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    Divus Tenebran [Demon]


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    Divus Tenebran [Demon] Empty Divus Tenebran [Demon]

    Post by divus Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:09 am

    Divus Tenebran [Demon] OAUmRqg

    T O G A B I T O


    DEMON NAME: Divus Sobek Tenebran
    HUMAN NAME: --- (Lost and forgotten forever)
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 3,873
    BIRTHDAY: January Fourteenth
    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual/Gynosexual
    FACE CLAIM: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Alucard


    HEIGHT: 6'9" (206 CM)
    WEIGHT: 240 (109 KG)
    HAIR: Ethereal wildly unkempt white, waist length
    EYES: Moonlit silver, each bathed in a bloody red sclera

    OTHERS: Luminous red markings glow in intricate patterns across the surface of Divus' body while he is outside of Hell. These markings are concentrated near where his Hell chains bind to his body, engulfing his ashen grey skin when their light is shone. His chains can be seen in the outer perimeter of each shoulder blade, framing the upper edges of his hips at their sides, and appearing in short segments surrounding his elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. Like most Togabito, Divus' chains are in short lengths that appear broken, but merely connect to the ethereal 'true' links of chain beyond. These phantom bindings lead straight to the pits of hell, through all barriers.


    Divus Tenebran [Demon] FoNMiM0

    Divus is a tall, unsettling humanoid figure that invokes a primal fear in those who behold him. There is a nigh-instantaneous sense of dread and danger that seems to permeate from his ashen-grey form, framed by his lengthy plumage of wild silver-white hair. His entire body is unusually rigid and unyielding but has a visually smooth texture that makes him appear much like a statue. This quality is quickly annihilated simply by a closer look at Divus however, though the quality of unnatural hardness remains.

    When bare his entire body shows a tough, very muscled physique. His musculature is unusually balanced and is decidedly different from what would be acquired from exercise or weight lifting; though Divus has mass comparable to a body builder's, his musculature is distributed very evenly. There is no one feature neglected or without hypertrophy. This does not make Divus attractive either. His neck muscles are quite thick, as are all of his tendons, and blood vessels often bulge across the surface of his skin as he moves. It is unsettling though not quite grotesque. Mildly disturbing is it that Divus' strange build of unquestionable strength is so completely natural in it's appearance, as usually one does not see a humanoid body in such condition without artificial intervention. The genuine impression of his daunting muscular form is far more terrifying than the hulking bodies of common brutes...

    Divus has a face that not even a mother could love. His lips are fixed in an unmoving line of not just apathy but weighty discontent. A sense of great bitterness is etched into all of his features. The details of the male's visage are quite masculine and adult but are quite gaunt, lending them an unpleasant aesthetic. His face very much looks as if an artist took the visage of an utterly handsome man from older times and did all they could to demonize him without making him inhuman, resulting in Divus' visage of supernatural detest. His angular brow and narrow but piercing gaze reflects vehement wrath. He is often mistaken for being angry when he is not, as undying hatred has a similar effect on a man's features as rage though the former is decidedly more complex.

    Though Divus is exceptionally humanoid in figure he does bear morbidly deviated qualities. His fingers do not end in fingernails. They extend into long tips of pitch black claws fused into the very flesh. These dark protrusions look like sharpened nails at first but merge deep with the flesh of his fingers so far Divus' finger bones. Their edges are jagged from climbing the unforgiving terrain of Hell's merciless cliffs and deformed terraces of rugged stone. The claws are often quite wet with blood torn from enemies of all species.

    Divus has no bellybutton or nipples. While he possesses male genitals they are seldom shown because Divus goes to great lengths to cover his lower body. He wears various garments wrought of shredded green and red cloth that has been reused and repaired for decades upon decades. The age in every article of the fabric Divus bears is readily apparent even at a glance. His lower legs are often clad in iron plates wrought of Hell's molten ores. These armored boots are short, going up only to Divus' knees. They're made with a gothic look in mind or just sheer malevolence as they exude spines, bladed protrusions, and sharp edges though not in excess. Numerous plates are also placed at Divus's hip. A short plate descends from his lower front to cover his crotch, attaching with the other two main plates, all of which are joined by a bronze length running underneath his ruinous cloth garments that has completely oxidized, making it a shade of light green seen only on exquisitely aged copper usually.

