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    Rukongai Street

    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:53 am

    *WIth this new person, imitating his bankai, he was shocked. How could she possess such great qualities that his bankai was replicated to full strength?*

    *With Zam defending from the front and Minorin smashing in from the left, SAnba withdrew his attack to avoid the destruction of his zanpakto*

    *Now that the attack has ended he looks to Minorin and sheathes his zanpakto, indicating he would like a word*
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:38 am

    As the energy blast stops Zam falls down being knocked out due to the lack of blood and Spiritual force, his body started turning back to normal as Monorin went near him and covered him with an order blanket.

    "Baka-baldie, i'll call for trackers to heal you and take you back.

    Still wearing the mask and holding the katana she drops the katana as it vanishes together with the mask and turns to the shinigami who seem to have wanted to talk to her.

    "I believe you have questions about my ability, guro"

    She placed her hand behind her back as if stretching it then continued.

    "It's an ability of my familiar cotton, its called memory-mori, I can copy peoples appearances and abilities with it, but im not one of the Sanguisuga for i cant copy memories of people, but base it from what i remember, thats why its called memory-mori guro"

    With the grond still shaking Minorin started to become suspicious

    "Neh, are this kinds of shake normal in Soul society?"
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:06 am

    Hmm ok so you're not the enemy, im assuming that you are part of the Holy Order with Zam.

    *Sanba walks closer to Minorin*

    What do you mean by shake? And what is the Holy Order doi.......

    *As his voice trails off he feels a very powerful a yet familiar reiatsu surge*

    I...agh what is going on here? Are you guys attacking Haji? I will not stand by as the Holy Order comes to Gotei and attacks innocents, I have taken care of Zam, and I will defeat anybody who lays a finger on my family!

    *What was left of Sanba's reiatsu sharply rose as he heated up*
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:53 am

    Minorin sighed as he attempted to bonk Sanba with a frying pan and laughed.

    "I'm not here to fight you, your just like Zam jumping into conclutions, this is not our doing, i suggest you check where it comes from"

    Saying that sh but stays with Zam in waiting for his resolution.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:12 am

    *Gently touching the tip of his forehead Sanba closes his eyes and thinks*

    Fine but what is the Holy Order doing here? Why all of a sudden, there has to be a reason
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:31 am

    Looking at Sanba, she had an unsure face saying.

    "I'm not really entirely sure my self, but our Master, A bartender who claims to be a guy named Al has vanished from our spiritual radar. Its like he never existed in this world, so we were send to check it out, only to find him gone without a trace"

    She took a sit as she continued.

    "Our Madre doesn't really tell as much about whats really going on, but its pretty obvious, isnt it? Something big is about to happen, in this world isn't gonna last long enough to see through it."

    OOC: by Madre she meant Magenta
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:37 am

    Hmm, well it seems that you are not working against me so I consider you an ally. I have some information that might help you and.....Magenta, hahahaha I remember that old bat. I taught her a few spells of my very own.

    *Sanba ushers Minorin to take a seat on the ground, as he knelt down and sat*

    Come, I have much to tell
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:52 am

    Magenta arrives from the shadows overhearing what sanba just said and replied.

    "Old bat?"

    with her sarcastic tone its almost as if her stares were gonna pierce through anything with awkward silence. She later moved about and leaned over a branch of a tree and continued.

    "Do enlighten us, Primo Fratello."

    Minorin was but caught in a storm but tried to snicker her way out of it, but just sat in silence, magenta having have done the talking for her already.

    OOC: Primo Fratello was your old position in the order if you remember
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:43 am

    Well it seems that I can trust you all

    *Sanba looks to Magenta*

    1st thing is 1st, I might tell you that our beloved 8th division captain Ruru is dead. Her death has much to do with Alfred. He is with her in a sort of inter dimension type thing, im not sure what it is. I have never been to such a place but I received word of the situation. I think that it might be Ruru's inner world, but she is dead so I cant make sense of it. I've been meaning to meet back up with my comrades and figure the situation.

    *With that SAnba stands to his feet*

    Magz, when I figure this all out, and I will figure it out, find me. I will send word for you and we can go get Alfred together......wait, why do you want Alfred anyways?
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:04 am

    With her hands across her chest while still leaning to what she gave very little interest to what he said and replied with a rather cold tone.

    "Sebastian Diavoli, or someone you all know as Al, or Alfried Alstein, has betrayed the order."

    Minorin just sat in silence hearing and respecting what Magenta was saying, although a little hurt by it.

    "Seeing as both your captain and role model betrayed you, I'll hide no secret from you my Primo Famiglia, i'll tell you both about the door of Time and Truth.

    it is a door which can travel through time and space, although called a door, its a lot like a gate, a portal to the world of Doors.

