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    Character/Zanpakuto Registration


    Character/Zanpakuto Registration Empty Character/Zanpakuto Registration

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:41 am

    Character/Zanpakuto Registration 8thDivision
    Welcome to the 8th Division Zanpakuto and Character Registration
    All 8th Division Members are to register their Characters and Zanpakuto here

    Character/Zanpakuto Registration Th_Houkiboshi8NCEDBLEACH

    here is an example of a format you can use for your characters and swords you dont have to use it but it may help you


    Name: (your characters name)

    Age at Death: (how old were you when you died?)
    Currant Age: (how old are you now?)

    Rank: [8th Division] ??? (we can edit this for you as it changes)

    Physical Appearance: (what dose your character look like!)

    Personality (what is your character like?)

    Zanpakuto appearance: (what dose your sword look like? how long ect...)

    Biography: (tell us more about your character! how did he/she grow up, what kinda hard ships, what was school like, ect ect...)


    Zanpaktou Name: (if you no its name IE your seated what is it?)
    Zanpaktou Type: (what type is it? water, ice, fire earth bla bla bla!!!)

    Zanpaktou Sprit: what dose your sprit look like?
    Zanpaktou Personality: what is your sprit like?

    Inner World: wanna tell us about your inner world?
    Shikai Release Name: how do you activate your shikai?
    Shikai Release Phrase: is there a phrase that goes along with the release name?

    Shikai Release Form: now that you've released what dose your sword look like?

    Shikai Ability 1: Seated and up

    Shikai Ability 2: Seated and up

    Shikai Ability 3: 16th Seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 4: 16th Seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 5: 9th seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 6: 9th seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 7: 3rd Seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 8: 3rd Seat and up only may have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 9: Captain and Vice captain may only have this many attacks

    Shikai Ability 10: Captain and Vice captain may only have this many attacks

    5th seat and up only
    Bankai Release Phrase: what do you say to activate bankai?

    Bankai Release Form: well now that you have released again what dose your sword look like?

    Bankai Ability 1:

    Bankai Ability 2:

    Bankai Ability 3:

    Bankai Ability 4:

    Bankai Ability 5:

    Captain and vice captain may if they chose have more

    Posts : 45
    BD-cash : 6856

    Character/Zanpakuto Registration Empty Re: Character/Zanpakuto Registration

    Post by ranmataro Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:30 am

    Name: Ranmataro

    Age at Death: 5
    Currant Age: 19

    Division: [8th Division] Vice Captain

    Physical Appearance:
    Ranma is 5’ 6” tall she’s scrawny, and quite boney, she measures 34” 32” 36” and is about 120lbs Ran-Chan has long dark brown hair, which always just hangs with a messy air blown look. Ranma frequently, and impulsively dyes her hair different colors. Ranma has pale, never seen the sun skin, and beautiful shimmering hazel eyes that change colors with her moods, and are always the first things people notice about her, well after they notice her white ears, and fluffy white tail.
    As a child Ranma was timid, and withdrawn. Since she ran away form home Ranma has grown up, while still mildly timid, especially around people who are angry or upset. Ranma has become more optimistic, and sweet, she tends to be more outgoing and bubbly, now that she has constant feelings of safety and security. Ranma always tries to avoid trouble at all cost, and always tries her best at whatever she’s doing, Ranma is also not big on fighting, she prefers to stay far, FAR away from confrontations, she would rather just nod, agree, and do as she is told. But Ranma dose enjoy a good spar occasionally agents a friend

