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    Temple of the Dragonoid


    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:21 am

    Temple of the Dragonoid

    Temple of the Dragonoid Divider04

    *Within the deepest part of 11th territory lies an emense structure, destined to look like a traditional Japanese building with dragon statues lined along the roof and walkways.*


    *Within the great confines of this majestic temple lies the ancient race of Dragonoids. Their king, Xnigona, resides in the deepest chambers...awaiting those who would be brave enough to enter his domain.*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:59 am

    Dragonoids have dragon blood infused within their bodies. This grants them special powers and ranks within the Dragonoid clan.

    Some Dragonians have the ability to transform into a Dragonoid (half human half dragon) but ONLY in battles against other Dragonoids or is the opponent of a Dragonoid allows the use of Dragonoid powers.

    The Ranks of the Draongnoids are as follows:

    Dragonkin: All members of the Dragonkin start out at this rank. New initiates are given challenge to prove themselves worthy of becoming one of the Dragonoids. It is at this point that they must chose a dragon familiar that they will become one with (listed below) determining their rank and abilities.
    Transformation: No
    Wings: No



    Stealth Force: These Dragonoids are smaller and not quite as powerful, but what they lack in power they make up for in speed. Those members within this division are skilled in swift assassinations. Members of this rank may have wings in their transformations, but cannot fly. Instead, they may use their wings to proved themselves a short burst of speed for moving quickly along the ground.
    Transtormation: Yes
    Wings: Yes (only used for quick bursts of speed.)

    Rampager: These are the powerhouses of the Dragonoid clan. Though not as fast as those of the steath force, they are immensely strong and yield destructive abilities that could level a small town if not careful. Rampagers may have wings in their transformations, but that cannot use them to fly. Their wings are ment to use for attacks and creating powerful gusts of wind.
    Transformation: Yes
    Wings: Yes (for attack purposes only)


    Dragoichi: Similar to the Stealth Force, a Dragoichi is an assassin rank made specificaly for female members. Their tranformed form has to have longer fangs and sharper claws built for quick and easy killing. Their slender forms make it easy for them to move quietly and sneak up on enimies.
    Transformation: Yes
    Wings: Yes (but like the Stealth Force can only be used for speed)

    Oracle: A special rank reserved only for females. Oracles lack offensive capibilites, but make up for it in superior defenses and their ability to heal. Oracles' wings are much tougher than other ranks, making their wings useful for defense. Along with this added strength to their wings, however, it makes them too heavy to actualy fly.
    Transformation: Yes
    Wings: Yes (defensive purposes, cannot fly)

    Posts : 97
    BD-cash : 6763

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:27 am

    Dragon Knight:An elite rank of Dragonoids that go through a second changing. These Dragonoids are hand picked by the Dragon King and retain all their abilites from their old rank. Dragon Knights have the unique ability of partial transformation, meaning they can change parts of their bodies into thier dragon shape rather than transforming entirely. Aslo, Dragon Knights may use their wings to fly.
    Transformation: Yes
    Wings: Yes, and flying is permited


    Red Dragon:
    Ranks allowed: Rampager (men only)
    Those who choose the red dragon as a familiar are destined to become Rampagers. Red Dragons are creates of extreme rage and capible of immense destruction, granting the person great strength and power.

    Blue Dragon:
    Ranks Allowed: Oracle (women only)
    Blue Dragons are graceful creatures of water and life, using combat as a last resort. B/c of that, those female members who chose the Blue Dragon as a familiar become gifted with their healing abilities.

    Black Dragon:
    Ranks allowed: Stealth Force and Dragoichi
    Those who become one with the Black Dragon familiar are granted with great stealth. They gain the Dragon's ability to move from shadow to shadow unnoticed, allowing them to get behind the enemy with great ease to kill quickly.

    Green Dragon:
    Ranks Allowed: Any except Rampager
    Green Dragons have an extraodinary ability to track prey, making them a favorite among Stealth Force and Dragoichi members. They also have an innate sense to heal, but not as well as Blue Dragons can.

