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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    12th Division Captain
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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Zatoichi Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:32 am

    Through the structure of this place is where you will find solitude to communicate with your zanpakuto and learn the ways in which you can fully embrace your kin's voice. open to all division officers in the gotei.

    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Yard_011

    [rules within these wall]

    1. no foul language
    2. no talking down to someone or be littling them or giving them a reason to not be here.
    3. Respect and be kind to each and everyone.
    4. no spaming
    5. have fun and enjoy yourself.

    ~statues the reside througout the areas~




    upper halls and levels


    upper area temple


    use spoiler tags for each of your posts and label them accordingly to help you keep track of your progress.

    Posts : 23
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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Sickpure Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:37 am

    *Entering the Hall of Wisdom with a blank look on his face, Shiro knew that he had to get this over with. Even though that he was at a high rank, and with out either shikai or bankai. Shiro knew that he felt like a joke being without either. Then, once when he entered the Courtyard of the Hall, the Lieutenant walked over to the star case and walked up to the Second floor. Once he made it up to the Second level of the courtyard building, Shiro unsheathed his blade and flipped the switch to the sheath. After flipping the switch and hearing the Sheath hit the ground, he turned around and grabbed it off the ground. With the sheath in one and and his blade in the other, the Vice-Captain was ready to master his Zanpaktou. Once he had had picked up his sheath, he turned around and placed it on a table. With the Sheath on the table, Shiro jumped on top of another table and placed his blade on his lap. After he placed his blade on his lap, the Lieutenant, then, tried to speak with his Zanpaktou.
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Zatoichi Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:42 am

    Moments after being a bit late the captain of seventh realized his lieutenant was ready to begin which he greatly respected a lot. This was the entire captain needed to see since he wasn’t sure if this guy would hold up to his expectations the same way he recalled him in the academy those years ago. He’d close the door into the halls of wisdom slowly since he did not want to break his lieutenant’s concentration at all. Taking up a spot across the ways, the captain finds a location in which he can use to do the same thing and possibly help shiro with help to walk him through the process. Zatoichi kneels down as he places his zanpakuto held out in front of him. With his left and right hand he pulls out the zanpakuto only slightly since for his own zanpakuto it did not need to be fully extended out.

    It would take several minutes since he knew very well that his own zanpapkuto was a bit of a stubborn one, but after much of that need clear aspect of washing away those thoughts that clouded his mind away, Zatoichi fell into a state of mind that took him deeper into his own inner world of the zanpakuto. "We will need to both help out my lieutenant speak and learn the name of his zanpakuto since he hasn’t yet,” Much like Zatoichi his zanpakuto spirit does mostly the same as him and nods and helps his wielder with anything that is needed since both of these two have a rather good mutual understanding after having had their rocky years of getting to trust one another. Leaving the inner world of his zanpakuto if only for a few moments to help Shiro relax his nerves and be paitent when accessing the keys to the zanpakuto he has.

    Leaving behind his zanpakuto placed in the spot, Zatoichi will not need to move it since it can clearly relate any and all help from that position for its wielder and the lieutenant’s own zanpakuto spirit. “You have clear your mind of all the crap that is bottled up inside you, this might be the easy part but in fact it’s the hardest part because everything has to leave your head gradually,” Walking around the table his lieutenants posted up on with his zanpakuto, the captain moves in this fashion since his voice will vibrate well like echoes into the ears of his lieutenants mind and inner world.

    Posts : 23
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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Sickpure Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:59 am

    *While the Lieutenant was Sitting down on the table with his Zanpaktou in his lap, he had felt the presence of his Captain approach the area. With his concentration still on his blade, Shiro could fell him getting closer and closer. Then, with a few minutes of meditating and concentration, the Vice-Captain heard the Captain speak of clearing his mind from all that was stored in there. Keeping and making the mind clear so his concentration would be better. Once the Captain had told him to clear his mind, Shiro relaxed all his muscles and tried to clear his mind. As doing so Shiro relaxed his muscles pretty easily but clearing his mind was quite difficult. While trying to clear his mind, to make his concentration a bit easier, he went through his mind and came across his horrible memories from his past. Once hitting those memories, Shiro saw the dead bodies of his family. Blood puddles all around him and the bodies. The Vice-Captain then broke his concentration and came back into reality. Seeing that his Captain was walking around him, observing. After coming back into reality, Shiro had his hands on his knees and breathing with huge amounts of air. Trying to catch his breath, he turned to his Captain trying to get air. "I am sorry Captain. I don't know why I can not remove those memories. Clearing everything else in my head is easy, but getting to those horrible memories would not leave. What can I do? Shiro said as he laid back on the table, laying down. After he had spoke his words to the Captain and laying back, The young Lieutenant had starting to gain air more and more easily. Then, laying down on the table, he laid back up and faced Captain Martinez and waited for his answer.*
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Zatoichi Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:38 am

