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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:18 pm

    Soren whom was standing next to Waka at the time had finally made his decision moved back using the bringer step to rush quickly near Sniper and the other girl seeing that she now was undergoing some transformation more then likely something to do with hollows. Noticing that sniper was having difficulties he had to think of something without getting into her way seeing that she was using guns which seemingly had no effect at least not to his knowledge he would have to play it safe close quarters wasn't much of a option.

    Soren sighed grabbing his sword he would have to revert to that if things became much worse but for now he would play long distance. Twirling his sword a light began to shine around it and he stopped the gleaming white blade Horisutoraiku! Soren's fullbring slashed the air releasing a white crescent blast that curved upward and Soren slashed his blade down towards the ground in front of the girl launching herself at sniper as he used his bringer step to stand beside Sniper his fullbring in front of him I hope you don't mind if I get involved in this.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:36 am


    The bullets bounced on her chest without even leaving a scratch, this surprised even her, but she was not gonna hold back. She found the broken blade yet again, conveniently lying inches next to her, she picked it up and stabbed her hand, the blood formed a blade of crimson color, replacing the broken pieces of the Katana.

    She felt more in control now, but the voice was still in her head, the voice of that marionette doll asking her to find her.

    Rei shook her head took a swing, this swing formed a crimson crescent wave of energy which collided against the wave Soren had shot at her, it seemed someone was interfering between the two sisters feud.

    "What, now you found a boyfriend? That's just cute." Rei shrugs teasingly.


    Sniper blushed furiously. "NO! That's not it!" she argued like a little kid. "BAKA BAKA!" she continues. "I do mind actually." She said shyly.

    This statement made Rocker laugh, 2 voices laughed with her, it seemed the mask made her voice double or something.

    Sniper smirks before pulling out something from her duffle bag, it looked like a bazooka. She fired it without hesitation and it went straight for Rocker.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 490
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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:34 am

    Soren watched at she made a crimson blade from her blood and the broken katana and he noted the crimson energy blast that collided with his as their attacks enveloped the area he saw her standing there after teasing sniper and him about being her boyfriend not that he was worried about it at that moment. Though he noticed the differences in her voice was she being controlled or did she fuse with some unknown entity? He thought about it for a moment and grimaced at the sad truth nevertheless he kept his eyes on her and prepared him as they argued.

    Just before sniper pulled out the bazooka she had answered his question and he sighed and replied back to her. Well I am going to provide support anyways just don't shoot me if you can avoid it. I'll keep her at a distance with close range. With that and the bazooka launching it's missile he used his bringer step to begin to close the distance between Rei and himself only thinking of why he was doing this Don't worry I'll protect sniper and maybe we'll be able to get this girl under control.Steeling himself he prepared for the upcoming clash.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:46 pm

    -- Rocker --

    Rocker blocked the missile headed for with both hands pushing her back a few feet away, she pushed it back when she had the chance, it collided with a rock pillar causing a massive explosion.


    Sniper only gave him a nod, confirming what he suggested was a good go, she pulled out another riffle and waited for the smoke to clear out.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:25 pm

    Soren saw the missile veer off into a mountain exploding causing rocks to crash to the ground and yet the only thought passing through his mind was taking the advantage. Keeping on the run he sped up cutting the distance seeing as now the time was right to strike he jumped up and thrusted his fullbring towards rocker.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:33 pm


    Rei was hiding quite well, she knew Sniper would have a hard time finding her under the smoke, but a sharp pain struck her, she was stabbed on the belly, she did not expect this, but their game of one on one became a game of 2 on 1. She slid back sending a small wave of crimson energy while doing so. Her movements were somewhat slower, it appears he's injured her.


    Sniper took a shot at Rie once she spotted her, she aimed for her leg. When the shot connected this surprised her, something was wrong, Rei was not an easy target, something must have happened to her.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:53 pm

    Soren felt the thrust connect through the smoke and his eyes widen as he saw crimson wave burst through the smoke he didn't have much time to react performing a dodge roll to the right the crimson wave cut through his left shoulder and into his arm a bit. Soren howled in pain grasping his left side feeling his wound the cut on his shoulder was slightly deeper then that on his arm.

