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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Funnyguy339 Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:40 am

    In a distance up above in the sky stands the powerful Michael Shichirou and his younger sibling Raiden Shichirou stand there, both of them in there full shinigami uniform wearing the Shichirou haori. Raiden was slightly crouched down in front of Michael to his left, the heavy rain would fall upon the area as Michael would simply spectate.

    He looked down seriously upon the two who were about to join in battle, Raiden had already sealed the area earlier on with an invisible force shield which kept the area contained and sound proof, this meant that no body on the outside would get harmed.

    The Rain would fall heavily damping the area as Michael and Raiden simply watched from above as there hollowfied brother was about to engage in battle. Michael's plan was simply, stand and watch see what this girl has to offer and how strong Relampago has gotten then if she needs help send Raiden in to finish the job wilts Michael would rescue the young girl.

    They would watch above as Relampago was next to make his move.

    ( listen to this while reading each post! :D)

    Posts : 132
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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:53 am

    Relampago feels the spiritual pressure of two more stronger beings other than Alice. He looks up with his eyes as he sees his two brothers.

    "Ah... I see... you bought company..."

    He looks back down to the young girl as he then opens up his large metallic jaw as a large dark red and black ball begins to spin around and form as he begins to charge up a Cero. The ball gets to the size of a bowling ball before it then fires out and charges in towards the young girl.

    This was Relampago's normal Cero and it was large and strong enough to tear through the ground in one go, the large black and dark red Cero would charge towards Alice rapidly. If she never moved out the way she would be hit and sent flying rapidly a few feet and would be covered in burn marks. If this had succeeded Relampago would continue with his next attack.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:33 pm

    As soon as she saw the red glow forming before the jaws f the arrancar, Alice would shunpo to the left, 70 degrees. While in her swift motion she would use er own technique.

    Cyclone of needles

    Using the element of wind as well as her quick fire of needles she fires then in a cyclone-like shape from the holster towards the enemy. This move can be shot from all directions.

    These needles were launched from here right holster

    This is a neurotoxin that exists in real life. identified through its damaging effects to the nervous system and shown to have the capacity of inhibiting the function of motor nerves and thus the contraction of the musculature in a manner similar to that of curare. Additionally, through chronic TEA administration, muscular atrophy would be induced.
    These effects will only happen in the area where the neurotoxin is delivered. Examples: A hit to your finger would lead to your whole hand, to your upper arm, upper arm cannot be used. However, hits to the upper arm or leg can lead to delayed reaction to the lower areas of said limb due to extremely impaired nervous system communication.

    Noticing they were being watched, she already decided not to go to her full abilities.

    Posts : 132
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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:05 am

    Relampago saw that the girl had moved just as he had fired the cero, the cero ripped out large pieces of the ground as it fired straight. Relampago turns his head to the left while he is still firing the cero, part of the cero hits directly at the force field and the rest charges to his left in an attempt to strike Alice.

    As he saw the needles coming towards him he cut of the cero and then sonidoed rapidly out the way. He managed to dodge the attack by sonidoing to Alice' side as he then sends his right foot to Alice' gut in an attempt to strike her, if this hit Alice would be thrown back a few feet and would have a large red mark on her stomach and would be winded for a short moment.

    Relampago had a seriously cold bloodthirsty look on his face as he awaited for her reactions.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:21 am

    Using her wind element abilities, she used her right arm and lifted her legs above her body, doing a one handed hand stand on his foot as it lifted up. Obviously he positioned his leg as to not get hit by his own cero, she was in clear of the shot.

    Using her Left holster now, she aimed at extremely close quarters and fired her needle cyclone again.

    nother real neurotoxin. The Neurotoxic behavior of aluminum is known to occur upon entry into the circulatory system, where it can migrate to the brain and inhibit some of the crucial functions of the blood brain barrier (BBB). A loss of function in the BBB can produce significant damage to the neurons in the CNS, as the barrier protecting the brain from other toxins found in the blood will no longer be capable of such action. Though the metal is known to be neurotoxic, effects are usually restricted to patients incapable of removing excess ions from the blood, such as those experiencing retinal failure. Patients experiencing aluminum toxicity can exhibit symptoms such as impaired learning and reduced motor coordination.

