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11 posters

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration


    Posts : 606
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    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:44 pm

    Here lies the holy book of the 1st Division; the Logbook of our people and powers.

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration F_VillaArtsm_56ebf8d

    Only a member of the 1st Division may write in its pages.

    Please enter your information in the form you see below:


    History: (as long as you want)
    Anything Else: (Something else you want to mention about your Shinigami?)

    Zanpacktou Spirit:

    Zanpacktou's Name: (During Sealed and Shikai)
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description:

    Sealed Zanpacktou:

    Appearance: (A description or an image will do)
    Element: (Ice? Water? Fire? Earth? Wind? etc)

    Shikai (Seated Members only):

    Release Command: (What you say to bring out your Shikai)
    Appearance: (A description or an image will do)
    Permanent Abilities: (Abilities that will always be active while in Shikai form, see the Seating Chart at the bottom of the post to see how many you can have maximum)

    Eng Name of Ability:
    Jap Name of Ability: (If known)
    Effects of Ability:

    Main Abilities: (Abilities you have to activiate yourself to use, see the Seating Chart at the bottom of the post to see how many you can have maximum)

    Eng Name of Ability:
    Jap Name of Ability: (If known)
    Effects of Ability:

    Bankai (7th Seat and above only):

    Zanpackuto's True Name:
    Appearance: (A description or an image will do)
    Permanent Abilities: (Abilities that will always be active while in Shikai form, see the Seating Chart at the bottom of the post to see how many you can have maximum)

    Eng Name of Ability:
    Jap Name of Ability: (If known)
    Effects of Ability:

    Main Abilities: (Abilities you have to activiate yourself to use, see the Seating Chart at the bottom of the post to see how many you can have maximum)

    Eng Name of Ability:
    Jap Name of Ability: (If known)
    Effects of Ability:

    Abilities Chart:
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration F_Tablem_c41e6b2

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:38 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:34 pm

    Seeing as none of you havn't done it yet, I might as well set the trend going! ^_^

    Name of Shinigami: Jinketsu Ookami
    Appearance: Tall; long, charcoal-black, scruffy hair; A black coat (think Neo from the Matrix, but darker, and with black leather boots). He wears his short-sleeved 1st Division Captain’s Haori over the coat.
    History: Since the revelation of his darker side, Yokoshima Ookami, he has began to question which parts of his history are real and which ones are false memories.
    Aside from that, Ookami has recently destroyed his previous zanpacktou, ‘Ekibyougami’, as he was evil and a danger to the world. Ookami has since learnt that the silver spiritual wolf that always followed his dreams and shaped his reitsu is his TRUE zanpacktou spirit.
    Personality: Likes to be kind and helpful and can have a laugh with people. However in battle… Ookami is a completely different person…
    Ambitions: Now that Ookami has become a Captain, his only ambition is to make his Division prosperous, friendly, and fun.
    Anything Else: When Ookami is in a fight, he finds that he can become wild, out of control, and even become mirthless and cruel. Since realizing he had this trait, he has decided to cal it Yokoshima Ookami. Luckily, this other personality has not brought any harm to anyone… yet.

    Zanpacktou Spirit:
    Zanpacktou's Name: Shiruba (Silver)
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: A beautiful silver wolf that would follow Ookami to the ends of the earth in her quest to protect him and help him. In combat she can be a fierce ally to both Jinketsu and Yokoshima Ookami.

    Sealed Zanpacktou:
    Appearance: Ookami’s katana is unique in that the blade is made entirely of a high-density glass

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Fallen_Angel__Sealed___New_BG_by_ThomDeluca

    Element: Glass

    Release Command: Scatter and Scar, Shiruba
    Appearance: Ookami’s shikai is a staff with a bladed mace on the end, housing a single large orb. It has two appearances, depending on who is in control at the time, Jinketsu or Yokoshima. Again, most of it is made of glass

    Jinketsu’s Shikai:
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Fallen_Angel__Shikai__Light_by_ThomDeluca
    Yokoshima’s Shikai:
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Fallen_Angel__Shikai__Dark_by_ThomDeluca

    Permanent Abilities: 1

    Eng Name of Ability: Kingdom of Glass
    Jap Name of Ability: Oukoku no garasu
    Effects of Ability: It completely covers the battlefield around Ookami within a 50m radius in a beautiful case of smoothe glass, making the surface slippy, and if any explosions or powerful attacks hit the glass, it will shatter in a hail of sharp shards which will fly out and cut anything near them.