    "This is perfectly alright Shiro, nobody ever said this was going to be a walk in the park. To have memories haunt you like this means the rabbit hole will go much deeper and you just have to keep digging until you find the source of all that turmoil and resolve those emotions so that you can find the access keys to allow you to be able to progress further beyond to meet the spirit of your zanpakuto,” Zatoichi says as he watches his Lieutenant struggle with his own personal memories. He can see that those memories have taken a lot out of his resolve to continue like before and so the captain tries to reassures him that this is all a part of gradually finding that middle ground to continue on as needed be. “Don’t be alarmed just keep picking at those memories and emotions that continue to haunt and hold you from going forward. We have all the time in the world and we won’t stop until you have at least made contact with that spirit of that zanpakuto of yours. So when you’re ready to continue go right ahead as I’ll be here guiding you and mentoring you as much as I can,”

    Folding his arms behind his back, Zatoichi continues to pace around his lieutenant much slower as he keeps watching his zanpakuto and then his lieutenant as well his lieutenant’s zanpakuto as it will make certain vibrations that will associate with how Shiro will feel and how much closer or further he is getting from his target. “Nothing can harm you outside, but your mind is the ultimate enemy to conquer and get past so please keep in mind that your sub-conscious is a different enemy than the one you can see in the waking one,”
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Zatoichi Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:17 am

    just a footnote shiro i'll be returning very shortly so if you want you can wait or continue for a bit.

    Sensing that another visitor has found their way into the seventh division barracks, Zatoichi informs his vice captain that he’ll be right back if he wants to take a rest before he will return. And with that the seventh captain makes his way out the door before locking the door behind him as well leaving his own zanpakuto within the room along with Shiro since taking it now would serve no purpose as it’s needed to stay exactly where it’s at for the moment. His departure from the training with his vice captain will take nothing more than short of a few moments and he’ll return to continue helping him with finding his answers with that zanpakuto he carries.

    Zatoichi knows time is of the essence if he leaves his vice captain for too long since this kind of time is most needed to be focused least until improvements are met then both parties can rest once those goals are met and new ones are made.

    Posts : 23
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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Sickpure Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:09 am

    Outside Head

    *While sitting down on the table with his head turned towards the Captain, the young Lieutenant was listening to everything he said. Making sure he would get everything soaked in. Then, after Captain Martinez was done, Shiro turned his face forward and started to concentrate once more. Right before he was about to start, he turned his head and felt a mysterious Reistu approaching the Squad. Moving his leads and picking up his Zanpaktou, the Vice-Captain then saw the Captain walk towards their direction. Shiro knew that he had to stay and just to let the Captain deal with it. Then, once the Captain had left for the stranger, Shiro closed his legs back into an Indian style and placed his blade back on his lap. Once the Vice-Captain had done so, he closed his eyes and relaxed once again. After he had relaxed his body, Shiro then started to relax his mind and to clear it all out. Going though everything once more, he hope this would be a much easier process.

    ~Inside Head~

    Once he had relaxed, he started to float through his his mind touching and removing everything. While the Lieutenant was floating, he had approched a huge door right in front of him. With a wonder of what it might be, he went closer to it and tried to touch it. (The door is a huge black door in the middle of a white room with 2 chains going around it like an X.) Right when he approached the door, he seen that it was open a little. Looking left and then right, wondering how it could of opened and how it opened. He knew that it had to be closed back either way. Taking a step back and then crouched down, Shiro was getting ready to charge at the door to close it shut by force. Then, once when he was ready, the Lieutenant took off with forced and headed towards the door with massive force. "This better work!" He said as he was running. Then, right before he made it to the door, he felt a huge wind come at him. With the wind coming at him at such massive force, he couldn't barley move forward. With all the will in his body trying to get through the wind, it wasn't enough. As the wind was to strong for him and then blew him back, the Vice-Captain flew back and his a wall not far from where he was at. His whole body spread out and couldn't move, he watched the door as he saw square pictures fly at him. With no intention to know what they are, they had came at him fast and stopped right in front of him. As the wind was blowing at him, it was hard to keep his eyes open. Then, for no reason, the air had stopped and Shiro fell down to the floor. Shaking his head and trying to stand up, he got up a little and fell back leaning against the wall. As he was leaning against the wall, Shiro opened his eyes a little and saw nothing but the old horrible memories. With his eyes going from a little open to wide, he knew he had to face them here and now.*

