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    Ai Kazuma {Remaking In Progress}


    Rank : Royalty
    Vice-captain of Squad 1
    Posts : 2716
    BD-cash : 9169

    Ai Kazuma {Remaking In Progress}  Empty Ai Kazuma {Remaking In Progress}

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:13 pm


    (Your character here)

    Ai Kazuma

    “Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own.”

    Basic Information:

    Name: Ai Kazuma
    Alias: Blue Crane
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Affiliation: (What faction do you side with)
    Rank: Elder
    Special Skills/Abilities:
    Fencing Trained in the art of the Épée, Ai is well versed in the art so to make every strike count and as pin-point as possible.

    Musically Talented Ai, in his search for the female sex, Ai worked on his skills in the musical arts. This being the piano, the violin, the harp, the saxophone, the drums, the electric guitar, the guitar, the keytar, turntables, and singing.

    Intellectual Ai had studied many years to become a teacher and with that, he has a vast amount of knowledge on many subjects though, it varies on subjects.

    Master Quincy Spell User Ai has trained since he was little in the way of the Quincy. This means that he knows how to use a wide range of Handlung and Verteidigung spells.

    Personality: Ai is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal, even if it means lying to his followers and using people as bait for the outcome he desires. However, he has trouble putting those he is close to in harms way for the sake of his goal, which is a weakness as a commander but a remnant of his humanity and sanity. The most note worthy thing one might see is Ai's love of females of all kinds and races. His personality changes to fit whatever woman he is working on at the time would like in order to get in their good graces. He dislikes the male race apart from himself.

    Your Legacy:

    Your Story:



    Ai walked down the street, the light blue scarf shifting behind him as he walked. He had one hand in his pocket while his other held a small book in it. He seemed rather into it as he moved along the sidewalk. This was until a woman walked past him. His foot held itself up in the air as he spun around and started walking in the same direction she was going.

    He closed the book "Nice weather we're having." She looked back to him and after looking the man over, she giggled and finally came to a stop at a bus stop. They two started to speak about the day.

    "So, what do you do?" He spoke to her as she looked down to a suitcase "I sell insurance~" She looked back toward him as he was looking back toward the sky as he looked back down toward her "Is that right? Do you have a card?" She smiled kindly as she reached down and opened her case up and withdrew a card and then stood up and looked back toward him as he was looking down the street and then turned back toward her and smiled "Oh, this will be very handy. I'm sure it has your....personal number?"

    She gave off a giggle as she pulled out a pen and took the card from him and wrote down a number and then looked back toward him as he lowered his arms from a stretch and took the card "Wonderful. You'll be hearing from me tonight." He winked at her as a bus pulled itself up and he waved her off. When the bus was out of sight, he withdrew his book once more and started walking back the way he had come.

    As the view started to focus out, several hollows started to fade away on the tree tops. A couple at the edge of town twitched as they stood in fright as their masks began to crumble. A single hollow fell from the sky, disappearing before it even hit the ground.

    Powers and Abilities:

    (To be able to use technique, Spirit Weapon and Vollstandig, knowledge and know how must be acquired in-game)

    Quincy Cross Appearance: Cross of Ai Kazuma
    Bow Name: Schön (Beautiful)
    Quincy Bow & Spirit Arrows Manifestation: Appearnace of the Quincy Bow Schön
    Sanrei Glove:

    Spirit Weapon
    Spirit Weapon Release Phrase: "Strike, Schön!"
    Released Appearance: Ai Kazuma strikes.
    Spirit Weapon Special Ability:
    High Spiritual Power: Ai has sufficient spiritual power to seriously wound most opponents and this increases exponentially in his released state.
    Reishi Absorption: A Quincy primarily absorbs spiritual energy from the atmosphere and combines it with their own spiritual energy to form weapons or to fuel their techniques. The energy is absorbed into the massive claw's palm.
    Ransōtengai: This is a high level technique that allows Ai to control his body parts using strings of spirit energy controlled by his brain, forming lines or strings out of countless reishi. By using this technique, he can control his body as one would a puppet, allowing him to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force that would impede normal movement.
    Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut, which grants the Ai inhuman durability, is represented by a faint pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of his skin, which is only visible on the afflicted area when struck. If consciously kept at full power, even attacks delivered by a Shinigami's Bankai can potentially be negated completely. However, despite the considerable defense afforded by this technique, it seemingly is not absolute, and can be torn using sufficient power.