    Main Abilities: 3

    Eng Name of Ability: Sword Explosion
    Jap Name of Ability: Tsurugi Bakuhatsu
    Effects of Ability: Reitsu flows into Ookami’s shikai. If anything hits it suddenly, like a blade strike or a punch/kick, a blast of reitsu will be emitted, blasting both fighters away from each other. Sometimes this leaves the opponent surprised and vulnerable, leaving them open to a follow up attack by Ookami.

    Eng Name of Ability: Ghost of Crystal Glass
    Jap Name of Ability: Yuurei no Kurisutarugarasu
    Effects of Ability: Ookami can phase in and out of the glass created by his Kingdom of Glass ability, making it impossible to hit him. However, this makes it impossible for him to attack his opponent, as well. He must surface to strike, and when that happens the opponent can counter and attack. Also, if there is no glass around, this technique cannot be used.

    Eng Name of Ability: Explosion of Crystal Glass
    Jap Name of Ability: Bakuhatsu no Kurisutarugarasu
    Effects of Ability: Ookami summons all the reitsu he has (save for what he needs to live) and blasts it all out of once from his shikai, ripping his Kingdom of Glass to shreds and creating a MASSIVE storm of glass shards, each capable of creating deep cuts. The only way for the opponent to protect against this attack is for them to create a barrier all around themselves, or jump high into the air, out of the reach of the shards.

    Zanpackuto's True Name: Shiruba-Garou (Silver Hungry Wolf)
    Appearance: A massive claymore with a glass blade and a glass orb on the end of the hilt. The appearance varies massively depending on whether the wielder is Yokoshima or Jinketsu Ookami.

    Jinketsu’s Bankai:
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration F_GarouLightBm_2c56f82
    Yokoshima’s Bankai:
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration F_GarouDarkBam_9be9eec

    Permanent Abilities: 1

    Eng Name of Ability: Sword Explosion
    Jap Name of Ability: Tsurugi Bakuhatsu
    Effects of Ability: This technique (refer back to my Shikai) has now been made permanent during Bankai.

    Main Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: Werewolf of Liquid Glass
    Jap Name of Ability: Ookamiotoko no ekitai kurisutaru
    Effects of Ability: A thin protective layer of reitsu covers Ookami’s body, and his Bankai reaches an extreme temperature, melting and covering over this protective layer to shape Ookami like a werewolf. This liquid glass body is extremely hot, so even touching it can burn the opponent badly. Due to the reitsu layer being thin, Ookami is exposed to a lot of heat, and goes insane, berserk, and bloodthirsty from it.

    Eng Name of Ability: Death Dome
    Jap Name of Ability: Maruyane no Zetsumei
    Effects of Ability: All Ookami’s reitsu and glass forms a dome around the two fighters. Spires constantly grow inside at rapid speed, which are sharp enough to pierce the body. The two fighters must dodge the spires, and as soon as someone gets badly cut from the dome, it breaks down in thousands of glass shards. Even Ookami cannot be protected against this last resort move.

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:38 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 214
    BD-cash : 6824

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Upgrade Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:41 pm

    Name: Khia Jinketsu

    .Khia wears a long black trench coat,adorned with solid silver clasps and buckles.

    .Khia wears a gasmask-like mask, black in colour, with the top right section and back of the head removed. The lens of the left eye is blacked out.

    .Khia’s left eye is cyborg.

    .Khia’s left arm is cyborg.

    .Khia wears black biker boots, with solid silver buckles.

    More will be added later.


    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:43 am

    *Edited effect of permanent ability slightly to make it less god-modish*

    Zanpacktou approved! You can now participate in the Rumble Pit, Momo ^_^

    Posts : 615
    BD-cash : 18747

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Wenditi Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:49 am


    Name of Shinigami: Ame Katsuhime

    Appearance: No much tall, quite normal body, dark violet hair, dark brown eyes.
    She wearing shihakusho with mini skirt (form as A) and with red ribbon.

