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    The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:46 am

    Mika heard Tomoe and yet didn't believe a word she said. She looked like she would fall over if Mika sighed at her. Simply shaking her head she told her firmly, "Get on my back. I won't take no for an answer." She took off her backpack and put it on backwards so it was on her front and then turned around and kneeled, motioning for the girl to do as she said.

    Once the frail girl had gotten on her back and had her arms around her neck with her legs linked through Mika's arms, the brunette stood very slowly with a wide stance. "Okay... As long as we stay in the shadows and keep quiet, I think we'll be okay... But we better not go far just in case." She surveyed the landscape and saw that the biggest building was just across the street. Steeling her strength, Mika got a tighter grip on Tomoe before looking both ways, wanting to make sure no patrols had come out while they had their reunion.

    "Hold on tight, okay? We're just going to that place across the street, so don't worry." She hurried across the street as fast as she could without making Tomoe too uncomfortable and didn't slow down until they had reached the building's doorway. Then she began to step more softly and looked around, wary of being inside someplace that she was not familiar with, especially in these uncertain times.

    Last edited by Ashe Ventus on Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:11 pm

    Ai followed the girls with his one eye that he could see out of and kept moving his head up until he was on the tips of his toes and could get no better view. It was only then that he realized that the two girls were heading into the building. This building. As in the one he was in also. Opening his other eye he then blinked rapidly, deactivating his seekers eye and began to pace. If it was a trap, then why would they come towards him? But if it was, they also could be trying to get him to pity them! Or they might even know his weakness for females! However if they were simply survivors then he couldn't exactly just run away and leave them to fend for themselves and act like he had never saw them. Regardless, he couldn't really fight them being women.

    Finally stopping his pacing, he nodded to himself as he reached a decision. Enemy or victim, he couldn't leave them. Summoning his Quincy bow, he notched it with a Schalter Arrow. So even if he did fire it at them, it would do literally no harm. Even if they turned out to be enemies, he couldn't hurt a female.

    Going down the steps not too hurriedly, Ai finally came to a stop just at the bottom corner of the stairs next to the entrance when he heard footsteps echo quietly through the first room. When he was for sure that they were fully in the building and not lingering in the doorway or anything, Ai stepped out from around the corner and drew his bow taught, aiming directly at the woman dressed in red's well endowed chest.

    "Stop right there ladies, or I'm going to make sure you have a very bad day."
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:37 pm

    Mika immediately froze at the foreign voice, her face suddenly twisting into a half snarl as she whirled towards the source of the voice, though there was fear in her eyes. But she mustn't show it. Even if she was about to die, she had to do everything she could to protect Tomoe. The brunette almost considered telling her lover to get down and make a run for it, but she knew at best the girl would only be able to limp out of the building, into the street. But without her hands free, Mika could do nothing to defend them.

    Her first instinct was to at least back away, but when she saw the bow, she paused. "You're one of those guys... That fight the black monsters with the white masks, aren't you?" She didn't know where for sure those people were on the good to bad scale of things, but considering one was pointing an arrow at her and her girlfriend, she was leaning more towards the bad. But she had her priorities, and that was above all, Tomoe.

    Swallowing whatever pride or other useless emotion she had, she pleaded, "Please. We were just looking for somewhere to stay the night. If this is your camp or something, we'll go somewhere else. There's no need to get violent."
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:13 pm

    The girl heard the sternness of the girl she was holding onto for support. So, the request is now a demand, huh? This both made the girl a little astonished and happy at the same time. It just like Mika to be doing this. She then adjusted herself to she was against her girlfriend's back, her arms around her shoulders and her legs ready to be secured.

    When she was lifted up, she rested her head on the girl's right shoulder. she bit her lip a little as she held onto mika, making sure not to move when she began walking, to ease the burden she was. she was reassured that all they were doing is changing location but even then was worried about mika, even to the point that she blushed gently against her.

    "i'm sorry if i'm heavy..."

    Then as the girl closed her eyes she drifted off to sleep, Or so she thought with the new male entering into the fray. A voice was all she heard. she looked up see that both her and mika now had an arrow pointed at themselves. Her heart began to beat faster. What if this man hit Mika, what if she died after their reunion from so long. This cause a wave of strength of occur inside Tomoe as he the giggled gently, almost unnervingly.