    Brown Dragon:
    Ranks Allowed: Any except Oracle
    Brown Dragons are fast and powerful. They can use the earth to their advantage by being able to shape small objects out of rock or dirt, but they cannot affect large areas or objects.

    White Dragons:
    Ranks Allowed: Any Except Oracle
    White Dragon familiars are more beast-like than any only Dragon type. They rely on their predatory insticts and strength to overpower enemies and destroy them. They have the ability to create ice around their claws, making them harder and stronger.


    Posts : 97
    BD-cash : 6763

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:28 am

    *Xnigona, The Dragon King, awaits in his throne room....waiting for any brave souls who dare to enter in his domain.*

    "Ah...i wish someone would come soon....this could get...a bit boring waiting around."
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
    BD-cash : 192644

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:11 pm

    *Jenny walks in staring at the walls and stops suddenly in from of X, pulling her haori open a bit at her hips*

    "This is a pretty nice place you have here... and... I am kinda freaked out I never saw such an old building on my Division's property before, but, meh..."

    *she walks over closer behind him and puts her arms around his neck*

    "now... since youre a King... does that make me a Queen? Or... do I have to work for that? Although, I am not really the same kind as you... but, well,I am still yours, right?"

    *she kisses his ear and starts to walk around in front of him*

    "I dont want to bother you, just thought Id let you know I'm here"

    Posts : 97
    BD-cash : 6763

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:37 am

    *X smiled as his lovely captin came into the room*

    "I build this overnight, so I'm not suprized you never noticed ^^"

    *X places his hands on her arms around him.*

    "Of course you are my Queen....and you dont need to be like me to be mine."

    *He grabs her as she moves towards his front and pulls her into him, wrapping her in his arms*

    "You're no bother, sweetheart...just stay with me for a one seems to come here at all."

    *He kisses her on the lips lightly.*
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:23 am

    *Jenny smiles as she is pulled into him, having his big arms around her*

    "Don't worry, we are not that big now... give it time... as soon as more people come, then we will be bigger"

    *she turns herself around in his arms and stares up at him*

    "Think of it this way... the less people that are here... the more time we have together... alone... doing whatever we want"

    *she pushes herself up on her toes to kiss him*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:01 am

    *X grins at her words*

    "Oh...sounds like someone is looking for some alone time with her king."

    *With his arms still around her, he kisses her deeply, pulling away for a moment to breathe, though*

    "I love my queen of sin and death ^^"
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
    BD-cash : 192644

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:53 am

    *she pushes herself against him*

    "yeah... maybe I do want to spend time with my King... if he wants to spend time with his little Queen..."

    *she puts her arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to hers*

    "But you better remember ... I always get my way... and right now, I just want you near me ... close"

    *she winks at him and reaches up for another kiss*

    "now be good... or I'll get my zanpakuto out."

    Posts : 97
    BD-cash : 6763

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:03 pm

    "No fair....i dont have one yet"

    *X chuckles as he sweeps his queen and captain up in his arms and carries her to the throne. He sits in it with her on his lap and hugs her tight*

    "We only have one throne, so we'll have to share for now."
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2081
    BD-cash : 192644

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:31 pm

    *she laughs*

    "Well sharing can be good... I dont mind sharing if you dont... we can just, sit here... and wait for something to happen... if thats what youd like"

    *she puts her head on his chest near his neck*

    "at least we can have all the time we want here... no matter what"

    *she kisses his neck and puts her arms around him*

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:46 pm

    *X smiles as his arms are wrapped around her chest*

    "Yes....just you and this temple...together"

    *he kisses the back of her neck*

    "I love my Queen."
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
    BD-cash : 22866

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:45 pm

    *enteres inside*
    *kneels in front of X-sama*
    hey... dad *smiles and hugs you*
    how are you?

