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    Attack Attack!!

    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Mon May 28, 2012 6:33 pm

    It seemed to be a standard day in the Eastern country of Russia. The cold breeze blew over one of the countries many cities and suddenly a being appeared high in the sky. For a brief moment the surrounding area grew colder and a disturbance was made with the areas reaitsu, but just as quickly as this feeling came it disappeared as the the being took a deep breath.

    Goubatsu looked down coldly with his vacant blue eyes and then disappeared, appearing on the ground of the city. His reaitsu was present for a brief moment before it completely vanished and the arrancar slowly looked around until a particular human caught his eye. This human had slightly stronger spirital awareness, yet was not yet capable to see Goubatsu. Goubatsu sensed this and pounced quickly aiming to eat the man.

    A scream was heard as the man suddenly died, body and soul devoured by the mindless arrancar...
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon May 28, 2012 6:47 pm

    The local government army heard reports of a nova appearing north of the base, local news report of killings, exploasions and inhumane chaos. The police cheife grumbles as they couldnt do anything to stop this masacre.

    The army circled the nova making sure there was no escaping, although normal humans couldnt see them, the army were wearing specks that altered perception, they could see this monster clear as day light.

    "Nova, Level 2" one reported, now they wait.
    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Mon May 28, 2012 6:52 pm

    Goubatsu continued to travel around the city attacking spiritual strong individuals, devouring them and leaving nothing level. The beast seemed to continued as if it would never be satisfied until he noticed that the area seemed to begin to flood with stronger mortals.

    Goubatsu soon noticed that he was surrounded by a group of these humans and he seem unmoved at the fact that they could see him. He quickly looked at them and sensed they were stronger, thus they would be more satisfying. He grunted progressively louder and louder and quickly charged at them devouring them in no time.

    It seemed that these humans although aware were not much different...To Goubatsu they were all food and suffered a fate to match.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Mon May 28, 2012 6:57 pm

    Screams came in waves followed but gun shots and exploasions, fire flooded the streats making the prosperous city look like the pitts of hell. "He's too strong!" An officer ran. The commander stoped him. "DO NOT MOVE! OFFICER'S RETUN TO YOR POST!" The captain fired at the nova, but bullets bounced off like rain.

    Where are the mecha? he thought to him self.

    While the west relied on the pandora, the east relied on Mecha.

    But they were no where.
    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Mon May 28, 2012 7:04 pm

    After eating several of the humans Goubatsu's strength seem to stabilize and he calmed down. He stopped moving for a moment and thats when he noticed he was under attack. Bullets and many other explosives were fired, but they would simply either bounce off or have no effect at all. Goubatsu's hierro was much to advanced for regular weaponry to have any affect on him at all.

    After a few minutes of being under attack Goubatsu looked at the commander who had yelled. Goubatsu marked him and simply began walking. He proceeded through the humans, simply killing them with brutal and powerful punches, breaking bones, ribs and destroying internal organs.

    Goubatsu slowly approached the commander and raised his hand. He grunted before slicing at the mans neck, decapitating him. He then looked at the rest of the army and if nothing was done soon, the entire group would soon be eradicated.

    Posts : 104
    BD-cash : 5322

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Uriel Tue May 29, 2012 6:51 am

    James stood in the midst of a darkened alleyway. His purple hair did not shift in the slightest as the wind was unable to reach him. He had been wandering in the human world for far too long it seemed. He did find it his natural place to be and he did not think about the on goings of the world except for the moments he found things just too far beyond the normal aspects of injustice. He had just recently come across the slaughter in front of him but saw that there was no reason to jump into the fray as soldiers knew what they were getting into and would kill just as they would be killed. This monster would get its own punishment when the time would arrive.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

    Posts : 12855
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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue May 29, 2012 10:09 pm

    The ones next to the commander ran in sheer horror, they scattered like wild fire, faster than the flames that now engulfed pretty much everything. The Nova was big and dangerous, but also invisible to the eye, but not to all.

    "I can see him." Sniper said, not very far from the Nova, she had her riffle aimed right for the creature's head, she knew it wouldn't kill him but only provoke him into causing more havoc, she awaits orders patiently.

    Rei was running just a street away now, the motor cycle she was riding crashed against a school bus which fell from the sky, it seemed it came from ground zero. "Sniper, i see him too" Rei declared grabbing hold of the broken katana resting on belt.

    She cut her left palm with it and produced a crimson colored blade much like the the color of her eyes and the surroundings. It was silent but building up, the sound of a million tormented souls followed by a crimson crescent wave of energy headed for the Nova.

    The rebels have arrived.

    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Wed May 30, 2012 1:26 am

    How Goubatsu found his way to the world of the living was a mystery, however it proved to be one of the worst things that could of happened. Goubatsu was for the most part mindless and savage and all these people provoking him was only going to lead to more trouble. After killing the commander Goubatsu stopped for a brief moment. He looked up to the sky and grunted, something was wrong.

    Goubatsu could sense that the surrounding area had changed. Stronger individuals had come into the area. Goubatsu just stood still in that spot accessing where the stronger energies were coming from and suddenly he closed his eyes.

    "...", he was silent for a split second and when he opened his eyes he knew exactly where the energies were coming from. He turned his head and then noticed that a blast of crimson energy was headed his way. Goubatsu simply dashed towards the blast and extended his arm.

