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    5th Division Character Registration

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:37 am

    Character Registration

    Register your Character here

    This is not a place for chat or spam.
    This is a place for Character Registration only.

    You must be a member of the 5th Division to register your character here.

    Please fill in the following form in your post:

    Character Name:
    Years in academy:

    Apperance:( pic requiered as well as written )
    Role Play sample: (1 paragraph)

    Hiro or myself will then review your registration form and will respond.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:16 pm

    Well, I'll start the ball rolling, shall I?

    Username: Squee Bly
    Character Name: Aihara Kanezane
    Age: 197
    DOB: N/A
    DOD: N/A
    Years in academy: Six years.

    Apperance: Tall and slim, with shoulder-length blond hair. He wears a short-sleeved shinigami uniform, with his VC badge on his left wrist. He has a small scar on his right cheek, and he wears a pair of reading glasses.

    This picture is of Kanezane during his Academy years:

    Personality: Troubled by his past, he has grown introvert and reflective. Upon joining Gotei 13, he has tried to rid himself of the ties to his past. He frequently struggles with this, and so he sometimes appears to be heavily depressed, with violent mood-swings. Yet he tries to remain optimistic, and since his promotion to Fuku-Taichou, his mood-swings have lessened. This may be because his goal was to prove that his family were as noble as he remembers, and surely a Aihara clan member reaching VC proves this.

    Family: Deceased. Kanezane is the last living soul from the Aihara clan, a family of lower nobility that called themselves Knights that were sworn to protect the western Rukongai districts and their inhabitants. After a riot broke out in Rukongai, all but one of the family were wiped out by the ones they were working to protect.

    History: He joined the Shinigami Academy after being found at the Clan Hall by Sousuke Yaminami, a Captain of the Gotei 13. He spent five years in the Academy, then joined the 5th Division and quickly moved up the ranks to 4th seat. After an internal argument broke out in the 5th, he moved to the 1st Division, grew as a Shinigami, then moved back to the 5th as it's Fuku-Taichou after the conflict had been averted.

    Role Play sample:

    *Tiptoeing past the sleeping guard in the gatehouse, Aihara silently unsheathed his Zanpakuto and rapped on the great door. The peephole slid open, and a voice whispered through:*
    "What do you want?"
    *Thrusting Kesshou Aijin through the peephole, Aihara heard the man scream, followed by a confused scrambling from the gatehouse behind him. Twisting his blade free of the first guard, he turned to watch the barely-awake guard stumbling from the doorway of his post. Smiling as he held he blade before him, Aihara whispered:*
    "Furekkusu, Kesshou Aijin!"

    Last edited by Squee Bly on Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
    11th Division
    11th Division

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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by hiro Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:46 am

    Ok a very good example to all Members to refer to ^ ^ ACCEPTED
    11th Division
    11th Division

    Rank : Forever 5th captain
    Posts : 336
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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by hiro Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:30 am

    Username: Hiro
    Character Name: Sousuke Yaminami
    Years in academy:7

    Apperance: Without the wings, Slim build, honey gold eyes, always in his haori.

    Personality: A calm and gental person over all, likes walking, talking to subordernates and drinking tea but slips on sake becoming loud and rash.
    All in all a "nice guy" who cares for his division and will put his neck on the line for his subordernates.

    Family: To manys dismay, none to which he can remember only that he spent a long time just roming around the rukongai.

    History: As above Sousuke spent some much of his time aimlesly wandering the rukongai in search of something that he is still looking for but totally unsure of what it is. He spent a long time in the wilderness of the south rukongai forests playing with sticks like swords and running from the people he stole food from. As such he learned to shunpo at a young age to avoid the many beatings he endured before. His skill with varying lengths of sticks grew but not to any great feet untill he found his way into the shinigami acdemy. He was spotted by a shinigami walking through a trouble hot spot in the rukongai, the shinigami saw Sousuke's ablity to use shunpo and quickly approched him offering to take him to the acdemy to make a name for him self and to save him from the wrong crowd.

    Role Play sample:



    "What are you going to do? I mean when we get into the gotei 13? Is there a division you want to join the most?"

    "hmmm. . . . I. . . . "

    *Sousuke turned to yukiko and smiled*

    "you know I have not got the foggyest Yuyu-chan"

    *She smiled back*

    "your such a dummy you know that right, you wouldnt make it past 20th seat haha"

    *Sousuke chuckled*

    "you wanna' bet on that"

    "sure, what is your wager?"

    "how about If. .If I get to 10th seat you will have to do all my laundry for me untill I decide you can stop"


    "deal". . . . . . . .

    Last edited by hiro on Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:01 am

    Nicely done, Taichou. Your character is:


    Posts : 94
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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Pyro Sun May 03, 2009 9:48 am

    Character Name:Okibi
    DOB:June 4, 1865
    DOD:October 6, 1885
    Years in academy:3.5

    Appearance:Okibi is of average height, but muscular build. Has a kimono top with no sleeves, revealing his dragon tattoo that ranges up his arm, and a fire tattoo on his right wrist. Black slender hair, and a goatee too boot.

