Rebels. Did they still have a chance even after all this? The Squad Six Lieutenant flinched for a second time, not because of an explosion but because of a person whizzing past her on...a hover board? As the woman passed her, Ashe blinked in recognition. "Captain Mifune?!" Maybe this was an attack! They could still win! Cautious hope, lined with uncertainty filled the soul reaper as she started forward towards the stage where Aki had gone.
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by ?????? Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:38 pm

    They... the gray men... were quick, to move, like shadows they flooded the streets in quick synchronized movements... Like Notes bouncing up and down and up and down.

    They were all faceless beings, all wearing masks to hide their identity, and the one leading them, without a mask, but faceless. Infinite.


    There are those who know of their existence, there are those who doubt thruths and lies. But they do exist. The non existence of truth and lie, the inbetween right and wrong, the innocence of purity.... the men of gray.

    They scattered, but the leader, walked into the fray, and before anyone noticed him, he was already on the stage, watching over everyone.

    He did not touch the mic, but his voice was heard.

    "Citizens... of this world... We've come... to collect your freedom.." the creature said.

    "Weve come... to redeem you... and you're world..."
    3rd Division Captain
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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by Aki_624 Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:47 pm

    Aki stopped her hover board. Only yards away from the mysterious man. She stood there floatin while the others ran. She stared. Right now nothing mattered except the man's presence was slightly familiar. "what the..." she didn't know much of the plan of the rebels. Only that they had had to destroy this new government. This man was not to her knowledge. "where's will or seven when you need them?" she thought to herself.

    "lets just set the world on fire"

    she left the scene silently on her board to do her own thing.
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    One World - Page 2 Empty Re: One World

    Post by ?????? Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:45 am

    Involuntarily, the most normal of human races gather before the stage as if being summoned by a far greater power.

    The creature raises both his hands as if to call into the heavens. One by ones, the humans were being pulled by lights from the skies.

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    But the light was gentle, and relaxing, like being awaken from a bad dream, the humans are being taken into Arca.

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