    Goubatsu clashed with the blast and using his Hierro he held it in his palm stopping it in its tracks. Goubatsu then turning and through the blast at another energy he sensed, re-directing it to Sniper.

    Posts : 104
    BD-cash : 5322

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Uriel Wed May 30, 2012 5:35 am

    James continued to watch the events unfold before him, unmoved by the deaths but sure in his own right. It was all going in a particular line, the monster continuing its own onslaught until a pair of individuals appeared, each seemingly a step above the rest as they were more than confident in their abilities to take on the monster. But, if they would be able too, that had yet to be seen, all things come in time and so he would wait, and let time show itself to him.

    Posts : 364
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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Remi-chan Wed May 30, 2012 12:56 pm

    "It's hard not to notice him..."

    Atop a nearby building knelt Hotaru, bow trained upon where the "Nova" was though she knew it by another name entirely. Drawing back, she formed a single arrow, ready to fire it at a moment's notice. But for the moment she perched there, watching until an opportune moment arose. That moment for her came when it deflected and redirected Rocker's attack. Adjusting her aim knowing it would probably be impossible to get a kill right away, she would fire the arrow for one of the Arrancar's legs with a silent prayer that it would hit.

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

    Posts : 12855
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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:52 pm

    A grin crossed Rei's face as the Nova deflected her attack, it also seemed that 'Archer' took a turn to shoot at it.

    "It's a type c i think..."
    Rei reported running towards the Nova seemingly preparing for yet another attack, but Sniper took a shot, 3 bullets headed for it's other leg. Rei had to crash land for the shot to connect. "WATCH OUT WHERE YOU'RE SHOOTING!" Rei yelled.

    Sniper could only wait for more openings, not bothering to reply at all.
    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:25 pm

    As the attacks continued the surround area would become less and less flooded with people. Those who got away were lucky, and those who didn't were already dead. The area was now left for Goubatsu and whoever else was here to observe or fight against him.

    Goubatsu sensed a slight surge of power and then looked in the general direction of where the arrow was coming from. He lifted his leg swiftly and then axe kicked down, both dodging the arrow and before it landed on the ground underneath him smashing it into nothingness. His gaze then focused towards Rei, who was dashing towards him. He narrowed his eyes and then there was a surge of reaitsu.

    As the bullets were fired, Goubatsu screamed at the top of his lungs. The wind around him blew heavily and the air became dense as his scream seemed like an attack of its own accord. It had a shockwave like effect stopping the bullets and hopefully pushing Rei back. Goubatsu then stopped and growled softly as his gaze went back to the general direction of where the arrow had come previously.

    There was a static sound and Goubatsu had disappeared with his Sonido, appearing right in front Hotaru, his zanpaktou already drawn and raised. He didn't hesitate for a moment however, as soon as he appeared his slashed downwards aiming to slice the girl in half. From the Sonido to the slash only a few seconds may have passed so the girl would have little reaction time.

    Posts : 364
    BD-cash : 5383

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Remi-chan Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:57 pm

    As soon as the last arrow had left her bow had Hotaru formed another one, keeping her gaze ever on the Arrancar they currently waged war with. The scream that followed Sniper's shots was shrill though, and forced the Quincy to cringe slightly so that she almost missed when the Arrancar's attention was then turned on to her. Almost.

    As he disappeared she practically seemed to stop breathing entirely. There was only one place he could be headed with his focus on her. Acting only on instinct in the very short notice, she released the bow and arrow from their form taking a dive to her left and rolling, the zanpakuto going through the air of where she had been a mere moment before.

    When she stopped rolling, the bow and arrow would then be formed again as she aimed anew at Goubatsu, ready to fire. And fire Hotaru did, aiming for his torso, hoping to strike his center of mass though in short notice it was possible for her aim to be slightly off. Even then the woman was still holding her breath.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

    Posts : 12855
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    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:15 pm


    Sniper took several shots at the Nova as it moved towards its target which was Archer. She hesitated before standing up and jumping from the roof to the fire escape ladder. She then jumped over a broken down car then landed on the ground, in ammazing speed she ran towards the nova two hand guns in each hand.


    Rei was now preparing for another attack when a wall crashed over her, she find her self stuck and unable to move for some reason. "ARCHER!" She yelled realizing an aly was in trouble, luckly she managed to survive somehow, but what would happen next.

    She struggles to move out from under the wall.
    Old man in red pajamas

    Posts : 15
    BD-cash : 4530

    Attack Attack!! Empty Re: Attack Attack!!

    Post by Shinko Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:06 pm

    The beast Goubatsu did not stop nor hesitate after his initial attack missed. As soon as the Quincy girl had dodged and prepared her second arrow Goubatsu looked at her with his killer cold glare and noticed she aimed an arrow at him and fired. Goubatsu ran towards the arrow and with his zanpaktou sliced it in half around him.

    He was about to attack her when the other girl appear running at him with weapons he didnt recognize. Goubatsu was getting annoyed with all the interference and then he heard the scream. He jumped up high and then began to float in the sky where he saw the girl stuck under a wall. He lifted his hand and fired a bala at blinding speeds towards the girl who was stuck. Due to its speed it would have been a miracle if she got out okay.

    His gaze then turned back to the quincy and gun user. He fired two more balas at them, coming at them also at blinding speed.

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