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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga


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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:03 am

    Kyouga had been walking for a while, and he was wondering what he should do. Finally, Kyouga made the decision that he would fight with Treva to make him stronger. "Alright Treva, fight me and don't hold back." Kyouga said with a grin on his face as he turned around to face Treva.

    Posts : 174
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:23 am

    Treva walked up to Kyouga. "If your serious, I won't hold back, Kyouga-san." Treva was finally a bit calmed. He was in position and getting ready, making sure he wouldn't come "undone" in the middle of the fight by calming his nerves and suppressing his memories. He spread his wings and got ready, his mind racing as he got ready to sprint.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:37 am

    Kyouga Sonidoed behind Treva, and recklessly fired a Cero at Treva. Kyouga wanted to push Treva to his limits in order to "stimulate his growth". However, this fight would be quite simple for Kyouga to end this fight very quickly. Yet, Kyouga wanted to raise Treva into a fierce warrior.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:53 am

    Treva felt the cero, and as instinct always tells him, he attempted to lessen the damage by dodging out of the way as best as possible, which, in this case, was to fall to the ground, so he dodged left, lessening the damage, but hitting his right side. He then spun around on one foot, using the momentum from the cero's impact to increase his speed and slashed at Kyouga, letting the mournful ghost arm follow almost seconds after, causing Kyouga to relive some of the memories within Treva's head and get slashed, provided either of them even hit.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:05 am

    Kyouga grabbed the arm that was aimed to slash him, and he squeezed it tight enough for a human's bones to be ground into powder. Right as Treva's Mournful Ghost hit him, Kyouga punched him squarely in the face. "That won't work on me, Treva. I'm a Demi-Demon, remember? Sin and pain is my high..." Kyouga said happily as he attempted to pierce his claws into Treva's abdomin.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:17 am

    Treva sighed and looked at the surroundings... What little surroundings there were. He spread his arms a bit, the wings folding out and then proceeded to kick up a dust storm, charging through it, moving all around Kyouga as fast as he could, then charging at Kyouga from the front, the most obvious, but unobvious place as he took anything he could get with his feet and kicked it up, trying to blind Kyouga and get it in his eyes while he slashed at them.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:27 am

    Kyouga simply closed his eyes and attempted to kick Treva squarely in the chest, when he tried to blind him. "I really don't want to, but your tempting me to devour you from the inside out. Fortunately, I will spare your life if you can become an Adjuchas.' Kyouga said firmly as he began to loose his patience.

    Posts : 174
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:38 am

    Treva watched the kick come at his chest and evaded it just enough to be sent spinning in a circle, using that chance to slice up Kyouga, trying to absorb his memories as Treva sliced, using the mournful ghost in each finger as it sliced at him. Treva knew he wasn't going to win this fight, and was almost sure he would die, but at that point, it would be a free for all. Treva sliced more and more, trying to gain more of Kyouga's memories, darting around him as much as he could, using fast footwork to his advantage. He was trying to A) Make Kyouga mad and B) Get used to Kyouga's memories, and the second was surely working. He was going to try to learn most of Kyouga's painful past as he sliced.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:56 am

    By the time Treva had dug as far as seeing how Kyouga become an Arrancar, Treva already had Kyouga's Lullaby burned into his mind. Kyouga could not stop Treva until he had seen the entirety of Kyouga's life so far. While Kyouga was being slashed, he kept on regenerating from the attacks. At some point, Kyouga had lost his perception of the real world because he was reliving his life's events all over again in chronological order. By now, Kyouga's cheeks were damp with tears that he didn't feel until now. What was more was the fact that he was no longer angry with Treva.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:48 am

    Treva kept slashing at Kyouga, but not to inflict harm anymore, but to make him remember his life. He was slashing away at Kyouga, but it was more like he was cutting the chains that were binding Kyouga's memory. He was slashing enough to cause slight damage, and with every strike, Treva moved, darting all over the Demon and slashing as much as he could. If there was one thing he learned from his power, it was that a soul could never be shattered and emotions never destroyed as long as memories remained. If it weren't for memories, all the soul's in Treva wouldn't be such a hassle, constantly tearing apart his mind, but if it weren't for memories, Treva would not be what he is now, a hollow with a human's mind. He stopped about halfway through his slashes, and let Kyouga catch back to reality. To many memories of the past could destroy a person if a break wasn't given. All of this was, of course, if Kyouga didn't simply attack Treva during the midst of this.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:00 am

    Steadily, Kyouga came back to reality, but he was dangerous without all of his memories. Besides, Kyouga was too busy trying to remember what happened to him. Currently, Kyouga remembered everything up to before the portal to Hueco Arca opened. Kyouga didn't want any trouble from the hollow, so he stood still and reflected upon himself.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:13 am

