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    Online love?

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Online love? Empty Online love?

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:28 am

    This is a sensitive topic for some, but what do you think of it in general?

    I think its not all that wrong you get to meet all this amazing people, however, since its virtual, you cant really trust it now can you?

    Your thoughts?
    9th Division
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Terminar777 Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:30 pm

    I personally think it's pointless unless the two people live relatively close to each other so they could eventually meet at one point in time... But online relationships can't really go anywhere since the only place they exist is well, Online...

    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:35 pm

    I think it kills some time when you are online, which is great. I wouldn't call it love, but more roleplaying love in my case
    Empowered soul

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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by JennyReika Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:51 pm

    Well, I can say that Online Love definitely does exist, this from a person who is kinda shallow in some ways... well.. I prefer the word Vain.

    I never used to be on the computer a lot, I was always out doing something, but I was also being bad and getting in trouble a lot...

    I always thought online love was for ugly ppl... XD

    Then about a year and a half ago, I joined a site, and made a lot of friends, and it kinda kept me out of trouble...
    I met somebody who changed my life, more than anybody I had ever known in real life, and someone who, I wasnt obsessed with their appearance... I actually could get to know the person, without their physical aspects ruining my judgement of them.

    I did love that person... I know I did. They still mean a lot to me, but in the process I fell in love with someone else...
    Although, I put it off for a long time...

    Anyways... I am very in love right now, and if it wasnt for the internet, well, I wouldnt be.

    There are lots of ways to meet someone and fall in love...

    I mean, you could meet someone at a bar... or a grocery store.
    Does that mean theyre not lying to you about their life?
    Does that mean that theyre a good person?

    Ive dated a good amount of guys, and the ones I met in my real life, were always just as bad as not worse liars than the people Ive met online.

    As long as youre cautious, and you get to know the person, and you really can tell that they are truthful (which after awhile, you can usually tell if someone is being shady, at least I can) then there is no harm in falling for someone online.

    The hurt can suck though if you cant be together.

    I am lucky this time to have fallen for somebody who is close to me... (by close I mean within driving distance, no boats or planes, etc.)

    Then you have people like Khia & FA, who have been making it work, and altho they are exceptionally closer, they also wouldnt be together if it wasnt for the internet.

    The internet is just a new way of meeting people, and just like in real life, sometimes theyre the wrong person, but you never know when they will be the right person.

    Just like the song Androgyny says by Garbage:
    Behind closed doors and under stars
    It doesn't matter where you are
    Connect and choose to catch your eyes
    Don't let a soulmate pass you by"

    Well, I believe in taking every opportunity... You never know what path is going to lead to the right person, and I believe everything happens for a reason, there are NO coincidences.

    The song basically says, dont judge anything... anybody, anyone, anywhere could be your soulmate... so dont jeopardize it... be open.

    So, anyways, thats my take on it.

    Online love does exist, but its up to you what you do with it after that.
    8th Division
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Nance Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:37 pm

    Terminar777 wrote:I personally think it's pointless unless the two people live relatively close to each other so they could eventually meet at one point in time... But online relationships can't really go anywhere since the only place they exist is well, Online...

    So true.

    Like Jenny I'm not used to be on the computer a lot. Haha but then I met this dude. I never felt that feeling before lol XD I thought it was true. I don't know. He's gone now XD I'm nothing after all hehe.

    So online love doesn't exist.. not anymore for me XD!!!
    Empowered soul

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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by JennyReika Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:54 pm

    Well, another thing to remember is LOVE isnt always REAL love...
    There is also puppy love, and relying on someone, and then there is loving, and being IN love... these are all very different things.

    Most people who say they "love" someone online, is 2 ppl who get something out of talking to each other... they each benefit in some way, usually getting rid of each others loneliness...
    I wouldnt call that love... I would call that ... relying on someone, its more of friendship than love.

    True Love can only be what 2 ppl can have once they are sure that all things connect and that they able to see the good aspects in the other person, no matter what they do.

    Meaning, you have to know someones quirks and ways of life, and know that they are things youre able to love about them...

    You're also willing to give yourself to them completely, in exchange for nothing, but in the hopes that they will give you the same.

    True Love is selfless...
    Putting your life in someone elses hands.

    I can hardly say that I think that a lot of the ppl online would really do this with their "online love"...

    If you truly love someone, you have to be able to take it to the next step.

    The internet is just another medium of finding the right person...
    but regardless of how or where you meet them, if there is never any physical connection, then it is pretty much pointless.

    You cant know you truly love someone until youve been with them and seen them in front of you. Not for physical reasons, but for chemistry reasons.
    Some people are way different in RL than they are on the internet...

    But like Tom Petty says...
    "True Love is hard to find... You Got Lucky Baby, When I Found You"

    Aint that the truth...
    Emma-Hell Girl
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:43 pm

    I don’t have much experience in online love. However, wouldn’t the love fade away easily when you can’t see each other? Also, wouldn’t it be easy to deceive each other since the other person has completely no idea what you are doing in RL? Nor do they know how many people you are chatting at the same time. So yeah, this is basically what I see the dangerous about online love. But on the other hand, there isn’t much you can lose but a broken heart and time I guess.

