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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:14 am

    things we, all of us needs to discuss, for the battle system to work XD

    Name - your characters name

    Mood - you characters current mood (moods can affect fights)
    *comes with emoticons kinda like myspace.

    Reiatsu - your characters reiatsu level (default reiatsu is 100 and would be changed when discussion ends)

    *the higher the seat the higher the reiatsu, same goes for vizards, arrancars and quincies(max reiatsu will be discussed upon)
    *After a spar, reiatsu should decrease by 50% win or lose, injured or not
    *10 reiatsu means lost by default

    *kidō reiatsu usage
    *shikai and bankai reiatsu usage
    this we have to discuss about.

    *rehei can be restored by eating by resting and by Socializing
    *rehei decreases by 10% when in the living world

    Intelligence- default value is 100 and would increase.

    i'm planing to change this to experience points but i already took a screen cap so yeah.

    anyway. i guess intelligence can increase when you participate on forum contests (signature making, banner making, poem contests. etc etc.)

    and or apply on the university. ^^

    Life- like reihei life could be affected by your characters life style.

    *Higher the seat doesn't mean the higher the life. ^^
    *MAX life should be discussed upon.
    *Character max life should be approved by 4th captain or vice captain
    (since 4th is the hospital, right? they get to say whether your healthy or not.)
    *life decreases depending on the amount of reihei used in the attack.
    *if blocked attack decreases in half.
    *if dodged decreased by 10 hit points ^^

    Want to add more to the Character sheet? suggest here. thank you.

    this was the old topic.

    weve added a backpack

    tha back pack is for items you buy on yachiru's dark powers or urahara random shop.

    this are special items you can use on combat ^^

    and as for intelligence i changed it into exp already.

    haji and i talked a little about this.

    please discuss ^^

    Last edited by seraphim on Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:29 am

    Sorry for teh long post, but since this is something I've thought on a long time, I would like to add my thoughts on what needs to be discussed individually

    Name - your characters name ::This is self explainatory::

    Mood - you characters current mood (moods can affect fights)
    *comes with emoticons kinda like myspace.

    I do like this idea. Everyoen approaches things differently, so I think this is something that should be an effect. Here is how I have always seen it:
    When a character is given a fighting style or attitude, it is something they should take seriously. Anywhere you rp on the site, you should conduct yourself as you have discribed yourself, in order to keep your profile true. Having said that, I don't beleive personality or attitude should have a set effect on things; like a 10 reiatsu loss, because if you stay in character, your actions will dictate loss or gain. This requires a bit of the old honor system in how you conduct yourself, but it should not be a problem.

    Reiatsu - your characters reiatsu level (default reiatsu is 100 and would be changed when discussion ends)

    *the higher the seat the higher the reiatsu, same goes for vizards, arrancars and quincies(max reiatsu will be discussed upon)
    *After a spar, reiatsu should decrease by 50% win or lose, injured or not
    *10 reiatsu means lost by default
    Not to point to what I have already said, but the biggest problem that faces in battle system is a lack of uniformity over all. If reiatsu levels are given to each seat, based on the seating level, it should be uniform across the board. The 8th seat of one division should have the same base level as the 8th seat of the others. This will not affect win or loss directly, but it will make for the need to think before you act in a battle.

    Now as for Viazards, this is something that should be streamlined before bringing into effect. the reason is the power boost. Something like that skill should not be something that is just given because you want it, it should be something that is earned overtime, that way when you do achieve it, you have the good sense to use it.

    arrancars and quincy are something completely different, and should addressed as such in a seperate discussion.

    *kidō reiatsu usage
    *shikai and bankai reiatsu usage
    this we have to discuss about.

    Kidou, shikai and bankai should be on some sort of ranking system. What I mean is that you should earn experience to make each more powerful. a standard number would be fine, but the problem in that is some people love to use kidou, whereas others like myself, can't stand it. Thus I would increase my defense to it, rather than strength with it.