    Divus' arms are clad in gauntlets to match his boots. They are not especially sturdy. They're made instead almost exclusively with flexibility and malign aesthetics in mind, bearing shapes of wicked intent armed with an arsenal of bladed protrusions and plumed plates with grating down the upper forearms. The gauntlets cover Divus' arms from the central portion of his biceps down to the lengths of his fingers, but expose the tips of his digits. The black color of his claws merges so well with the appearance of his gauntlets that they can often be mistaken as being a single piece.

    Divus leaves his upper body bare, and this exposes another notable quality regarding his appearance: he's always slathered in blood. Most often the blood on Divus coats his gauntlets and splashes over his upper arms and shoulders but depending on how many rival Togabito he fights past on his way out of Hell his entire body is often drenched with innumerable sanguine smears and scarlet, bloody streaks. Outside of Hell, whenever sunlight touches Divus's body or when the chains bound to his soul manifest their spectral forms red glyphs of countless, innumerable forms of great complexity flare across his body with their luminous crimson glow.

    There are many chain links attached to Divus, evidencing his status as an ancient Togabito. Three attach to the upper portion of each hip. These six chains expand for thirteen links, making them long enough to hang about the plates that surround his lower waist and often strike loudly against them as he walks. The chains go deep into his actual body and are attached to the hips of his skeleton though their physical appearance is a fraud; they phase harmlessly through his flesh, and even if pulled do not exert the force placed on them upon Divus's bones. It is as if they are incorporeal, which essentially they are, though only when interacting with the body of the Sinner they bind to prevent them from ever separated themselves from the chains.  

    Chains also sprout from numerous other places on Divus's body. Two pairs of six smaller chains extend from Divus's shoulder blades, bound around their outer perimeter. These chains are smaller than his hip chains with thinner, shorter links. They do possess numerous more individual chain links however and thus each reaches a length of nine to eleven inches. Their length is sufficient for them to sway into each other as Divus walks, producing an endless jingling sound that has rang in his ears for thousands of years with his every step. He doesn't even try to suppress the annoying panoply of metallic sounds they incessantly produce much to the discontentment of many strangers. Four chain links also appear surrounding Divus' elbows and knees arranged in a ninety degree rotation of the four cardinal directions, while yet another four links of chain sprout from Divus's ankles and wrists in the unaltered tetra of cardinal directions.

    Divus bears very long silken white hair that descends about his features. Though not particularly unmanageable sheer unchecked growth and lack of care has made Divus' hair quite unruly. The wild silvery mane descends far past the chiseled muscles of his nigh-statuesque, ashen skinned body, reaching his upper hips. The innumerable white strands are of uneven length, some forming split ends even; it is quite obvious Divus does not do so much as brush his own hair, or manage it in any way. His wild silvery mane mercifully occludes much of his otherwise harsh facial features. The tips of Divus's ears barely poke out from the sea of pale hair revealing their pointed tips and ridged, vaguely bat-like texture.

    While outside of Hell Divus sports remarkably different attire. His form is occluded by a layer of weathered dark cloaks, both originally pitch black yet now faded by exposure to the elements. Unsurprisingly however he does not change clothing for aesthetics, much in line with his general lack of concern for appearances. Instead these cloaks are worn merely for disguise as so to mute the sinner's daunting presence.

    Apart from cloaks worn over the body, Divus possesses a shredded ancient coat in ruins he once wore, and also dons innumerable layers of black bandages and dark fabric strips. These garments are usually improvised to cover every exposed inch of his flesh, save for the eyes, claws, and nostrils. He may go so far as to sport a makeshift mask in an attempt to further stifle his identity. These old garments were originally put together in times when Divus had much more reason to be wary of the Kushanada, though he has not quite discarded them.



    Divus exists at the end of a path that all self-aware men one day face. The question of the direction he has taken is simple. To the right lays a path where others come before oneself. It sounds simple at first however few manage to fulfill their commitment completely when truly challenged. Many choose a path of righteousness on false pretenses, fearful indecision, and even outright insincere egotism. To the left lies another path to resonate with the instincts of one being. Divus chose that path - the Left Hand Path, where the self comes first before all else, and there is no self deception. Within the mind of Divus is a world of brutal honesty, harsh facts, and cruelly effective reasoning with no regards to anything but his own desire. Divus follows his heart to it's truest extent. That extent however happens to be extremely dark.

