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Loli Gaga
12 posters

    Meet the 1st Division Members!


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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:02 pm

    Welcome to our little Introduction thread! Here, all the 1st Division members can describe themselves for others to read! Perfect to get to know one another ^_^

    Here are some topics you may want to include, although you can talk about whatever you want, really, you don't need to stick to these topics!

    • Personality
    • Where you live
    • Job and what you think of it
    • Fave music
    • Fave food
    • Hobbies

    Remember, those are just starter topics ^_^ feel free to describe yourself in any way you want!

    For example, here's mine, just to kick things off!

    Hey, there! I'm FA, the Captain of the 1st Division ^_^ I swear to make this place one of the most popular, friendly, and fun Divisions on BD!!!

    I like to think I'm a kindly, helping person, who is able of doing a lot of things, like making sigs and thinking up fun new ideas for the Division to play with ^_^

    I am a resident of good ol' Yorkshire in England XD Yorkshire ftw!!! It's where all of our stereotypes come from! XD

    Music? I guess I'll have to say thrash metal XD but I do listen to a wide diversity.

    I'll see you all around!

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total
    Wandering soul

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Upgrade Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:17 pm

    Hey all, im Vice Captain Khia, sorry my activity hasnt been big as of late but hey, its christmas XD

    Im currently listening to: Asche Zu Asche By Rammstein (Whee)

    Im currently: Adding music and useful programs to my new 500 GB portable hard-drive (Needed one because my laptop is tiny and has a storage space proportional XD)

    My zanpaktou is currently under development, until its complete, i wish to be considered to not have a zanpaktou (Much Yourichi and nano-chan).

    ill Update this whenever something major comes up :)

    10th Division
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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Hinamori44 Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:25 pm

    Yahoo! Me first!...uhm I thought third...sorry Captain and VC... :pirat:
    First thing...I wanna say Thanks Captain! This thread is awesome idea! *thumbs up*

    So now I´ll try to decribe myself...:
    Hiya guys, I´m Hinamori, but you can call me Hina or Mori or Momo,,,heh. So I´m the member of 1st divvy and I´m proud of it... I´m trying to do my best here.
    I´m kind and friendly people who loves fun and my friend say I´m funny...just kidding... I´m dreamy and sometimes I forget reality...and just dream with opened´s dangerous...haha
    I´m pupil of our old shcool in my town...ZOMG I love this school cuz I´m in the last grade, so I´ll be here only this year and than yahoo to the gymnasium...hehe
    I love PunkRock and I love Blink 182, Sum41, Angels&Airwaves, Good Charlotte, MCR, etc...
    My favourite food is rice :P and fave drink tea! :P

    I tried to describe myself...but I´m more this is short version LOL

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:49 pm

    Hinamori44 wrote:I wanna say Thanks Captain! This thread is awesome idea! *thumbs up*

    This was Kambly's idea, not mine ^_^
    10th Division
    10th Division

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    Post by Hinamori44 Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:56 pm

    bwahaha oops...sorry... so thanks Kambly...ZOMG I´m silly...

    *hides behind a seat*
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Kambly Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:43 am

    Haha, it's okay Mori-chan. ^_^

    Righty-o my turn.

    Hey, I'm Kambly, but you can call me Amy if you want. Since that is my real name. xD

    I enjoy anything related to art and sleeping. Since that's the perfect escape from reality. My mum says that I slept for 20 hours after I got out of the hospital, when I was a baby. I think she might have thought that I was dead or something. XD

    I'm generally a nice person, nice to hang around with (I think xD). I can be serious, but everyone believes that I can't, which irritates me. XD

    I'm lazy, I like doing things "when I feel like it". Doing something productive isn't my style.

    I think that's it. :3
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:03 pm

    First thing you must all about me, i think Amy is one of the most awesome person alive in this era BUWAHAHA!

    anyway, my personality in RL is the opposite of my character here, i'm unfriendly, and unapproachable, i used to hate anime but now i love it(obviously)

    i get contstant mood swings and am stubborn and bored most times.