    Vollstandig Release Phrase: "Beautiful Desire, Schönen Wunsch!"
    Released Appearance: He dons a dark blue royal appearance, with golden trim and a white ascot. A single large red rose is pinned to his left chest. His hands are covered in a golden armor-like substance. Around both his eyes are numerous cracks. The most notable thing is the pair of wings that protrude from his back.
    Vollstandig Special Ability: (what is your weapons special power)

    Abilities (Max 12, you can add/unlock as you progress, but to be able to use technique, you must acquire it in-game)

    Name: Spurhaltung des Auges (Tracking Eye)
    State: All
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: Ai has his left eye enhanced to see with amazing clarity, distance, color, and even in a different spectrum of light. Ai may even upgrade to Infrared Vision, X-Ray Vision, Movement Vision, or Night Vision if the situation calls for it. Ai can perceive things in a more detailed manner. Cracks appear around his eye which signal's the activation of its use, the eye itself also changes in color to that of an orange hue.
    Downside: While Ai has far above average vision in the single eye, it causes his sight with both eyes to be thrown off dramatically and thus, he usually has to close his right eye; He can only see what his eye sees at that distance so targets out of his range or not in his line of sight are next to impossible to perceive.

    Name: Geist-Partikel-Antenne (Spirit Particle Aerial)
    State: All
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: By using Ai's ability as a quincy and a master of their spells into objects made of Reiatsu, Ai can infuse Reiryoku within these to make them more solid or possibly explosive. He then molds it into a shape depending on the abilities he wants it to have. After molding the reiatsu, Ai can enlarge it to various sizes depending on the intended purpose of the skill. Once enlarged, the reiatsu creations can be brought to life and controlled remotely by Ai.
    Downside: Sudden attacks or jolts may cause the spell to explode regardless of friend or foe; Striking Ai himself hard enough with an attack or blow will cause the spell to simply dissipate.

    Name: Kleidung-Änderung (Clothes Alteration)
    State: Regular
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: It is typically used to change into clothes other than the ones Ai is currently wearing, but he also has the ability to change others clothes as well. This gives this technique an abundance of uses when it comes to fashion or clothing. The transformation of clothes will be real and accurate to his wishes.
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: Light Arrow Shot (Leichte Pfeil erschossen)
    State: Spirit Weapon, Vallstandig
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: It is all about the amount of light. But its not like his power is nullified without any light, but it is at its weakest and Ai has to put more effort into his attacks. Phases of the moon appear on the bow before firing and tells of the power of the attack.

    Power Sign 1: no light - The Sign takes the form of an empty moon, There is no light in this Stage. - Lowest level of power.

    Power Sign 2: Artificial light, average light - the moon is 25% completed, from the left. The glow is alive and more like flames at its tip. - the opponent will be surprised with the difference from the latest attacks-if used any, and often thinks of it as a lucky strike or fluke from their side, as the power of Ai's attacks grow stronger.

    Power Sign 3: Twilight or Dusk, Above average light - the moon has now taken the form of a Half moon and the power of his attack will have greatly increased. Each arrow fired emits a ring when fired from the blow and forms an missile-like appearance.

    Power Sign 4: Direct Moonlight - The moon is now almost complete and the power of his attack is above doubled equal to Sign 2, and glows a mix of purple and blue. This is Ai's Control limit, he can control most of the attacks, but there are a few of them that Ai can't completely control and relegate (decide size/power ect). He will not use any of his strongest moves in this kind of lighting as long as he is not completely alone.