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:10 am

    Relampago sees the needles coming towards him rapidly, only a few inches left and Relampago's body gets engulfed in large amounts of black smoke as he sonidoes out of the way just in time. He re-appeared above her and managed to grab hold of her right leg as he then began to spin her around mid air, he span her around three times and then let her go, Relampago dived after her keeping a short distance of around 5 feet in between them.

    He looked at her with his blood red eyes and was already planning his next attack. He was being cautious of those needles, he didn't know what they contained however he still didn't want to be hit by them.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:19 am

    Seeing as he was trailing her, she decided to slightly change tactics.

    Life returned to her eyes in a very seductive way. Trying to see up my skirt? Pervert. She said in a sweet breathy seductive voice, followed to by biting her bottom lip as if to also appear seductive. She knew her foe only figured the needles were danger, not her own blood.

    She bit hard enough to bleed, and let her wind element guide it onto the face of her foe. She mainly aimed for his eyes, nose, and mouth.

    After this she was guiding her way through the trees, and used her Leaves in the Wind technique of hoho to slide around a tree to the ground and land on her feet.

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:51 am

    Relampago was gliding shortly behind the young girl, as he saw the blood come towards him Relampago glided to the right and then landed on the ground with his feet as he began to run rapidly.

    He saw the girl run towards the forest and then Sonidoed to the start of the forest. He extended out his right hand as a large dark red ball formed as he then said.

    "Cero Metralleta"

    As he said this one ball split up into millions of balas as they began to rampage through the forest tearing down each and every tree around with out fail, if Alice was hit by any of these balas that were rapidly going around destroying the place she would be highly injured and in large amounts of pain.

    (clip shows Cero Metralleta

    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:34 pm

    using her highly increased shunpo and hoho skills mixed with her leaves in the wind technique she danced in between the shower of bala. However the tips of her dess were slightly burned, this made Alice quite upset. She studied this creature for a while now, and noted that holding back may not be such an easy feat.

    Very well then. Kido 62. Hundred-Step Rail Parch.
    A rod formed of energy is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them immobile.

    Posts : 132
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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:47 am

    Relampago looked at the kido attack with his crimson eyes and then walked forwards a few steps slowly, the kido beams began to charge at him and last minute he sonidoed out of the way of one, he managed to dodge the first beam which struck the ground. Relampago continued to walk a second one charged at him, this one aimed for his chest, he managed to turn his body to the side making the beam miss him by a few inches.

    He then sonidoed past each one managing to dodge each one of them, however some of them were a close call, Relampago just barley made it out due to the technique he chose to do of having to go so close to the kido beams.

    Relampago reaches into his jacket and takes out 5 throwing knives and then throws them all at the direction of Alice. The rain still pours upon the area and the thunder still roars viciously, Michael and Raiden were still watching from above, not interfering only spectating.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:28 am

    Using her passive, and replacing her needle control with the simple daggers, the wind warped their path off to the side, missing Alice.

    Alice cast needles into her hands. This game was going no where. She just wanted it to be over. She put her right hand across her body and brushed it across in front of her.

    needles between her fingers and use wind to make a temporary fan infusing the Neurotoxin into the blasts of wind, although this would be less potent than the needles version of the Neurotoxin by 50%. (Note: This doesn't effect the amount of times to activate the symptoms or detoxing time.)

    Posts : 132
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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:14 am

    Relampago sees the poisonous gas coming towards him. Relampago takes out his right hand and then fires a blast of poisonous flammable gas which combines with the poison which was sent by Alice.