    "if you hurt her. i will make you suffer, little bowman~. Leave us pass..."

    The creepiness of that were probably increased with the innocence that she had portrayed moments ago. In fact, For Mika, this was probably the first time this occured. She then began to giggle again. looking at him.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:27 pm

    Ai kept a trained eye on the red haired girl whom was not as endowed as he had first thought when he took note of the backpack on her chest that he mistook for breast size. He listened as the girl spoke of monsters and if he was the kind to kill them. So, they were not normal, that made it more incriminating.

    "I don't think that is all that important right now." But soon after, she began to beg for there release and in hopes of not getting shot. This was a better sign because that meant she was scared but many would be with a weapon pointed at them.

    That all came to an end once the girl with pink hair spoke out from behind the red one's back. A very....un-normal kinda laugh that slowly turned his arrow in her direction as he pulled back the arrow to its maximum point before speaking ". . . You know miss Red, I like you...but crazy on your back is not helping your situation..."
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:48 pm

    Mika felt her fear mounting at the bowman's dismissing reply, but then her stomach positively dropped at the eery sound coming out of the person on her back. Giggling? But that wasn't even the worst part. Tomoe then continued to threaten their assailant! What did she think she was going to do, cough and wheeze at him? She couldn't even walk!

    But Mika positively paled at the man's response as he redirected his arrow to Tomoe. She automatically shifted so the pink haired, slightly delusional girl was more protected. The brunette ignored her for now, concentrating on the most obvious danger first.

    "No! No no, please, she's just ill, she doesn't even know what she's saying the fever's so bad. If you'll just let us leave, I promise we'll be no trouble to you!" She could feel like she was at least starting to get through to the blue haired man, but as he said, Tomoe was NOT helping.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:03 pm

    "am I such a threat that you will point you little bow at me?"

    She said as she giggled a little bit. Mika would not see it but there was a rather insane grin on the pink haired girl's face. Tilting her head her fever was there, but it was clear that there were more important things to worry about. Her Mika was under threatened of being fired at. So this girl decided to take matters into her own hands.

    Moving her hands and her legs she forced mika to let go of her. She then fell to the ground, but without assistance of any kind she stood up. walking past the girl, the pink hair hid the malice of her face as she spoke again... or may a slow, creepy song.

    "twinkle... twinkle... little star... *cough* how... I wonder what... you are.... up above the world soo... high... Like a diamond in the sky~"

    The girl continued to sing the nursery rhyme as she walked towards him. It was almost a zombie like way, the closer she walked to more her fever was see to be more apparent to the male.

    "If you kill every girl you meet... you will never love anyone"

    she spoke again as she giggled, however that giggle became a burst of laughter as her eyes widened the laugh was very much insanity incarnate.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:38 am

    Ai slowly listened as the red haired woman spoke of her friend being sick. If that was the case, it would not be very gentlemanly like to fire on not just a woman, but a woman and her sick female friend. He slowly began to loosen his arrow but this too came to a halt due to the pink haired one.

    He didn't like people calling his bow little or small and it wasn't helping his disposition on the crazy little girl. He slowly let the arrow he was holding dissipate but he quickly pulled another arrow in its place, this one was a crackling yellow arrow and he took a few steps back before letting his finger go and the arrow loose.

    . . .

    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 am

    Mika watched as the man began to loosen his string, a very good sign that he was going to let them live, before tightening it again and changing his arrow after Tomoe's little scene. Absolutely horrified of the entire situation, the brunette's mind went completely blank. She registered running forward as she shrugged off the back pack and her right hand opened her locket. Her thoughts seemed to be taking place in her head at lightspeed as she fully registered that if she didn't do something, Tomoe could very well die. And it would be all her fault. She needed to do something, ANYTHING right at this moment. With all of her powers and strength, why did she suddenly feel so weak and helpless?
    Little did the brunette know that when she had thrown her backpack off of the front of her torso, it had caught on the buttons of her sleeveless shirt and opened it for a full frontal view of her assets, only half covered by black lace.