    History: She can't remember whole her past. Her first remembrance is how alone and sad strayed as a child in Soul Society when all of a sudden hollow attacked her. She closed her eyes for awhile and when she with sorrow opened, she saw crimson storm which caused hollow vanished. She noticed that it is her ability and went to the Shinigami Academy to learn contoll it.

    Personality: friendly, lazy, joyful, naive, thoughtful, melancholic, caring, confused dreamer...

    Ambitions: Innocents doesn't suffer sadness.

    Anything Else: She soliloquize and has celtic talisman for fortune.

    Zanpacktou Spirit:

    Zanpacktou's Name: Akamino Kanashimi (Scarlet sadness)

    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: Zanpakutou is releasing crimson storm.

    Sealed Zanpacktou:

    Appearance: Beautiful crimson zanpakutou:)

    Element: Storm

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:16 am

    Zanpackutou approved, you can post in the Rumble Pit, Wenditi ^_^


    You can update your Zanpacktou to add more Shikai abilities now you're 6th Seat. I'll delete your previous post.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 132
    BD-cash : 6731

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Kagome Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:29 am

    ((Here's my first attempt.))


    Name of Shinigami: Kagome

    Appearance: Kagome stands 5'6" tall and has hair as black as a moonless night that reaches down to her lower back. Her eyes are dark green with hints of jade mixed in. Her skin is fair and untanned. Her body is fit, though not overly muscular. She has a normal bust size and wears the traditional robes of shinigami when she is on duty. Off duty you can find her wearing a brown or green peasant shirt with brown or black slacks or skirt and comfortable moccasins with are tan in color.

    History: Little is known about Kagome, not even her last name. Many years from as young as she can remember, Kagome has lived in the forests surrounding the settlements of Soul Society. She would venture into contact with others when needed, but she always return to the woods before anyone could offer her a place to live.

    Kagome doesn't remember her former life before coming to Soul Society and has not attempted to seek out the answers that have been hidden from her. She didn't know what a shinigami was or have any contact with them until one fateful day. After traveling back from her journeys into the mountains, Kagome came upon a shinigami fighting a hollow. It soon became apparent that the shinigami was in over her head and was knocked away from the hollow, ending up at Kagome's feet.

    The shinigami looked up at Kagome and told her to run. Kagome looked at the injured woman and then at the hollow heading before them both. Without thinking, Kagome moved between the two, then her vision went black. When she awoke, Kagome found herself in the infirmary with the shinigami she had saved sitting next to her with a concerned look upon her face.

    Then moment Kagome woke, she tried to leave. The shinigami stopped her, telling her that she had great power within her and should join the Academy to train. Kagome stared at the shinigami in confusion, which caused the shinigami to explained what had happened that she could remember. It wasn't a lot other than the earth seemed to respond to Kagome's actions.

    Kagome was in the infirmary for several more days before she was allowed to go. During that time, she decided to join the Academyy to train and learn more about her abilities.

    Personality: Kagome is a calm woman, at peace in nature. Around other people, she seems to be shy, unsure of how she should act. Once she gets to know someone, she loves to learn about the person, often sitting for hours asking questions and listening if allowed. She will protect others at the cost of her own well-being, determined not to allow them to be injured if possible. Once you are a friend of Kagome's, you are a friend for life unless you do something to betray her and ruin the trust she has for you.

    You can often find Kagome out in the nature she loves, sometimes sitting under a tree and just watching the area around her. She loves to write and to cook, though she has yet to cook for others due to her fear of rejection.

    Ambitions: Kagome's ambitions include finding out about her powers and learning more about her past.

    Anything Else: Kagome has been told that she is a great singer, though she doesn't believe it.

    Zanpakutou Spirit:

    Zanpakutou's Name: Hayashi
    Zanpakutou Spirit Description: Hayashi takes on several appearances, depending on her mood. First is her human appearance when she is yearning for human contact. She has green hair, brown eyes and wears green clothing.

    If she wants to make it difficult for Kagome to find her, she takes on the appearance of a small dragon covered in green moss. This allows her to blend in better with the surrounds.

    When she is in a regal mood and wishing to give advice or her knowledge, she takes on the appearance of a fully grown, dark green dragon.

    Hayashi’s true appearance is not yet known, nor will she tell Kagome until the time she has fully earned her trust and loyalty.

    The realm where Hayashi lives is a lush, green forest.