    Ranmataro died in real world at age 5. She Was brought to the 1st distract of Rukongi, Junrinan, Where she was taken in by, and taken care of by her foster mother Youbo and her foster father Jibo.
    Youbo was an emotionally abusive woman, she was gossip, both greedy and selfish, and pompous, and proud, to her the sun rose only for her, the word “no” did not exist under her roof, only yes ma’am. She was the kind of women who would beat little a child to silence their tears, and expected thanks.
    Jibo was a kind caring man, he was wise and gentle, he obviously saw something in Youbo since he married her and has stayed by her side for many years. The children of the area loved him; he was the kind heart behind his icy wife.
    Because of the oppressive nature of her foster mother Ran-Chan became quiet and reserved, she showed little emotion at home, and spent all of her free time avoiding her foster family. When Ranma was home she was usually being criticized over everything, especially her appearance, and withdrawn attitude. Ranma would seek shelter and advice from kindly strangers that would pass threw town.
    When of age, Ran-Chan took off in the dead of night without a word to anyone, leaving all of her passions behind, not that she had many… and entered the Shinagami Academy. Where she graduated 525th out of 900 students, doing well in Kido and Hand to hand combat, while in the academy Ranma was able to open up and express herself without fear of being punished.

    Zanpaktou Appearance: The hilt is dark sea blue and the blade is pure white. 45 inches long.


    Zanpaktou Type: Water/Ice Type
    Zanpaktou Sprit: a great white shark with a scar over his left eye and a grin that looks like Zaraki’s
    Zanpaktou Personality: fierce and battle crazy, like to pick on Ranma
    Zanpaktou Name: Amatsu Umi (heavenly sea)

    Inner World: my inner word were my sword lives is a small island about 20X20 miles wide and is completely surrounded by water as far as you can see, My inner world is under eternal night fall with the Full Moon always shining bright in the sky.
    Shikai Release Name: kuikorosu (Devour)
    Shikai Release Phrase: umidasu sono moujuu yajuu za umi (come forth carnivore beast of the sea)

    Shikai Release Form: The sword Changes from one Sword into two Kamas with Sea Blue grips and Sea Blue Striping, the Blades curved and extremely sharp


    Shikai Ability 1: water Stream Attack (Mizu kasui)
    -a stream of water surrounds Ranma (its not a shield) Ranma can control the stream as one stream or as two, using her arms to guide the streams they become more tentacle like, Ranma can use them as whips, grab opponents with them, or slam the whole stream down on her opponents
    note: when contact is made with the water which is at subzero temperatures the part of your body begins to freeze
    (Ice will melt/break of slowly over 3 opponents post, if they don’t break/melt it off themselves)


    Shikai Ability 2: feeding frenzy (sesshoku kyoubou)
    -Twenty small to medium sized sharks appear all white with back zebra stripes circling round opponents creating confusion, these sharks will also leave the circles one at a time randomly and bite at opponent

    to clear up the sharks some more, they are made of 50%My Reatsu and 50% Sprit Particles drawn form the surrounding area, they swim threw the air, and are stronger when they are exposed to, or submerged in water.


    Bankai Release Phrase: Bankai

    Bankai Release Form: the handle shrinks and there’s a curved blade on each end


    Bankai Ability 1: Guppy Kisses
    it’s a healing or poison move. Ranma holds her right hand to her mouth and blows off her hand, much like she is blowing a kiss. 4 small guppies come swimming off her fingertips surrounded by bubbles, the guppies are about the size of gold fish, and if you some how manage to hit them in an attack they will pop sending poison in the air.

    The guppies if it’s an attack will make there was into the body or at least get near the opponents nose or mouth and then the guppies and bubbles will pop sending a strong poison into the air. The guppies can be used again after they poison someone to heal the poison.

    The guppies if it is a healing move will swim into the injury and meld with the body becoming apart of there patient and fixing the wound. And for wounds like poison in the blood, they will swim threw the blood stream taking in, and feeding on the poison.

    Bankai Ability 2: Water Bending
    Water bending or Water Manipulation involve moving and shaping a body of water to the user's desire. Ranma can move water as she wishes.

    Some examples involve parting the water of a lake or sea, allowing them to walk along the bottom without getting wet.

    Snow and ice manipulation: snow and ice being forms of water allows for it to be used just like water.

    "Drawing out the Water" it is a difficult move that draws water from a source like ground, sand, and plants around the user, it has nasty consequents to what its drawn from including dehydration, it instantly kills the plants that the water is drawn from.