    *After Shiro had opened his eyes and saw the all the horrible past memories appear in front of him, he didn't know what to do at the moment. Then, with a stupid idea just came to him, he held his right hand out and summoned his Zanpaktou. Once the blade had appeared at his hand, The Lieutenant grabbed it and slung it at the first picture he seen. "You end here!" He said as the blade flies towards the picture. As the blade came within inches away from the picture, it had stopped suddenly out of no where. Looking over at his blade to see what stopped it, he saw that it was an arm coming from the picture. With a shocked look on his face, he then started to get sad when he seen his mother come from the picture. Taking steps backwards away from the picture and his mother, Shiro started to cry a little. "Wh... What are you!? You're not my mother, you are not her!" Shiro screamed as his tears fall from his face. After he had said his words to his mother, he dropped down to his knees and kept crying. "No don't cry Shiro." She said and she placed her hand on his shoulder. Once when her hand touched his shoulder, Shiro lifted his head a little and tired to look up. "I know that what you see is me and all of your horrible past events behind me, but I came here to help you. I am going to help you seal us away." She said as she took a step back. Then, after she had spoken, Shiro looked at her and tried to stop crying. "No! I don't want to get rid of you! Just those horrible memories that haunt me and messes with what I do." He said wiping his eyes with his hands. "Ah I see. You are a very loving and wonderful son, Shiro. But for you to get to your inner spirit, isn't just to clear your mind. You also have to get rid of the haunting past and what went along with it." She said taking another step back. "I'm not going to let you go mother!" He said jumping up and running over to her. "Don't worry... I and your father will come to you when you really need us. We will not be away forever." She said as Shiro ran right through her (stopping right in the middle of her, like in some anime). Then, after he ran through her, the door to the gate open wide and started to suck in everything in front of it. Shiro turned his head and then ran the other way to try and get out of its path, but he was to slow. Flying towards the gate with a worried look on his face, he felt something grab his hand. Looking down at his hand he seen his mother. With a smile on her face, she pulled him backwards and away from the door. As she done so, he was saved and she went into the door. Once she went inside the door, the door closed and was chained back up. Shiro then stood up and looked over at the door. "I will bring you back to my heart mother..." He said turning around and seeing his mind all cleared now.*

    ~Outside Head~

    *Once Shiro had finally cleared his mind, he came to and propped his right elbow on his leg. With the thought of his mother going through his head, he knew that she would never be forgotten. After he had thought about his mother one last time, he opened his legs and waited for the Captain to return.*
    12th Division Captain
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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Zatoichi Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:20 am

    footnote shiro, my zanpakuto will be the voice of reason for you until Ven is taken care of so will have to do this that way for a little while.

    Unaware to Zatoichi or Zatoichi’s vice captain, the captain’s zanapkuto wakes up once more as if the slumber that it was still under for only a brief moment or two past it felt the urge to speak indirectly at shiro in order to carry on what Zatoichi is not able at this moment being his departure is going to take more of his time away. “Please excuse Zatoichi but it’s come to my attention that I’m left here to assure the help needed to guide you and your partner to come to understand one another or make direct contact. When you can hear me please shout back so I know you can understand me vice captain,” Zatoichi’s unnamed zanpakuto says as is make its presence known by speaking clearly and indirectly at the vice captain who is locked in his own turmoil of problems going on back and forth.

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    [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom  Empty Re: [7th Division] Halls of Wisdom

    Post by Sickpure Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:30 am

    *While Shiro was sitting on the table with his legs dangling off the edge of the table, was starting to grow bored. Once he had waited a few minutes after his return from clearing his mind, the vice-captain closed his legs again and started to meditate once more. Then, right before he could start, he heard a voice coming from out of no where. Turning his head from left to right trying to figure out where it was coming from. Right when he turned his head to the right, Shiro heard a voice come from Captain Zatoichi's Zanpaktou. Not being freaked at all or a bit of shocked, he rubbed his chin and listened to what the Blade had to say. Then, when he was through talking, Shiro kept his dull look on his face and spoke. "I can hear you. Can you show yourself?" The young Lieutenant said as he laid down his hand from rubbing his chin.*

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