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    The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    家臣 Retainer

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:09 am

    Everyone was gone. Her parents, her love.... There was no-one for her. She walk along the ground, her feet sore from the walking she did. She ran in fear, ran for her own life. It did not matter how many times time she trips or falls, it does not matter how many times she is cut and bruised. All that remains is being safe, and hoping it would all just go away. The struggle for the war to be over.

    This is why the west should not collide with the east. this is why they are at opposite sides of the world. She now laid by some rubble, tired of the running she has done. Panting she takes a drink from a canister. the dusty wind blew by the 'shelter' she had.

    Tomoe Hitsune... She was a Fullbringer that will not fight... She could not, all she wants is to be left alone, she was no warrior.. she is just a victim in this world conflict, her pink hair blowing in the breeze.

    "Mika-chan... Please... be ok"
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:06 am

    Mika wipes her mouth and tried to control her breathing so she wouldn't get sick again. She had just finished burying her coworker Eiko behind the very place that they worked, The Flowerpot. She didn't know what was worse, that Eiko wasn't even killed by those monsters, those 'Pandora', or that her death could have been easily avoided had this whole stupid war not been going on. She just had a simple scratch...nothing that a little antibiotics wouldn't have cured. Who deserved to die of blood poisoning?

    Popping one of the last pieces of gum in her mouth, she murmured to herself, "I'd kill for a cigarette." Then smiled morbidly at her own twisted sense of humor before bending over and clenching her fist to her stomach to try and hold what little was left inside her, down.

    Turning she chewed away the acidic taste in her mouth til it turned sweet and minty as she went inside and barred the backdoor of the green house. It was the only reason she had survived this long. At least from starving. Eiko always loved the flowers that fruit trees made, so she had plenty to eat thanks to her... They had made a good fort for themselves here and Miko went out every now and again to scavenge and even found a still working radio just a few days ago.

    Mika had been at home when the war first started, but she didn't believe it. It couldn't have been on some huge scale and even if it was, why would any military involve civilians? So she went to work like normal. She and Eiko managed to hide in the basement when the first wave came through and none had come since. At least not inside. When Mika would go outside though, it was always a hit and miss as to whether she would see them. She tried plenty of times to get in touch with her father, but all phone lines were down. She wasn't even sure where he was, or if he was even in Karakura town. She hated herself for not keeping in touch with him more. In talking with Eiko in those long nights, she had found that she didn't truly miss many people. Of all her 'relationships', no one really stuck. Her mother dead and her father missing and only a mental picture of a pink haired girl came to mind.

    Slumping down on the floor behind the main counter, she pulled said radio close and turned it on, pressing her eyes closed at the white staticky noise. But still she turned the knob around, hoping to hear anything at all to prove that she wasn't alone...

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:10 am

    Ai Kazuma, was once a great teacher and enjoyed life. A life that was full of girls, women, the opposite sex, females, and drinks. Well over most of that stuff was a good memory for him as he continued to walk along what one could only assume to be a sidewalk.

    In one hand, he held it closed as if to make sure he did not drop what was inside. The other was in his pocket, resting itself before another attack of some sort. He never really disliked killing hollows or the pesky types but when things turn out like they were now, you can only have so much of a good thing before it gets tiresome.

    That was, so long as it wasn't female. "You can never have too many..." he said to himself as he continued onward. They were becoming scarce and so was almost everything else.
    家臣 Retainer

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:36 am

    The girl panted gently as she closed her eye, her hair blowing in the breeze. She brought her earphones up, listening to the tune that was there. She smiled gently. At least her brother's voice was still there. in each song she heard she listened to every word and every heart filled moment... In the smile, her face became stained with tears as she listened to the melody.

    "all we gotta do is just be friends, its time to say goodbye~.. just be fri-

    The girl began to cough gently as she wheezed a little. her health was not in the best. She was not in a fit state, it was due to lack of nutrition. She looked up as she sighed. All hope was to be abandoned. She has not seen a group for miles... or what she believed was miles. She has not seen people in ages, not regarded about how far something was anymore... it was a distance that all it was to the pink haired girl.