    The order sealed it after the execution of the which queen Freya, i believe you were already recruited by gotei that time, Sanba-kun.

    We used the 3 coins of Jikan, and sealed it in the order's safe, but several years ago it was stolen.

    And the suspect is non other than Hajime Yukimura, being the last and known owner of the tree coins of friendship, theres no one else to question.

    As for why Al isn't taken to consideration, its mainly because he is exiled from Etherna, being involved with the Akuma.

    I believe that Alfred Alstein's plan of destroying this world has come its way, after all, that's the other reason why he's exiled, being acquainted to the which queen him self"

    She then paused and took a seat on the ground and continued.

    "As for you coming with us, i'd rather you not, cause i believe you have other agenda's to full fill, just give us a specific location on where he is and we will take care of him."
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:11 am

    *Sanba stepped back with a look of horror upon his face*

    Did you say....Haji is planning to destroy this world with Alfred?

    *Sanba takes a moment to think about what he was just told*

    So they used this gate something that will destroy the world?
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:29 am

    Sighing she turned to him with sadness on her face and said

    "Well, not particularly the world, but this world alone, sending it to oblivion.

    Unless they are stopped from crossing, which they couldve done already seeing as this world is beginning to be torn apart.

    They haven't cross yet for some reason, which means they're at least giving this world a slight chance of survival.

    But unless we re-seal the gate, this world's destruction is definite, cause the door its self is not only a door which can transport through time, its also the door of truth, one which knows of all intentions, and if someone has much resolve to destroy this world, it would happen.

    It's safe to say that it would grant the wish of its master, and i believe it chose Haji and his Missus, who i believe is not dead, but just sealed onto a different form cause of the current circumstances"

    She then stood up and removed the dust that made its way on her cloak and then continued.

    "I know this is hard to hear from someone not your own affiliation.

    But in this war, your enemy is your own.

    Our world might not be affected by this whole thing, but we partially feel responsible for having have kept Sebastian alive.

    For that we apologize."

    She then turned to Minorin motioning her to prepare to go.

    "If you may, the location please?"

    She then asked Sanba once more, waiting on his response.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:39 am

    *Sanba falls to his knees, running his hands through his hair. He pointed towards where he felt the surge of reiatsu earlier*

    I do believe that Haji is around district 89, a while ago I felt his reiatsu spike. As for Alfred, the only thing I know is that in the 2nd division home.....was where the portal opened, I do think it closed but there may be some remains of some sort. If anyone could get something from that it would be you

    *Sanba once again stands to his feet, and walks closer to Magz*

    Thank you, hopefully we will meet again soon. I have some things to take care of.....personal things

    *Sanba turns to leave*
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:56 am

    Seeing Sanba make his way to a destination unknown she bowed her head down on him, something a madre doesn't usually do, its a gesture of great appreciation, and with that she released his sealed awakening and let him use his Magi powers freely again.

    "I bid you farewell, for now, our journey as a Family has only really just began."

    Minorin was just walking behind her as she still had questions for the Madre.

    "Minorin, nows not the right time to be depressed about this.

    If you're worried, you could go and help him."

    hearing those words Minorin's cat eare poked out of her head, something that only happens when she feels great joy.

    "I know your dont want to see Al given your last encounter, and in addition to that what you just heard earlier...

    But promise me this if you do so ever go your own path...

    Protect that boy no matter what it takes, dont let him fall to the extent that he loses control, he has a tendency to go way beyond seeing his potential in completely making Zam loose it.

    I trust in you

    If we meet again, i'll make sure to talk to you even more, but with happy tales, and a cup of tea."

    With that Minorin stops seeing Magenta waving one last time to her, giving her a smile that's highly unlike her.

    Tears then flooded her eyes slowly, as she let all the pain in her heart out.

    "it's not that i'm happy, its because im saddened by the fact..

    that you talk as if..

    its the last words i'll ever hear from you.

    And whats with that smile, while now of all times?

    What are you saying madre, i really dont get anything anymore."

    But seeing as Magenta had already gone, she wiped her tears away and run towards the direction where Sanba was going, the complete and total opposite on where Magenta was going.

    Last edited by Ciel on Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:57 am


    RESULT : K.O.

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Muerte Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:04 pm

    The monster appeared out of nowhere. It started charging up multiple cero in both hands and launching them into the streets of Rukongai. While doing this, his spiritual pressure was rising every minute.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:06 pm

    Observing from a tree Ciel smirks as he thinks of a way on how to tame the beast he had just awaken.

