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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    3rd Division
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Hisaki Mon May 17, 2010 5:08 am

    Really? Well color me impressed that saves alot of stress. I'm looking foward to it.
    *He turns to Nachos*
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon May 17, 2010 5:11 am

    saves you a lot of stress? I'm the guy who has to fight you in case you do turn, so it saves me a lot of stressXD

    But I think you'll do just fine..
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Mon May 17, 2010 6:11 am

    Love ur ulqiorra sig Nachos haha

    *Sanba walks in*

    Hey Nachos you wanna run through things with Hisaki, put him under, and get this thing goin? (Thats an order) I'll be watching of course but im gonna need to test some things
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon May 17, 2010 6:22 am

    You got it boss!

    If you'll step this way Mr. Saki, we'll get you strapped in..

    *Nachos points out the chair, then goes over to the cabinet to get the syringe, he fills it up and taps the air bubbles out, then heads over to Hisaki*

    3rd Division
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Hisaki Mon May 17, 2010 7:29 am

    *He walks to the chair and sits down.*

    I'm ready.

    (OOC: I gotta go now dudes, If I don't log in Mon-Thurs, then I'm busy with school)
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon May 17, 2010 10:18 am

    *Nachos goes over and straps him in, then gets ready to give him the shot*

    Don't worry, I've practiced this 1000 times on tomatoes..
    3rd Division
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Hisaki Mon May 17, 2010 7:33 pm

    * He lets out a sigh*

    Alright, do it.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Baka Yukimura Tue May 18, 2010 4:53 am

    Ok, here goes.

    *Nachos injects Hisaki with the syringe that makes him slowly enter his inner world*

    Good luck, and remember, if you fail, we'll have to kill you...

    Ok here are the rules..

    You must write 7 posts describing your battle, you will play the part of yourself and your inner hollow, these must be lengthy posts, not just a few lines, Sanba will approve each post and give you advice or critique when needed, good luck!!
    3rd Division
    3rd Division

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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Hisaki Tue May 18, 2010 10:34 am

    Inner World

    Yuu is standing in his inner world, the place where HE lives. It looked exactly like outer space except the black of the space was white instead of black, and everything was sideways. The planets or anything had no color at all except black, it kinda looked like line-art, with some inking. A little asteroid floated by him no bigger than his fist, he grabbed it, and threw it down. After a minute or so he heard it land on the floor.

    It seemed this place does have a ground. He turned his head left and right, observing, and keeping his guard up for any sneak attacks.
    He then felt a presence a couple of yards behing him. He turned around to see a man who looked exactly like him except with white hair, his outfit was the same but black and white, with mostly white. Yuu moved his hand to the handle of his zanpakuto.

    "'re my inner hollow. You're quite handsome for a little pain in the bum, of course you do look like me so there's no way you could be ugly despite your hideous personality, and attitude. So tell me what's your name partner? I need to know someone's name before I beat them."

    He grinned at the man, and waited for a reply. The inner hollow, was sitting on a small asteroid the entire time, it was the size of a car. He let out a small chuckle and wore an evil grin, he looked up at Yuu.

    "Little smart-a$$ aren't ya? My name is Huu, nice to meet cha too...partner. Oh, I feel the need to correct you, that one part, it should be 'I need to know the name of the person who beats me'. There's no way in hell Imma gonna let you win...partna."

    He stood up, and radiated black reaistu that flowed around his entire body. it was powerful enough to create small shockwaves. He was still grinning, he moved his arm and reached for his zanpakuto, and unsheathed it. It was odd-looking the blade was black, and the rest of it was mostly white, though the handle was still black. He pointed it toward Yuu, as it started to radiate black reiatsu as well.

    "So you're unsheathing already? Might as well do the same, can't waste time."
    He grabbed the handle of his sword and pulled it out of it's sheathe too, in the same manner Huu did, but instead the reiatsu that he was letting out was like a mystical purple infused with cyan.

    "Are you ready yet? I'm gonna end up dying of old age, before you start."
    Huu didn't wear that grin anymore, he was serious now. With his blade still aimed at Yuu, carrying murderous intent.

    "Now, now old age won't kill you."
    Yuu let out more of his reiatsu, that created slightly bigger waves than Huu's.
    "..I will."
    He grinned at the inner hollow as they both shifted their feet, just staring at each other. While in a battle pose ready to strike.

    "Now let's get started."
    He let put another evil grin. They both vanished in a shunpo, and re-appeared, with a clashing sound. Both their blades were pushed against each other letting out sparks, and reiatsu. The battle has begun.

    3rd Division
    3rd Division

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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Hisaki Thu May 20, 2010 9:16 am

    Their blades were presing against each other, the sparks were bright. It lighted up their faces, when it appeared, every other second, they pulled back their swords, and stood there for a couple of seconds, angrily staring at each other. They both shunpo'd back, Huu landed on a moving asteroid, and Yuu, caught himself on mid-air. Yuu gripped his sword tightly, and shunpo's infront of Huu, and swung down his sword at him with both his arms.

    Huu, however, was fast too, he brough his blade up, and blocked the attack from Yuu. The force of the swing was powerful enough to shatter the asteroid Huu, was standing on into shards. Though it didn't affect Huu at all, he grinned and looked up at Yuu.

    "Didn't have enough kick in it, know what I mean? Here I'll show you a real cool recipe with some good kick in it."

    He raised his free hand and placed it on Yuu's stomach, and started to charge a Cyan-colored cero.


    Yuu looked shocked as he seen Huu charge the cero, he looked down, and seen it fire. He moved as quickly as he could to push his blade to block the attack. There was a giant explosion, mass amounts of smoke covered the area. Huu jumped back a few yards, and stood there watching.

    The smoke cleared, and revealed Yuu, smoke was flowing from a certain area of his sword, his jacket in the stomach area was burned slightly, revealing some slightly burnt skin. He has markings around his body from the explosion, not big ones though minor injuries. He was breathing heavily, the cero was strong. It really got to him, he looked up to Huu angrily.

    "Nice one. Ya really got me with that one, dude. But that suprised me, so It don't count, now let me see if I can suprise you."
    He smiled at his inner hollow.

    Huu stood there with his guard totally down. He grinend and began chuckling to himself.
    "Oh now, now, partna' you know you seen that coming. You were tooooooo slooow, to evade it unscathed. I think I"LL be delivering more hits."

    He shunpo'd behind Yuu, and swung his sword.

    Yuu moved his blade behind him, and blocked Huu's attack.
    "That's all?"
    He turned around, and swung his sword, at Huu's right side.

    He moved his sword to the right to block Yuu's attack....but..

    Yuu quickly moved his blade to Huu's left, and swung down at his shoulder. It connected, he made a slash on Huu's shoulder. Blood flew from his inner hollow's wound.

    He looked shocked, and stared at his bleeding shoulder-wound.
    "You son of a...!"
    He swung his fist at Yuu, and punched him in the face.

    Yuu, seen the fist coming, but had no time to react, he was hit in the right cheek, and flew to a asteroid, he collided with it, and there was a minor explosion from the impact.
    He stood up on the air again, with little blood dripping from his mouth, and a big bruise on his cheek.
    "Gotta get more serious!"

    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
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    Cybernet Hollow Suppression - Page 3 Empty Re: Cybernet Hollow Suppression

    Post by Baka Yukimura Thu May 20, 2010 9:24 am


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