    Sealed Zanpakutou:


    Element: Earth

    Posts : 606
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    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:11 pm

    O_o I have to say, Kagome, that's lovely and detailed. Nice one! And not one error needing editing ^_^

    *Zanpacktou Approved, you may now participate in the Rumble Pit*

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:54 am

    *Fixed the profile for missing links and spoiler tags*

    Looks good, Panda! You're good to go ^_^

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:43 am

    This would be the description of my Zanpakuto and my character Ps : I know I don't have Bankai but I didnT want to have to up it all again -_-

    Character Name : Ryuhi Cantin
    History : Former 6th and 9th Division Captain, wants justice to prevail more than anything else in this world
    Personnality : Quick to the point, easy to get mad, resorts to fighting if his life depends on it, abnormally calm person
    Appearance : Long dark haired, about 6 feet, muscled person, with a sad air on his face

    Here is my Zanpakuto

    Pre-release form
    Zanpaktou Name: Masayoshi
    Weapon Type: Standard Katana
    Appearance: a handle at a 90 degree angle on my guard, thus making my zanpakuto able to be used as a Katana and as a bladed tonfa (I'll maybe post a picture later, I have to draw them first, I guess philosophy classes have a use ^^)
    Element type: None

    Release command: Anata no bun no hatsuon, Masayoshi (Pronounce your sentence, Masayoshi)
    Release appearance: A two foot long bladed tonfa with a shield tonfa, the shield tonfa is a normal 3 foot tall, 1 and a half foot large kite shield with a Tonfa instead of a handle, making it more easier to bash someone with it, it also has a round wooden block, just like a judge in court

    Abilities gained:
    #1 Active
    Masayoshi no tate, kotei ka suru (Shield of justice, immobilize)
    When Cantin's shield blocks 4 Attacks, Cantin releases a Bakudo of his choice, with no incantation required by saying the phrase (Masayoshi no tate, kotei ka suru ) (in the list that his seat allows him to)

    #2 Active
    Masayoshi no ha, shobatsu suru (Blade of justice, punish)
    When Cantin's bladed tonfa blocks 4 Attacks, he releases a Hado of his choice, with no incantation required, by saying the phrase (Masayoshi no ha, shobatsu suru) (same than bakudos, in seated capabilities)

    #3 Active
    Masayoshi Nishiki : Eriito to heiki (Justice's second form, Elite Weaponry)
    When Canitn knocks 3 times on the round wooden block in the center of his shield, th shield grows to a 5 foot tall and 2 foot large shield, making Cantin harder to hit. The bladed tonfa's length exends from 2 feet to 5 feet. If abilities 1 and 2 are ready to be used, then while changing form, he releases them one after the other :Bakudo then Kido
    Strength : Cantin's two first abilities need one less attack to be ready for use, cantin can see through the shield
    Weakness : Cantin is slowed down due to the size of the shield

    Masayoshi Senshi, Itan Shikkei Shikkou (Warrior of Justice, Infidel Executioner)
    Appearance : Double bladed tonfas, with a shield behind me, linked to my tonfas by chains controlled by my spirit energy (just like Hihio Zabimaru's links).
    Elements : None, energy/battle/kido oriented Zanpakutou.

    Permanent Bankai Abilities: 2
    Ability #1 : My Weapon, Mine
    At any moment, if Masayoshi is in the enemy's hand, it produces an explosion of enough power to rip the enemy's arm off. This does not damage Masayoshi

    Ability #2: Transparency
    At any time, Cantin can make the shield behind him physically transparent, so he can pass through it, and get behind it for protection

    Main Bankai Abilities: 3
    Ability #1 : Despearate Takedown
    When Cantin is desperate, his tonfas start emitting some reiatsu in the air, so they can bind an enemy with themselves. Cantin can drag a bind person to himself, like someone dragging luggage attached by a rope

    Ability 2
    Masayoshi no tate, kotei ka suru (Shield of justice, immobilize)
    When Cantin's shield blocks 3 Attacks, Cantin releases a Bakudo of his choice, with no incantation required by saying the phrase (Masayoshi no tate, kotei ka suru ) (in the list that his seat allows him to)

    Ability 3
    Masayoshi no ha, shobatsu suru (Blade of justice, punish)
    When Cantin's bladed tonfa blocks 3 Attacks, he releases a Hado of his choice, with no incantation required, by saying the phrase (Masayoshi no ha, shobatsu suru) (same than bakudos, in seated capabilities)

    Note by FA: Stuff in orange is stuff Cantin can currently use

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:37 am

    Looks fair, I like the unique abilities you have there ^_^ Just keep this in mind:

    Your abilities when RPing will be restricted depending on what seat you have. Items in white in your post are items/abilities you can use ^_^ I'll update it as time goes on.