    Scalded by passion and possessed of tremendous hatred, Divus possesses no will for fellowship nor companionship. There is an inseparable void between his stony heart and all others. Divus is not to be confused with the likes of a hermit however. He doesn't avoid contact, he has no aversion to interacting with other beings and he will often seek out Hell's wayward newcomers as well as naive beings in the outside world. He often approaches with the pretense of helping fresh sinners survive in Hell or that not all Togabito or evil but this is all merely basic deception. Once Divus acquires the trust of another being he gradually beats down their confidence and continually wears down their self esteem, until without saying a word about himself he seems utterly grand in comparison to his acquaintances. He enslaves and uses any who don't wise up to his act and eventually begins altering their bodies purely for aesthetics of pleasure. He often relishes in abusing the trust of the newborn Togabito and hapless strangers alike. He demands concepts such as devotion and loyalty from his allies whom are really just minions and reprimands those who don't buy the charade. He's hesitant to kill outside of Hell however, as slaying a Togabito just ensures they'll know his true colors by their next resurrection... though if their momentary death brings him more pleasure than their uninterrupted existence he won't bat an eye at bisecting them on a whim.

    Divus particularly has disdain towards females. He's not homosexual, something of the opposite in fact but harbors intense trust and enmity towards women. The stronger and less feeble a woman appears the more Divus will dislike them. He particularly distrusts intelligent women and outright seeks to beat the backbone out of any female he comes across that is anything more than meek and mewling. He has no true logical reason for this. Divus does not believe women are inferior, stupid or selfish... but he sure would like them to be. Even so he will give the full impression of believing as such despite reluctantly acknowledging it's not quite true at all, and often berates and degrades female Togabito and women of other species purely to wear down their confidence and self esteem. Divus might've had reason to distrust women at some point in life but he never released that hatred. He has long forgotten how or why he began to hold such bitterness for women, and has no desire to question it. He simply acts on his individuality as his truest acts and intentions.

    Though Divus likes to exploit people as much as he can whether it is for pleasure, sport, assistance or a meat shield he will not persist in lies once he can no longer deceive a person. If he has lost their trust no efforts are made to further deception or reacquire a less devious impression. Instead he just brutally murders or maims those who know his true colors. Because this is generally futile against Togabito however he does it more for fun than efficiency. He slays a person many times even going so far as to exact consecutive kills resurrection after resurrection until finally they give up and either remain as dust, dessicated remains, or some other rotting form demoralized Togabito are known to fall into as their willpower wanes and fades. Divus has no mercy either. Any victim is as good as any other, and he is an equal opportunity sadist. No neck is safer than any other regardless of race or creed.

    Divus belongs partially to solipsism. Solipsism is defined as the belief that oneself is the only true being in existence, because there is no proof of life within any other being besides that experienced by the solipsist. Divus sees other spirit beings as nothing more than amalgamations of energy and pathetic imitations at personality. He defines a person's instincts and desires as merely the gears of automatons. Divus sees life generally as a protein based mechanism used for energy consumption. By his own definition, it is nothing special. He believes himself to be truly alive where others are not however as if he were some manner of deity or messiah. However as much as he believes other beings are just pseudo-sentient bodies roaming around he still enjoys tormenting them as if to play with the theory that they just might be real. The beauty of solipsism is that it can't actually be disproved by worldly means.

    Many years of deception and coercion have made a very devious presence out of Divus. He is very adept in speech but disdains the act of communication. He prefers to not have to speak much or at all depending on the situation and finds putting what he feels into words to be a very difficult task. He is a perfectionist in any meaning he seeks to express but the natural impurities of words fail to fully express some thoughts and meanings as he desires to portray them. This is why he prefers not to speak. It is a completely different preference in regards to lying however. If Divus is just telling lies he has no problem talking as much as anyone else would want to. He is often silver tongued and very persuasive but actually does very little flattering. He instead attempts to exude a calm, stable, trustworthy and dependable presence he uses patiently to his advantage whenever he can. He knows exactly what kinds of lies are most believable. It is easy to lie because he does not have to carefully tailor the expressions within his words but he will only be able to be dishonest for so long as it wears down a sort of integral stamina within him emotionally. Eventually he may often destroy his own lies in rather fruitless acts of betrayal just because he is tired of charades, rare as such bouts may be. He also does not lie to those he does not feel are worth his time.

