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Haji Yukimura
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    11th Division Temp HQ

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by King_Nothing Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:40 pm

    *Shrugs a bit*

    Not really kissing up, just trying to cheer you up cause you seem kinda down lately.


    Dont worry, Ill take good care of the division.
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:45 pm

    *Reaper sits in a corner watching Roan and grins*

    "XD Playboy XD Nice move XD"
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:28 am

    *Jenny smiles, getting closer to Roan, not stopping when she gets to him, pushing him back until he falls into her chair

    she puts her hand behind his head, her eyes a bright green as she sits on his lap*

    "Well... thats very nice of you dear. It really is. The necklace is beautiful.

    I hope that you will take care of the 11th..."

    *she puts her lips near his ear to whisper to him as she crosses her legs over his*

    "... because if I come back... and this Division is gone, or the activity in it has gone down anymore than it already is..."

    *her hot breath grazes near his pulsating jugular vein as her fangs slightly flinch in her mouth, feeling tight and ready*

    "... you will be spending an eternity... literally... with me..."

    *she then turns to look at Reaper, her fangs still bared*

    "Don't torment Roan, Reaper. If you know whats good for you... bite your tongue... or I may have to bite it for you."
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by King_Nothing Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:41 am

    *Roans eyes widen a little in fear*

    Y-yes ma'am...

    *A little shaken, Roan composes himself agin*

    Yes, ma'am.
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:44 pm

    *smiles as he hears Jenny*

    "It's okay, my ex used to bite my tongue until it bled like hell ^-^"
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:46 am

    *Jenny smiles and looks at Reaper*

    "Yes, well the difference is, you wont be getting it back if I bite it, and chances are once I taste your blood, your jugular will come soon after.

    I havent fed in quite awhile..."

    *she licks her lips between her fangs*

    "Im so hungry."

    *her eyes bright green, she turns to Roan looking at the necklace, taking her fingers and rubbing them against it*

    "Would you mind putting it on me? These long nails get in the way of being able to fiddle with any small clasps."
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by King_Nothing Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:14 am


    Yes, ma'am.

    *Roan takes the necklace, goes behind Jenny, loops it around her neck and puts the link together*
    10th Division Captain
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:18 am


    "Yeeeaaa, I can live with thaaaaat :3 But start at the knees, they already hurt XD"
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:14 pm

    *she smiles at Roan*

    "Thank you dear."

    *she kisses his cheek and then turns to look at Reaper*

    "There isnt a lot of blood supply in the knees. I prefer the neck... or the groin. There is a pretty juicy vein in the groin area. Lots of blood flow. I like it there."

    *her eyes get greener as the thought of the blood coursing through the vein makes her excited and hungry*

    "You're lucky that I am good at controlling myself...


    *she screams snapping her neck to his direction quickly.*

    "You'll be in charge as soon as I leave, do you understand?"

    *she puts her hand to the side of his face, her thumb lightly going against his cheek bone*
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by King_Nothing Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:45 pm

    *HE jumps at the shout, then stands still from shock*

    Yes am'am, dont worry about it.
    10th Division Captain
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:12 pm

    "Oooooooh, the groin area 8D Bad spot for blood to come out XD"
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Haji Yukimura Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:17 am

    *Leaning against the wall Haji chimes in*

    "It's true though. The largest artery of the body flows through the thigh up through the groin. if severed you can bleed out in 7 minutes."
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:13 pm


    "Yea, I know ^-^ I used to be pretty good with knives :3"

    OOC: Lol XD My mom works in the hospital, my brother drives an ambulance and works for the Red Cross, and I had heartsurgery XD

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Kanpatsu Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:42 am

    * a little overwhelmed by the reputation of the 11th, Kanpatsu, walks slowly along the halls, searching out life.

    never in his short existence did he ever get such a sense of power as he moved along the corridors of the 11th;
    surprised equally by the fact he was even here.*
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:34 pm

    *Jenny blinks at Roan for a moment*

    "I hope I dont have to worry about it, or I will be more angry than a mama demon when I get back!"

    *she smiles at Haji and Reaper as they talk about the vein that makes her lick her lips between her fangs*

    "Now, now boys... if you keep talking about it, one of you is going to get it."

    *Jenny's eyes widen from the sight of a new person, her eyes still glowing thinking about this juicy vein in the groin*

    "Well, hello, so nice to see some new meat around here. I was starting to get used to all the same old faces, but now, someone new is in our midst.

    Welcome to the 11th Division, a place I love to call Home Sweet Torture. Where the smell of perfume and blood is always in the air."

    *she licks her lips and puts her face near the new guys face*

    "Can't you taste it on your tongue? Isnt it delicious?"

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Kanpatsu Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:33 am

    *listening carefully to the captains words, kanpatsu ponders on the question for a moment*

    "Perfume and blood in the air?
    I see..
    Perhaps that is what I noticed before;
    There certainly is something thick that hangs in the air around here...
    Though I would venture to guess it is more than just that.."

    * bowing slightly towards the captain, he adds*

    "My name is Kanpatsu, and might I add it is a pleasure to meet a Kenpachi in person.
    I understand they are quite powerful."
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:46 am

    *Jenny smiles at the new acquaintance*

    "I like your attitude.