    So other than that:

    *Zanpacktou Approved, you may now participate in the Rumble Pit*
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:46 am


    Name: Squee Bly.
    Appearance: Tall and slim, with shoulder-length blond hair. He wears a standard Shinigami uniform.
    History: The last of the Bly clan, a noble family of Knights sworn to protect the western Rukongai districts and their inhabitants. After the events of Aizen's betrayal, a riot in Rukongai wiped out all but one of their guardians.
    Personality: Troubled by his past, he has grown introvert and reflective. Upon joining Gotei 13, he has tried to rid himself of the ties to his past. He frequently struggles with this, and so he sometimes appears to be heavily depressed, with violent mood-swings.
    Ambitions: To prove to himself that his clan was as noble as he remembers.

    Zanpacktou Spirit:

    Zanpacktou's Name: Kesshou Aijin (Crystal Mistress)
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: Appears as a scorpion with a large shining crystal where her sting should be, her personality is like that of a fan-girl (constantly screaming out it's wielder's name).

    Sealed Zanpacktou:

    Appearance: A standard katana with a crystal guard, shaped to cover the knuckles of the wielder like a rapier's basket.
    Element: Light

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:23 am

    Okay, Squee! Looking good!

    *Zanpacktou Approved, you may now participate in the Rumble Pit*

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:57 pm

    Huuum..Cappy-san, don't you think I can use my shikai since I'm 10th seat ??

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:14 pm

    Yes Indeed! *Edits Cantin's stuff* You can now use all your Shikai abilities ^_^

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 906
    BD-cash : 29702

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Princess-of-Ice Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:37 pm

    Appearance: tall, normal figure, brown hair, blue eyes, she wears black yukata with blue flowers and she has blue kerchief in her hair...
    History: she really doesn´t know
    Personality: friendly..she helps if she can....sometimes lazy/sometimes hyper XD
    Ambitions: be beneficial
    Anything Else: she is of ice, but she LOVES summer
    Zanpacktou Spirit:

    Zanpacktou's Name: SLEEPING BELLE
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description:


    Sealed Zanpacktou:



    Element: ice

    Release Command: WAKEN!!!!


    Permanent Abilities: 1

    Eng Name of Ability: CUTICLE OF ICE
    Effects of Ability: ice cuticle prottect from attack. It´s a thin ply on her body. If she´ll be hurt, ice will remedy her dolg.

    Main Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: DEATH CAB
    Effects of Ability: makes cab around enemies = they can´t move

    Eng Name of Ability: ICE ARROWS
    Effects of Ability: ice arrows nick enemy

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:01 am

    Okay, Izi! Looks good to go!

    *Zanpakuto Approved*

    Oh, and a sidenote to Mina!

    *Shikai Approved* :P
    1st Division
    1st Division

    Posts : 41
    BD-cash : 6740

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by duageyl Wed May 06, 2009 8:02 am


    Name: Yami Senshi
    Appearance: A Tall man with red eyes and red hair, both have a shining glow to them that he can't explain. His hair's spiked, and his skins slightly tanned. He's built like a fighter, yet a bit of the thin side. (A picture will be added when I get around to asking Fallen to make me one.)
    History: Doesn't remember anything about his past life. He does know he died young. He spent a few years in the bad zones growing up to be hooligan, before he got into a fight with a group of neighborhood bullies. They thought it'd be fun to pick on the kid no one cared about and so they attacked Yami, in broad daylight. Yami fought back, but 5 against 1 isn't exactly fair. A low level Shinigami saw the fight and broke it up, but not before Yami knocked out two of the kids. The Shinigami took Yami back with him to his family home and questioned the lad, only getting his name , Yami, out of him. With no name of his own the Shinigami took Yami in, adding Senshi as Yami's last name. Several months later the Shinigami died in a battle against a hollow, without ever telling Yami his name. He took the house as his own, and when he grew up he decided he'd give the Academy a go. He entered, and failed, 3 times before he finally passed on the 4th try. After that it took him several months before he finally got recruiter by 1st division.
    Personality: Basically nothing like me, ;p. I'm a really calm and mellow person while Yami is a bit closer to neutral. He doesn't like the idea of being a clown for anything other then light-hearted moods. He's more of a "straight to the point" kind of guy, with some humor to him but not much.
    Ambitions: None. Yes he's ambitionless.
    Anything Else: Like everyone I make he's a tea lover.