    Divus is unlikely to care about anyone but himself. He has lived alone for thousands of years without true companionship. This has altered his psyche and slowly eroded Divus' social instincts. He has lost much empathy and relies on his own perception of feeling to predict how other beings will respond to him. This ties into the perception of how mechanized he sees other beings, viewing them as little more than organic devices fulfilling very clear and defined purposes. This complete and utter lack of interest in living beings totally isolated Divus as a person very long ago and he is now deep into a state of mind difficult to observe in most humans in which perception of the world is greatly altered. Rather than be entranced by the mystery of life, Divus is just fascinated by his own life and mystery in general. He believes his place in life was somehow purposefully predetermined as if it's all just meant to be and he is the center of it all. He may even mistake the fruits of his own efforts for just the course of destiny naturally fulfilling the whims of fate. However he acknowledges no set motion of events involving his own will proceeds without his intention for it to do so just as much as the tides of fate determine what he can do with that willpower. He believes very little in the present and feels that the future is shaped by the past, like the motion of a vehicle pushing further with inertia so great it cannot go in any other direction without it's trajectory being greatly altered by it's initial direction. Divus does not believe in randomness, spontaneous free will and coincidence for these reasons. Probability is used to determine outcomes in which variables cannot be measured, an entity's will always responds the same way to a decision so long as no information changes, and coincidence is a silly term for abnormal happenings. Just as a puzzle can be so huge it appears random Divus appears life and all existence itself is only so complicated that it can't be understood through normal means.

    Because Divus believes so staunchly in set variables throughout the universe and higher states of mind he pursues enlightenment. It is his goal to understand all of existence and to use that knowledge to attain a greater state of being. It feels quite natural to Divus and to ascend is truly what he wants. He doesn't care much for Hell or the other worlds although Hell is not a pleasant place to be in. He just doesn't assign much importance to where he exists, caring far more about how he exists and why. He cares so much about intangible, incomprehensible things that he finds it very difficult to be interested in things that are purely material and or carnal. He tries constantly to ponder voids and mysteries. There is no point at which Divus accepts things as just being the way they are or settles for a place in life. He has complete faith in a reason behind everything and constantly pursues a better place in life. His inability to feel complacency has driven him all throughout Hell and to great heights of power attained to overcome foes and topple obstacles. Divus has become something very close to a genius if not quite that, as he possesses immense understanding of worldly substance and the laws of nature.


    Darkness; To be more accurate Divus loves the Dark. This does not pertain merely to the absence of life. Divus is attuned to negative consciousness as expected of one who survives in the harsh environments of the netherworld, drawing strength from his own evil. While acting on malice was once part necessity and partly done out of panic, eventually Divus grew attached to the sinister side of his own soul, and came to love all things nefarious. He attaches himself to the concept of 'Darkness', not really seeing it as an outside force or sentient power but an extension of himself.

    Marauding; There is a feeling of great freedom and satisfaction in being able to simply venture about pillaging settlements and taking whatever one pleases from defeated enemies. Divus enjoys going about as a bandit and plundering from any form of society wherever he goes. He generally visits all realms in search of potentially useless but interesting objects. He seeks to go where there are warriors and riches, driven by the pursuit of blood and accruement of wealth.

    Derision; It is quite a passtime of Divus to berate other beings. The worse he can make them feel, the more of a rush he can get. In the case of enemies, women, and people he just doesn't like Divus derives orgasm-like pleasure from just making them feel awful. However, he does not permit those he takes sadistic pleasure in inflicting despair upon to die. If the death of one such person is inevitable, Divus will bring them in Hell so they will become Togabito, and thus his fun with them becomes potentially indefinite so long as there is confidence to smash. If Divus manages to completely ruin a person's self esteem he often attempts to make a willing slave out of them, and he doesn't mind a willing victim.

    Dominance; Whenever approaching an unfamiliar faction or a sect of people he has not encountered before Divus immediately seeks out the strongest being amongst them and seeks to defeat them. Divus generally desires to subjugate, degrade, and rule all cultures and peoples. He believes he is completely destined for greatness and status above all others - though fate might have a different purpose entirely in guiding him thus far, and perhaps farther. He enjoys fighting resistance and engaging in conflict for the great satisfaction he gains from forcibly making someone recognize him as superior.