    The best way I have found to deal with this, may take time, but is worth it.

    with sealed form, shikai and bankai, attacks should have three standard rankings, I don't have a clever name, so we will call them low, medium and high. each level will have a set damage and reiatsu drain. Obviously high would take the most, and low the least. every attack someone has will fall into one of these three catagories, and can be ranked as such in the profiles. IE: ability: whatever (High)

    Now for kidou it takes more time. Kiodu has to be done individually, with a set level, and the higher the kidou, the higher the level, say seating, that must be reached.

    If you want to take seating out of it, a systme for earning kidou skill would need to be in place, with each spell requiring a certain level.

    *rehei can be restored by eating by resting and by Socializing
    *rehei decreases by 10% when in the living world

    Life- like reihei life could be affected by your characters life style.

    *Higher the seat doesn't mean the higher the life. ^^
    *MAX life should be discussed upon.
    *Character max life should be approved by 4th captain or vice captain
    (since 4th is the hospital, right? they get to say whether your healthy or not.)
    *life decreases depending on the amount of reihei used in the attack.
    *if blocked attack decreases in half.
    *if dodged decreased by 10 hit points ^^

    I see nothing wrong with this. reihei I am unfamiliar with, so it's best to discuss that with those who have teh most experience with it. But as far as life goes, once again there needs to be a system for establishing who has what.

    Intelligence- default value is 100 and would increase.

    i'm planing to change this to experience points but i already took a screen cap so yeah.

    anyway. i guess intelligence can increase when you participate on forum contests (signature making, banner making, poem contests. etc etc.)

    and or apply on the university. ^^

    Intellegence is also something that must be earned. We should have an academy somewhere, now I know it's in teh first at bleach, but a place where tactics and strategy can be discussed and learned.

    add this with your stated ideas and you have a good system for earning intellegence skills.
    Having been in the military, I would even volunteer to teach strategies and tactics.

    Ok, now here is something I think can be added as food for thought.

    Once a ranking system for each area is decided, perhaps the best way to gain experience in each area would be to attend class, as forementioned by me, and through other ways such as forum participation.

    This gives everyone the opportunity to work on what they want to indiviually.

    Now each, academy if you will, can be located either in the Gotei main section or in divisions. I don't think it would be a good idea to place them all in one, but disperse it. This could even help in bringing up activity levels of each division.

    I would love to submit a proposal to you on my ideas, much like I did before, but this time refining it with your ideas. perhaps that can act as a base, in which everyone can pick and choose what works, and tweak it to make it useable.

    What I had in mind was not at first a full system , but a character sheet.

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:58 am

    We did have an academy back then, this was a really really old topic, but since theres new members (few active ones) i guess its just about time to bring it back up again.

    the academy is closed due to inactivity, but i am planing on starting a shinigami academy, where in all bleach facts are located there.

    so that non-bleach watchers/readers can actually RP it without going through all the watching and reading.

    i'll bring it back out just for you to have a clue what the BD university is all about, but i'll lock the forum i guess XD
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:01 pm

    That would be really cool, I would like to see the way it was set up before.

    I can tell from your first post that you guys have really thought about this as well,
    and I would like to see how it looked.

    perhaps with more members, and more options, if it were opened sometime in teh future, there would be a better chance it would work.

    I really appreciate that.

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:24 pm

    LOL it was not that great at all, the Shinigamy Academy is still non-existent as we speak, but heres the BD university thing
    Empowered soul

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by JennyReika Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:37 pm

    Well one good thing about us not being too active is at least perhaps preparations can be done before it starts getting used?

    Maybe work out some kinks and figure out who would be doing what?

    There could be different classes for different things and different back up teachers or whatever in case someone doesnt have time sometimes...

    But, that would give us time to work all that out for when the forum does start to jump... right?

    Hopefully it wont be too long!
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:43 pm

    yeah hopfully, i was thinking of just thinking of making some lessons (culinary skills and stuff) to be done like the 4th Division Healing training system.

    know the recipe, the procedure, then teach them how to do it.

    soon after ask them to like repeat the same process 10 times.