    "Tomoe!" Mika cried out desperately.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:34 am

    The girl reached for her headphones the moment she saw the different color arrow. However before she could pull them off, the girl felt the bind power of the bow in effect. Her hands were to her sides unable to break free. she tried to get out of them but there was no way.

    Then she heard her name being called out. She turned to look at who it was. There was a twisted grin on her face, even when bound. the longer she looked at the face, the faster the insane grin became one of shock on her face.


    Those were the only word she uttered before her feet gave way and buckled under her. She fell toward mika as she lost consciousness again. When it was seen if she was alright, it was clear she was asleep again. Her antics cause her to use up too much energy. Although it must be wondered, was that really her?

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:02 am

    Ai held fast onto his bow as it was now his key to making sure the girl wasn't going to be making anymore volatile threats or movements for that matter. He really didn't want to try and pose himself as a bad person in front of girls but when threatened with something like that Crazy girl, he had to do something, for all there sakes.

    But, shortly after he released the arrow and it took its effect on the crazy one. Ai took note that the red haired girl tried to stop him but it wasn't that that stopped him. He simply stared as everything seemed to stop and he froze. A small drip of blood started to trail down his nose as he released his bow and both it and the spell he had just done vanished.

    He now looked like he was reaching out to touch the red haired girl's chest even though it was a good distance away. The day wasn't so bad anymore. Not. At. All.
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:39 am

    Mika reached Tomoe just in time to be able to catch her as she fell back from the man's arrow. She was still in shock, staring blankly at her lover's face as she said her name. "I-It's okay Tomoe-chan. Everything's okay. Just don't close- N-No! Please, stay with me..." She pleaded as the pink haired girl passed out. She quickly put two fingers to the girl's neck and waited for a moment, completely ignoring the blue haired man as she ascertained that her girlfriend was indeed breathing. She closed her eyes and murmured a silent thanks to the powers that be for being okay.

    She glared up at the man and stated coldly, "You're lucky she's alive damnit. I would kill you otherwise." Yet the bowman didn't really seem to care, looking more likea zombie with a nosebleed right now. He had even dropped his bow. Setting Tomoe gently down, Mika stood in front of her protectively and asked a little weirded out, [coor=crimson]"What's your problem? She didn't even hit you so why're you bleeding?"[/color]

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:50 am

    Ai couldn't really think to straight as his mind had gone off on its own. It had been quite some time since he had actually seen another woman that wasn't trying to kill him, let alone a more exposed one as the one in front of him. His mind was in a shutdown as the nosebleed continued just a little bit more.

    He slowly was able to close his hand and have his index finger pointing at her "Lace~"
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:08 am

    Mika was really starting to get freaked out when the man didn't seem to register anything she had said at all simply continuing to stare, point and bleed. Then she was utterly mystified when he simply said the word 'lace'. Lace what? Then she noticed that he was pointing at HER and looked down before rolling her eyes and sneering slightly in disgust. And men wondered why she usually prefered women. Although...

    She gave him a sultry smile before stalking forward slowly to give him time to snap out of it before she reached him and also not to startle him out of his apparent stupor. When she was less than a foot from him, she looked down at her bra covered chest before peeking up and smiling devilishly, asking coyly, "You like what you see?"

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:45 am

    Ai continued his stare and was making it a point to enjoy it as much as he could. He was pretty sure it wasn't going to last and he was going to try and enjoy what he might...until...the woman actually started to come onto him. He blinked a few times and quickly rubbed his nose with his sleeve and took in a deep breath and straightened his posture.

    He thought for a moment and then happened to glance back at the pink haired girl whom name he had given, Crazy. And then looked back to the red haired woman whom he had also aptly named Red. He wasted no time as he was quick to let his hands post themselves onto Red's chest as he gave them a few good squeezes. It was nice to remember what it felt like and it actually, in many ways, refreshed him and put his mind at ease as he spoke
    "I do, thank you very much Red."
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:06 am

    Mika watched and felt as the blue haired man took the bait as she knew he would and gave him to the count of five inside her head before she raised her right arm and gave him a good and proper slap across his left cheek. Shaking her hand then to get the feeling back in it, the brunette stepped back a little and turned to the side before buttoning up her shirt very calmly.