    Broken victims; When Divus fights someone, it is no longer because he fears for his own life; his bindings to Hell leave him with little fear of perishing. Instead Divus fights for completely different, but just as passionate drives as self preservation. He fights a person often not to fight them or take their lives but to do battle with their fiber as a living person. He seeks to tear down their confidence, self esteem, and personality. It is rare for one Divus is interested in to lose their will, but when they do, he does enjoy sometimes building them back up as subservient slaves and minions. He adores hard-earned submission received from a being he sought to degrade. Once a being has given into him, he takes care not to let them perish - he may even bring them to Hell if they are near death to ensure they can never truly pass on, bound to his side forever.

    Power; In a world where death is not one's end, many are often confused after being reborn as Togabito. Many sinners go insane within a short span of time in Hell. Most of those who retain their sanity are those who rediscover their individuality in power and the idea of superiority over their fellow sinners. Like the majority, Divus bears such a state of mind. To Divus his power is confirmation of his meaning, however mysterious or vague it may be, he believes he understands just one piece of his purpose in life by understanding that he is powerful. By believing he is important to existence evidenced by his ability to leave Hell, Divus draws strength of willpower. Whenever a great difference of power exists between him and anything he is in conflict with in his favor, Divus usually derives great pleasure and confidence, feeling as if he is simply meant to be superior. He loves such a place in life.

    Enlightenment; Divus pursues a higher state of being. His awareness of lower forms of life affirms to him that there are higher stages of life at least in his own mind, which of course leads him to assume he must progress upwards in consciousness to a higher state of being. Despite being just a sinner Divus believes he is meant to become a divine being and that he has been placed into a realm so low as Hell just so that the significance of his journey above is that much greater. It is generally impossible for him to understand a state of being so great it is incomprehensible without experience in it, but he generally strives to imagine and attain enlightenment and generally likes the concept of heightened consciousness.

    Knowledge; Having experienced partial amnesia and lack of knowledge, Divus greatly values all the wisdom and knowledge he has accumulated throughout his already tremendously long life. He deeply values understanding in general. Knowing the entirety of something makes Divus feel superior to it, and this is a very comforting sensation to him. He does believe knowledge is power of it's own, but believes raw strength cannot be neglected either. His desire to learn has endowed him with an unusually detailed understanding of reishi, reiatsu, and all spiritual races except for the Bount.

    Life; Even as a very dark being Divus does not outright wish death on generally anything. Killing an adversary - if they can be killed - doesn't please Divus. He much prefers to lower their place in life and destroy the confidence that made them an enemy in the first place. He prefers to silence enemies and drag mortal adversaries to Hell in order to convert them into Togabito, going to great lengths to remove them as obstacles without removing them from life itself. He enjoys seeing various forms of nature as well as observing life itself, imagining it's future and growth, though this is mostly simply for interest in his own life. He believes all other forms of life are actually just imitations of his own and not truly conscious, though he occasionally doubts this assumption.

    Femininity; Pretty, girly beings do entice Divus. However he despises the female gender as a whole and generally wants to subjugate all women severely. Like all desires Divus generally acts on lust but may purposefully avoid any interaction with actual females based on that feeling; instead, he much prefers transsexuals or generally extremely feminine males as 'partners'. There's not many of these however. For this reason Divus likes to actually alter an existing male to make them very feminine. In the case of a broken victim, he'll do whatever he has to with their hormones and generally pretty them up, though he likes to keep just a tiny ounce of 'male' visible on them. He's not really attracted to masculinity at all but gets a kick out of dominating a 'lesser' male provided he can make them attractive in the same ways a woman is.


    Feminism; There is only one thing Divus hates more than a confident woman. He does not wish for women to have standing in society, and much less would he permiss them to bear any level of self esteem above utterly subservient and meek. Divus has long since forgotten his life as a human, it's memory purged like rice paper tossed into the flames of Hell's incendiary pits - but the scars he bore from life at the hands of women endured even his journey into life as a Togabito. He hated women in life, and he still hates them. The difference now is that Divus can't remember why he hates women for the most part and he doesn't care why or how the feeling came to be. It is now an essential aspect of his self-identity as a masculine presence. He seeks to destroy and degrade anything that even smells of feminism until it's utterly degraded, shamed, and eventually forgotten.

    Spinelessness; Divus has a lot of fun in breaking a person's willpower. But there's nothing more boring than someone who won't even put up a fight. He has a hard time taking anyone who's uncertain or indecisive seriously, and sees them as a lesser form of life, or at least a poorer imitation at life if he is feeling particularly like a proper solipsist. Divus only likes broken people when he is the one that broke them - someone who is already broken is just a terribly broken husk he can't get any enjoyment from. He eventually even makes those he has broken personally gain confidence, they're just wholly submissive to himself alone.