    Relampago searches through his jacket and takes out a zippo lighter, he ignites the flame and throws the whole thing into the cloud of gas. The gas instantly ignites and begins to increase in size as a flame explosion was created, the flame began to charge in all directions as it was a large ball of flame that was about to burst.

    Relampago sonidoed behind Alice in an attempt to punch her in the back, if this succeeded she would be thrown into the flames, this would only burn her as all the poisons were now burnt up and neutralized. The flames were still charging out burning everything around, Relampago had to be quick, one wrong move and he could end up being highly burnt.

    In the distance Michael and Raiden both place on gas masks that cover there nostrils and mouth so that they don't get affected by the gasses being unleashed.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:20 am

    Keeping up with the motions of the Arrancar, as his fist trusts forward, she uses one of her hoho techniques known as Energy Reverse mixed with some Leaves in the Wind. As she spines right outside the personal aura barrier on the arrancar, using his energy force to trace outside his motion.

    Once behind him She would kick off from his back using her shunpo speed to not only get out of the range of the gas but also to push him into the poisonous blaze.

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:18 am

    As Relampago gets kicked into the large blaze he quickly fires out a large blast of mist to the blaze. The large moist gas fires to the center of the blaze and extinguishes it's flame leaving only remains of poison which Relampago manages to inhale.

    Relampago is now poisoned. He manages to catch his footing as he then sonidoes back a few feet as he now stands over a pile of torn down trees. With one hand he manages to lift up a large tree as he throws it towards Alice with little effort, the large tree goes flying rapidly spinning around charging towards Alice, if this hit her she would be highly injured and would have at least a broken bone or two depending on where it hit.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:23 pm

    Simply shunpoing to the side, the tree is easily avoided. She stands in wait. Recalculation was needed, and there was no need to send forth a new advancement.

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:26 pm

    He saw that throwing a large tree at her failed, to be honest he wasn't very surprised. He could feel the poison running through his veins and pumping through his blood, he could feel is slowly taking it's toll on him. He took no notice of this as he simply smiled he said out loud.

    "You finally found someone who could possibly take me down didn't you brothers? You came all this way to see if I could be defeated... its such a shame, I was starting to grow fond of her! now I will tear of her damn face and throw it at you."

    Relampago sonidoes once again and re-appears in front of her as he sends his stone hard fist towards her chest in a large attempt to hit her. If this hit she would be highly damaged and sent back a few feet, however if she managed to dodge it or counter it then Relampago would re-consider his attacks.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:36 am

    With her mastery in Hakuda she grabbed his fist, holding it still, in place of her normal dodge and attack technique.

    That is why they are here? I didn't understand. Strange.

    She looked up at the being causally watching from above. You're all siblings? Am I just a pawn in a family feud? Her eyes narrowed, irritated.


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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:32 pm

    Relampago chuckles slightly at what she said.

    "What!? you! the cause of a family feud! Don't flatter yourself!"

    As Relampago's fist was locked by her hand a large smirk came out of his metallic mouth as he fired a powerful Bala from the very fist that Alice was holding. Since Alice was already holding the fist there was no dodgin it, the bala fired instantly and clashed with Alice's hand, due to it being at such close range it tears off a large part of the skin from her hand making her hand bleed, this allows Relampago's fist to be free.

    While Relampago sees an opening he launches his right fist once again to her stomach as he then fires another dark red Bala, if this hit her stomach she would be highly damaged, her clothing would be torn slightly and she would have a burnt mark on her stomach and would be launched a few feet away where Relampago would continue by firing a Cero at her.

    All this would only happen if she fell for the bala to the stomach.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:35 pm

    Michael watches to how the young girl was so foolishly distracted, he shakes his head and then shouts to her.

    "You are not apart of this, you were simply here in the right place at the wrong time. We came to hunt down Relampago however we saw you and decided to spectate to see how strong you really are."

    The rain and thunder would continue to fall as Raiden and Michael watched the fight go on.

