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    Demon Obscurum

    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

    Posts : 39
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    Demon Obscurum Empty Demon Obscurum

    Post by Demon Obscurum Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:47 am

    [font=Trebuchet MS]I AM Quincy born a human

    Basic Information:

    Bartholomew "Demon" Obscurum
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Standing at a dominating 5'11", Demon imposes a powerful aura of pride and self-confidence; he generally keeps himself in a white suit not unlike that of a school uniform, although he is also known to wear a much darker attire for certain occasions. His clothing works quite efficently to protect his natural form from unapproved viewing, hiding the caucasian skin (except for his face, neck and hands, of course) that is wrapped around lean, dense muscle. Ejecting from his scalp is a well-groomed mane of medium-length black hair that curls around his face in the front (or seperating into locks that extend well past his chin) and ending just beneath his shoulders in the back. From behind this curtain of black folicles is a pair of red eyes that almost seem to glow with crimson-ruby light.
    The bottom-most layer of his suit is a blue undershirt the hue of the sky with transluscent buttons, although those are mostly hidden by the white tie that comes next. To finish off the top, a very plain white suit-jacket is thrown over his shoulders, held by a single button in the middle of his chest. Getting a little lower (control yourselves, ladies), a thin black belt holds up the gray trousers he wears very well. Finally, to complete the ensemble, black socks and black dress shoes protect his feet from his environment.
    The most prominent and mistakenly-assumed only accessory that Demon has is the large cross dangling from his left ear. Roughly five inches long with an additional inch and a half of chain holding the actual crucifix to the pin in his ear, it is made of pure silver (the color reflecting the material). The four ends widen slightly before forming sharp points, the shafts thinning to give it a very sharp appearance. Aside from the cross, he also has several tattooes inked on his flesh. However, because of the way he uses his quincy abilities, these tattooes often shift location and appearance, making them impossible to document.

    Personality: Just like with everyone else, there are several sides to Demon. His public side, as cliche as it is, is always much colder and harder than his private side. Despite that, both operate on a similar wavelength, traces of hot and cold mixing along the surface to create a lukewarm personality. He is responsive to what is directed at him and will not hesitate to give a valid answer, but unless he has a true interest in it, he won't keep the conversation going.

    Demon is a firm believer in Honesty as the Best Policy. However, this isn't always a good thing. Honesty can be a cruel, hard mistress, and Demon doesn't like to pull any of his backhands. This is due to the most obvious trait that Demon possesses. His pride. Unlike those unworthy of their own pride, who become narcissistic and conceited, Demon does not exude either of those traits. Instead, he simply gives off an internal authority, as if he were royalty or just naturally above everyone else.

    Of course, to some, this still may come off as conceited, but Demon rarely has a thought that states it. Instead, he proves his superiority by his words and actions, speaking with a highly sophisticated diction and keeping his promises, even if he has to die to do it. No one will ever be able to say Demon isn't a man of his word.

    As for combat, Demon isn't afraid to show off his true power, generally fighting to eliminate his opponents, although if he's feeling particularly bored or sadistic he'll keep the fight going for his general amusement. Unlike most would assume, though, Demon makes no rush to jump into battle. Instead, he chooses to let the situation simmer, observing and learning from his surroundings before engaging in combat.

    If he has a personal agenda stating otherwise, he will not hesitate to attack without saying a word. Occasioanlly, he may even decide to end a skirmish using words instead of arrows, but that isn't too often. Believing that a being must be judged for their own actions over the actions of their collective, he refuses to pin any prejudice against any race. Thus, his arrows are not fired for the cause of discrimination, but for a true cause.

    Your Legacy:
    Your Story: When Demon was born, it was an early morning. His mother had struggled to push him out of her birth canal for several hours too long, and by the time she finally did, the sun was poking in from the window. The first thing that Demon saw was the rays from the rising sun. He didn't like it. It made him cry. His infantile mind longed for the darkness of his mother's womb, where he was safe. This mentality was kept as he grew up; when Demon was nowhere to be found, it was generally because he was somewhere nice and dark, like beneath his bed or in an old cellar. By the time he reached the age of six, his parents had moved his bedroom to the basement and given him free run of it (except when they needed to go down there for laundry).