    Treva walked over to Kyouga, his mind was about as confused as Kyouga's right now and he wasn't the kind of person to leave a story half told. He got in as close as he could and his entire arm went limp, instead of just his fingers causing a full arm of the Mournful Ghost to appear, Treva released the second arm of mournful ghost and started darting around Kyouga, his fists aiming to go clear through Kyouga, though since they had no physical form, it would only drain and reveal an increased amount of memories, much more than the swipes were, but it also left him more vulnerable.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:29 am

    As Treva used his Mournful Ghost on him, Kyouga embraced Treva in a hug as he devoured a good many of the countless hollows inside of his body. "Be strong, Treva..." Kyouga said quietly in his ear. He smiled as he sensed that Treva was becoming stronger. Finally, Kyouga closed his eyes and waited for Treva to have his fill.

    Posts : 174
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:33 am

    Treva withdrew into his mind, his body almost all going limp this time, instead of just parts, though it wasn't due to Mournful Ghost. He had to almost shut down his body to keep the memories and souls in check, to keep it all from overwhelming him. This was, most likely, Mournful Ghosts biggest weakness as Treva's mind overflowed, but it separated out Kyouga's memories from the others, allowing him to see anything if he didn't remember it. He was showing Kyouga his entire life, while only absorbing the minimal amount of reiatsu from him that he could. If he kept this up much longer, he was liable to go insane.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:46 am

    Kyouga placed his hands on Treva's cheeks, and touched his forehead with his. Kyouga had no idea what he was doing, but he supposed that he was helping Treva to quickly sort out all of the different memories. Mainly, Kyouga flashed Treva's life in a loop with the aid of Treva's Mourning Ghost. Treva, don't lose sight of who you are! Kyouga's thought as it echoed in Treva's mind.

    Posts : 174
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:56 am

    Treva pulled back from Kyouga and fell to the ground. His body started to crack and crumble around himself. Small pieces of his skin were falling to the ground as the memories were organized slowly, but surely, by Treva's mind. He looked up at Kyouga and smiled, a large black cloak shooting out of his body and his original body crumbled to the ground. The cloak sprouted arms and legs as white as the sand around them. His head slowly formed, the mask was a normal Gillian mask, then a split second later, the mask cracked and fell, revealing a mask with two piercing red eyes and, what looked to be, bandages covering where the mouth should be, as well as a missing nose. He screamed into the night, his voice echoing as a New Menos had been born. He looked down at Kyouga, setting his hand down in front of him, as if a platform, waiting for Kyouga to get on so Treva could raise him to his shoulder.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:28 pm

    Kyouga walked into Treva's palm, and sat down. It was very saddening to see Treva become a mindless slave that would obey any command without hesitation. "I just want to see you back in control, Treva. At least, your training was successful." Kyouga said to the Menos, hoping that his words wouldn't go to deaf ears.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:37 pm

    Treva looked at Kyouga, lifting his other hand and flicking Kyouga slightly, but having no voice, his mouth sealed off by the "bandages" that were a part of his mas as he wrote in the ground with his foot. He looked at Kyouga and started walking, going anywhere Kyouga wanted to, as Treva really never had a destination for anywhere. Besides, a companion could be fun once and a while, Treva though while poking Kyouga with his giant fingers.

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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:53 pm

    Kyouga seemed to playfully grab Treva's fingers every time he tried to poke him; and ended laying on his back, wanting his belly rubbed. However, Kyouga glared at a small group of Menos that seemed to have come out of nowhere. He wouldn't mind seeing Treva feasting on their flesh, but these typical Menos were really annoying. Kyouga might not have said anything, but he wanted Treva to feast onhis prey. All the while, the Menos came aimlessly closer.

    Posts : 174
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:01 pm

    Treva simply looked at Kyouga and shook his head, tearing open a gigantic Garangata, big enough for Treva to easily move through as he smiled and appeared about 20 feet behind the group of menos, setting down Kyouga gently. He walked over to the moderate amount of Menos, looking at them as they wailed into the night and charged at him. He simply walked up to them, the two arms at his side going limp as the Mournful Ghost exited them. The mournful ghost was, however, different now. Now the arms were covered in what seemed like chains made of spirit energy as they were driven straight into the Menos' heads. A flame like design emanated from Treva, up the arms and to the Menos. Once the flames reached the Menos, they screamed in pain and horror, then the flames receded, two of the menos falling to the ground, then disintegrating as Treva moved to the other two rather quickly, for a Menos, and did the same to all the others.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A stroll and fight with Kyouga Empty Re: A stroll and fight with Kyouga

    Post by Kyouga Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:10 pm

    At first, Kyouga was surprised by what he was seeing, but eventually a wide grin spread across his face. He happily flew onto Treva's shoulder, and laid on his back once more. This time, a bubble was blowing from his nose. It was quite obvious that Kyouga acted silly sometimes, but he meant well.

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