    Some examples of attacks Ranma can create are…
    ~Whips: the simplest of the attacks to create it involves creating a lashing stream of water at an opponent.
    ~Waves: user takes control of a large mass of water without separating it from its original source, and pushes the water like a wave at the opponent. This can be used to sweep opponents away or even as a form of travel, with he user surfing on the wave.
    ~Ice Shields: water being easy to mold, the user can create a simple shield made of ice.
    ~Ice Spikes: the water can be compressed and frozen into spikes and can shoot the small shards of ice at their opponent
    ~Ice Discs: the user can create a Frisbee like disc of ice and throw it slicing threw objects

    Bankai weakness: the users powers are highly influenced by the moon, when the moon is full the user is at full strength and even receives a boost in power,

    But during a lunar eclipse when the moon is hidden Ranma loses all water bending abilities, also if someone is able to sever Ran's connection with the moon, simulating a lunar eclipse, Ranma will once again lose her abilities over water

    Last edited by ranmataro on Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Character/Zanpakuto Registration Empty Re: Character/Zanpakuto Registration

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:58 am

    Name: Ren Ren-Chan

    Age at Death: 20
    Currant Age: 27
    Rank: [8th Division] Taicho/Queen of Cruznic Vampire Family

    Physical Appearance: Ren is about 5”8 and about 130pds. She is really curvy and sexy. Her hair color is blond and short as she keeps it well trimmed. Her Eyes color is a very deep blue sea color until she turns then they become bloody red. When she smiles you can notice her fangs, when she is ready to feed they grow out longer.


    Personality: Ren Ren has a really flirty personality around every one. She is not timid or shy. Tends to always be really friendly and sweet around humans until its feeding time. She is really over protective to her self and friends. Goes on rampages when she is very hungry. When she goes on rampage she is tends to be very destructive and does not care about others.

    Biography: As a child when was completely human. She grew up with loving foster parents that cared for her lot in the 10th of Rukongi. While growing up she was a really sweet and fund kid to always be around with. Very playful with kids and respected others as well. As she grew older she wanted to be part of the Shinigami.
    Once day visiting her parents from the Academy Ren Ren encountered a Vampire that attacker and transformed her because he licked her. At the age 20 Ren died as a human and became a vampire. She tried to hide it from others very carefully as she did not want people to be afraid from her. She continued to in the Academy learning Kidou and her specialty hand-to-hand combat. She graduated 300th of 600 students. While in the academy Ren would have to go out side to feed for no one to know. One day she accidently went on a rampage due to being so hungry and got really destructive, as she snapped back every one had notice she was a vampire. She quickly ran away to her room and her friends followed and helped her get threw it. From that day on every one knew she was a vampire and they accepted her.

    Zanpaktou appearance: Ren sword is black and gold. With a black and silver blade that measures 40” long

    Zanpaktou Name: Kigi Kyuuketsuki

    Zanpaktou Type: Gold and Vampire

    Zanpaktou Sprit: A young sexy male Vampire whose eyes are as red as blood.
    Zanpaktou Personality: very blood hungry. He likes to flirt with Ren a lot.

    Inner World: A very dark place where my sword lives. Always dark and the Moon Shines like the sun does. He has a very gothic basement home where he seems to pass all his time relaxing until he is needed.

    Shikai Release Name: dekitate chishio (fresh blood)
    Shikai Release Phrase: sougishiki, goshujin ji ejiki ueito (awaken, your next victim awaits)

    Shikai Release Form: Sword becomes a shining gold.

    Shikai Ability 1: After being released, the sword begins to shed layers of golden dust. If this dust enters an enemies system, via any cause, from being cut into, or inhaling the dust, then the enemy will begin to experience an illusion of their greatest fear. All the while, the golden dust in their system will drain their reiatsu. After awhile, the user of the sword can then call 'Steal Life', which will then cause the golden dust to exit the enemy’s body. The user can then absorb the dust, and gain their enemies lost reiatsu, increasing their power. The illusion of fear stops when the golden dust exits their body.