    Personality:Easy-Going Individual and fun, but is serious when need be. When he's serious nothing but destruction wakes from his path.

    Family:His entire family was killed in a house fire that was determined as an act of arson against him while he was living. He has obtained no family in the Soul Society.

    History: Okibi's unfortunate run with an arsonist left him with a forever thirst for vengeance. While he was wondering in the world of the living with his soul chain still attached, he watched his family's killer get killed by a bullet to the head by an officer of the force. When his killer died, he watched his soul day after day, as no one was there to send his soul to the soul society. In his complete evil nature, Okibi's killer was turned into a hollow, of which was the time a Shinigami came to perform the soul burial on Okibi. Once the hollow came into existence, it retreated to hueco mundo, mentioning the necessity to become powerful. Once arrived in the soul society, he found himself with a strength above any other average soul in the Rukongai. The shinigami who performed the soul burial on Okibi, sensed his Reiatsu while in the Seiretei. Curious as to the familiarity of the now strong reiatsu, they performed a search for Okibi. Once found, Okibi was asked if he would like to become a shinigami through training. His first and instantaneous reply was no. As the shinigami knew of his death, he replied to Okibi that he knew of Okibi's Family's death and understands his thirst for vengeance. A spark of interest formed in Okibi's eyes as the shinigami also stated that in this recruitment, they would promise the ability for Okibi to gain a power so unique and powerful, powerful enough to slay the now present adjuchar that killed his family. The shinigami stated that if he were not to join in the fight with the shinigami, he would never have a chance to quench his thirst for revenge. Okibi told this shinigami that he needed no further influence, that he would agree to proceed with training. As Okibi stated this, the shinigami told him to train hard, because the killer was showing rapid progression to becoming one of the most powerful Vasto Lordes in all of Hueco Mundo, or so stated the Buearu of Technology. A blood thirsty smile proceeded on his face as he walked into the seiretei for the first time, and now he stands in the 5th Divisions Recruitment Offices, Knowing he's one step closer to quenching his thirst.

    Role Play sample: (This sample is in chance that Okibi Achieved Bankai recently)
    *Okibi walks in his gigai into a restaurant, noticing a strange reiatsu appearing nearby. In this instant, he walks back out of the restaurant following the origin of the reiatsu that he sensed.*

    "Okibi to Hiro-Taicho, I've sensed a strange reiatsu and am requesting permission to investigate"

    *Upon confirmed permission to investigate, he releases his soul from his gigai, and shunpos his way to the origin. As he gets closer, he notices that the spiritual pressure increases. Not much longer later he arrives at the area to notice that the spiritual pressure has completely vanished with nothing to be seen*

    *After much investigation and searching for the signature of the reiatsu, he deems it nothing but a flux.*

    "Okibi to Hiro-Taicho, Investigation complete of strange reiatsu to find that the being has evidently disa-"

    *At that moment, an explosion occurs at approximately 23 feet from okibi's position with the strange reiatsu 10 times stronger than was before. After the dust clears, a form is able to be seen within the smoke, and Okibi notices that it is his family's killer, now an Arrancar*

    "Okibi to Hiro-Taicho, Investigation confirms a being. Details Unknown. Request 1 full day relief, for this is matter of which needs to be taken care of myself."

    *Upon granted permission, Okibi pulls out his zanpakuto, holds it in front of his face, pointing straight at his life long enemy, squints his eyes, smiling almost evily, as his blood pressure rises, and he becomes overly excited. Laughing aloud, he screams out*

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Mon May 04, 2009 5:05 am

    Pyro, your application is:

    cool beans
    cool beans
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2552
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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by cool beans Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:13 pm

    Username: cool beans
    Character Name: Hanzo Mifune
    Age: 155
    DOB: may 20th 1854
    DOD: october 13th 1877
    Years in academy: 5

    Apperance:looks to be in his mid 20's, shoulder length light grey hair, brown eyes, average height and build, normally chews a reed in his mouth
    Personality: a calm and serious indivual, despises those that prey on the weak
    Family: Hanzo has no family ties
    History: In life he was a well trained bodyguard, however his career was cut short by a surprise attack by a huge snake like hollow one evening when visiting his parents graves. Luckily his soul was saved by a shinigami unfortuantly the hollow who claimed his life escaped. The shinigami who sent him to soul society told him that the soul society was a peaceful place where he would be safe. When he arrived in soul society he found himself without a purpose and simply travelled through the rukongai, until he happened upon a large group of bandits raiding a settlement on the edge of the rukongai.
    Upon seeing this Hanzo believed that the shinigami had saved his soul had lied to him about soul society being a safe place and he vowed he would make soul society the peaceful safe place it should be. After many years the name "100 swords Hanzo Mifune" became quite a famed name throughout the rukongai and eventually the gotei 13 as he had become a protector of the weak and deflenceless and took his fallen foes blades and carried them in a bag on his back, an ancient tradition of his family. He was eventually approached by the 5th divison captain Sousuke Yaminami who convinced him to join the shinigami acadmeny to harness his latent shinigami powers and eventually join the 5th squad of the gotei 13.