    There definitely is something in the air here..."

    *she puts her hand to the new guys neck, lightly caressing it*

    "Perfume... blood... death... power...

    They all pretty much melt together to make a quite lovely bouquet... dont you think?"

    *she smiles at the idea of this boy understanding her power*

    "Well, I did have to defeat a Kenpachi to become a Kenpachi... I was a 3rd Seat before I challenged my former Captain... I didnt kill him, although he would have preferred I did, probably."

    *her lips curl up to the sides, revealing the sparkle of her white fangs*

    "So... tell me, ... Kenpatsu... Did you come here to find out all the darkest secrets of my Division?...

    Or was there something more that I should... owe the gratitude of your visit?"

    Posts : 51
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Kanpatsu Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:52 am

    *with slight trepidation, Kanpatsu finds this environment quite suited to his tastes*

    "Deep dark secrets?
    I don't suppose that would be my purpose.
    I wouldn't know where to look;
    And if what little bit I know holds true, It would be a tremendous task to ever attempt to search them out."

    *he watches her for a moment, his curiosity peeked*

    "Forgive me if I may be so bold as to ask; you mention perfume, blood, death, and power; four very interesting things.
    Perfume would indicate heightened senses, able to perceive the faintest of traces. Blood would indicate an essence of life, the pulsation of passion, maybe even the burn of fire itself. If signifies the need for something; a craving.
    Death; in the simplest of terms means the extinguishing of the essence, though it can simply mean the ending of something; but if something must end, then something new must begin; nothing ever truely ends, it simply redirects.
    Finally power; most would see the obvious of control, but it's much more than that; I would venture in this case it means the ability to perceive all of these things as they are, and synthesis them into a single focused point.

    Forgive me if I sound as I am rambling out of turn, but it would be my guess these things do not just hang in the air because of your vampiric nature do they?"

    *having spoken his thoughts aloud, Kanpatsu relaizes he may have been smarter keeping his mouth shut.*

    "My coming here was not for any purpose other than seeing the 11th with my won eyes. I have heard so many of the great stories of old, and I wished to see it for myself. I heard that a formidable Captain resided here, and I had hoped to meet you for myself."
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:49 am

    *Jenny laughs, letting her hand slide down to his chest, quickly her eyes become an even brighter green as her fangs slightly slide out from her lips*

    "Why... you are perceptive. I havent had the... pleasure... of having such an intelligent creature in my presence since Haji left me... of course, I cant be sure youre as intelligent as him... but well..."

    *she nods to Roan burning himself & Reaper just lounging around*

    "This is what I have to work with... and one of them isnt even in my division. Don't be fooled by their looks, theyre both not exactly as experienced as one of my age... I have more than intellect, I have a long past behind me where I have learned a lot from many types of humans... and non-humans alike."

    *she sits in her chair, hiking up her haori to her knees, letting the bottoms of her legs show, and tossing it aside, revealing her thigh from the outfit she was wearing underneath, crossing her legs in her black and silver Jimmy Choo boots*

    "Now... please. Join me...

    I always love the company of a new man... Hoping he can... peak... my interest.

    I need more stimuli, you see. I have nobody around here to really... keep my attention. After seeing so much in your life, nothing seems to have any thrill in it after awhile.

    There are only two things that make me really excited in this old drab life of mine...

    There is always fighting another Captain. Which is quite fun... but, I am afraid I would really hurt them, or kill them... I would have no problem with that, but..."

    *she looks at her long well manicured nails, polishing them and pursing her lips in sadness*

    "I am afraid that the Gotei would not look to kindly on it, and Ive worked too hard to lose my place as the Captain of this Division in which I adore so.

    So... there is only... one other thing that can get my heart rate up. Killing those of normality is just boring, and so easy, not even worth my time.

    I drink synthetic blood and that donated by donors for the most part. I find no need to start a war with anybody whom I could crush so easily. It wouldnt even be a challenge.

    But, it may be too early to talk about that other thing that even after so many centuries of life can still get my blood pounding through my dead veins."

    *Jenny sighs, taking a sip of her drink from the goblet sitting beside her chair*

    "So, please... enlighten me... entertain me... do what you will with me."

    *she smiles again, revealing her fangs, revelling in the new smells and tastes that the man before her has brought to her Headquarters*

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Kanpatsu Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:27 am

    *Choosing his spot carefully kanpatsu takes a seat across from her, facing directly towards her.
    Removing his coat he drapes it across the arm of the chair, and crosses his left leg over his right.
    He interlocks his hands in front of his chest, with both index figers point up, forming a v shape with them.
    Carefully he speaks.*

    "It's odd you should mention Haji to me. That is the second time today I have heard that name. I really must take the opportunity to meet him."

    *Watching carefully as she allows the light to dance off her fangs he continues*

    "I imagine you would not find it to difficult to strike me down if you so desired. I imagine I am one of those weaker beings you speak of.
    Though, I do feel a bit out of place saying that.
    Never-the-less I seem to feel at ease around you;
    It is quite different then what I had expected."