    Wiping away the saliva, she then takes out a two way radio. she then turned it to any frequency. If someone was still out there, there would be some signal... a sign even, that there was life. in a gently tone, she spoke into it.

    "this... this is Tomoe Hitsune. I am... I believe i am in the outskirts of karakura town, by the northern entrance, approximately 200 meters away from the Double Lariet bar. please... someone.... anyone... respond, over"

    with that she waited for a response... she began to breathe a little heavier. it was nothing to much, but is was noticable to the pink haired girl.
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:30 am

    Mika started counting her breaths as she turned the radio knob rather than think about how slim a chance there was that she would hear anything, even a radio station emergency broadcast. And then she couldn't breathe at all. She was so focused on listening to the sudden voice coming out of the little piece of technology that she forgot to breathe and she didn't care. She knew that voice, that name, that bar! Tomoe was alive!

    "Tomoe! I'm here, I'm right here!" Mika shouted at the radio in delusion. She paused for a moment before realizing she had no way of informing Tomoe that she could hear her. Banging her head against the back of the counter she tried to think. For a moment all she could hear was the desperetness at the end of Tomoe's plead. But then she forced herself to kick it in gear. The Double Lariat Bar was roughly two miles from here and Tomoe was less than a mile from it's radius.

    Standing quickly, Mika did a quick inventory of supplies she had and supplies she needed. The Flowerpot had it's own water reserves to run the greenhouse, but she had limited containers to carry that water. About three water bottles and two large thermoses. But in the way of food...she had two cans of soup left and a handful of granola bars. She and Eiko were able to keep some of the flowering fruits alive, but they soon disappeared along with half their water reserves. Grabbing her packpack, Mika stuffed in the food supplies before going to fill the water bottles and thermoses and stuffing those in as well. She looked around the store and then threw in the radio, two spare batteries and a few tools (spade, gardening shears and a tiny rake along with a few other miscellaneous items before zipping up the packa and slinging it up over her shoulders.

    Clutching her locket she then turned back to the green house and retrieved one of the few remaining flowers that were still alive. A single red rose. Mika had made sure to keep this flower in particular alive even when their food supply ran dry. Because she knew she would have to defend herself at some point and she couldn't do that without this single flower. Grasping it firmly she sighed and whispered, "Give me strength mother."

    Then leaving the shop she ducked down as she crossed the street and slipped into an alleyway. She had to pause a few times to make sure she was going the right way. Everything looked so different now... Some landmarks were completely gone. In some parts of the city there were still bodies laid strewn out. But Mika simply focused on her goal. To find Tomoe and not get caught.

    Mika fast traveled to Double Lariat Bar
    Mika reached the bar sooner than she had thought and was more anxious than ever as she peered at the building from across the street. She had yet to come across a Pandora patrol and she'd like to keep it that way, so she was always careful. The windows appeared to be boarded up, though it was shoddy work. She darted across the street, fast and low and began going around the building, searching for some sign.

    "Tomoe-chan!" Mika whispered fretfully.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:46 am

    Ai had continued along the darker side of the street with little to no actual attention. The land was stripped of what ever might have been useful at the time, somethings were just down right destroyed for what ever purpose was to that of the one that did the destroying. Why this all happened, who's fault it was, what went wrong, how did it get this far. All seemingly endless questions that could be pointing to endless answers, right and wrong.

    He raised his hand from his pocket and slowly let himself come to a stop as he placed it over his eye as he took the time to breath. The walking and making sure he wasn't attacked or noticed was starting to take its toll but only the bit.

    But he stopped as the sounds of wind and dust were put aside by a much louder sound. A voice. He didn't know if it was another trick or trap and thus, running to the aid of some supposedly helpless woman who just so happens to be a ball of fiery death and destruction wasn't at the top of his list. So he would play it a bit safer this go round.

    "...seeker's eye..." He whispered as he closed his eyes and soon opened a single one as blue flames started to emit from it as he started the search of finding the voice.
    家臣 Retainer

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:23 am

    The poor Tomoe had passed out not long after sending out the transmission. She was in a dream, that was so real she her senses were taken hold of. She was in the middle of the park, the park she and her beloved Mika would walk through on a weekly, if not daily occurring. It's the mid point between their work. Walking down with her, the girl failed to tell her how she truly felt about the Mika.