    "Do not get distracted, Relampago is not one to be taken lightly, you give him the chance and he will kill you!"
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:44 am

    As energy gathered into the fist she was holding, Aice matched the bala with Hado number Number 54: Haien (Abolishing Flames). As it has no incantation she could fire it instantly from her gripping hand into the fist she was grasping.( Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact) The blows nullified eachother and she twitched her right to face his body. He was less than a foot away, and in her grip. Her knuckles aimed at his inner arm to armpit, possibly into his rib cage, as room for error, to still be effective, and blasted her needle cyclone once more. (Again, just a reminder, so you don't have to go back and read.)

    Cyclone of needles:
    Description: Using the element of wind as well as her quick fire of needles she fires then in a cyclone-like shape from the holster towards the enemy. This move can be shot from all directions.

    ~ Right holster releases this~
    This is a neurotoxin that exists in real life. identified through its damaging effects to the nervous system and shown to have the capacity of inhibiting the function of motor nerves and thus the contraction of the musculature in a manner similar to that of curare. Additionally, through chronic TEA administration, muscular atrophy would be induced.
    These effects will only happen in the area where the neurotoxin is delivered. Examples: A hit to your finger would lead to your whole hand, to your upper arm, upper arm cannot be used. However, hits to the upper arm or leg can lead to delayed reaction to the lower areas of said limb due to extremely impaired nervous system communication.


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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Relampago Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:43 am

    Relampago's attack clashed with the young girls, both there fists and hands went flying back, the needles flew toward Relampago, he looked up and smirked.

    "It's been fun kiddo!"

    As he allowed himself to be injected by the needles, the poison quickly runs through his body as he begins to laugh histerically. Although he has anti-poisons in his jacket and on his person he decides to let the poison run through him to see how badly it can affect him.

    He stands there laughing out loud as he begins to charge up a cero in his hand as he points it dead on to where Alice is, The Cero Charges up the cero while suffering from the poison running through his body and launches it, the cero charges rapidly towards Alice in an attempt to hit her.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Funnyguy339 Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:53 am

    Michael looks at Relampago and sees how his anger is growing, his not reacting to the poisons as quickly as he should, anymore of this and Relampago will go insane once again and on an all out bloody rampage. He sees the Cero charging up and sees how Relampago fires it to the young girl, he pats Raiden's shoulder.

    "You know what to do. Need help, call me."

    He looks down to Raiden and nods at him.
    2nd Division Captain
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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Raiden Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:57 am

    Raiden nods and quickly shunpoes in front of the young girl, the cero fires rapidly and Raiden counters it with his blade as he unsheathes it and blocks it. Raiden squints his eyes as the blast from the Cero was powerful and blinding, Raiden was holding his ground attempting to slash at the cero, the cero was being pushed back by Raidens blade however his feet were skidding through the ground slowly.

    "Alice, Care to make this two on one?"

    Raiden stamps his foot on the ground as he begins to step forwards, his body sparking with electricity as he attempts to push back the Cero even more.
    alice of the Rose
    alice of the Rose

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by alice of the Rose Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:01 am

    Sure, you're a knight in shining Armour now that the work is done. Alice says dryly while spitting off to the side in a sign of disgust. She swiftly turned on her heels and started walking away. He'll be dying within seconds now. She said in almost a growl.

    She looked to where her cello was to see a mount of burned up and destroyed wood. She wouldn't be forgetting this.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark forest Far From the Reach of the Shinigami

    Post by Funnyguy339 Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:31 am

    Michael shunpoes rapidly and appears in front of Alice. He stands at 6"11 as he looks down on her, his muscular figure is usually intimidating for someone smaller than him, especially someone who doesn't know him very well. He said in a deep and serious tone.

    "You're coming back with us for the time being. We have things to discuss, first watch as we arrest Relampago. And also, Do no underestimate Raiden. He does things out of Justice, not because he is a knight in shining armor."

    He says this as the rain continues to fall, he stands there in front of her, she could choose to leave without knowing the truth or she could go with them and learn the reason behind it all.

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