    Shikai Ability 2: ability of the sword is that it, instead of the user absorbing the stolen reiatsu, the sword can instead manipulate the stolen reiatsu for any need, from barriers, to attacks.

    Bankai Release Phrase: Oni Kyousei Kigi Kyuuketsuki

    Bankai Release Form: In Bankai, the sword becomes nothing but gold dust, which hovers around the user. She still holds the Shikai in hand while the sword turns in to dust.
    Gold dust looks like this

    Bankai Ability 1: The Bankai form allows the user to infect their enemies much easier. But, it also causes additional negative effects on the enemy. Including the fear ability.

    Bankai Ability 2: While infected, an enemy cannot move, they are locked in the illusion of dying extremely painful deaths over and over and over ect.

    Bankai Ability 3: While infected, each blow the wielder lands on his/her enemy will cause a bleeding wound, therefore it makes being able to extract blood easier

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 105
    BD-cash : 6840

    Character/Zanpakuto Registration Empty Re: Character/Zanpakuto Registration

    Post by ChickenBoy Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:16 am

    Name: Raidyn

    Age at Death: 14
    Currant Age: 16

    Rank: [8th Division] 4th seat

    Physical Appearance: Raidyn has blonde hair and blue eyes, he is 6ft 4" with an average muscular build.

    Personality: Friendly, sometimes stubborn, sensible mostly, calculating and like to lead

    Zanpakuto appearance: It is a slightly bigger than usual katana with a black blade. It's gaurd and handle are both blood red, with a black ribbon attachment.

    Biography: Raidyn grew up in a fairly poor family, this inspired him to work harder and reach top of his class, he was not the most popular person in school and got bullied alot, but somehow always found a way to fight back. He was kind to almost everyone right up until his jealous classmates stabbed him to his death.


    Zanpaktou Name: Kumori Hinote [ Shadow Flames ]
    Zanpaktou Type: Darkness & Fire

    Zanpaktou Sprit: The spirit is a dissembodied black hooded robe with red flames coming out of the right sleeve and black flames coming out of the left.

    Zanpaktou Personality: Arrogent, mysterious and does not care for others

    Inner World: My inner world is a forests with nothing but dead trees, the sun never shines and the sky is grey.
    Shikai Release Phrase: kashou arankagiri motte kuroi kaen, Kumori Hinote!! [burn all in a black blaze, Shadow Flames!!]

    Shikai Release Form: The blade is now longer and thicker the guard is no longer that of a normal kantana's but it has taken the form of upside down demon horns, everything is the same colour, but there is another ribbon, this one is blood red.

    Shikai Ability 1: tanima honoo [ valley of fire ]
    This attack requires the wielder to stand motionless for 1min 30secs while this attack charges this attack creates 2 walls of fire that make the shape of a valle [ like this \ / ]

    Shikai Ability 2: Kuroi Hinote [ black flames ]This attack is a more simple one, it fires black flames out of the sword at will. the longer you hold in the flames, the more powerful they will be, more reiatsu will be taken

    Bankai Release Phrase: Tenma Kumori Hinote [ Demonic Black Flames ]

    Bankai Release Form: The sword now splits into 2 they are both the size of the zanpaktou's sealed state but much more powerful. They both take on the appearence of shikai

    Bankai Ability 1: Both shikai abilities are avalible

    Bankai Ability 2: watatsumi kumori hinote [ sea of black flames ] This attack absorbs everything within a metre radius [exept a person or zanpaktou] and changes its structure to black flames, not only does it change its structure but also quadruples [4x] its mass making it a "sea of black flames"

    Bankai Ability 3: kuro hyoumei [ dark manifestation ] This allows the wielder of the blade to change the form of his/her reiatsu/flames into the shape of an object I.E. a sword and increase its density/mass to there desire

    Thats it

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