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    Temple of the Dragonoid


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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:49 pm

    *He grins at the wink*

    "No...we where no one can...hear us....oh come here you"

    *He pulls her into him, arms wrapped around her in the open doorway. He kisses her deeply as he half carries her into the room as he shuts the door behind them with one of his massive wings.*
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:01 pm

    "mmm I like this... bye bye other room... I will miss you... see you later"

    *she waves at the other room as the door starts to close*

    "I hope that Im not... holding you from anything important... "

    *she pulls his lips to hers as the door shuts*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:04 pm

    *X grins*

    "I'd like to hold myself to something important"

    *As he said that, he pulls her tight into him and wraps them in his wings again.*

    *he whispers quietly into her ear* "Shall we get more...comfortable?"
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:11 pm

    *she kisses his lips*

    "by all means... lets get more comfortable..."

    *she takes her nails lightly down his neck and down his chest*

    "how comfortable are we getting?"

    *she looks at him with evil curiosity*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:21 pm

    *X grins evily at his Queen as he gets close and whispers in her ear.*

    "How about i show you?"

    *He kisses her deeply, his hands exploring her back as he walks them over to the center of the room where he makes them both collapse on a large bed in the center of the room, still wrapped in his wings. Jenny on top of him, he holds her tight, kissing.*

    "Comfortable, sweetheart?"
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:32 pm

    "Nice to know you have a bed here... that comes in handy ... very comfortable"

    *she kisses his neck, lightly nipping it with her fangs*

    "Don't worry, I have control of these... I have to admit, the wings are a nice addition... they are enjoyable... "

    *she grins at him, leaning down to kiss him again*

    "perhaps... this is where we keep it under lock & key?"

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:58 pm

    *X grinned*

    "Yes, my queen....come to your king."

    *X pressed his lips tight against hers, wrapping his arms tight around her, rubbing her back. He adjusts his wings so that they are both hidden behind them...unseen from the world.*
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:21 am

    Hours... or Maybe Days... Later...

    *Jenny wakes up in her Kings arms*

    "We can do that all the time... if you like..."

    *she reaches over to the side, putting her haori on over her and getting up, still looking at him as she walks around*

    "I love you... I love you more than anything in the world... I adore you more than anything Ive ever had... I need you more than I need air"

    *she goes to the other side of him and kisses him on the lips, letting her lips stay at his for a moment and then looking him in the eyes*

    "I'm yours."

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:18 am

    *X rolled onto his back on the bed, his wings long sence dissapeared. He stares up at his Queen, his beloved, and returns her kiss pasionatly, smiling up at her*

    Oh yeah?

    *He reaches up and wraps his arms around her, and rolls on his side, flipping Jenny onto the bed next to him and he olds her tight*

    "How about we just lie here....alone..."

    *He gives a sly smile as he gives her a peck on the cheek.*

    "Stay here....and be my christmas angel..."
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:58 am

    *she giggles as she is pulled over again*

    "I just got out of this bed, and now youre bringing me back in"

    *she puts her hand on his cheek*

    "Being with you... is the most amazing thing I could ask for... its all I want... youre all I need... and I dont care about anything else"

    *she puts her hands in his hair and pushes her body to his as she kisses him*

    "... there is no place Id rather be right now... than in your arms... at this moment... and always...

    laying here alone sounds good... but... what do you want from your Christmas angel?"

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:16 am

    *X wraps his arms around his love, pulling her tight as possible against him. His lips meet hers and kisses her passionatly....some tounge involved. He pulls aways after a few minutes and smiles*

    "What do i want from my angel?"

    *X's tail slithers from behind him and wraps aroun both of them twice, enwining the two lovers together tightly. He grins at his queen*

    "Hw about if my angel just stayes here...close to me....where i can hold her....and love her forever."
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:55 am

    *she sighs*

    "Youre going to make me pass out from all of this... passion"

    *Jenny is startled for a moment, until she realizes whats happening*

    "Oh... well, this doesnt bother me at all... is your tail holding me hostage now?"

    *she grins back at him, kissing his chin*

    "If thats what my king wants, then thats what he will get... far be it for me to question his desires"

    *she curls up in his arms, keeping herself tight against him*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:59 am

    *X chuckles as he wraps his arms tight around his love, kissing her forhead lightly.*

    "I do more thing...for my queen...."

    *He pushes away just slightly so he could look into her eyes and he smiled.*

    "I remember the other day....when Dark came here...I relized there was something missing...something...i should have done before...but now i can't think of any other time to do this...."

    *X's tail, still wrapped around them, moved slightly so that the end slithered in between them, just in front of Jenny's face. On the end of it...was this....*

    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:02 pm


    *she stares in amazement*

    "Its silver... and its... shiney... is it for me?"