    "Now that that's over with... Are you going to help us or not?" She asked him very seriously, looking him directly in the eyes, her fingers playing with her locket casually.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:32 am

    Ai enjoyed his heaven on earth as much as he could but no matter how long that would have been, it was still just too short. He was met with a direct hand-to-face and he looked in the direction of the slap to try and ease the pain. He withdrew his hands and held them up as to show he hand nothing else to try.

    He then lowered them, one rested on his hip and the other slowly started to rub his now reddened cheek. He then listened as she then spoke of help and he nodded his head "Of course, I had no intention of watching you two struggle down the street...especially since its getting dark outside."
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:48 am

    Mika blinked as the blue haired dude said that he had planned on helping them from the get go. And then whirled around to look out the door at the last bit of information. He was right, the sun was very nearly finished setting. "Shit..." She murmured before looking back at him. "I don't suppose you have a place to stay nearby? Unless this is it?"[/color] She gestured to around the rather barren room.

    "By the way, my name's Mika and my girlfriend over there is Tomoe. You have a name?"

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:01 am

    Ai continued to rub his cheek as there was still a slight sting to it but it was slowly starting to fade. He slowly shook his head as she asked if this was his area of holding up as his home "No, I have a place that isn't to far from here actually. It's pretty easy to look over so its pretty good."

    As she then spoke about her name, he raised his hand up and shook his head once more as he replied "Itis nice to know but I've already given you nicknames. Your Red and your girlfriend is Crazy, Pinky when she wakes up. You can call me Mr. Kazuma"
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:22 am

    Mika walked over to Tomoe, kneeling down to feel her forehead. Her fever was still there but she hoped with rest and water it would start to fade... Looking up at the man as he explained she nodded thankfully. She was glad that it wasn't this building as it was too big and would draw too much attention. Added that it didn't look very comfortable either. She was beginning to wonder how she would carry Tomoe's unconcious body when the man spoke again.

    At first she didn't mind, 'Red' didn't seem too bad of a name and it was her favorite color. But when he announced Tomoe's nickname, her eyes narrowed dangerously. But she kept quiet not wanting to do anything further to convince him not to help them. Nodding she replied, "Fine... Kazuma." Refusing to call him 'Mr.' anything. "Do you think you could help me carry her? Or at least help me get her onto my back or something."

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:35 am

    Ai slowly let his hands raise back up into there defensive state as he then let one of his fingers point toward the girl "Hey, I'm just stating what I know. I'll just stick with Pinky." He then slowly moved his hands down to his sides as he walked down to them and looked over the pink one before kneeling down himself

    "I'll carry her but you need to be close because if she wakes up I don't want to be the first thing she sees. I like my face the way it is."
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:41 am

    All the while the pink haired girl was out for the count.She missed the scene of the man grabbing onto her beloved Mika. She would have killed him on the spot if she saw him do that. And no force would cause her to back down!. She murmured a little as the girl's hand was on her forehead.


    The girl was in dreaming... or maybe more accurately having a nightmare from involving her past. a lonely tear fell from an eye as she continued to sleep soundly apart from that. As one would expect the girl lifeless was brought up to the male, as she was lifted off the ground
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:02 am

    Mika pursed her lips and nodded at Kazuma's answer. She knew that he was at least half justified, but that definitely didn't make me feel any better. She still wondered what exactly happened. Was it just the fever causing her to be that delusional? She almost hoped so. That would be better than... No, she wouldn't say it.

    Then she heard Tomoe murmuring and looked back at her fretfully. It seemed though that the pink haired girl was just dreaming, but definitely not a good dream. It was hardly ever a good dream when her girlfriend dreamed of her brother Shinta. "It's okay Tomoe-chan. I'm right here. You're safe, I'll keep you safe." The brunette pursed her lips and gently wiped away the girl's tear with her thumb before letting Kazuma pick her up. Mika simply nodded as he spoke and lifted up the forgotten backpack before putting it on and hovering close to Tomoe's head while he carried her.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' - Page 2 Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:21 am

    Ai held the girl in his arms as he wondered what it was that she had muttered earlier. She was still out of it and he really hoped that it was stay that way. He really didn't fill like having the crazed girl go ballistic on him while the other falls into denial and doesn't do anything because she doesn't want to hurt her little friend.

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