    *Lowering his hands into his lap, he presses on*

    "I am not sure, perhaps you could enlighten me as to how you prefer to be "entertained" as you so eloquently put it."
    10th Division Captain
    10th Division Captain

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Reaper137 Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:46 pm

    *Reaper rolls his eyes*

    "Intelligence is overrated."

    *pulls out a nice Cohiba*
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by King_Nothing Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:28 am

    *Points at Reaper*

    Trust me, he would now.

    *Continues his game of Texas Hold 'Em with ferrets/weasals*
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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:11 am

    *Jenny looks at the two, a sneer at her lips and a slight growl under her breath, making the already collapsed headquarters shake at its foundation for a slight second.

    she then turns back to her company*

    "I am sorry... they can be so rude. I feel like I have pets that have no manners."

    *she turns to Roan for a brief moment*

    "Could you please take your friends and play somewhere else while I talk to this newcomer.

    I am very interested in him.,..

    And Roan... dear... FIND OUR MISSING MEMBERS!!!"

    *Jenny looks over him again, wondering about him and his origins. What intrigues her so about him... and what intrigues him about her.*

    "I am glad you feel comfortable here.

    I also think that you should not need to worry about sitting across from me so you can see my every move...

    Trust me. I am much faster than you... Not just as a vampire, but as a Captain. Both of them would make me quite nearly impossible to follow at my quickest shunpo. So, I am sure that if I wanted to kill you, you would be dead, and you wouldnt even see it happen."

    *she smiles, her fangs slightly retracting beneath her lips, but the tips still obvious to the eye when she smiled at him*

    "You are already entertaining me.

    As for Haji, he was my Vice Captain when he first came here. I saw something in him, knew of his skills and intelligence, and wanted some of him.

    You see, I can be a very vain person, and I can also be very greedy. I wanted to have and use Haji's intellect for my Division, and for myself. That is by far NOT a put down to Haji. I didnt "use" him the way that humans would say the word "use"... No, not at all. It is actually a compliment to him that he is useful... since practically everybody else I have no use for.

    He is quite the specimen I'd say. Of course, he would probably say that to me, considering he is now that 12th Division Captain. So... unpredictable... those 12th Divisioners can be..."

    *her hand goes down to her chest, opening her haori and pulling it to the sides, revealing her low cut top underneath*

    "I dont dress like most Captains. In fact, I dont act like most Captains, no need. I am not trying to prove anything to anybody. I am what I am.

    A creature of the night. A creature of sin.

    Is that what you came to see?...
    Or was it simply the fact of seeing a Kenpachi?...
    Or both?"

    *she smiles looking at him, her tongue licking past her fangs and upper lip slightly*

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by Kanpatsu Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:26 am

    "12th Division you say?
    I believe Have seen their compound on my way through Seireitei.
    Quite an interesting layout."

    *shifting slightly in his seat, Kanpatsu says*

    "I did not sit across from you for fear of watching your movements.
    I am quite positive you would have little trouble with dispatching me,
    Therefore I see little point in being afraid.

    Truthfully my visit was simply to see this division, and hopefully, with a little luck meet a Kenpachi."

    *Kanpatsu sits up in his chair and removes a apple from his coat pocket.
    He takes a bite of it, and as he is chewing it, he places the remainder on his left shoulder.*

    "Call me william tell, but I have an odd curiosity; I would like to truly see what a kenpachi can do.
    Please, do not take this as a challenge against you, I merely would love the opportunity to witness it first hand.
    I want you to slice this apple in half without slicing me;
    perhaps it is a foll hardy request on my part, but I would like to see your discipline to your art.
    Slice this and rest your blade against my neck without cutting me."
    Empowered soul

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    11th Division Temp HQ - Page 4 Empty Re: 11th Division Temp HQ

    Post by JennyReika Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:18 pm

    *Jenny stares at him, her large chest heaving heavily... her fangs completely bared at him now, with a slight growl to her grin*

    "You... a nomad of no Division, nor seat, challenge me? Challenge me... with an apple?...

    I tell you that I find it boring to fight anything but a Captain... and you... challenge me with slicing an apple?!?!"

    *her eyes turn a bright green, her pale complexion turning that of a purple, the anger clearly displayed on her face... a deep groan coming from the bottom of her throat

    the wind blows slightly as she stares back at him...

    she then sits back in her chair, crossing her legs again and laughs looking at him*

    "You amuse me..."

    *she puts her lips together, pursing them seductively and blows a gust of wind from her mouth in his direction...

    the two sides of the split apple fall from his shoulder*

    "Did you really think that after this many centuries of dealing with high testosterone in the 11th Division, that I would get angered so easily...

    And secondly...

    Did you really think you would be able to witness the speed at which I would do that?...

    Thats so cute..."

    *her eyes smile as she puts her tongue to the tip of her right fang, letting it slightly graze her tongue and even letting it bleed a bit as she takes another sip of her red wine*

    "You may see a Kenpachi fight someday... but if you want to see it, you might want to get a high rank... or any rank at all for that matter.

    Because all you'll see between two fighting Captains, is blurs... if that."

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