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:40 pm

    *X grins as he hugs Kyo back*

    "Greetings, my son. But..."

    *He bops him with a rolled newspaper on the head*

    "We dont kneel and bow in this family ^^"

    *He chukles as he buts his newspaper back in his arsenal of weapons*

    "so what brings you here?"
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
    BD-cash : 22866

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:45 pm

    "well i just wanted to spend my time with my dad ^^ hey... can u turn into dragon? i wanna see you ^^"

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:36 pm

    *X chuckles as he picks up Jenny from his lap and sets her down, standing up from his throne*

    "Alright...I can show you what we look like...Me at least."

    *He stands in the center of the room and closed his eyes, Hands at his sides. He whispers under his breath.*

    "Wer dastudr di darastri confn shafaer ekess ve!"

    *His eyes snap open, the whites of his eyes flood with yellow and his pupil elongates till it looks similar to that of a cat. He lets out a defenint roar as jet black wings thrust from his back....littlearly ripping the skin away as they shoot from his back. His teeth grow, claws rip his fingers appart and a long tail grow from behind him.*

    *The transformation takes literaly seconds, but the sound of rippping flesh ehcos through the hall. Standing before Kyo...his son...was the true form of the Dragon King*

    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
    BD-cash : 22866

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:45 pm

    *eyes spred open*
    "um... dad... YOU LOOK AWSOME!!!!"
    *runs to you and sits on you*
    "yaay!!! me has great dragon!!!"

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:10 am

    OOC ((XD...Kyo, we dont tunr into Dragons. Dragonoids are half man half dragon...sorta like the dragon equivalent of a werewolf.))

    *X glared at Kyo. Half growling half speeking, he said* "Get off of me."

    *He stood up, his height about 7'. He folded his wings behind him so he took up less room.*

    "'ve seen mine...lets see yours now son."
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:20 am

    "okies daddy ^^ everything for you"
    *jumps back and stands still. after two seconds his nails starts to grow and his nose becames big. his body starts to have alot hair and his hands turnes into paws. His teeth turnes into big white teeth, and his eyes became yellow*


    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:34 am

    *X grins a toothy grin, show ing off some fangs*

    "Very nice...we should spar one day....but not today."

    *He looks over the lycan king with interest, chuckling*

    "Clash of the kings....wouldn't that be interesting"
    Tanaki Kyo
    Tanaki Kyo

    Posts : 727
    BD-cash : 22866

    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Tanaki Kyo Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:36 am

    "it sure would.... we could try it some day"
    *evil grinn*
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:27 am

    *Jenny thinks about it for a moment*

    "Although I love the idea of You fighting..."

    *she puts her hand on X's body, feeling the difference between her fingers*

    "... I dont like the idea of Him... fighting you"

    *she points at Kyo*

    "I know youre both great fighters, but I dont want my baby hurt"

    *she pulls him close to her chest*

    "This is my baby, and I wont let him be hurties!!! So watch those claws, and fangs, etc."

    Posts : 97
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by xnigona Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:52 am

    *X chuckles as he embrased his love, careful of his claws. His wings unfolded and wrapped around him and Jenny, holding them tight together. Besides his wings, he revets back to his human form, his wings still prtruding and wrapping around her*

    "Ilove you sweetheart....i wont hurt our boy."
    Empowered soul

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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by JennyReika Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:01 am

    *she slaps her hand against his chest*

    "You better not... or... I will pull your tail..."

    *she reaches up and pulls his head down to hers and kisses him, keeping her head to his even after its over*

    "If we dont behave ourselves, we may end up with even more children... "

    *she then smiles at her little joke*

    Posts : 1189
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    Temple of the Dragonoid Empty Re: Temple of the Dragonoid

    Post by Dark Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:21 am

    *appeared at the entrance doors and walks in. He quickly sees the X he kneels on one foot.* I am Dark ex Lycan lord now lycan prince your son told me about the dragonoids I was interested at the fact of your existence.

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