    Zanpacktou Spirit:

    Zanpacktou's Name: Shikkyaku Shouten (Falling Death)
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: Here's what he looks like
    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Skye
    This hawk has a mind of his own. He doesn't like being bossed around. With an attitude to match his age this feisty fellow gives Yami a hard time. Generally preferring to let Yami fail then help this guy is stubborn. Lately he's been warming up to Yami.

    Sealed Zanpacktou:

    Appearance: Here's what it looks like.
    Element: Dark hehe

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Fri May 08, 2009 5:19 am

    Okay duageyl! Good to go!

    *Zanpakuto Approved*

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu May 21, 2009 12:04 am

    In response to mina's edits:

    I edited the effects a little, they seemed slightly unfair, so you better read what I changed. But they're sorted, now. Apart from that, you need a description and/or an image of what your bankai actually IS. You describe the abilities, but not what it looks like. Either post it here or PM it to me so I can edit it. Once that's done, you're good to go!

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu May 21, 2009 1:48 am

    Okay, thanks for the images and description, Mina! I now hereby approve this Bankai!

    *Stamps 'approved' on it and does a massive thumbs up* XD
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1011
    BD-cash : 49144

    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Panda-chan Sun May 24, 2009 1:03 am

    Shinigami:Minami Hayashi
    Appearance:quite small person.Purple eyes whit dark blue border.shorter curly dark brown hair.wears plain shinigami uniform
    History:She don´t know lot of details of her history.Before she goes to Shinigami Academy she was looking for his little sister, but she didn´t found her.That is reason she goes at Shinigami Academy.
    Personality: Hyperactive, friendly,crazy,inteligent.When somebody hurt her or her friends she give back every pain ,which caused
    Ambitions: World peace
    Anything Else: PAndas LOver
    Zanpacktou Spirit:
    Zanpacktou's Name: Lonely star
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: Beautifull dangerous spirit , which looks like cat.


    Sealed Zanpacktou:

    Appearance: just originaly simple zanpacktou

    Release Command: Dance LOnely star
    Appearance: Katana bifurcates. And two pure katanas sets in. They have nice draw on their hilts.

    Permanent Abilities: 3
    Eng Name of Ability: Ears of earth
    Effects of Ability: Mina´s hearing improve ,so she can hear the enemys ,when they´re moving with high speed. Or when she wants to hear some secret/quiet conversation, which normal human ears don´t hear so she can use this ability.

    Eng Name of Ability: Waves of Sadness
    Effects of Ability: Sound waves which should everything changest to dust or at least should damage barriers.

    Eng Name of Ability: AnyWhere
    Jap Name of Ability: Dokoka
    Effects of Ability: Sounds clones. MIna can use clones everywhere, how many of them she wants and everytime to a maximum of 5 clones every 5 minutes. When the enemy hit the clone the injury appears at him but if he hurt clone mortally ,then the clone disapear.THe clones are as same as she.

    Main Abilities:3

    Eng Name of Ability: Dance of wild cat
    Effects of Ability: It´s defence Ability.If you want to dodge attack(sorts of some flying attack,or some series of thrusts).
    If attack/thrust move to your stomach ,aimed at making the opponent cringe so that they dodge the attack.So this ability is something like serie of moves:D which sound like rhythm of song.

    Eng Name of Ability: Deafness
    Effects of Ability: Sound shield/barrier ,which is formed around the person/persons.Shield should protect the person before attacks/thrusts.

    Eng Name of Ability: Scream
    Effects of Ability: High tone which should paralyse enemy (the tone cause pain your ears)

    Bankai :

    Zanpackuto's True Name: Kurushimi (Excruciation)
    Appearance:The cats ears and tale accrue to Mina.The clothes which she wears change colour and desing. The katanas get bigger and the cats heads appear at the hilts.