    Lesbianism; Most men are at least aroused by the sight of two women in intimacy; Divus instead is enraged by it. It's partly infuriating as a concept of women being independent of men for pleasure, but that's not truly why Divus despises such union even if that is the logical explanation he has for the way he feels. He's forgotten the people and events that impacted so negatively upon him that initiated him to despise all homosexual females so bitterly - but the hatred remains, even without reason. In fact while living he did more than exact vengeance on those that wronged him. He went beyond just revenge and his hatred became insatiable long ago. Now it is just a bottomless black abyss in his heart that no thing of Earth or flesh can mend. He doesn't even care about homosexuality in the male gender, and doesn't believe it's wrong on either side; his hatred does not require justification.

    Arguing; Divus will initiate conflict gladly and seek to destroy not just a person but their feelings and individuality, but he hates not succeeding. When someone's will is strong enough to resist Divus's efforts he becomes very much willing to destroy them completely. He despises conflict because when faced with an unyielding enemy he too will be unwilling to abandon conflict, and amongst Togabito, this can lead to a potentially unending struggle. Fortunately for Divus he's found some way or another to overcome his adversaries thus far, but still hates getting into conflicts that are quite tedious to solve. Verbal arguments are much more difficult than struggles of power because they are often much more difficult to win than a fight. When two forces collide, and one does not dissipate before the other immediately, the strongest ultimately prevails; as satisfying as it is to crush an enemy Divus would prefer to do it quickly and efficiently.

    Vibrance; Divus does not like bright, colorful scenes. Usually he depsises most places meant for children and any place with a cheery upbeat atmosphere. Divus doesn't like to see people embracing standalone joy. Celebrations and ceremony mean nothing to him, and similarly, anything without functionality or raw purpose wears on his thin temper. Divus does not like 'sugar coating' on anything. He is blunt and desires bluntness. Ironically, there is nothing deceptive about raw happiness, yet he distrusts it anyway. He is quite suspicious of joyous occasions because he does not understand why joy is present, and regards it with hesitation and fear.

    Eccentrics; People who deviate from 'common sense' too far or express unusual levels of emotion make Divus uncomfortable. While usually the reaction to stereotypically strange people is at worst aversion for most, sometimes manifesting only as mild reservation, Divus is outright irritated. He has no real appreciation for expressions of individuality by others and doesn't recognize personal taste. In line with solipsism, Divus only appreciates his own taste... even then it is not seen as taste. To Divus his own preferences are simply the best and are the only real way to do things because he is the only real being in existence, at least in his own mind. When unable to explain his own sense of taste and how it's different from others, simple instinct and nature are what he accepts without doubt.

    Mortality; The idea that he himself is subject to death, no matter how fleeting the state may be, is a prospect Divus regards with great detest. Usually one would not complain when gifted with the boon of mortality... but because all mundane creatures are subject to death Divus dislikes being 'put on their level' so to speak even if it's just a mild setback especially in Hell. He toys with the idea of defying Hell's binding but also values at least his ability to resurrect, though he does not understand the fear of death any longer. Even those who die outside of hell are recycled or reincarnated in some way as far as Divus knows... so death is really an illusion, but it is also a stage most mortals stand upon, and Divus does not wish to be clumped with the majority. He seeks to transcend vulnerability of all kinds without losing his power, identity, mind or any combination of these things.

    Equality; For obvious reasons no two individuals are the same... otherwise they would not be individuals. To treat all beings as the same then is a fallacy to begin with. In the prospects of society Divus hates 'freebies'. He has grown and thrived in Hell where all one possessed was won through brutal trials; even the freedom to breathe cleaner air was a privilege gained through superfluous bloodshed. He hates groups, packs, tribes and civilizations of all kinds because he does not believe anyone should get anything 'free'. Whether or not this means abiding by the law of the jungle alone, and rule of the strong, matters not to Divus. He also despises ideals promoting equality and it's meager malnourished ilk raised by the teat of mental ineptitude. People who believe strongly in such concepts are Divus' natural enemies.