    Demon was first introduced to the spiritual world when his grandfather Phillip had to stay with them. He was very sick, so they made a room for him in the basement, and that's where he stayed for three months. Sharing the Darkness, Phillip taught Demon about his adventures in life. He informed him of the Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy kind (those being the only that he was aware of himself). It was then that he revealed that he was also a Quincy, although his decrepit age didn't allow for him to truly show off any of his power; he was barely able to form his bow before giving out in exhaustian. Keeping their conversations secret from his parents, Demon spent even more time in the basement, learning from his grandfather how to draw in energy himself. Unfortunately, without a proper cross, Demon's attempts were pitiful at best.

    When his grandfather finally passed away, the six year old was strong enough to see his spirit and the shinigami that came to perform Konso on his soul, sending him to Soul Society where he may live again. still a little young to comprehend the true logistics of it, he believed that the Shinigami took his grandfather away, despite Phillip already telling him what the shinigami did. Growing older, he was sent to school a year late (his grandfather's death leaving him in mourning for a long period of time). Because of the age difference, the mental wounds still fresh, and his reclusive nature, Demon didn't make a lot of friends. In fact, he spent more time in dark, cold places after his grandfather's death than before.

    And with all of the time he spent alone, he practiced what his grandfather taught him. Several times he had to be rushed to the hospital from spiritual exhasutian, but he always pulled through. When he turned 10, his mother gave him an old trunk full of books. Journals, encyclopedias, and sketchbooks collected and written by his grandfather expanded his knowledge of the spiritual world and the quincy techniques. Despite her having given him the books, he still wouldn't tell his mother what they talked about or what the books were about. From the texts, he learned that the shinigami didn't kill Phillip, but actually helped him. Forgiving them, he carried on with his studies and training, hoping to one day be a help to the cause. Through the years, his personality barely changed, him having little social interaction keeping him relatively the same, despite the massive intelligence increase.

    And finally, the day he turned eighteen years old, his mother gave him the most precious birthday gift anyone could ever give anyone ever. In a simple box, wrapped in black wrapping paper (just the way he liked it), was his grandfather's cross. Choosing instead to pierce his ear and let it hang from there instead of wearing it as a necklace, he was proud to display his grandfather's most important tool. But that's not all he did with it. By using his cross, he was capable of forming a true bow, and thus, he took the first step to becoming a true quincy. Naming his bow "Deicide" in memory of his grandfather and swearing to see him again, he set off on his quest.

    RP-Sample: Bartholomew. How he hated that name. Staring at the identification card in his hand, he sneered at the name and picture of himself looking back with a bored expression. Still, though. At least it wasn't Bart. That was even worse. Sighing, the Quincy slid the card into the slot in his wallet and pushed it into his back pocket. It was necessary, regardless if he approved of the name or not. Thanking the attendent at the desk, he turned and strode out of the building, pushing open the glass door with the back of his hand, holding it for a young-adult female to glide in beside him (shooting him a friendly smile that he nodded in reply to, his face as still as ever), and walked away. Every step he took caused the large cross hanging from his left ear to bounce. It was heavy, but he had long since gotten used to it.

    Shifting his red eyes back and forth over the street, he scanned for incoming traffic. Deeming it safe, he continued his walk, his stride not broken for a single step. Safely making it across the asphalt, he turned on the sidewalk and headed down toward his favorite restaurant. He needed something to eat. Unfortunately, he wasn't going to get there. He sensed a disturbance in the force. Stopping and turning on his heel, he spotted a large, black mass with a white face on the roof of the building behind it. It was standing still, watching him. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned again and started walking, but was stopped once again when it spoke, addressing him. "You there. Human. You saw me. Why didn't you attack or run screaming?"

    Demon sighed. Using hirenkyaku, he appeared in the air in front of the hollow on a black, monolithic panel. "Greetings, Sir Hollow. I did not attack because you gave me no reason to." The hollow chuckled. "Shouldn't my presence alone be reason enough?" The Obscurum shook his head. "Not for me." The hollow let out a booming chuckle, the tendrils hanging from the top of his head bouncing. "Is this a reason?" Raising its hand, it curled its fingers into a fist and swung it for Demon. Focusing and then flaring his reiatsu from his arm, he repelled the punch with sheer power alone. "Yes." Narrowing his eyes, he reached up his right arm and placed his fingers on Deicide. The chain holding it to his ear suddenly shattered, disappearing in the breeze. Extending his arm and holding it out from his body, his bow appeared.