    However, I do know a friend that ends up got married with a guy that she met online. My friend was in Asia and that guy is in the US. They had been chatting with each other for a year then the guy visited her in Asia. They were deeply in love and both of them got married a few years later. And my friend moved to the US living happily with him right now. So I guess the world isn’t as depressing as I would imagine. :P

    And Jenny, I completely agree with your points. Specially you can get to know the person, without their physical aspects ruining the judgement of them. This is a common problem in RL that we natually judge on people's apperance before we really get to know them.
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by JennyReika Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:15 am

    Well, see, your friend found love online.

    The thing is, you have to be willing to go that extra mile (or after youre sure you have a connection...

    You cant just keep it online forever, that will get neither of you anywhere.

    Just be safe, and think things through first... and make sure you know more than just that person...

    Like, its important you talk to them on the phone, see them on webcam, and that everything they tell you adds up...

    If you really feel like youre getting to know the person youre talking to, and you really feel there is a connection there, the only option left is to see if youre comapatible in RL.

    You may win, and you may lose...
    But thats how it is with ANY relationship, not just online relationships.

    Take chances... sometimes they pay off, sometimes they dont...

    But I would rather take the chance and fail, than never take the chance at all and wonder what would have been.
    8th Division
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Nance Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:11 am

    Wow. That is an awesome story, Moon! So nice to see them end up with each other. Unlike the one I know.

    I know this dude from the US who is in love with a girl from Asia.. They're planning to meet somewhere sometime and marry.

    The more time passes the less they see each other online (busy life).. The dude is now making excuses that the girl should just find someone else close to her, and he can't visit her anymore because he doesn't have enough money blah blah blah. He told me their relationship is not working anymore. Pfft. If you truly love someone, you'll do everything to make it work, right? Gawd, I hate that dude for hurting the girl D8 but he's still my friend. XD

    I love reading Jenny's posts T_T
    Empowered soul

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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by JennyReika Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:59 am

    Thanks Moony & Nance for the nice things you said... my posts are driven on emotion, and obviously a direct result of my extreme love for my baby.

    As for this guy, yeah, that is crappy...
    But this is how I feel about it, its a good thing they found out ahead of time that they wouldnt be for each other before traveling all that distance and putting so much on the line... at least they didnt keep wasting their time, and now they can actually find the ppl they were meant to be with.

    If youre not willing to go the extra mile to start the relationship, chances are youre not willing to go the extra mile IN the relationship...
    And if youre not, then it wasnt meant to be anyways.

    They werent really in love.

    You know when you meet that person, cause you would lay anything on the line for them... and you would fight for them until your last breath.

    So, when the relationship fails because of something like that, it means, it wasnt meant to be in the first place.

    I've had that, and so has the person I am with...
    But together...
    We are willing to do more or anything for each other more than anybody we were with before.
    At least I know I would... and I pray that he would.

    True Love Knows No Boundaries.
    8th Division
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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by Nance Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:56 am

    I think they were in love..for some time though. It's really funny when the guy always talks to me about the girl and vice versa. The girl would always text message me that she misses him and the guy would always IM me saying that he misses her. They have the same line lol "you don't know how much I love him/her".

    I always help them keep in touch, the girl text messages me what she wants to say to the guy, then I'll IM it to the guy, then I'll text her what the guy's reply is. I haven't done that in the past couple weeks and I feel horrible. I'm kinda poking too much on their business, but I really want them to be happy. ><

    Also back then, the guy is rushing too much. He says he wants to marry her as soon as possible O_O.

    And now, the guy would ask me where the girl is (the girl doesn't have internet connection anymore T.T), when I ask him stuff like.. Do you want me to tell her to go online? or Do you want me to leave her a message? He'll just say "Nah. it's okay" T.T It makes me sad. I really want the girl to be happy. She was hurt by someone on the internet before too. :( The girl still loves him. The guy tells me that he still loves her but I don't believe it. He made a promise to me that he wouldn't make her sad. :x I was wishing before that one of them wins the lottery so they could meet. I hope their relationship were as strong as yours.. Yeah maybe they're not meant for each other after all.

    I think I blabbed a lot xD So much for online love. >.>
    Empowered soul

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    Online love? Empty Re: Online love?

    Post by JennyReika Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:17 am

    If they are meant to be, their hearts will find their way back to each other... its a natural thing...

    Even though I know some of you may not be religious our whatnot, I believe that when you are meant to be with someone, God makes sure your paths keep crossing... and he also makes it quite clear by enabling things to happen.

    He doesnt always make everything easy on you, but he does make it obvious.

    If you work hard for it, its because something was enstilled in you that this is something you should be working toward. This is something you dont want to live without.

    So, if they are meant to be, there is nothing you can do but wait and see if they find their way back to each other.

    If they dont, then its not meant to be, and if they work something out and they do... then, maybe they were...

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