    "Yare yare, and i thought i'd have an easier time killing him, i find my self unable to do that for some reason"

    Looking at Zero, an umbrella came hitting the head of Ciel as it spoke to him

    "You left me drenched on the rain without even remembering you turned me into an umbrella"

    Ciel reviews the umbrella for a moment or two then said the first word that popped into his head.

    "Talking umbrealla?"

    laghing the umbrella hit him yet again as he grab hold of its handle now seeing Zero blasting off what seemed to be some form of Cero.

    "I got it i got it. I'm sorry i left you ru-ru-la, but i believe we can save him seeing as theres still hope in returning his senses, but he wont be the same son you had, instead a mix of Zero and Him."

    Convincing ruru to finally make a move the umbrella but stays steady and replies.

    "Do whatever you can, after all, i believe Haji wont obliterate this world completely... for now i mean."

    With that Ciel jumped from the three throwing the last of the rocks he gathered.

    "I'm right here Boya."
    he says with a wide smile on his face.

    OOC: sorry bout the rocks, there something that's easily found anywhere, so i thought why not.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Muerte Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:12 am

    OOC: Its alright, it was hilarious how you put that in.

    Still shooting the ceros off, it soon began shooting balas as well. It was then shooting in a larger scale. It soon turned its body to see that Ciel was in a nearby tree.

    ".." It had nothing to say. It roared and shot two black ceros out of both hands at the boy.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:23 am

    "Oi OI!, you got any plan there ruru?"

    Asking the umbrella he skips away from the first shot and opens the umbrella to block the 2nd shot which caused him to get drawn back for seconds or so but was able to manage deflecting the attack towards the horizon.

    Still all bloody with torn up clothes Ciel but sat on the floating umbrella as it complained dramatically

    "Get off of me your heavy, and how dare you use me to block that attack"

    Hearing ruru speak Ciel but covered where the sound was coming from, which he assumed to be Ruru's mouth.

    "Shush, im trying to think"

    With that he shoved the umbrella down the dirt and summoned ten out of thin air and swiftly charged towards the unconscious Zero and jumped attempting an attack which could slash his mask in half.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Muerte Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:31 am

    The monster jumped back and got a chip of his mask off. The monster roared loudly and noticed the umbrella. It then readied a larger bala against the umbrella.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:49 am

    The umbrella simply diverted the attack else where by opening a dimension warp of some sort absorbing it.

    "Yare yare, bad idea there boya"
    With that he charged for another attach this time attempting to hit with really strong pressure its chin using Ten's handle.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Muerte Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:52 am

    The monster was hit in the chin with the blades handle. The mask began to shatter, revealing part of its mouth and its right eye. Under the mask was Zero, slowly becoming fully possessed by the hollows. Steam slowly fell from his mouth as if he was still fighting.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:06 am

    Skipping a few steps back he grab held of the umbrella as he pressed on to its handle turning it into a rusty old katana.

    Now holding two rusty katana's he conjoins there handles, with one facing the heavens, the other the grounds.

    The wind sudenly changed its direction almsot as if there was no wind at all.

    And then there was nothing.

    No sounds was heard, and no movement was felt, its as if the world stopped, with a single passing second a huge amount of reiatsu exploded almost out of control coming from Ciel as he said.


    Kyuuten.... Fuushi"

    With that the blade facing the heavens turned white and the blade facing the ground turned black. All its rust disappeared as it now seemed like its connected with each other.

    Ciel then holds the conjoined handle with his right hand waiting for the beast's nest move.

    OOC: and so my bankai

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Muerte Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:15 am

    The monster grabbed its head as it fell to the ground. Its spiritual pressure then rose dramatically again as its mask was partially broken. It roared angrily as the dark spiritual pressure drew in more hollow. The hollow then combined with the monster, giving it a larger size. Anyone in any other area, would be able to see this monstrosity. It continued to hold its head as it stood up. It finally let go of its head and ignored the boys bankai. It then slammed its fist down hard on the ground, creating tremors.
    "GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" It shouted.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rukongai Street - Page 2 Empty Re: Rukongai Street

    Post by Ciel Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:27 am

    The world was already shaking its way to oblivion, but with just a pound of the monstrosity now seen by his eyes, its almost too impossible, but the shake got crazier.

    "Mind if i cut his legs?"

    Amused with his own words Ruru just ignored his antics.

    Ciel then jumped from the ground up on the roof of a house ruin and used it as leverage to go even higher, with all his efforts, he only managed to get as high as its shoulders.

    But it didn't discourage him non the less with that he spun his Zanpakuto almost as if a rotor and attempts to slash it across it's chest 2 times, first with the white blade, then with the black one.

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