    Clenching his fullbring he was solely going have to rely on his right arm on most of the battle there was no use to push his left arm that was wounded.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:02 am

    The pain grows intense as white stuf forms from her face, fighting the urge to scream out from the invasion of thought, she shot several ceros on random direction. Her wounds were slowly healing, but her mask was forming more quickly.

    3 shots were fired at the white stuff forming on her face, but it wouldnt break, it actually protected her if it did anything at all.

    She has no idea what was happening to her, but she used her blade to break the mask.

    Breathing heavily, she turned to Soren, his left arm was taken out it seemed, the battle was even again.

    But then again.


    Sniper was starting to think that Rie was not her self, but this didnt stop her from firing at her, when she thought normal bullets no longer worked, she put the new ones to test.

    Reiatsu induced ones, especially designed for Nova who have no way back. But would it work on Rei?

    There's only one way to find out.

    She fires one and waits.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:51 am

    Soren watched as Rei spewed the white liquid that would form a hollows mask on her face as she took three gunshots to face they had no effect on her as she fired cero's in a random direction. Hearing the crashing sound Soren began to chuckle to himself thinking Her inner hollow i's protecting her... Well more like itself... Just what is the goal for this fight?

    Soren readied himself again seeing Rei still wounded but not as bad. Hearing a shot whizz by his ear he launched himself forward getting ready for his next clash. Yet he wondered why were they fighting he knew his reason but other then that nothing made sense.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:30 am


    Her wounds were healing on it's own, and the voice inside her was overpowering her, but she faught it. Tearing off the mask she launched towards Snipper aiming to stab her.


    Sniper shot bullets at Rei only to stall her, but couldnt move from her position to avoid what was about to happen. "Crap." She mumbles. It seemed she was cornered.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:26 pm

    Soren watched as Rei passed him dodging him leaving a open path to sniper his eyes widened and his heart sank in his chest. Thrusting his fullbring down and clawing at the ground he succeeded in stopping himself and launching himself as fast as his body allowed to step in between Sniper and Rei.

    Passing Rei he cut out in front of her and stood his ground however in the attempt his could not bring his fullbring up in order to protect himself and therefore allowing Rei's crimson blade to pierce his chest. Coughing up blood he began think to himself looking back at Sniper. I...I'm sorry... It seems now I won't be protecting anyone anymore I... I've failed... Soren looked at Rei now and stayed silent If only I was stronger I wouldn't be dying right now... heh I'm pathetic I couldn't protect my allies and I couldn't protect anyone close to me. Soren fell to his knee's then on his back his eyes closing and his final thoughts racing through his head So.. I was granted this power and I wanted to do was protect people with it and yet now I am teased by the gods as they finish me like their ambrosia...

    You know you're a tad bit depressing.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:47 am

    --Sniper and Rocker--

    Both Sniper and Rei froze, Eyes wide filled with shock and disappointment. Rei left the sword in not to make the cut worst, it almost seemed as if she returned to normal. Her reiatsu was slowing dying down, the expression in her face chaning to something sympathetic and her mask falling of bit by bit. Sniper crawled to Soren's side as if to catch him if ever he fell. "NO no no!!" She yells, tears falling from her eyes. "What happened?" she asked Rei confused, she didnt see things clearly where she was, but she was sure Soren had protected her from something.

    Rei shook her head. "He's going to die." she concluded, sure of it.

    But even she was surprised when a light blue glow escaped the broken sword, it seemed to have been storing unbelievable amounts of reiatsu within it, and almost as if it reacted to Sniper's tears, in escapes into Soren's body.

    "What's going on now?" Sniper asked. Rei backs as way and Snipper followed her instructions, the sword pulled Sorens soul out from his body, and was sent floating just a few feet above the ground, he was wearing a hakama, like a shinigami.