    They were on a break, or maybe it was their day off. It really did not matter, all that mattered was that she was with her. All the mattered was that the two of them were together. She smiled blushing at the beautiful florest. However that happiness was not to last as she saw the very girl burn andwilt before her eyes, Vanishing from her sight. The girl's eyes widened as she stepped back, but turned to see the person who meant the world- no the galaxy to, her brother Shinta.

    He grinned manically at her as she walked forward, his chest missing. She heard both screaming her name as she suddenly woke up. She looked around as she heard her name being called out. she moaned gently as she brought an arm up.

    "mmmm... Mika... chan?"

    Was that her beloved she heard just now... no.. it could not have been... she was dead... or so she believed. she struggled to focun her eyes as she looked around the place. She was so tired... so sleepy. she called out again to the air, as thought for a signed of hope.

    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:22 pm

    Mika's head whipped around at a faint noise coming to her left. Waiting for a moment for another sign, she definitely heard Tomoe's voice this time. Instead of making more noise that might alert any more pervs Pandora, she simply started walking quickly towards where the sound came from. She walked for half a block before she spyed what looked like a makeshift shack of sorts made from odd bits of wood and cardboard. The other side didn't have much of a wall and so she went around and ducked under to escape line of sight as her eyes rested upon the frail looking figure that was Mika's girlfriend.
    "Tomoe..." Mika choked out as she dropped her backpack and dropped to her knees as well, holding the girl's body to hers as she shook in relief. "Are you okay?" She asked after a moment of silence as she then pulled away to inspect the pink haired girl further. "I have water and a little bit of food.." She started rambling.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:33 pm

    Ai slowly let himself slide move over into the darker reaches of the crumbling building he was closest too. Even if it was a trap of any kind, it still took on a female form and he just didn't like the thought of striking out even if it was an enemy or a fake.

    He held a hand out in front of him as he used it to make sure he didn't run into anything solid as he kept his eye on the girl. He almost tripped on a step but found that it would be more helpful than anything. He slowly placed his hand on another step and guided his way further up till he reached the second floor. At what point he sat himself down and placed his arms over his knees to rest as he continued to watch.

    Not to long after, there was another one, another Woman no less. The world did have a way of getting a strange silver lining. But this could also be yet another trick to lure him out into the open so he just continued to watch.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:40 am

    The girl could not focus her eyes. She looked at the girl who called out her name. She saw two of her... The girl she loved, her girlfriend, who she thought was dead was there before her eyes. The girl panted gently as she felt the girl bring her into Mika's body, wrapping her body against her weary body. There was a slight temperature on mika. It could be the heat, an ailment or other reasons.

    "m... mika~"

    She had a smile on her face as she held onto the clothing of the girl. She held onto her close, tears going down onto her face. She heard the pleas of the girl. The talking of of food and water. This high she was on the reduced as she looked up at the girl.

    "p-please Mika, water..."
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:58 am

    Fear growing at Tomoe's weak answer, Mika nodded and began pulling out all three water bottles, uncapping the first and held one hand behind Tomoe's head as the other began tipping the water bottle slowly towards the pink haired girl's mouth.
    "Here you go Tomoe-chan, just open your mouth. You have all the water you want."
    Mika blinked rapidly, trying to keep her eyes dry as she tried her hardest to keep from crying. 'Please let her be okay...please let her live.' She prayed.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:47 am

    Her head was lifted up a little, and not by her own accord. She opened her mouth gently as she felt a rush of liquid into her mouth. she swallowed it as she then coughed a little, being caught of guard by the water. She felt the dryness of the throat subsiding as she then too the bottle gently, delicately reducing the angle of incline of it, so that the water trickled into her mouth. She sipped the water as she then looked up at girl again. She gingerly brought her hand mika's cheek her tears building up on her eyes.

    " came..."