    University has potential for a next level RP thing.

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:00 pm

    Heres an update on the character sheet

    adorableruru wrote:So far here are some updates.

    Life and reiatsu for Gotei 13 members:
    1000- reiatsu and life - for a captain level shinigami
    950 - reiatsu and life captain for Vice captain level shinigami
    800 - reiatsu and life for senior seated officers 10th-3rd
    700 - reiatsu and life for junior seated officers 20th-11th
    600 - for recruits

    Reiatsu Usage for Shikai and Bankai:
    Shikai 200-300 reiatsu per usage (lasts 2 attacks)
    Bankai - 300-500 reiatsu per attack (lasts 5 attacks)

    R = Reiatsu

    For Hadō atacks
    1-20 = 20-30 R
    21-40 = 30-45 R
    41-70 = 50-60 R
    71-80 = 70-80 R
    81-100 = 85-100 R

    Other attacks (hand to hand combat, sword attacks etc etc)
    50 flat - Low R level
    50-100 - Mid-low R level
    100-150 - Middle R level
    150-200 - Mid-high R level
    200-250 - High R level

    Blocking attacks

    60 FLAT - Low R level attacks
    60-110 - Mid-low R level
    110-160 - Middle R level
    160-210 - Mid-high R level
    210-260 - High Level R

    -NOTE: Blocking
    attack is a little higher as to number scaling from attacks because it
    should take much effort to block one and not get damaged, if lucky you
    may completely block it and not get any damage

    Using Blocking

    -ruru flies over to a wall receiving a high level punch from Ryuhi taicho-

    Had Enough?

    not just yet Ryuhi -she smirked as ryuhi prepares for another mid-high attack-

    ryuhi attack stat = mid high attack = 150-200

    Random number (150,200) : 197

    watch as i block it

    -ruru blocks the attack with her zanpaktou using mid high level reiatsu-

    Ruru's block stat = mid high block = 160-210

    Random number (160,210) : 204

    ever is higher over powers either the attack or the block, but blocks
    always lessens the damage by the amount that appears-

    Dodging/Evading ++ Counter attacks

    Dodging requires the mastery of Hohō Shunpo

    Recruits - 50-100++
    Junior Seated Officers - 300-600++
    Senior Seated Officers - 500-700++
    VC & C - 700-800++

    In bold are the flat rates which could increase or decrease depending on shinigami hohō training.

    there's no actual maximum number for hoho for it can always be improved XD

    Counter attacks
    (for Junior seated officers and above only)

    Dodging the attacks you may do a counter attack if you wished
    but it could also be dodged and countered with

    Shunpo is Different from reihei so it wont affect reihei a bit
    You just have to use random codes and attack on.

    if your hoho stat is lower than you opponents it wouldn't work so work on HOHO

    Same goes for Bakudō, if you wish to use it properly, train hard on it XD

    Using items like reiatsu pills and Health Herbs
    it is allowed, you may use items but you loose a turn or two, depends on the items conditions upon using them ^^

    to be updated XD

    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:24 pm

    I think the reiatsu amount and life amounts are too small. That would greatly shorten fights, because after going Bankai and two big attacks, a captain doesn't have reiatsu anymore...Anyone agrees on this?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:47 pm


    this is actually just for drafts its another beta test and the numbers dont suggest anything, thats why this thread exist, to change those numbers, but what do you think of it so far?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:06 pm

    Battle system update:

    HP for Gotei Shinigami's (updated)
    4000++ - life - for a captain level shinigami
    3500++ - life captain for Vice captain level shinigami
    2000++ - life for senior seated officers 10th-3rd
    1500++ - life for junior seated officers 20th-11th
    1000++ - life for recruits

    Reiatsu for Shinigami (updated)
    Captain Level - 4500++
    Vice Captain - 3500++
    Senior Seats - 2000++
    Junior Seats - 1500++
    Recruits - 1000 ++

    Reiatsu Usage for Shikai and Bankai

    Shikai - 500+++800 max

    Bankai - 1000+++ 5000 max

    The Number that appears on bankai is the flat rate, meaning its the lowest damage bankai could do, use it wisely and at your own risk. Releasing wont deduct anything, the only time we deduct from reiatsu is when we attack directly.