    *she looks at the ring, gazing at it shining in her eyes*

    "Its so pretty... "

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:08 pm

    *X looks in her eyes....serious yet loving.*


    *Keeping the ring in front of her, he kisses her lightly on the lips, staring into her eyes*

    "I realized...I call you my queen....but i have yet to make you that....mine. I love you o much...words cannot decribe how much you mean to me....just how far...i would be willing to go for you...I love you so much."

    *He held her tight to him, kssing her face in front of his.*

    "Jenny.....with this ring....will you wife?"
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:19 pm

    *she takes notice of his sudden seriousness and it sends a chill down her spine... she hears him say her name and feels his lips on hers, and it automatically calms her and makes her heart beat faster*

    "I love you too... I wish I could find different words to express it... but they just dont come out..."

    *she lets the kiss that makes her weak happen again, letting him keep her in his grasp... as the words begin to fill her mind... making her dizzy*

    "Theres... nothing in the world, that I want more than to be yours... I want to be yours forever... I want to be beside you for our lives... and beyond that, for eternity.... I am yours"

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:28 pm

    *X smiels at his love....his queen....his*

    "I want you...all for myself...i wont let anyone ever take you from me....not again...I dont want to lose you...and i will fight for you know i will."

    *He pulls her tight to him*

    "I love you....i couldn't stand life without you..."

    *He moes his tail over to her left hand and touches the tip to her ring finger where he lets it slide off and onto her finger.*
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:50 pm

    *she kisses his cheek*

    "You dont ever... EVER have to worry about someone taking me away from you... Ever... I wouldnt ever leave you... I will always belong to you, for the rest of my existence... youre the only one who will own me and have my heart.. and I know youll fight for me... but you shouldnt have to... I am yours."

    *she puts her hands to his face*

    "I couldnt live without you either... I wouldnt want to live without you... I dont want to have to sustain life if youre not there..."

    *she feels the ring on her finger, and lets it twirl down her finger... feeling it gives her a sigh of relief and a new feeling in her heart... feeling the cold metal against her flesh*

    "This is all I need... knowing that you want me... and that I am yours... for an eternity."

    *she puts her heart into his chest... hearing his heart beat... she falls asleep to the rhythm... feeling content in his arms... as always*
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:09 am

    *Jenny wakes up again... feeling a bit cold... she realizes that she is alone in the bed...

    she pulls the blankets to her, and slips her haori on over herself*

    "... X? Are you here?... "

    *she sits back in the bed, and wraps her hands around her legs, pulling her hand up to her face and looking at her ring in the dark, watching it glisten off the bit of light that was coming through...

    it was beautiful... amazing... perfect... like him... he knew her so well...

    a tear came down her face as she watched it glisten... her heart tightened...

    she then whispered to herself in the dark...*

    "I'll never forgive myself if something happens... This is all I ever wanted... and I just feel like ... its all going to fall apart... "

    ...nothing this perfect can last forever... this has to be a dream...
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:19 pm

    *smiles as he hears you, and then gets out from the dark corner*

    "My Captain, don't worrie. There will nothing be wrong with you and X-sama. Oh, and don't worrie, i wasnt here whole night... i entered few minutes ago. I wanted to make sure that you are alright. Hope you are not mad on me."

    *takes out flowers and gives it to Jenny*

    "there... hope you like it."

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:52 am

    *X swooped into the room with his wings sprea and graped Kyo. He swept him out of the room and into the Throne Room. He chuckled as he stood before him, folding his wings behind him.*

    "Sorry about the rude interuption....but those are my private chambers...and I don't recall inviting you into them."

    *He glares at Kyo*

    "Do not intrude in my temple without my knowing....others die for that mistake."

    *With that, he dissapears into the back room again, behind the throne.*

    *Within the confines of his private chambers, his eyes fall upon the weeping Jenny. He quietly moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, tightly. He whispers quietly in her ear.*

    "Now, now....everything will be alright, my love. You're supposed to be're the captain of the 11th..."

    *He kisses the back of her head lightly.*

    "Everything's here now....I would never leave you, you know that."
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:20 pm

    *Jenny leans back and smiles, wiping her tears away*

    "I missed you... when you were gone... I always miss you..."

    *she curls up into him*

    "You know... youre the only thing that can bring this strong Captain down to her knees... and make her weak."

    *she smiles up at him*

    "... I guess thats pretty bad when the Captains Vice Captain can make her weak... right?"
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:41 pm

    *is confused*
    "And i thought you are better man X... And i thought there is no private stuff in divvy. Well i was wrong... Good bye."
    *walks away from X's "castle" *

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Dark Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:39 pm

    *walks in* sorry if am interupting anything I just wanted to congradulate X. I know it's late but yea that's it.
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

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    Temple of the Dragonoid - Page 3 Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:06 am

    *gets in, puts his arm on Dark's solder*
    "my friend... how are you? lets get out of here because X hate me and he will kill me if he sees me here... so yea..."

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