    Discord; Despite living in chaos and preferring anarchy Divus is disgusted by the sheer clumsiness of the worlds beyond. There is always conflict, too much balance, and enough discontent abroad that no order stands for very long - but even so the purpose of a faction usually dies long before it's shell finally collapses. The redundancy of known sentient beings he has witnessed in his forays outside of Hell apalls Divus. He sees the lawless, brutal state of Hell as far more effective than any known order in existence - because ultimately it promotes the appearance of a single strong being to dominate lesser entities. Divus deems all other such order below dictatorial, singular rule as nothing more than fronts for entropy. He believes in the end only a single being with great power is meant to keep order - and to Divus that being can only be himself.

    Hybrids; While Arrancar and Vizards are few and far between Divus has met their kind, yet dislikes them. He feels the Shinigami and Hollows are enemies by nature at least to an extent. While he sees the attempts of Vizards to acquire Hollow powers as just desperate more than detestable, he does not understand why Hollows become Arrancar; it seems pointless, almost self-punishing, for them to seal their abilities into fake zanpakuto. As far as Divus can tell those of Hollowkind gain little from Shinigamification other than a pretty face and raw reiatsu. He sees both hybrids as impurities of their original, 'true' races and has little respect for them.


    Power; Divus pursues no ideals, no crusades or noble duty in life; instead, his own well being is all he requires. Far from conventional narcissism Divus simply adores bettering himself. He feels that his rightful place is above all others, and enjoys the journey of getting there; however, Divus believes he'll succeed in his pursuit of strength regardless of difficulty. He simply feels destined for greatness without logical reason, relying instead on a strong innate drive of emotion and desire. Strength beyond strength, enlightenment, and Godhood are amongst Divus' covetous wants. He is not only determined to be superior to all other beings but feels he's already smarter than just about anyone, if not stronger.

    Chauvinism; Divus doesn't like seeing women walking around as independent warriors. He has no true feelings or beliefs inclinded towards discrimination nor does he really see them as lesser beings... he simply has a tremendous innate distrust and often dislike of them that drives him to drive the roles of women down abroad. While there is no true order in Hell fortunately for Divus, he does aspire to change the order in other worlds. He aspires to one day have an impact on outside planes of existence in which he hopes to crush the confidence of women and lower their place in culture.

    Avariciousness; Divus is characterized by tremendous greed and lust. It is only the strength of his individuality and willpower that stops these vices from consuming Divus, as he's not controlled by self indulgence, but has no reason to not seek it. He aspires to hoard treasures not of substance, but knowledge; Divus pursues wisdom and enlightenment. Reiatsu and strength of arm may go far but ultimately Divus believes it is the attainment of heightened awareness that elevates a being to ascension. Divus aspires to amass esoteric and spiritual knowledge abroad, whether it is from plundering the vast data archives of Soul Society's twelfth division or the libraries of the Espada.

    Progeny; Divus wants to flood the gene pool wherever and whenever he can. He seeks to father as many children as possible, but does not actually care for their well being; Divus feels only the children strong enough to survive on their own should live. And if they can he's certainly not going to waste time with them... Divus does not believe his children are lifeless as others are, but doubts that they are as 'alive' as himself. While fertility is important to him he doesn't priortize it. Divus's chief concern in regards to intimacy is his own pleasure, after all. He aspires to one day amass a harem and concubines... though, it's unlikely for a lone Togabito in weathered rags to rise so high.

    Might makes right; Divus believes in rule of the strong. He seeks to test all existing order. He despises factions and societies of numerous kinds as means of survival for the weak who can't make it on their own. Divus seeks to one day destroy order abroad and force a state of chaos abroad existence, so that the strongest will survive and rise to the top, while the weak perish... sometimes in the jaws of the survivors even. Divus believes any and all order should be backed by the strength of the individual who produced it, otherwise there is no reason to exist, and he denounces societies without a central leader or leaders bearing great strength as silly farces populated by child-minded fools. In the end, strength will prevail regardless, as Divus believes...

    Freedom; Divus is strong enough to defy Hell's grasp, but he is more than just willfully independent; he fiercely fights all restriction and limitations on his being whether they're the chains of hell or the oppressive resistance of an adversary. Divus is seemingly made stronger by pain or binding, drawing the strength to continue fighting from rage that emanates from his every discomfort and scar. He relentlessly seeks to forge his own greatness, despite believing adamantly in fate and destiny.


    Kushanada; While Divus usually boasts of being capable of killing Hell's wardens, it is a different story when he is face to face with the massive guardians of Hell. They are not an easy sight to see nor are they escaped without great difficulty, much less beaten. Every time he sees one of these titans he feels instinctive terror that he hates. There is always a moment that he pauses and gazes unto their souless golden eyes of light and skeletal, gruesome visages known to devour the sinners. Even if he is capable of defeating Kushanada, Divus still recalls the countless atrocities he witnesed done at their behest...