    The simple, black weapon was drawn with his other hand, a thin arrow forming. Releasing it as the Hollow roared at him, the arrow flew through the short space between them and struck it dead on in the center of the mask. Engorging itself, the needle arrow suddenly disappeared, and so did a large portion of the Hollow's head. Deactivating the bow as it detrified into black powder and dispersed into the breeze, he brought the cross back up to his ear and held it for a moment. The chain reformed once more, snagging onto both his ear anchor and the loop at the top of the cross, connecting it firmly. Turning from the scene, he decided to rush to the restaurant before anything else happened, and thus hirenkyaku'd once more.

    Your Bow:

    Bow Name: Deicide
    Quincy Cross Appearance: Described in Appearance under Accessories. It is his earring.
    Quincy Bow & Spirit Arrows Manifestation: When activated, the chain that holds Demon's cross to his ear shatters, allowing for him to safely pull the cross away without ripping out his ear lobes. Reishi collects from around him to converge and shape the actual weapon. Standing three and a half feet when strung, the bow is of the recurve variety, the spindly length is colored a deep black with not particularly interesting designs or patterns. This is most likely due to Demon's attitude about combat, preferring to get the job done rather than look good doing it. After pulling the black string, his arrows form with the appearance of any other quincy arrow, a large, triangular tip and a long shaft. Unlike most arrows, however, his do not have a tail on it, ending with another point, although it has no edges to it, giving the impression of a spike or stake at the back.

    Sanrei Glove
    Sanrei Glove Appearance:
    Sanrei Glove:

    Other Changes: None
    Techniques: (12 Max, re-use form.)
    Name: Black Star
    State: Normal
    Description: This technique focuses on the primary ability of Reishi Dominance, the power of a Quincy to rip apart and manipulate Reishi. After firing the arrow (which appears differently than his regular arrows, narrowing down to become a needle), it collects reishi from the atmosphere automatically as it flies and condenses it. After it strikes something, the collected reishi expands rapidly in every direction before imploding in on itself, stealing any reishi it touches to cause more damage. This technique is also useful for evaporating energy-based techniques or destroying shields and barriers (if Demon's power allows for it, of course).

    Name: Sunrise Crush
    State: Regular
    Description: This is a technique that relies on Demon to form a tattoo on his flesh by concentrating reishi particles on his body in a particular form. The appearance of it is a large hammer smashing through the sun. Once activated, his body passively emits wave after wave of thin reiatsu that works to disperse photons, thus removing all traces of light from the immediate atmosphere. This technique works at a twenty foot radius from his body, and can be used longer depending on how much power he has.

    Name: Noir's Blessing
    State: Regular
    Description: Condensing reishi over his body, Demon forms a skin-tight layer of spiritual energy to help protect him from damage. It is activated by a tattoo similar to Sunrise Crush that appears as a suit of armor with no one in it. The black pseudo-flesh that covers him is capable of stopping melee and energy attacks (as long as he is strong enough, of course) by abrosrbing reishi or kinetic energy and dispersing it over the entireity of its form. Excess damage is capable of puncturing or even destroying it, and if Demon's energy runs out or he deactivates it manually it will recede back into tattoo form.

    Last edited by Demon Obscurum on Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Demon Obscurum Empty Re: Demon Obscurum

    Post by Funnyguy339 Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:25 am

    Ooo, this looks really good! However the image for accessories doesn't show, other than that everything seems good to me!

    Approved! 1/2
    Demon Obscurum
    Demon Obscurum

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    Demon Obscurum Empty Re: Demon Obscurum

    Post by Demon Obscurum Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:34 am


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    Demon Obscurum Empty Re: Demon Obscurum

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:41 am

    This is actually really great. I loved all of it!
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    Demon Obscurum Empty Re: Demon Obscurum

    Post by Rioshi Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:50 am

    [font=Trebuchet MS]I AM Quincy

    Looks good, a 3/2 actually. Would ask if Lee's quincy is willing to help induct this character in rp to help get things moving. Acceptable?

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