    There was still a weakness but at the very least it sounded closer then the heap that Tomoe was, when mika saw her again. she blushed gently as she struggled up to plant a kiss on her girlfriend's neck, the lips, despite being wet were a little harsh and cracked in places. She stroked then girls side, looking into the eyes gently, it was a sign that she would not die, but she would stay by her lover's side, the one place she felt same.
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:06 am

    Mika helped her partner sit up a little more as she coughed, rubbing her back gently. Pursing her lips in emotion as she felt the small hand of the girl touch her cheek, Mika replied gruffly, her voice tight with emotion, "'Course I did, silly girl. How could I not?" She smiled tightly at the kiss and forced a joke, "Feels like a mummy's kissing me, not my girlfriend. Here, have some chapstick. The world might be ending, but that's no reason for ladies not to keep their lips silky smooth, right?" The brunette got said tube out of her pocket and handed it Tomoe, resting the bottle of water in her lap in case she needed another drink.

    Then she really looked at the girl before her and tucked a stray pink lock of hair behind her ear and murmured, "I missed you so much..."

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:08 am

    Ai continued to keep an eye closed so that he could keep his attention on the two girls. The blue flames that continued to burn lowly from seemingly out of his eye. He watched as one seemed to help the other and he felt himself moving closer and closer. He watched as the first one actually placed her lips onto the others.

    He felt the wall in front of him stopping before he could move any closer. This couldn't be real, he wasn't that kind of lucky but it wasn't something you could turn away and he had no intention of doing so.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:22 pm

    Taking the chapstick she rubbed it gently on her lips, erasing the cracks there are on the lips of the fullbringer. she smiled gently. Even if they were in a relationship for quite sometime she knew the red headed girl was one not to open up a lot. Tomoe was the opposite. She doesnt need to say anything. Her nervous expression, her fidgeting. Her actions were obvious.

    But as she was in thought and trying to keep conscious, she was hit with something she did not see comeing. 'i missed you'. This thought echoed into her mind as she bit her own lip. girl brought her head and hid it into the chest of the girl, to stop her from been seen crying. though that action as more obvious the one for simply crying

    i... I thought your were dead... I searched for you... c-combing Karakura down."
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:45 pm

    Mika took a quick small sip of water herself before watching Tomoe apply the lip balm on her delicate lips. But when she saw the pink haired Fullbring bite her lip, she had to suppress an urge to kiss her, even if it was just a peck. Directing her attention to the girl's more harmless eyes instead, the brunette listened before responding, "I was at work when it all broke loose. E-Eiko and I made a fort of the shop and mostly hid in the basement or greenhouse, we didn't go out much. I hoped you- I...I didn't want to assume... But I-" She shook her head, unable to continue. "It doesn't matter." She smiled.

    "What matters is that we found each other and we're together now." She grasped Tomoe's hand tightly, her eyes full of emotion as she let her mouth relax into a small smile.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:21 pm

    She heard the reason and she believed her. there was not reason why the girl should lie, besides she was the only thing she had left in this world. she felt the girl not only hold but squeezing the girl's hand. She smiled gently holding her beloved mika passionately, like this was all she had and the world was dying around then. mainly because that was the very reason!

    she looked up at the girl as she rubbed her eyes to have those tears gone from them. She nodded.

    "y-yes, we have each other."

    She said with a blush on her face. attempting the try and stand she spoke again as she began to feel light headed.

    "w-we should do... b-before someone sees us~"

    when the girl spoke and was up right she began to fall, getting up to quickly.
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:25 pm

    Mika smiled at how cute Tomoe looked when she rubbed her eyes and the brunette rubbed the girl's head in comfort with her other hand before dropping it to put the cap back on the water bottle. Before she could do anything, the pink haired girl began to stand and promptly fall. "Tomoe!" She gasped not too loudly as she did everything she could to catch her.

    She managed to get up to a kneeling position, one knee down and the other bent as she caught her girlfriend, one arm behind her torso and the other holding onto her opposite arm. "You need to be more careful, you aren't well." She chastised gently. As she looked down at her girlfriend, she lost herself for a moment. Forgot her surroundings and the situation. Simply gazing at the small figure in her arms. Using her free right hand, Mika's thumb stroked her cheek before bending down slowly to kiss her, going as slow and easy as possible, only doing a soft bare touching of lips and not pushing for anything more without permission.