    Power Sign 5: Direct Sunlight - This is the highest and absolute power, it is only gained when there is direct sunlight and there is no chance of darkness. The power of attacks in this kind of weather is beyond any other, its destruction power is unimaginable. Ai has totally lost the control and will refrain from using light based attacks during this time, as he cant even regulate the power of the simplest attacks. A single fired arrow will demolish any, if not all but the strongest defenses in its path.

    Name: Fliegen-Schirm-Schritt-tireur (Flying Screen Step Shooter)
    State: Spirit Weapon, Vallstandig
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: The practitioner creates a limited number of crystalline orbs the size of a tennis ball that he/she then throws into the air. They begin to hover around and move across the sky in a seemingly free manner. The user then is able to launch him/her self up and land on a orb until they are placed in a position in which they fire a multitude of arrows in seemingly random directions. The arrows deflect off the orbs and onto others but in the end, all are fired at a single target.
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: Verschiebungs-Pfeil (Relocation Arrow)
    State: Regular, Spirit Weapon
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: The ability to psychically distort space to exchange one Verschiebungs-Pfeil arrow with the user. Once the arrow has hit a solid surface, the user is now able to instantly transport himself within a foot of the arrow's placement.
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: Quincy-Klon (Quincy Clone)
    State: Regular
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: his technique creates clones of the user that vary in clothing appearance. However, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's spirit energy is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of attack with normal arrows on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: Seelescherblock Klinge (Soul-Cutter Sword)
    State: All
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: The modified Seele Schneider is a sword hilt, golden-colored weapon that, when activated, sports a glowing blue blade. On impact, the union of spirit particles in whatever has been cut loosens, making this a tool which makes spirit particles easier to steal away. For a Quincy, absorbing spirit particles from the environment to strengthen one's weapon is absolutely imperative and the Seele Schneider is the strongest embodiment of this process. It is longer than a standard arrow and functions something like a chainsaw; the blade is composed entirely of reishi, which is constantly revolving around 3,000,000 times per second. But the Seelescherblock Klinge is different as it is able to store limitless amounts of reishi and thus making the strikes stronger and can even transform the blade depending on the amount absorbed.
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: Geistige Energien-Schwankung (Spiritual Power Surge)
    State: Spirit Weapon, Vallstandig
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: By unleashing the skill, Ai is able to unlock his spiritual pressure to its fullest extent. Even by a captain's standards, his Spiritual Pressure is absolutely monstrous in this state. In fact, it is so great that Ai can fight on par with two other captain-level opponents without using his full power. His spiritual energy has been shown to affect entire areas to the point of disrupting energy attacks from enemies, and cause others from seemingly miles away to enter a state of paralysis and confusion. When unleashing a strong enough surge of energy, it becomes visible and dark blue in color, sometimes with the appearance of a demonic crane. This also gives way to damage resistance. He can also use it as a sort of armor, making it impossible for him to be harmed by anyone not at his level of power. This is comparable to an Arrancar's Hierro. And lastly he has the use of shock waves. He has also demonstrated enough control to focus and unleash his spiritual pressure in the form of a powerful shock wave.
    Downside: Unfortunately, the side effects of using this skill are that Ai's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches them him after the usage of the skill. It can only last for 3 posts in the human world; 8 posts in the Soul Society/Hueco Mundo

    Name: Gefängnis (Jail)
    State: Spirit Weapon
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: Ai can fire off Reishi constructs from the massive claw that is able to forcibly close gateways between dimensions as well as form Reishi cages to entrap his opponents. The strength of these cages is such that not even a point-blank, Bankai-enhanced Getsuga Tenshō would be able to break it. The only people that cannot be held by The Jail are fellow Quincies.
    Downside: The only downside to this technique is that Ai must keep the claw directly on the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned and is not allowed to move from his current position.

    Name: (Name of the ability)
    State: (Regular, Spirit Weapon, Vallstandig or All)
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: (Describe what your technique can do)
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

    Name: (Name of the ability)
    State: (Regular, Spirit Weapon, Vallstandig or All)
    Terms of Usage: (Is the technique activated, or can you do it without any special terms or conditions)
    Description: (Describe what your technique can do)
    Downside: (What is the downside to the technique?)

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