    In real life i tend to say NOall the time, i do that to avoid pointless conversation, that would turn into an argument, which i wont really like cause i'm a soar loser, but that's that XD

    I dont use my real name, i hate it hate hate hate it.

    i only give my name out to people i trust.

    I live in a country that was erased on the map for my own protection(you guess and i'll give BD cash)

    I hate to brand any kind of music my favorite, cause i my self am not sure, but i know i love music, and that's just that.

    I dont trust people easily though, but it changed, thanks to the magic of anime, anme = love = air gear.

    Ok, this became too long already, ima add a part two if i can. XD
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Kambly Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:46 am

    Nice Ruru. XD

    Have I mentioned that my mum calls me, "My little Koala~ <3"? Because she really does do that, since I sleep a lot.

    I don't like sports. I am probably the laziest person you will ever meet. My feet stink so much that my dad says that I could have stood in a barrel of black bean sauce and it wouldn't make a difference.

    That's why he has dubbed my feet "Black Bean feet", which has nothing to do with the birthmark on the sole of my foot.

    To be continued...

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Wenditi Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:45 pm

    Hello and thanks for chance write as member of first division ;)
    I don't like writing just about myself it seems to me a little self-centred...but you did this thread and I like know about you so it's fair that you will know about me :D

    I like do many things and these "activities" I'm doing most often:
    going to teahouse, I don't like it but I'm going very often late:[, reading, watching films, listening to music (almost all kind of music it depends of my mood), watching anime, reading manga, drawing, photo, internet, experimentally cooking, dream, playing badminton, walking in nature, traveling...

    I'm lazy, joyful, naive, thoughtful, melancholic, dreamer, caring, sclerosal, tolerance, noteless and sometimes boring...person which live in small city. I think it's enough if somebody want know about me more just ask me ;)
    Wandering soul

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Kagome Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:55 am

    Hello, and thanks for the chance to be a member of the 1st. ^^

    I'm Kagome. I am from the US, North Carolina to be precise. I am one who like to help others, often putting other needs before my own. I like writing, photography, computers, cooking, and much more.

    My favorite music depends on my mood. It ranges from classical to heavy metal. Favorite foods include chinese, pizza, and ice cream. hehe

    hmm... Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. :D
    Empowered soul

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by war_makes_me_happy Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:23 am

    *walks in and introduces himself formally*

    Name: cp1983 [I don't mind if you call me Cp, you will anyway XD]
    Personality: Demonic, full of sedition and forever flying the red flag of war
    Hobbies: Foruming, chatting with friends, listening to metal, writing and drawing mainly [as well as the basic watching anime and reading manga]

    Food - meat and human flesh
    Drink - anything as long as it gives me some kind of a hangover
    Movies - anything violent and disturbing with lots of death and destruction
    People - I know I am going to know a lot of people here, "Your all my friends"
    Music - anything loud and blistering, evil and ominous [Heavy metal mainly]

    I used to post a lot, that will die down considerably, so if my active isn't what you think it should be like - blame it on my situation. I will still try and post everywhere and anywhere as much as possible. You know me. You ALL should know me and what I am capable of, but its nice to meet everyone XD.

    I look forward to making new friends, strengthening other relations and being a decent member of this fine forum.

    Ja Ne, Cp-san

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:41 am

    Wow, a lil' dark, there, CP O_o *twitches* but nonetheless thanks for sharing XD
    Empowered soul

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    Post by war_makes_me_happy Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:39 am

    Whoops *gomen* o_o

    *shrugs* "That why you chose white font" laughs...

    "Waah! Thought more people would welcome me, oh well, in due time..." ^^

    [End of my spam posts in this section]
    Wandering soul

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    Meet the 1st Division Members! Empty Re: Meet the 1st Division Members!