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:33 pm

    Ai continued to to press his face against the remnants of the building that was his hiding spot for the time. He moved closer to the wall as if it would somehow get him closer to the situation he was seeing through his skilled eye. It had to be a trap but at the point, it wasn't something he really cared about. The world had ended and it was hard enough to see anybody, alive or dead. But this was the cream of the crop for him. The ultimate find and if it was a trap, he wouldn't fall for it but he sure would enjoy it.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:53 pm

    It all happened so fast. she fell to the ground. Or so she thought. Blinking she found she was in the arms of Mika. She blushed deeply as she felt the scorn of the girl, then caught her staring at her. she then felt the kiss upon her lips. She tasted strawberries, the lips of the girl that was kissing her. Mika, The girl Tomoe loved was there showing how much she loves tomoe in return.

    She was not one to say no to her kissed, especially after so long, bringing her arms would her shoulder and the backof her head, gliding into the girl's hair gently. She did not need permission, After all there she loved her. she cared for her so much. she opened her mouth as she kissed the girl tenderly.
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:31 am

    Mika's eyelids slid closed as Tomoe kissed back and the brunette could only hold herself back so much as she began to deepen the kiss. The hand holding the back of the girl's head drew her closer.

    Perhaps she should have been worrying about where they would stay the night, how they would survive the next few days even. Or just what they were going to eat perhaps. But all that Mika could process was how much she missed Tomoe's smell. That musk that is unique to each and every human being, that just made her want the pink haired girl more. But she wished she could remember her taste as well...she needed a reminder perhaps.

    So Mika kissed her more and her tongue begged entrance, just the slightest flick across the girl's lips to let her know what she wanted.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:14 am

    The pink haired girl heard the silent call of the girl as she brought her tongue against mika's. As they were pulled closer the scent of Mika was more apparent as she hungrily trying to remember the inside of the girls mouth. She could not stop. She could not control this feeling inside her now. They were in the middle of a desolated area with the wind blowing and whistling just outside them both. She pressed against the girl who she adored, closer and closer. One arm that was by Mika's shoulder' lowered to the mid back. Tears threaten to spill again with each passing moment.

    She may be in a hell, but it does not matter, all she cared for was the girl to be alive. All she cared for was that she was well.
    Ashe Ventus
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Ashe Ventus Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:48 am

    Mika began to kiss deeper once she had access to Tomoe's tongue and wished they could continue. But she pulled away just so slightly and kissed the girl on the lips and then forehead, smiling ruefully. "As much as I'd love to just stay here and kiss you until we drop, we should probably get moving. We need to find someplace to hide, at least for the night."

    She rested her forehead against her girlfriend's for just a moment before gathering her strength and lifting her. She paused for a moment though, as she realized she wasn't strong enough in her current state to carry her like that and asked, "Are you able to walk? If not, I can carry you on my back much easier."
    Though she knew she wouldn't be able to carry her very far... Maybe they could rest for the night somewhere nearby...

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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:03 am

    Ai was in a slice of heaven is this supposed hell. What was unfolding in front of him was nothing short of some higher power giving him a gift for being such a strong man. It just had to be, where else would you see such acts, and in this apocalypse of a ruined time before this even. His entire body was pressed against the wall as he was starting to wish the wall wasn't even there.

    But this was cut slightly short as they seem to be moving and that meant that he himself was going to have to move. He slowly started to slide his face up the wall.
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    The Loneliness of a 'witch' Empty Re: The Loneliness of a 'witch'

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:32 am

    Closing her eyes shut, the pinked haired girl was in a passionate cycle and knew that it would end soon. Though she wanted to stay there kissing the beautiful Mika, she felt the girl pull away. looking up the girl felt a wave of sadness on her body, before she then nodded smiling tenderly. She bit her lip as she felt the kiss on her forehead then the feel of Mika's forehead against hers.

    She looked to the girl with a smile as she began to get to her feet, assisting Tomoe on the way. She then brought one arm around her shoulder as she stood upright. Nodding she looked to the girl.

    "d-dont worry... i will be fine"

    She lied... she felt like her feet could give way at any moment, hence she used Mika as a support, before taking the bottle of water that was on the ground.

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