    R = Reiatsu

    For Hadō atacks
    1-20 = 50-80 R
    21-40 = 80-95 R
    41-70 = 100-120 R
    71-80 = 120-180 R
    81-100 = 185-200 R

    Other attacks (hand to hand combat, sword attacks etc etc)
    50 flat - Low R level
    50-100 - Mid-low R level
    100-150 - Middle R level
    150-200 - Mid-high R level
    200-250 - High R level
    250-300 - Super-High R Level

    Blocking attacks

    60 FLAT - Low R level attacks
    60-110 - Mid-low R level
    110-160 - Middle R level
    160-210 - Mid-high R level
    210-260 - High Level R
    260-310 - Super-High R Level

    NOTE: Blocking attack is a little higher as to number scaling from attacks because it should take much effort to block one and not get damaged, if lucky you may completely block it and not get any damage

    Which ever is higher over powers either the attack or the block, but blocks always lessens the damage by the amount that appears

    Character Ability Rating (BETA):

    What is CAR?

    It is a point system that i am working on, it is to rate the abilities your character has, this is just a beta and would be changed if necessary. Its basically for our Battle System.

    What are points?

    Points are what we use to rate our characters abilities, it can be earned from points earning missions.

    Default Point Scale:
    Recruit = 2500
    20th seat = 4000
    19th seat = 4500
    18th seat = 5000
    17th seat = 5500
    16th seat = 6000
    15th seat = 6500
    14th seat = 7000
    13th seat = 7500
    12th seat = 8000
    11th seat = 8500
    10th seat = 9000

    Senior seats
    9th seat = 10000
    8th seat = 10500
    7th seat = 11000
    6th seat = 11500
    5th seat = 12000
    4th seat = 12500
    3rd seat = 13000

    Vice captain = 16500
    Captain = 18500

    What will we rate?

    We will rate our characters abilities, which are the ff.

    Life: {Life is your characters HP, if this is High, your character will last longer, this is on par with Reiatsu}

    Reiatsu: {Reiatsu is your spiritual pressure, a lot like your maximum power, it goes on par with life, if you have low reiatsu your Life would also be drained away.}

    Zanjutsu: {Zanjutsu is the art of sword fighting, adding points to this will make your character better on Zanjutsu}

    Hakuda: {Hakuda is the art of hand to hand combat, adding points here will make your character better on Hakuda}

    Hohou : {Hou-hou is the ability to use flash step or shunpo, if correct, it translates to Agility. Either way adding points here will make your character's shunpo better.}

    Kidou : {Kidou is the art of Demon magic, adding points here will make your character better on Kudou}

    Zanpakuto: {Zanpakuto is a shinigami's main weapon, this is to measure whether how well you can control your zanpakuto and not. If you want to attain a certain release you must have enough reiatsu for your seat as well.}


    Vice captain default:
    Life: 3500
    Reiatsu: 3500
    Zanjutsu: 1900
    Hakuda: 1900
    Hohou : 1900
    Kidou : 1900
    Zanpakuto: 1900

    This will be updated in time, if you have any questions about CAR or the battle system, please post here.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Muerte Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:38 pm

    Life: 3500
    Reiatsu: 4000
    Zanjutsu: 1000
    Hakuda: 1900
    Hohou : 1900
    Kidou : 500
    Zanpakuto: 1900
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:40 pm

    see, its easy, plus we can give out points for this from missions and training sessions

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Muerte Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:50 pm

    This is very interesting. I thought it was going to be harder than this.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:01 pm

    You just think its hard cause of all the numbers HAHA.

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    Battle System [only topic: charactersheet] Empty Re: Battle System [only topic: charactersheet]

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