    Rei's eyes widened... "Shinigami?" she thought. The broken Katana had picked him.... It was now his.... but it was now something else entirely, something that was uniquely his.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:00 am

    Waitwaitwait WHAT? Soren jerked his eyes opened only to find himself in a meadow at night filled with stars the only thought was where was he at? Feeling something behind him he turned around and found him looking at a rather large yet majestic looking lung dragon staring at him it unleashed a a low rumble at Soren. Soren reaching for his fullbring remembering that he lost his life he wondered exactly w-where am I? The lung dragon spoke to Soren with a rather surprised tone in his voice You have no idea where you are or what you are now? Soren listened to what the dragon had to say he looked down at his clothes he did noticed that his clothes had to to a white hakama something that shinigami wore Haha now you know what you are now. We'll be speaking again but for now go. Soren noded and closed his eyes.

    Soren eyes tore open and he gasped for breath What the- Soren looked at Rei whom had seemed to return to normal and over to sniper had seemed to have been crying Soren looked down at his body everything happened so quickly but he knew what he needed to do speaking in his normal caring tone. So I died huh... But how did I turn into a shinigami...? Also sniper are you alright nothing happened right?! Soren sounded worried and was confused so very confused.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:00 am

    Rocker shook her head 'Tch' she was able to let out, he was clueless, but so was she. It must have been her sword, it draw her soul away from his body.

    "Is he alive?" Rocker turned to Sniper her tone serious.

    Sniper was calmer now, her expression was still panic stricken. "Yes..." She managed to answer.

    "I dont know how you turned into one." Rocker replies to Soren in a confused tone. She also wondered if the hollow would manifest in him when the time comes as well.

    Whatever happened, to him, it had something to do with her sword. But she wasn't in her body, so it meant something else entirely also.

    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:00 pm

    Soren let out a relieved sigh when sniper told him she was alright though his face turned serious when Rei answered him. Soren looked around So I'm a Shinigami probably infected by a hollow since I presume your blade caused this then Though it's not entirely your fault I was reckless too protecting my ally.... Our ally. Soren turned to face Sniper Is my body still alive or am I going to have to give myself a funeral and never return to my human form again?

    Also another thought popped into his head as well Uhhh wehere is my zanpaktou? Soren got up and looked around looking over at sniper and kneeling down and hugging her and whispering in her ear. I'm sorry about this but I'm glad I could protect you.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:47 am

    Rei watched Soren hug snipper, she had her deal under control now, but she wasnt sure of Sniper's anger being gone. "You're not dead.. not yet atleast." Rei says.

    Sniper caught by surprise could only let Soren hug her while the tears dry down to nothing. "Thank you." She was able to say before blushing furiously as Rocker watched them.

    "Let's fight another day..." Rocker says walking away, Aki was still on the loose because of her, she decided to return with the others. "I'll leave you two your privacy BAHAHAHAH." Rocker teased before leaving the point where they could hear her.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:31 pm

    Soren sighed and looked at sniper hearing her thank you made him happy a little bit and yet he was still confused he had a lot more to learn now though. Rolling to his back he took a deep breathe. Thinking about things as Rei walked away more then likely to help with the vizard girl Soren would go as well be his body was killing him.

    Also sorry that I interfered... I... I uh just wanted to protect you and I saw some of her powers and it just seemed like you could have gotten hurt.. Soren sighed he hated that he had interfered and hoped to god she wasn't mad at him for it he was still worried though something still bugged him.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:26 am

    Sniper was still pretty upset, but she gave him a small smile. The medics rushed into the scene almost immediately that sniper had no chance to reply, they moved his body and his soul and tried to merge them back together. While in the process, they were trying to replace the lost blood clean his wounds and heal them.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Wandering soul

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:40 pm

    Soren was dragged back against his will fighting with the medics calling out for snipers name but it was too late the medics and subdued him and was dragging him back to his beaten and shattered body. Crying out for help too sniper HEY.... HEY SNIPER HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP THIS IS GONNA HURT PLEASE SAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE MEEEE!!!!! Though unfortunately he was in pain everything else was fine his exhaustion and pain had hit him like a freight train. He was all sorts of loopy acting goofy and what not he was even a little bit hyped up. Heey~ Who's up for ice cream?

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    Breaking bonds and shattered memories. Empty Re: Breaking bonds and shattered memories.

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