    The pits; Divus has lived for a very long time and has scaled the deepest levels of Hell. While he has been as far as it goes, he is not convinced that it's the end; he is horribly afraid of being drug deeper into the inferno. He has already spent huge sums of time wandering the landscape of Hell back up to the lower levels and even spent a century bound mercilessly in chains in one of Hell's worst pits before he finally mustered the strength of will and raw spiritual power needed to escape. He is not aware of Hell's limitations nor does he assume the deeper levels he imagines to be any less dangerous than the countless planes of anguish he has ascended. He takes caution not to die, though death itself is still not as big of a deal to him as it would be to one that does not simply revive.

    Order; Upon his first visit to Hueco Mundo Divus was astonished to discover actual society there - and beyond that, the Arrancar. He fears that one day such order might appear in Hell. There is nothing that Divus despises more than liberal sinners and dreads the possibility of society forming in his place of residence, though it already exists in the form of the Kushanada technically. Divus seeks to destroy any systems of hypocrisy, dens of weaklings and amalgamations of false pretenses given shape in clusters of individuals wherever he goes. He strikes without warning and leaves naught but the chaos he so seeks to preserve behind...


    POWER NAME: Shadows of Erebus




    DEMON WEAPON NAME: Mourneblade


    Mourneblade is a bizarre weapon that would seem foreign in any part of the world regardless of time period. The black sword's blade appears very glass-like with the texture of polished volcanic obsidian and is quite rigid. It bears a curvature similar to a katana and a shape that calls out to the ancient tachi-style blade carried by cavaliers, as the weapon is longer than the standard katana with a deeper curve but lacks numerous eastern elements. For one the blade shows no sign of folds in it's forging and it is double edged. It has an almost rapier-like hilt guard, but lacks the medieval basket style protrusion. The grip itself is bound in an eastern style tsuba, but bears a very western pommel. It is not truly a katana, nor is it a tachi, nor is it a longsword. Mourneblade appears to be a chimeric fusion of numerous sword types from across the ages. It's blade also has a cruel hook-shape towards the tip of it's blade, clearly intended to catch on flesh and bypass guarding techniques.

    Sword length is 71" inches total; hilt grip is 11" inches long, blade is 61" inches long. Blade is approximately 3" inches wide mostly, 8" inches wide at the widest point of the hook towards the tip. Overall blade is roughly one sixth of an inch thick, honed to complete sharpness all around edges both front and back despite pseudo-katana design. Has a thick ball pommel at base for balance and blunt strikes. Full tang weapon, but additional pieces are fused into the black glass blade. Despite having glass-like consistency and no ability to bend or "give", the blade does not break easily and withstands trauma with durability that rivals most Zanpakuto.

    Image below in spoiler.


    Mourneblade has no special abilities as a weapon. It is instead sharpened and refined to be an excellent sword, as it possesses high durability and cutting power. Unlike steel Mourneblade resembles crystal in it's blade thus it cannot vibrate or bend. If broken Mourneblade shatters like glass. Divus may conjure or dismiss Mourneblade at will, and can attach one of his Hell Chains to the base of it's pommel to move it through his control of the chains that bind his soul. Through these chains, Divus may also pull the blade to him if it's lost. Mourneblade can dissipate into forest green reiatsu or be repaired by flares of Divus' verdant green spirit energy.

    -   DEMON FORM

    Divus does not actually use Demon form. He is always in 'Human' form, or at least what remains of it after living so long in Hell. All of his abilities rely on his basic power as he essentially has no releases; Divus depends heavily on combat skill and versatile techniques, as he lacks transformations or large boosts in power.


    On next post, due to post length limits.

    Last edited by divus on Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Divus Tenebran [Demon] Empty Re: Divus Tenebran [Demon]

    Post by Funnyguy339 Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:43 am

    Looks good so far, keep up the good work, just add a few more things, put your images in spoilers and some of the large texts and then this should be ready to approve in no time

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    Divus Tenebran [Demon] Empty Re: Divus Tenebran [Demon]

    Post by divus Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:22 pm






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    Post by Funnyguy339 Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:18 am

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    Divus Tenebran [Demon] Empty Re: Divus Tenebran [Demon]

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:41 am

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