    Permanent Abilities:1

    Eng Name of Ability: Hypnotism
    Jap Name of Ability: Saimin
    Effects of Ability: When mina realise this she will be look like some people which he know or love or member of his family. She will have the some voice as the person , she will looks like.

    Main Abilities: 1
    Eng Name of Ability: Break your Bones
    Jap Name of Ability: Kosshi Kirema
    Effects of Ability: mina fires sounds waves which can change the oponnent´s bones to the dust if they do not defend themselves, So he can´t move whit his part of body it hits. This is verry painful, if the opponent is the weaker,then he might get paralysed.

    Posts : 606
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    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Mon May 25, 2009 12:23 am

    I've made a few edits to your abilties, which I want you to read, Mina, before using your Shikai/Bankai.

    Other than that, Zanpakuto Approved!
    10th Division
    10th Division

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    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Hinamori44 Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:56 pm

    Name of Shinigami: Cheng Li Momo
    Appearance: Tall, light-brown hair, blue eyes, quite normal body. She wears a plain shinigami uniform and tennis shoes. She doesn´t like plain shinigami footwear XD.
    History: The first moment she remebers is in Soul Society with her parents. As child she prefered to be alone, so she found her first friends in Shinigami Academy. Nothing else interesting about her history.
    Personality: She is friendly and kind. Sometimes too hyper as her friends know. She´s trying to be helpful as often as possible. But when she's got some own problems she hides it.
    Ambitions: Get better and better, with sword, as shinigami, as friend.
    Anything Else: She can't sing.

    Zanpacktou Spirit:
    Zanpacktou's Name: Secreto Cerrado /Locked Secret/
    Zanpacktou Spirit Description: Secreto is a beautiful air demon. It looks like the typical white chinese dragon with silver wings. For the first time Secreto appeared in front of Momo when she wanted to give up her study and leave Shinigami Academy.

    Sealed Zanpacktou:
    Element: Air

    Release Command: Spread Secreto!
    Permanent Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: Flying Miss
    Spanish Name of Ability: La Seòorita Volante
    Effects of Ability: Momo's body becomes lightly clear and she can move faster. This ablility helps her to hide or move silently when it's needed.

    Eng Name of Ability: Spreaded Wings
    Spanish Name of Ability: Las Alas Alargadas
    Effects of Ability: This evokes huge airwaves that restrict the opponent's movements or makes them move really slowly.

    Main Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: Sharp Wind
    Spanish Name of Ability: El Viento Punzante
    Effects of Ability: Makes lots of small blades which cut surroundings.

    Eng Name of Ability: Lethal Breeze
    Spanish Name of Ability: La Brisa Mortifera
    Effects of Ability: Concentrates CO2 to one place, what causes that enemy smothers.
    Zanpackuto's True Name: Caja De Pandora /Pandora´s Box/
    Appearance: Two thin silver short-swords with two glaring crystals.

    Permanent Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: Spreaded Wings
    Spanish Name of Ability: Las Alas Alargadas
    Effects of Ability: This evokes huge airwaves that restrict the opponent's movements or makes them move really slowly.

    Eng Name of Ability: Flying Lady
    Spanish Name of Ability: La Seòorita Volante
    Effects of Ability: Momo's body becomes lightly clear and she can move faster. This ablility helps her to hide or move silently when it's needed.

    Main Abilities: 2

    Eng Name of Ability: Eagle Freedom
    Spanish Name of Ability: La Libertad del Águila
    Effects of Ability: This ability evokes two massive floods of air coming out from Momo's blades following her opponent. Momo controls the floods with her swords and can change their length at need.

    Eng Name of Ability: Invisible Rings
    Spanish Name of Ability: Los Anillos Invisibles
    Effects of Ability: Thousands of thin circles made of the air quickly rotating around Momo's body can be used as a great protecting shield. It can also absord a coming attack or at least a part of that.


    Posts : 606
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    Zanpacktou/Character Registration Empty Re: Zanpacktou/Character Registration

    Post by Fallen_Angel Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:32 am

    Change your final Bankai ability a little but apart from that...

    Zanpakuto Approved!

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