    Role Play sample:
    *Hanzo is sitting on a tree stump in the woods polishing his own sword,his bag of swords lying a few feet away when a group of armed thugs approaches him
    "hey your 100 swords hanzo mifune arent you?" the head thug shouts as he points his sword at hanzo, the blade is a few inches away from hanzo's face, he doesnt even flinch. "we've come to take your trophies"
    Hanzo places a reed in his mouth and slowly looks up at them, "these swords" he sighs "are not trophies, they are a burden, i must carry them all to redeem my soul for each life i have taken" The rest of the armed thugs ready their swords,suddenly in the blink of an eye Hanzo appears next to his bag,"looks like the bag is going to get even heavier after this" he says as he puts the bag on his back and prepares himself for the oncoming wave of enemies.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:24 pm

    cool beans, your application is:

    Marcus Cole
    5th Division
    5th Division

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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Marcus Cole Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:58 am

    Username: Marcus Cole
    Character Name: Maakasu Kooru
    Age: 99, looks more like 29
    DOB: N/A
    DOD: N/A
    Years in academy: Seven years.

    Appearance: Tall and slightly heavy build, with long dark brown hair. He wears a long-sleeved shinigami uniform, with his fifth division badge on his right arm.

    This picture is of Kooru during his Academy years:

    Personality: Honor, Sacrifice, Duty. Three words that he lives by. Determined mind set for the job at hand. He is also passionate and caring.

    Family: Killed in an earthquake, brother was only living survivor. He inherited the family house at the age of 10, what was left of it. Found himself adopted into many foster homes around the fallen house.

    History: Joined the army, when he was 17, old enough to leave his brother (12) in the capable hands of his foster mother. The army made Maakasu a man of responsibility, looking after a squad. Commanding the unit gave him purpose, and focus. On one routine mission however a homemade bomb was waiting for him as he entered a building in enemy territory, killing him instantly.
    From that point on he knew he was not going to see his brother again. He woke on a grassy field in the rokongai. A chance meeting with a shinigami named Aihara Kanezane led him to joining the academy. Aihara had told him that on that fateful day out walking, he had never met anyone with such a warrior’s spirit as his.

    Role Play sample:

    *Entered a great hall, lined with many weapons on both sides. He walked towards the middle. Bowed to his opponent who was waiting for him*
    "May your knife chip and shatter”
    *With a short sword held in his right hand, Maakasu started circling his opponent. Lashed out with the knife.*
    “You have to be quicker than that” Master Azumi commented slyly
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 386
    BD-cash : 49501

    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Ai-sama Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:08 am

    Marcus Cole, your character registration is:

    8th Division
    8th Division

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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by G-Dragon Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:08 pm

    Username: G-Dragon
    Character Name: Kevin
    Age: 25
    DOB: N/A
    DOD: N/A
    Years in academy: 5 years.


    Personality: Cool, calm, friendly and likes to solve problems by providing a solution to it. He tries to avoid fights and tries to talk out of it.

    Family: Had an older brother but died in his early age.

    History: Was born in a corrupted society and lived in poverty as he stuggles to survive. His older brother, who took care of him later is killed and he was left in the world with no love. He continued to live on by making friends with animals and later began pursuing a dream of meeting back his parents, but he dies of starvation before being able to do so.

    Role Play sample: (1 paragraph)
    ~Kevin sensed a sudden burst of reiatsu and was summoned to an ancient temple, where he finds a man sitting before him, he asks~
    "Hello there, my name is Kevin, would you care for a spar?"
    ~Kevin rests his hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto and prepares to draw~
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    5th Division Character Registration Empty Re: 5th Division Character Registration

    Post by Haji Yukimura Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:16 am

    G-Dragon wrote:Username: G-Dragon
    Character Name: Kevin
    Age: 25
    DOB: N/A
    DOD: N/A
    Years in academy: 5 years.


    Personality: Cool, calm, friendly and likes to solve problems by providing a solution to it. He tries to avoid fights and tries to talk out of it.

    Family: Had an older brother but died in his early age.

    History: Was born in a corrupted society and lived in poverty as he stuggles to survive. His older brother, who took care of him later is killed and he was left in the world with no love. He continued to live on by making friends with animals and later began pursuing a dream of meeting back his parents, but he dies of starvation before being able to do so.

    Role Play sample: (1 paragraph)
    ~Kevin sensed a sudden burst of reiatsu and was summoned to an ancient temple, where he finds a man sitting before him, he asks~
    "Hello there, my name is Kevin, would you care for a spar?"
    ~Kevin rests his hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto and prepares to draw~


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