    Post by Upgrade Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:50 pm

    Welcome welcome welcome you old nutbag! *attack-glomps chris*

    Im glad you joined up, my activity isnt stupidly great either, but hey, lets drink!
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Panda-chan Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:52 am

    Alohaa :D:D I´m Panda-chan, My real name is BEa :D:D I love pandas :D:DIm a veryy kind :D smiling and good-hearted person :D:D JUst be kidding. I kave younger brother :D:D i love him a lot :D My hobbys are dancing :D i love dancing hehe/ drawing i´m a verry creative person :D sometimes :D laughting and reading manga :D if you know some good manga just tell me about it :D My fav good is GRAPEfruit :D fave music hmm :D i like everithing :D but the most rock and punk :D:D hmmm thats all about me i think :D:D:
    Empowered soul

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    Post by war_makes_me_happy Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:55 am

    *opens a bottle of sake and pours his mother a cup*

    "Here you are, Kampai! Let me know about the strength and whatever" *sips*

    "Welcome to the 1st Division Panda-Chan. My name is Chris [or Cp] whichever you prefer and it is very nice to meet you. I look forward to seeing you around and being your friend, everyone here is very friendly and in no time at all - you will enjoy your time here I am sure."

    "Let me know if you need any help with anything, feel free to stop by my dorm and say Hello"

    Ja Ne
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    Post by Panda-chan Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:07 am

    hehe Nice to meet you :D Im sure when i will ned help ,i know atleast one person,which help mee :D:D:D
    Wandering soul

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    Post by Upgrade Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:28 am

    ''cheers chris!''

    *Khia hugs her son, and then turns around to face Panda-chan*

    ''Welcome to the 1st division Panda-chan! I hope you enjoy it here its the most active division in the whole of gotei 13. Im your vice captain, if you need anything please send me a PM!''
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Panda-chan Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:31 am

    Tkanks :D Nice to meet you :D
    Wandering soul

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    Post by Ai-sama Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:25 am

    Hey y'alls, I'm Squee. I guess you could call me Squee for short. If you like.

    Personality: I'm quite quiet and introvert most of the time, but when I have something to say I don't sugar the pill, if you know what I mean. I'm not a nasty person, it's just honesty with a healthy smidgen of bluntness. Like my dear old gran always said; if you can't take it, don't leave yourself wide open to it.

    Where you live: Norwich, Norfolk, in the good old U.K. of...umm...UKness...

    Job and what you think of it: Don't ask. Just don't.

    Fave music: ROCK/METAL. Nuff said.

    Fave food: Pie. Can't beat a good pie.

    Hobbies: I enjoy reading. A lot. Mainly to take my attention away from the novel I'm supposed to be writing (writer's block really gets me down sometimes. Well, all of the time). Reading Bleach (obviously). Oh, and BD.

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    Post by Fallen_Angel Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:36 pm

    Okay, Squee! Thanks for sharing with us! ^_^ I'm sure you'll do great!

    Good luck on that novel, by the way O_o
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Princess-of-Ice Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:54 pm this is me... :
    I´m can call me Liz...Izi..or like you want....
    I´m member of 1 st divvy( thanks for it)...I´m kind, I love fun and funny people..(Hina said that i´m cool...XD)
    I´m from Slovakia...if you don´t know where is Slovakia it´s OK...small country... listen all types of music...I thing that song must have soul and then is fine....
    -food is food...I like I hate tomato!
    I like reading(waw)sleeping, talking......

    OK so It´s me!
    bye, bye XD

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    Post by Wenditi Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:27 pm

    Nice introducion! :)
    Welcome in 1st Division!*huggles*
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Princess-of-Ice Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:48 pm

    thanks wenditi..nice to meet you
    OMG..............I love this site........
    Empowered soul

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    Post by Panda-chan Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:29 pm

    welcomee here :D:D :D heh when do you need something just say :D

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